There were four people who came, and the foolish man led them into the living room and introduced them to Xia Xun. The four immediately took off their coir raincoats, and put on military officer robes with brocade bullfighting pattern over the shoulders. The leader saluted Xia Xun with his fists: "The low-ranking Shiwei Shangzhijun Mingjia General Wushang, I have met the Duke!"

When Xia Xun saw his bullfighting uniform, he knew it must be someone from the palace. When he heard his self-identification, he was indeed a guard in the palace, and he couldn't help being moved: "You generals came here in the rain. What's the big deal?"

Although the four Tianwei generals were wearing coir raincoats, they were still drenched because they had come all the way in the rain and had traveled such a long distance.Wushang wiped the rainwater from his face, held his knife and bowed his body, and said respectfully: "Since this spring, there have been continuous torrential rains, and the area around Suzhou, Songzhou, Jiading, and Huzhou has become a vast ocean. Zhao Guogong returns to Beijing to preside over the relief work!"

Xia Xun asked in surprise, "Is the flooding so serious in the area around Su Song?"

Wushang smiled wryly and said: "The humble official is only enacting the decree, the details are not clear, but judging from the appearance of the emperor and all the senior scholars, I am afraid that Su Song's flood is worse than what the humble official said!"

Hearing the general's words, he had read the book for a few days. Xia Xun didn't hesitate after hearing this, and immediately said, "I'll go back to Beijing with you immediately!"

Wushang was stunned, and asked: "Don't you wait for the rain to rest today? This kind of heavy rain, the Duke..."

Xia Xun said: "My duke, I'm not a dandy with a rich body, but an idiot. Get your horse and coir raincoat right away!"


Er Lengzi agreed, and rushed into the rain holding his umbrella.

Xia Xun turned around and said to Xie Xie: "It's urgent, so I won't say goodbye to everyone one by one. You can tell everyone later that you don't have to worry about it. The children have a good time here. I think you should be more casual and stay here more Time, anyway, I'm not in Beijing for a while."

Thank you for having endured hardships since I was a child. Naturally, I understand that continuous rainstorms, for people like her now, just increase the interest in children's play, but it is a heavy blow to the poor people who are digging in the fields. Immediately agree, Gently instructed: "Master, pay attention to your body, don't overwork yourself."

Xia Xun promised, and after a while, the second fool rushed over and reported that he had prepared his mount and brought rain gear. Xia Xun was dressed neatly at the entrance of the hall, and walked quickly with the four palace guards who also put on their coir raincoats again. go.

Standing under the tree, Siyu could see clearly, so she asked childishly, "Daddy, where are you going?"

Xia Xun paused for a moment, then smiled at her and said, "Daddy is going to catch loaches for you!"

Immediately, Siqi said in a childish voice: "The yellow chrysanthemum is delicious!"

Xia Xun laughed loudly: "You gluttonous kitten, it's done! Daddy's going to bring you back a big yellow weasel!" Saying that, he left in a hurry.

Xia Xun was in a hurry. He had spent more than a year in the lowest class of society. He even rushed all the way from Huzhou to Qingzhou begging for food. He knew the life of the poor people in the lowest class of society very well.He was even in the city of Jinan, watching countless people starve to death.He is not a heart of stone, and his nerves are not as tough as a steel wire. Everything that is like hell is deeply engraved in his heart, and he has been awakened by nightmares several times.

He knew very well what it would mean if there was a major flood during April and May, when there was no harvest. The people's families didn't have much food left. People die every day, and if he went earlier, he could save many lives. This has nothing to do with the fate of the country, the court, or the future. It is for the poor people who are suffering today. Can the hard work of walking in the rain be unbearable?

This is the simplest feeling of a person!

What's more, there is Huzhou in the disaster-stricken area. Over the years, although his adoptive father has died long ago, and he has left the small village in Nanxun, Huzhou long ago, he has never forgotten where he was, but he is just afraid of being caught by others. Knowing his identity, he did not appear there in person.When the family was prosperous, he had already instructed the family to make various charities and donations to the folks there. These things have always been done by Xie Xie.

Now that his "hometown" has been hit by a disaster, he is naturally even more anxious.

It's raining!It is raining again!

It's raining!Another heavy rain!

The river is full, the river is full, the ponds and lakes are full, and even the well water has risen three feet out of thin air.

It was only mid-April, and several heavy rains turned Huzhou City into a swamp. The fields were washed away, the rice seedlings were drowned, and the low-lying areas had turned into a vast ocean. The gentry organized civilian boats to rescue the victims. The boat looked over, and there were only patches of roofs on the water surface. There were refugees who survived by chance standing on the roofs, shouting and crying, and some of the houses collapsed before the boat approached. It fell into the water and disappeared.

Where the terrain is high, the lowest level of flooding is one foot. Farmers use their carts to scour water to save their fields. However, the flood is still flowing, and using carts to save water is just a drop in the bucket. How can they save it?In the end, the people who washed the water carts fell to the ground exhausted. They could only watch the hope of the whole family soaked in the ocean and cry bitterly.

Outside the city of Huzhou, countless refugees, old and young, rushed to the city to escape famine.Chang Yinglin, the magistrate of Huzhou, was decisive and immediately ordered the gates of the city to be sealed to prevent a single refugee from entering the city. Then, escorted by officers and soldiers, they sent people to distribute food outside the four cities for disaster relief. After serving the porridge for only half a day, it was announced that the Huzhou government had done its best, and there was no food in the city to give away, and then it no longer cared about the people outside the city.

Those refugees, young and strong, can barely trek, and then struggle to go to other places to beg for work from kind-hearted people, but what about the old and frail and the Fu who is holding the child?There are some unscrupulous wealthy gentry in the city who quietly found Chang Zhifu and asked him to send troops to escort them out of the city to pick out the refugees. Refugees do "good things".

This kind of domestic slave is cheap and of good quality. If you are lucky, you might even be able to buy a beautiful and talented lady. After returning home, you will instruct her to do this and that during the day, drink a few sips of wine at night, and do this to her. Wouldn't it be nice to do that?Chang Zhifu admired the minds of these businessmen, so he asked his own housekeeper to go out with him. He actually found a few girls from gentry families and bought them back to be his maids.

Of course, these things have to be done in secret, and there are still many officials and gentry in the city who protest against his closing the gates all day long and ask to go out of the city for disaster relief, and some of them donate rice voluntarily. The magistrate dismissed this, and he "reluctantly" accepted the food donated by these wealthy gentry, and promised that the government would come forward to provide disaster relief, and at least he dealt with these people.

As for the donated food...he cleaned the bottom of the treasury, and used the little old grain mixed with sand to cook porridge outside the city gate for a long time, even if he had explained something to the gentry. Of course, the donated new food was sent to their own warehouse.

Those girls who were bought back by the rich gentry as maidservants were considered lucky, most of them did not have such a blessing, some of them saw the opportunity early, and fled immediately when they saw the city was closed and forbidden to enter Going to other places to beg is not fatal for the time being, but the old, the weak, the sick, and many wives, including some unwilling people, still live in the city. Already unable to escape.

In desperation, many people jumped the moat under the watchful eyes of the defenders at the top of the city, ignoring their dreams.And that woman, holding a baby in her hand, carrying a baby on her back, pointed at the top of the city and cursed in pain, and then jumped into the river together, turning into two people who hugged each other tightly until death A family of floating corpses...

Chang Zhifu is in a hurry, he is really in a hurry!After a while, my mouth was full of blisters.

In this flood, Suzhou, Songzhou, Jiading, and Huzhou were all flooded, and the situation was very serious, but the most serious one was his place.His Huzhou Mansion is not the land with the most rivers around it, nor is it the lowest-lying place. There is only one reason why the disaster is so serious, and that is the money allocated by the Ministry of Industry to repair the water conservancy of the river. into a personal pocket.

Chang Zhifu is in a hurry, he is really in a hurry!After a while, my eyes were red.

The food and taxes handed in by the people of Huzhou Prefecture have been embezzled by him a lot, all pointing to this year's autumn harvest, and then exploiting it to plug the loopholes. As a result, if the court decrees that the food and taxes in the disaster-stricken areas will be exempted , how can he live?What can he use to plug this shortfall?

What to be afraid of, there is news from above that the imperial court will send imperial envoys to inspect the disaster areas, distribute food for disaster relief, and at the same time check the disaster collection situation in various places, so that the court can reduce the grain tax of each disaster-stricken area accordingly. This is "bad news" When it came out, Chang Zhifu, who "loves the people like a son", immediately burst into blisters.In desperation, he thought of his good sister-in-law Ji Gang.

To say that this sister-in-law is putting money on his own face.Because his uncle's family suffered from the plague a few years ago, there was only one cousin left in the family, and he defected to him. For the sake of the many properties brought by the cousin, and the notoriety of refusal, he could not bear it. Since then, Chang Yinglin has taken in his cousin.Last autumn, Mr. Ji went to Huzhou for business, and Chang Yinglin entertained him warmly. After a glass of medicinal wine, he sent his cousin to Mr. Ji's bedroom.

Master Ji liked her very much, so he turned her into a concubine later on. Although the cousin harbored grievances, she had already lost her dignity, so she had to marry a dog and follow the dog. That's it, Chang Yinglin and Master Ji became relatives, Mr. Ji may not care about this cheap relative, but more than half of the gold and silver he exploited are filial to Ji Gang, so can Ji Gang ignore it?

So, Chang Zhifu hastily edited a book and sent it to Beijing like people burning their buttocks...

p: Friends, don’t forget to vote for monthly tickets and recommended tickets! (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point, vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation, @.

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