Fengtian Chengyun emperor, the imperial edict said!The crown prince of the country, the etiquette follows the eldest son, the world's actions are based on Yan Huang's eldest son, Gao Chi, who is benevolent, filial and filial to his friends. He is the first heir of the joint heir. East Palace!From now on, you must respect the sky and be sincere, and it is your duty to care for the army and supervise the country; the six masters and the people should subdue their hearts with benevolence, trust, kindness, and power.

Zhu Di sat motionless on the dragon chair, his expression was stern, and he didn't dare to look directly at Tian Yanzi when he was close by, so no one noticed that his eyes were red, and it was probably after a night of hard thinking and struggling to make a decree decisively.

But in any case, why did the imperial decree come down, and it was announced as soon as the morning opened, the first thing was to announce the establishment of the reserve. Nothing can be changed.

Li Chuzhao is a great law of the country, no less than the grand ceremony of the new emperor ascending to Qi, civil and military officials all have to pay a big ceremony, so this time you can't bow down to listen to the order, everyone kneels to listen to the order, Chen Ying put his hands on the ground, His arms were trembling, his throat was dry, and he was so itchy that he wanted to cough, but he didn't dare to make a sound at this moment, the entire golden hall was completely silent.

Zhu Gaoxu went out of the palace yesterday, and told him eagerly that his father had already been persuaded, and the matter of setting up the crown prince would definitely be shelved again. Who would have thought that the situation would change suddenly overnight, and the current situation would be impossible to return The situation is over.

What should I do, just admit defeat?

Chen Ying shuddered at the thought.He is a ruthless official, a dog raised by the emperor. He rose to the top by helping the emperor bite talents. He is independent among the courtiers. He has many enemies and few friends, but relying on the emperor's favor, no one can do anything to win him. Ji, can this prince who has been a rival be trusted by him?By then, wouldn't he be the biggest bereaved family?

As far as the present is concerned, the eldest prince has been established as the East Palace. Although he is not in charge for the time being, and as the crown prince, he can't punish courtiers who are at odds with him and smear himself, but since the crown prince is established, the two The prince must be crowned king, and the two princes are adults, once crowned king, they will become vassal states, I have no backer in Beijing, only relying on the emperor can still use me..." I can't stand so many open guns and hidden arrows!

Chen Ying fell on the ground, while listening to the imperial decree, her thoughts changed rapidly.

Sure enough, the next step is to enshrine the emperor's second son Zhu Gaoxu as the king of Han, the feudal state of Yunnan, the emperor's third son Zhu Gaolu as the king of Zhao, and the feudal state of Beigao Chen Ying's heart is completely chilled. The emperor loves the second prince the most. But the first prince became a prince, and he was seated in Nanjing. The third prince was named Zhao Wang, and he was a vassal in Beijing.But the second prince who has always been loved by him the most has been sent to Yunnan far away, what does this mean...

After the edict of Li Chu was announced, the emperor made another decree, ordering Zhu Neng, the Duke of Cheng, and the Taishi of the Prince, Qiu Fu, the Duke of Qi, and the Taishi of the Prince, and Jian Yi, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Jin Zhong, the right shilang of the Zhan Ministry of the Prince's Mansion. Fang Shi Lang Mo Lin, Zuo Shi Lang Zhao Yi of the Ministry of Industry and Shao Zhan Shi..." These are all the officials of the East Palace. After a series of appointments, Chen Ying was stunned again.

The grand master is the head of the three princes, and he was granted the title of Zhu Neng, the Duke of Cheng. This is a vacant position and has no practical significance. The prince's service is not only a love for the prince, but also a kind of love for the veteran Conglong, which can ensure that he will not be influenced by the prince and courtier.

It is the same reason that Qi State Duke Qiu Fu was conferred the title of Grand Tutor.Among the three generals who joined Zhu Di in the army, Zhang Yu died early, and Zhu Neng and Qiu Fu were the only two remaining. Although they were relegated to Beijing due to some incidents, it was only a punishment, and the favor did not diminish.Furthermore, even though he supported the second prince before, but he was named Tai Tuo, and he also hoped that the old minister and the prince would make peace with each other.

This is for the sake of appeasement, and it’s kind of kind, but it’s not all. In history, courtiers were biased when the crown prince was not established. If you pass the second prince, beat him to death with a stick.

However, even though he was named a grand tutor, he didn't say that he would return to Nanjing. In other words, this grand tutor had to watch Zhao Wang in Beijing, but what about the grand master Zhu Neng?I just led the army to Annan, and I don't know that I will come back in the year of the monkey.Needless to mention the other officials of the Eastern Palace, Chen Ying could remember clearly that when the Fuguo Gong Yang Xu was in Beijing, he had already been named Prince Shaobao.

The three masters of the East Palace, the Taishi Taifu and the Taibao; the three young masters of the East Palace, the Shaoshi, the Shaofu, and the Shaobao; these are the six Fu of the prince determined according to Zhou etiquette.Since the beginning of the era, most of them have not been sealed so completely, but as a glorious title, without any special power, but with special meaning.At least, this official can bear the brand of the Eastern Palace, and what kind of relationship he has with the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace is a matter of course. what.

It's good now, Zhu Neng is in Annan, Qiu Fu is in Beijing, Yang Shaobao is the only one left by the prince's side, I guess he won't even be mentioned this time, the emperor is deliberately suppressing his promotion, it must be given to the prince Leave a little room for a reward?Among the three teachers of the prince, those two are very old, only this Yang Xu is in his prime, it is very bad to have him by the side of the eldest prince.

Probably the emperor was also scrupulous, worried that the three sons would be called to the Golden Palace to receive the title, and the second son would do something disrespectful in a moment of anger, which would be disrespectful to the royal dignity, so he did not call the three sons to the Golden Palace to receive the title , but each issued a decree to send the residences of the three princes separately. Of course, the prince must worship the golden book and seal and accept the emperor's instruction. In any case, when the imperial decree is issued, the position of the monarch and his ministers will be determined.It's as if you went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate. Even though you haven't had a wedding banquet and received red envelopes for your guests, you are still married.

Of course, Zhu Di couldn't say that he asked Daoyan, Xie Jin, and Yang Xu to revise the "Wenhua Baojian" a few days ago to encourage them to make suggestions and establish reserves. Besides, this book is indeed necessary to be compiled, so the two orders are announced. Zhu Gen then told Yang Xu and Xie Jin that the essentials of ancient sages and sages to cultivate themselves and govern others should be collected in the book, and the words of Emperor Taizu Gao's instructions to his descendants should not be missed. standard textbook.

Xia Xun and Xie Jin bowed to accept the order, while Chen Ying stood in the middle of the class, her heart had already flown out of the hall...

Early morning scattered very early.

The two saints issued an order, announcing the constitution, and the emperor will retire. This morning, he will not listen to or pay attention to other government affairs!

For Zhu Di, who has always been diligent in administration, this seemed a bit unusual. Although today's announcement was a major national event, there was no need for the court to discuss government affairs.Chen Ying's dog nose immediately sensed something keenly: what is the emperor worried about, or in other words, what is the emperor afraid of.What the emperor is worried about is not necessarily specific people or specific things, but his own heart. Obviously, although this iron-handed emperor has made a decision, he has implemented the thunder method as usual, but he already has demons , this inner demon is his guilt towards his second son who was 'distributed to Yunnan'.

Chen Ying, who was already in despair, seemed to have found a ray of sunshine in the thick mist. As soon as she left the Golden Palace, she immediately picked up her robes and ran away like yesterday.Running around in the palace is a disrespect, but the ceremonial officer is acted by the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and as his subordinate, he naturally pretends to be deaf and dumb.

In the eldest prince's mansion, three members of Zhu Gaochi's family were kneeling on the ground, listening to the imperial decree: only... the prince must be considerate and be kind.Don't be too circumspect in learning, don't be too scrutinized when you are clear, don't be too strict when you are strict, and don't be too perfunctory when you are lenient.Humility and aspirations, tolerance of loyalty: diligence, thrift and serenity, benefiting the common people, inheriting the ancestral temple to protect social education..."

Zhu Gaochi listened to the decree with a serene demeanor, very calm, this is the exercise of his temperament, if it was the second prince Zhu Gaoxu who suddenly heard that the emperor's throne belonged to him, he would definitely not be able to be so calm even if he didn't dance his hands and feet.

In fact, Zhu Gaochi was quite emotional in his heart, according to the patriarchal clan, he should have been established as the prince, but..." Among the three sons since childhood, he is the one who studies hardest and works the most cautiously, because of his physical condition, he cannot practice horse riding Shooting, there is no other way. The filial piety to his parents and the love to his brother are all from his heart, but his father just doesn't like him.

No matter how naughty and troublesome the second and third brothers were, even if they were scolded by their father, his father still liked them as before.But his eldest son, since he was a child, has never done anything out of the ordinary to make his father angry, but his father always reprimanded him for trivial things, and when he saw his face turned unkind, how could he not feel sad?

However, as the son of man, no matter what the biological father did, he could only bear it silently.Today, everything that should belong to him was finally given to him. Zhu Gaochi knelt on the ground, listening to the imperial decree, his eyes became moist: "As an elder brother, I will treat my brothers well. When I become emperor, I will treat you diligently." Zheng Aimin, father, I will prove to you that I am your best son!"

Kneeling on the ground, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help crying like rain when she heard "After the canonization ceremony, she will move into the East Palace...".She knew that her husband was honest and honest, not liked by her father and emperor, and was often squeezed out by her brothers. For her husband, she had done a good job, so she had to work hard to do a good job. She didn't know how much she had paid in silence. Among the four daughters-in-law, she is the most filial one. She tried her best to protect her husband, and today she is finally able to see the moon when the clouds open!

"Your Highness, Mr. Chen has arrived!"

Zhu Gaoxu was wearing arrow sleeves, his hair was tied around his forehead, and he was holding a long spear. He was practicing martial arts in the martial arts arena majestically.The spear is the king of all arts, and a general who can skillfully wield a big spear must have been immersed in martial arts for many years, and his martial arts are extremely superb.Zhu Gaoxu swung the spear, raised the spear, retracted the spear, pipa posture, dark clouds and snow, facing the sky, uncovering and hanging the spear, collapsing the spear, every move and every move is extremely kung fu.

When the servant reported, he was swinging his head with a trick of pear blossoms, and a big gun in his hand was like a wind dancing in the snow, piercing the other's eyes up and down the other gun, the barrel of the gun trembled like a phantom. Hearing the report, Zhu Gaoxu slammed There was a very beautiful gesture of retracting the gun, and when he turned around and saw Chen Ying, he couldn't help laughing and said, "You are here, why is the court so early today?"

Chen Ying, a "hungry dog ​​snatching food", rushed forward and grabbed Zhu Gaoxu's wrist, and said anxiously: "Your Highness must remember, no matter what, never leave the capital!"

It's too cruel, a single chapter, I was overtaken again, and the overtake was still ruthless.This shows two problems: first, a single chapter is very important; second, there are still some book friends who have tickets in their hands, but they just don’t let go of the single chapter, and they just wait for the single chapter, and the single chapter must be written at a level.

Sadly, it's all about single chapters, but my weakness is single chapters!Brother, are you reading a book or a single chapter? I am so worried, I pull my hair, strand by strand...@.

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