Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 659 Red Embroidered Shoes

Lord Ji.

Xia Xun was a little surprised, but when he saw his old friend, he didn't smile from the bottom of his heart like before.

The communication between people is like this. When there is a gap in the heart, even if you don't say a word, you can feel it, and the corresponding attitude will naturally reflect it.Baiguan cleans up the dust, and Ji Gang, who should be there the most, didn't show up. Without even a reason, Xia Xun felt that there was a problem with each other. He didn't know where the problem was, but no matter what, he shouldn't be repairing the rift. , Where a person stands, he has to act in accordance with this position.

"Yes! It's the next official. After a long absence, the Duke is still as handsome as before. Congratulations."

As Ji Gang said, he turned his head and glanced, and asked knowingly: "Is this man a lunatic? How dare he attack the Duke?"

At this time, Xiao Yushi had already been beaten awake, and he understood who was coming, he roared loudly: "Ji Gang! What a thief! You...you Jinyiwei...cough cough...how dare you insult me ​​like this...cough ..."

Because his larynx was cut by Ji Gang, he yelled out in a hoarse voice, and he kept coughing, which sounded very angry.

Xia Xun said indifferently: "If my country's lord is not mistaken, this is Xiao Yushi from the Metropolitan Procuratorate!"

Ji Gang suddenly realized: "Oh..." I remembered that I had heard from Chen Buyuan that this Xiao Yushi was his capable general.What happened to Xiao Yushi? "

Except when he first appeared and saluted Xia Xun again, Ji Gang's attitude became more and more indifferent after that. He had been like this before, but that was because he regarded himself as Xia Xun's disciple, so he seemed more casual. But now that mutual suspicion is quietly growing, Xia Xun's indifference in attitude makes Xia Xun even more unhappy.

The meaning behind his words is that this Xiao Yushi is Chen Ying's general, and Chen Ying is a staunch supporter of the second prince and an enemy of our faction. Therefore, what should your Duke do? , but don't turn your elbows outward.Because Xia Xun was already a little unhappy, she pretended to be ignorant of this sentence, but said in a deep voice, "He is a general under Chen Ying, and even an official of the imperial court! What's wrong with him, Mr. Ji should ask Yin Qian, your general. Hu is!"


Ji Gang turned his head and glanced at Xia Xun, seeing that Xia Xun's face had darkened slightly, he couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.Although he deliberately wanted to say goodbye to Xia Xun, and he didn't want Xia Xun to suppress his arrogance, but under his prestige, seeing Xia Xun get angry, he still couldn't help being timid, turned to Yin Shengcui, and shouted angrily: "Xiao Xun Yin Zi! What's going on?"

Yin Shenghui hurriedly moved in front of Ji Gang and said aggrievedly: "My lord, that's what happened. I went to Beijing to work on a lowly job, and I met this Xiao Zujie in Zhuozhou. When I was in Zhejiang, he kept talking to me about my humble job." I am troublesome, thinking about the important affairs of the state, but I don't pay attention to it. Who would have thought that he would not let him go, and after meeting the humble official in Zhuozhou, he would order him to be locked up.

My lord, he is a fifth rank, and a humble position is also a fifth rank. Even if an official above the fifth rank has committed a crime, he has to ask the emperor to convict him. He can't control me as an imperial envoy.Humble official is responsible for the secret and important task assigned by the adults, how can we delay, he actually made people forcibly tease him, and the number of people around Humble official is also a little less, those killed and injured by him, even Humble official was arrested and imprisoned in Zhuozhou government prison.

Fortunately, the Zhuozhou general judge also knew that this was not in line with the imperial system, so he released the subordinate officials. I told them about my grievances, and I was about to complain to you, my lord, when I saw Xiao Yushi came back, my brothers got angry for a while, and in order to get justice for our Jinyiwei people, I started to fight..."

Xia Xun's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, when he saw Yin Shenghui galloping away with his own eyes, did he just return to the capital?

But I didn't investigate this matter. As a prince, he doesn't need to worry about these things with a small thousand households.

Before Ji Gang could speak, Fu Xun said coldly: "Xiao Yushi is from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Yin Qianhu is from the Jinyiwei, and you are all members of the police officers and enforcement departments. Even if what you said is true, Knowing that Xiao Yushi is good at doing things, he also damaged your subordinates because of this. This is against the law. You should report the whole story to the superior, and Master Ji will go to the emperor to seek justice for you. Why do you want to learn? Like, abuse of lynching? This is the head of Nanjing city, at the foot of Tianzhuzi, you two people at the gate of the yamen are fighting and fighting like rascals, how decent it is!"

The Metropolitan Procuratorate is equivalent to the Ministry of Supervision, and Jinyiwei is equivalent to the National Security Bureau. Although they have different priorities, they are both the most important executive departments in the imperial court. As the old boss of Jinyiwei, Xia Xun reprimanded everyone like this Fan, this is also in line with his identity.But Ji Gang couldn't hear it, the current Ji Gang had regarded Jin Yiwei as his forbidden scorpion, and no one could touch this tiger except the emperor.

Xia Xun scolded Yin Shenghui, Ji Gang sounded like slapping him in the face, his face suddenly sank like water, Xia Xun just said, he raised his hand, and slapped Yin Shenghui hard Staggered back a few steps.Ji Gang's hand was also strong, with this slap, half of Yin Shenghui's face was swollen.

Yin Shenghui covered his face and said in astonishment, "My lord?"

"You bastard, I've given you a face, haven't I?" Ji Gang rushed up to beat and kick! "I promoted you to be a thousand households. You are so majestic. You dare to cause trouble for me outside! The imperial court ordered officials, you dare to stop me at the gate of the city, and you beat me like this. You deliberately asked people to arrest me. Is it your little braid? If I don’t beat you to death today, the Duke would think that I, Jin Yiwei, are domineering and domineering!”

When Ji Gang made a move, Yin Shenghui didn't dare to resist, he squatted there with his head in his arms, and was kicked by Ji Ganghao.

"It's done, it's done!"

Xia Xun couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted in a deep voice: "Are you teaching your own children a lesson? Send him to the imperial court, and let His Majesty punish you!"

Ji Gang punched and kicked for a while, vented his anger, and he was happy. Hearing this, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile on his face and said: "What the Duke taught is that the lower officials are also angry for a while, and hate iron but not steel. This bastard is not up to date." , causing such a big incident, I can't defend him anymore, I will follow the Duke's order, and send them both to the imperial court, please Your Majesty!"

Xia Xun glanced at him coldly, turned around and left, Ji Gang caught up with a step with a smile on his face, bowed his head to the ground, and said loudly, "Your Majesty will send you off to the Duke!"

At this time, the carriages and horses of Yang's mansion had already arrived. Ming'er opened the curtain slightly, and all the actions outside, including the expressions and movements of Xia Xun and Ji Gang, were vividly remembered. Seeing her husband walking back, Ji Gang bowed After sending each other off, Ming'er gently lowered the curtains.

Xia Xun got into the car and ordered, "Go!"

As soon as the curtain was released, Xia Xun let out a long breath, Ming'er snuggled in, and said softly, "What's wrong?"

Xia Xun looked unhappy, shook his head lightly and sighed: "Somehow, I realized that Ji Gang has drifted away from me, and there is already a rift, and..."

He wrinkled and said again: "I think he is not only arrogant and domineering, but also moody. Compared with before, he seems to be a different person."

Ming'er smiled lightly, took his arm and said, "Master, if this is the case, what's wrong with him being distant from you? What's the good of waiting for friends who cause trouble?"

Xia Xun thought about it, and couldn't help laughing, gently pinched her pink cheeks, and said dotingly: "Little girl, you are the only one who can coax people!"

Ming'er rested her head on his shoulder, and sang a Yuan song "Red Embroidered Shoes" with a soft voice.

Just got on the horse.

They shouted in unison.

only this.

It is the roots and seedlings given to people.

Straight into the deep pit just anxious.

Yu Lai also.

Where to hide?

God is angry too.

How can I forgive you?

The old prestige is gone... "..."

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As soon as Xia Xun's car drove away, Ji Gang's face darkened.

In the past two years, everyone had to put on a flattering smile when they saw him. No matter who was older than him, everyone was polite to him. How often was he reprimanded like this?It's even different now, he is the confidant of the current emperor, and a minister of the future emperor, looking at the government and the public, who dares to talk to him like that?Even the crown prince treated him with great courtesy!It depends on the owner to beat the dog. Xia Xun reprimanded Yin Shenghui, wasn't he reprimanding him?Especially, it was for an opponent who stood in the political camp!

Yin Shenghui stood up inexplicably, approached with a bruised nose and swollen face, and said timidly: "My lord..."

Ji Gang glanced at him, and snorted coldly: "Pick up that surname Xiao, and enter the palace to face the saint!"

Inside the palace, Zhu Di was listening to the text of the Taiyuan Hospital report to him about his diagnosis for the King of Han: "Your Majesty, Hanfeng has a fever and is cold, sweating, thirsty and unwilling to drink, his fur is thin and white, and his pulse is floating. Inadvertent daily life, worry and anxiety, resulting in weakness of righteousness, weakness of lung defense, wind and evil take advantage of the deficiency to attack and cause disease..."

Zhu Di was too lazy to listen to him talking about pathology, so he interrupted him and said, "So, the King of Han is really sick?"

Wenyuan is just an old man with white hair and white beard, kind eyebrows, kind eyes, white hair and childlike face, and he is a real powerful player in the imperial hospital. Hearing the words, he hurriedly said: "Yes, I have carefully cut the pulse of the King of Han, and I have also seen the coating of the King of Han. It is true. It's a fever and cold disease!"

Zhu Di was suspicious when he heard this, and then thought of the words "anxious and cautious", and couldn't help evoking his affection for a loving father. But when it comes to the crown prince, it is difficult for the emperor to bypass the eldest son. It made him vigilant, he had to bear the pain to remove this most beloved son from the prince's consideration, now seeing his son seriously ill because of this, Zhu Di felt impetuous for a while, but he was helpless.

At this moment, Mu En hurried in and hurriedly reported: "Your Majesty, there is news from Kunning Palace that the Empress Empress has a relapse of her head, and urgently called the Institute of Literature for diagnosis and treatment!"

"Ah!" Zhu Di turned pale with shock, and hurriedly said to Wen Di: "Hurry up, go and see the Queen!"

"Veteran complies with the decree," Wen Di quickly agreed, and hurriedly withdrew from Jinshen Hall, following the little servant of Kunning Palace.

Zhu Di was restless and had no intention of reviewing the memorial again. He got up and wanted to visit the harem. At this moment, Ji Gang took Yin Shenghui, escorted Xiao Zujie, and rushed to Jinshen Hall...Miss Feng is chasing after her, just like the infatuated girl Qianli Xunfu~~, the monthly ticket is catching up again!Turn off the lights and boil the oil late at night, friends, hurry up, cast a monthly ticket, and send me thousands of miles away!

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