Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 665 Night Language

Yang Shiqi bowed and said: "The important minister of the Shaobao country is responsible for important responsibilities, and the crown prince is the heir apparent of the country. It is really inappropriate to meet each other at this time. The crown prince ordered the official to come down. He just told Shaobao that the crown prince will send the emperor Gao, the emperor, and the current emperor. The Queen's Empress took out the gifts and part of the salary from the usual year, and bought 1 shi of grain and rice. Although it is a drop in the bucket, it will not help, but it can also be a little bit better for the Duke. The next official will send the grain and rice."

Xia Xun's heart warmed, and he nodded and said: "The prince loves the people like a son. Yang Xu thanked the prince on behalf of the elders in the disaster area! The disaster relief is urgent. Tomorrow morning, Yang will go to the disaster area first, and the rescue supplies will start slowly and arrive later!"

Yang Shiqi showed admiration on his face, bowed his body and said: "The Duke is so worried about the state affairs and loves the people, Yang Shiqi sincerely admires it. Well, early tomorrow morning, Shiqi will ask people to transport the grain and rice to the Duke's mansion, and ask the Duke to accept it. It's just this People who buy rice..."

Xia Xun understood, and said with a smile: "Hehe, it is naturally a good person in Beijing who donated to the Duke of the country."

Yang Shiqi smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said, "Let me go!"

Do good deeds, and know how to advance and retreat.

Zhu Gaochi took out his private money to buy rice noodles for Xia Xunzhuang. Of course, he meant to love the people, but he also didn't want Xia Xun to rush to the disaster area empty-handed. This was his love for him.Although it is said that the prince does not have much money and cannot buy much food, 1 shi is an astonishing sum in normal times. Zhu Gaochi must have helped out this time.

But although doing this is to worry about the country and the people, but if his identity is just a wealthy gentry in the city, then it will be fine, and he will be praised by the court, but he is a prince, and this identity is a bit sensitive. The emperor is still alive, you Want to buy people's hearts?This is why Zhu Gaochi seldom showed up after becoming the prince.Prince Chu, just keep it in the East Palace!

Since it was thankless to do so, Zhu Gaochi did it anyway, and this is what made Xia Xun feel emotional. Zhu Gaochi was not a scheming idiot, sometimes he would use some tricks, but his true heart , It is indeed honest and kind, caring and kind.

Xia Xun walked out of the palace, and the guards led the horsemen. Xia Xun was about to get on his horse and gallop along the imperial road, when a man suddenly appeared from the palace gate and shouted to him: "Master, Lord!"

Xia Xun stepped into the stirrup with one foot. Hearing the sound, he stopped. Looking back, he saw Ji Gang walking towards him quickly, holding up his skirt with one hand.

Xia Xun withdrew his legs and just stood still when Ji Gang was in front of him, bowed his head in his pocket, and when he got up again, he was already smiling: "Duke, when the Duke just returned to Beijing a few days ago, the humble officer was ordered to handle a case Well, I was so busy that I couldn't get out, so I didn't even attend the Duke's reception banquet. It shouldn't be! It's too bad! After two days of work, I was thinking of having another banquet to apologize to the Duke. , Who would have thought that you, Duke, went to the countryside to relax again..."

Ji Gang said very cordially: "The Duke of Liaodong has left Liaodong for a long time. When he returns home, he must reunite with his family first and enjoy the family happiness. Ji Gang didn't dare to go after the Cigrand Mountain to make noise and make his wives feel disgusted, so he had to Waiting in Beijing. Ji Gang is an old subordinate of the Duke of the State, and he is not comparable to outsiders. Don't remember the mistake of humble position.

Uh..., I just heard that the Duke will go to help the disaster early tomorrow morning, and it will take a few days to get back. Tonight, no matter what, you have to reward me with face, called Ji Gang Serve wine, flatter and flatter, and express your affection.I have already asked someone to inform Xiao Liu, just the three of us, do you think so? "

Xia Xun glanced at him, and Ji Gang's face was frank and eager, as if he had just met him when he became the commander of Jinyiwei. I feel that the estrangement between the two before is just an illusion.

Xia Xun couldn't help being secretly surprised: "Why did Ji Gang bow before being arrogant?"

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As the night was getting dark, Xia Xun took advantage of his drunkenness and walked with Liu Yujue on the winding corridor behind the atrium of the Duke's Mansion. In front of them were two pretty maidservants holding lanterns, leading them the way four or five steps away.

Drinking tonight was very enjoyable. Xia Xun, Ji Gang, and Liu Yujue seemed to be back in the past. Xia Xun was still the Qingzhou scholar who abandoned literature and went into business, Ji Gang was still the cynical young man who was expelled from the government school, and Liu Yujue, But he was still the shy man who was as gentle as a virgin.They talked about the world, recounted history and thought about the future, scolded corrupt officials, laughed and salivated, at least at that moment, they completely let go of their guards.

But when Xia Xun was walking in the winding corridors and gardens, the serene expression returned to his face. The frivolity of the past was his life, but the frivolity of today can only be an occasional indulgence. He is a respected and respected Duke of the current dynasty, and no one will change this.

Liu Yujue was still half a step behind him habitually, neither of them spoke, as if they were quietly thinking about their own concerns.

Liu Yujue felt that whether it was the Duke of the State or Ji Gang, it seemed that everyone gradually had a mask on their faces. Sometimes they took it off, sometimes they put it on, and sometimes they put it on and then forgot to take it off. It actually makes people no longer remember whether it is him who wears the mask or he is the one who does not wear the mask.

Just like tonight, thinking about the mingling of cups and wine just now, and looking at Xia Xun walking with his hands up and down, slightly meditating, Liu Yujue doesn't know which scene is real and which scene is acting.

However, to him, those are not important, the family has been urging him to get married, but he is not interested in women at all, as long as it is a normal relationship, it is fine, when he thinks of sharing the same bed, or even rubbing hands together, he thinks about it from the bottom of his heart Disgusting, he would rather live like this for the rest of his life, like Luo Kedi, in white clothes like snow, alone.

To this day, there is only one person in his heart, and that person is walking ahead of him; in this life, his body has only been given to one person, and that person is already walking in front of him.

He also knows that his love and admiration can never be confessed, maybe burying it silently in his heart is the best ending for each other, as long as he can silently guard the person who is walking in front of him, and occasionally see With just one glance, he was already satisfied.

Regardless of whether there is a mask or not, no matter whether the mask has been worn on the face or not, he knows him!

The moon is white and the wind is clear, and the sky is full of stars. This night is like a dream.

"Yu Jue!"

Xia Xun thought for a long time, and suddenly called him.


Liu Yujue immediately took a step forward.

As long as he gets to Xia Xun's side and walks with him, Liu Yujue will definitely be half a step behind. This has become an instinct of his.This is not etiquette among friends, it is the etiquette due to subordinates to superiors.Of course, if it is a woman, this is even more so. She must be half a step behind her man, and absolutely cannot walk shoulder to shoulder with him.I don't know from which day, Liu Yujue has abided by this rule and never changed it.

Xia Xun thought for a while and said slowly, "Nanzhen, what are you doing now?"

Liu Yujue said respectfully: "Nanzhen is mainly responsible for the management of military craftsmen and the confidentiality of firearms research and development. At the same time, it is responsible for the military discipline and military of the 22nd Guards that are not under the jurisdiction of the Five Armies. Now, Ye An is mainly in charge of this part. After Chen Dong came back from Japan, he is still in charge of the army, military discipline, mainly the generals of the 22 guards, the generals and the offenders, who will take the initiative to send them to conduct trial training, sentence and punishment. Sometimes Chen Dong would take people out in plain clothes to make open and secret visits to inquire about military discipline!"

Xia Xun nodded and said, "Very well, it will be very convenient for you to move about. Besides, Chen Dong...he and Ye An are both old men of Jinyiwei, and they have followed you since Nanya Fujian, so I can trust you! Do things The ability is also there."

Liu Yujue hurriedly said: "Yes, if the Duke has something to do in a lowly position, just order it!"

Xia Xun was silent, and continued to walk forward, while Liu Yujue followed step by step, without asking any further questions.

Walking to a moon gate, Xia Xun stopped, turned around to look at him, and said in a deep voice: "Look at Ji Gang, see what he is doing, and investigate carefully if there is any change, but don't ask him to do something wrong." Perceived. You are his subordinate after all, if it is easy for him to know that you are dealing with him, then... you would rather not do some things, in short, safety first, don't take risks!"

Liu Yujue moved and said, "Zha Jigang?"

Without waiting for Xia Xun to say anything else, he changed his face and said, "Yes, I will obey you! Do you want to... transfer Ye An over? The gunsmith's work has gradually stabilized. If Ye An is not there, there will be no problems. In the past few years, I have gained a few confidantes, but they are still young compared to Ye An, how about I transfer Ye An over and send someone else to manage it?"

Xia Xun shook his head first, thought for a while and then nodded: "You weigh the decision! There is no need to investigate Ji Gang as a thief. I want you to investigate him because you think he is very abnormal now! Ji Gang is not what he used to be. The wings are hardened, and I don’t want to be short in front of me, hehe...Of course, you don’t know these things. Sometimes, some things don’t need to be said and done. When your heart changes, you can feel it naturally !"

Liu Yujue didn't speak, but thought in his heart: "But my heart for you will never change, my lord, can you feel it?"

Xia Xun said: "Old Ji always wants to hide from me and doesn't want to see me. It's easy to understand. When the Wen Dynasty was established, civil servants were reused, and the six books were all promoted to first rank. Now the emperor has released the wind, and the six books must follow the ancestral system. Re-degraded to the second rank, and Ji Gang has been promoted from the third rank to the second rank by the sage, and then he will be on an equal footing with the six divisions and nine ministers, how will he be willing to bow his head and listen to me in front of me?"

Liu Yujue said unhappily: "If Duke Jianba hadn't reused him, Ji Gang'an would be where he is today? If he respects the Duke a little, he would feel that he has lowered his status? He is too ignorant!"

Xia Xun waved his hand: "It's understandable to be human, and I wouldn't blame him for that alone. Everyone has their own ambitions, so why force it? However, since he intends to alienate me, the last time the officials hosted a banquet, He didn’t come here for some reason, so why did he hurry to catch up with me today? There’s nothing to show courteousness to, he’s in charge of investigating officials, so I can’t be careless. I have to trouble you about this matter!”

Liu Yujue said in surprise: "He dare not do anything against you, Duke?"

Xia Xun said: "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years!"

Liu Yujue nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice: "Yes! Don't worry, Duke, Yujue will go all out to protect the Duke well!"

ps: Good morning friends!It’s a cliché, don’t bother everyone, just a thoughtful reminder to friends who have a monthly pass and don’t know it or always forget to vote. If you have a monthly pass, vote as soon as possible. At this time, one vote is very important!Friends who have already voted, Guan Guan Jishou, who has shaved his hair and dressed as a monk, expresses his thanks

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