Chen Yunan turned around and saw that there were three or two men with women and children. The one who spoke was over 40, dressed in rustic clothes, and his dark face looked like a countryman, so he snorted coldly and turned to face the shopkeeper. Deliberately speaking in an authentic Fengyang accent: "Shopkeeper, I want both of these rooms!"

But the countryman didn't give up. He took a step forward with a smile, and said to the shopkeeper in Shandong dialect: "Shopkeeper, we want these two rooms first. Look at us, we have women and children with us. It's inconvenient to walk outside, isn't it convenient for your brother?"

Whether it is beautiful or not, the water in my hometown;Chen Yunan intentionally used the official Fengyang accent spoken by high-class talents, but the Shandong dialect made the shopkeeper feel comfortable. Hearing the voice of this "countryman", he felt close, so he said to Chen Yunan: " Excuse me, guest officer. The small store does business, and customers come to the door, and no one can be neglected. But there are only two vacant rooms left in the small store. This guest officer opened the mouth first, how many of about Go elsewhere?"

The few people brought by Chen Yunan are Jinyiwei, who usually have their eyes above the top and are unscrupulous everywhere. Although they are wearing casual clothes, their arrogance is still the same. Li Renhu slapped the table and shouted: "Put it on!" You motherfucker! What do you mean first come, first served? I entered your store and asked if you had any vacancies. Could it be that I came in to grind my teeth with you when I was full? Naturally, I want to rent a room. How dare you bully us from other places? People, believe it or not, I smashed your shop today?"

The shopkeeper is really not afraid of foreigners making trouble, but recently there are too many foreigners in Qingzhou City, people from the north and south provinces, three mountains and five mountains came here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Peng, look at this, these guys He also came to attend the funeral, so he couldn't be too offended, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Guest officer, the shop is open for business, and it's for money, not anger. There is no reason to push the guests away. This guest officer is indeed the first Asked for a room..."

It was his confidant Zhang Duo who spoke on behalf of Lin Yuqi's side just now. He was very upset to see the other party's domineering appearance.Lin Yuqi also guessed that the other party was a hero who came to the Peng family's funeral. Everyone came for the Peng family. If they fought for a place to stay, it would be embarrassing when they met at the Peng family in the future, so they thought of calming things down. He hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Thank you for your kindness, the shopkeeper. The few of us who came from Putai did not expect the business of the inn in Qingzhou to be so prosperous recently. If it really doesn't work, we don't want to embarrass you, the shopkeeper. Let's find another place to live. !"

The shopkeeper was relieved after hearing this, and hurriedly thanked Lin Yuqi. Li Renhu glanced at Lin Yuqi coldly, and spat contemptuously: "Soil leopard, you are wise!"

Tang Sai'er looked at them so unkind, her small face suddenly tensed up, her eyes fixed on Li Renhu with lacquer-like eyes, and she didn't know what kind of thoughts had turned.

At this time, a customer came with a burden on his back and said loudly: "Shopkeeper, pay the bill!"

The shopkeeper was overjoyed when he heard that, and while asking Xiaoer to settle the bill for the guest, he said to Lin Yuqi: "This guest officer, go slowly, to tell you the truth, now all the inns in Qingzhou City are full, so you just go again I'm afraid it's not easy to find a place where all the people can settle down. The little old man sees that you are bringing your female relatives, so it's really not suitable to run back and forth. Just stay in the small shop, and you guys will go to Zuojin to live next to the inn, and I will keep the room when my guests leave, and then I invite you guys to move here, do you think this will work?"

The old shopkeeper's hospitality was so attentive, and Lin Yuqi made sense when he heard it, so he told Su Xinchen and Tang Sai'er, and they sat down in the living room first, waiting for the waiter to inspect the utensils in the room and come back to settle the shop money.Tang Sai'er rolled her dark eyes, and whispered in Su Xinchen's ear, "Auntie, I'm going to take a pee."

Su Xinchen smiled, patted her and said, "Go!"

Since she was about to stay in this store, she didn't need to worry about anything, so Su Xinchen told her to go by herself.After Su Xinchen was taken in by the Lin family, she reached the age of marriage two years later. Xia Xun, the treasurer of the Qingtang, who she had a crush on back then, has been proved to be an official of the imperial court. Since the Peng family parted, there has been no relationship since When I saw it, I had no choice but to bury this feeling in my heart at the beginning of the girl's love.

Later, the wife of the Tang family helped her marry, and promised to a man named Xu Zeheng, who also came with Lin Yuqi this time.Xu Zeheng's father was the shopkeeper of Lin's Restaurant, and Xu Zeheng was also a disciple of Xiangtang since he was a child. Su Xinchen also took root in Putai, became a wife, and gave birth to a fat boy for her husband the year before last.

Chen Yunan and his group walked back triumphantly under the leadership of a mistress. The two vacant rooms were at the corner of the inn. The one next to the wall was a little bit blocked from the light because of the high courtyard wall, and there was a hut not far from it. Because the location is not good, the customers who entered the store first did not choose this place, but they just picked it.

Fortunately, the rooms are fairly tidy. Each room is not small, with two rooms inside and outside. The outside room can be used as a living room or as a sleeping room. Two rooms for his five people are enough to sleep.It's just that Chen Yunan is from a hundred households and is an official. After seeing that the room is quite spacious, he wanted to live in a room alone, and asked the four subordinates to live in the next room. He first looked at the room next to the wall, and then He asked Xiao Er to lead him to another room, and as soon as he entered the room, he felt an inexplicable chill rushing towards his face, and he couldn't help shivering cleverly.

"Why is this room so dark?"

Chen Yunan calmed down, felt again, and felt that everything in the room was normal, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

At this moment, Chen Yunan was startled by a cry from another room, and hurried out of the room to rush over, only to see his subordinate Li Leming with a face as pale as a ghost, pointing to a corner of the room with trepidation: "Ghost! There is a ghost!"

Chen Yunan was startled just now, but the waiter in the shop who followed him in was not happy, and said with a straight face: "Guest officer, you have to be careful with your mouth, we are opening a shop for business, and the blue sky and the day are so beautiful, what are you talking about?" What the hell is it here? If this spreads, will my family still be able to do business?"

Li Leming ignored him, and only said to Chen Yunan: "Boss... Boss, there is really a ghost, this room is too evil! Just now I saw a hand sticking out from the cabinet, a pale hand, and then I saw it. It's gone in the blink of an eye!"

The shop clerk looked at the cabinet in the corner, went over and pulled it, the cabinet door opened in response to the sound, the inside was empty, there was nothing there, Li Leming said angrily: "It's either inside, or a hand, which came out directly through the cabinet. You can't see it at a glance!"

The shop clerk was about to speak, when Shan Ting rushed out of the latrine screaming with his pants in his hands. Chen Yunan was furious, pressed his shoulders, and shouted: "You bastard, what are you crying for?"

Shan Ting swayed, tremblingly said: "Brother, I'm so hot! Brother!"

Chen Yunan raised his hand and gave him a big mouth, cursing: "Who the hell are you?"

Shan Ting hastily argued: "No, I'm..., big brother, this store is haunted! I entered the hut, and just as I took off my pants, I saw a human head popping out of the small window in front, just like that, just like that. so……"

Shan Ting put on the belt three or two times, gestured and said authentically: "Small, the head of a dead child, the face is whiter than paper, and the eyeballs are blood red, staring straight at you, she I will also smile at you, as scary as that smile is, I just glanced at it, and my scalp exploded, and I felt cold all over, it's so fucking creepy!"

Hearing the two subordinates say this, Chen Yunan couldn't help becoming suspicious. He made a calculation, and felt that it was not easy to find a place to live here, so he said, "Don't talk nonsense, what are we doing? Even if there are ghosts, we will scare them away, five A big man, full of yang energy, what kind of ghosts dare to make trouble? Shan Ting, Li Leming, you two live in this room. Li Renhu, Liu Lintao, you live in my outer room!"

Chen Yunan said he was not afraid, but how many people in that era did not believe this?He was also uneasy, so he wanted to find someone to be his companion to strengthen his courage, but he also thought that Shan Ting and Li Leming had seen ghosts, so he picked the other two.

After Chen Yunan finished speaking, they were not allowed to argue any further. He flicked his sleeves and went back to the next room with dignity. Li Renhu and Liu Lintao hurriedly followed behind him.As soon as the three of them entered the room, the inexplicable cold air came suddenly again. Chen Yunan thought it was weird at first, and because of Shan Ting and Li Leming's preconceived words, his hairs immediately stood on end.

He looked at the faces of Li Renhu and Liu Lintao. They were looking at him. It seemed that they felt it too. Their expressions were a little disturbed. Chen Yunan took a step back and walked out of the room until his whole body was under the sunlight. Reassured, he turned around and asked the shop waiter with a sullen face: "Xiao Er, the premises in your shop are so tense, why no one has come to live in these two rooms?"

The waiter said: "There are many customers, and there are always people coming and going. Coincidentally, these two rooms happen to be empty..."

Chen Yunan sneered and said: "Really? Let's go, don't look for a place to live!" After saying that, he turned around and left, and the four subordinates immediately followed happily as if they had been pardoned. : "What's wrong with these people?"

Su Xinchen and the others sat in the shop for a while, and Tang Sai'er came out with a smile, her lips pursed, with a hint of sly complacency. Su Xinchen knew her very well, and just by looking at her expression, she knew that she must have done some mischief again. , hurriedly pulled her to her side, and asked in a low voice, "Sai'er, what are you doing again?"

Tang Sai'er raised her small face and winked at her, innocently said: "I didn't do anything."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yunan and his group of five rushed out in front of them, as if chased by a dog behind them...

p: Tang Saier's illusion will play a big role several times in the future, so let's lay the groundwork first.Friends, ask for a monthly pass!

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