With a round face, big eyes with copper bells, a distilled nose, and two mustaches, this is the honor of Xiaojiu, a brocade-clothed banner.

At this moment, he was standing in front of Ji Gang respectfully, reporting Xia Xun's actions after returning to Beijing.

Ji Gang was leaning on the grand master's chair, sitting lazily, his eyes seemed to be slightly closed, but he looked like a tiger taking a nap, still majestic, at least an official of Ruan Xiaojiu's level would not dare to glance at him.

After hearing Ruan Xiaojiu's report, Ji Gang smiled coldly, and suddenly asked, "How is Yu Shiji doing now?" Ruan Xiaojiu hurriedly said, "I've seen him before, and the emperor praised him very much. Chen Ying of the Metropolitan Procuratorate has already commended him for his merits." Please reward me, now there is a rumor from the Ministry of Officials that Yu Shiji is said to be promoted to the imperial envoy of Qiandu soon."

Ji Mi snorted coldly.

Chang Yinglin sent someone to Beijing to ask him for help. Ji Gang also did something after hearing the news. What he did was to invite Xia Xun to drink and take the initiative to get close.In his position, no one is willing to offend him, it is enough for him to do this.And there are some things that don't need to be clarified. If Xia Xun cares about him, he will naturally know what to do.

Mr. Ji is too lazy to ask him to wipe Chang Yinglin's stock.

He took Chang Yinglin's money, but now there are too many officials giving money to Mr. Ji, does anyone dare to ask him for a receipt?Without evidence, with the degree of his favor, Chang Yinglin is not afraid of biting him, but it is always a pity to lose a source of income, so he reluctantly did something he was least willing to do now. Nodding and bowing in front of others, trying to please others.

Let's ease the tense relationship first, and if something really happens, he will be able to come forward.

At that time, he wasn't sure that Chang Yinglin's place would definitely be found out. How could he be so stupid as to go to Xia Xun to hint for a season and tell him to come here for disaster relief? When passing by the Huzhou mansion, he must turn a blind eye Close one eye?

Originally, in his thinking, Chang Yinglin could still handle the matter well. He repaired the relationship with Xia Xun first, just in case, and Chang Yinglin plugged the loopholes. If he couldn't find out, he would save himself. Go and talk small things in front of Xia Xun, if something really happened, then have a romantic relationship with Xia Xun.Who would have thought that Chang Yinglin would be so greedy, that he would risk his life for his money.

Perhaps one of the main reasons why Chang Yinglin did this was because he believed too much in Ji Gang's ability.

Ji Gang is confident that he also has this ability. The reason why he did nothing in the end is because at this time he suddenly received a message from Chen Yunan from Shandong: "The Peng family may have something to do with the White Lotus Sect!" Not only is it more trustworthy by the emperor, but also...

This is also due to Chang Yinglin's many evils. If he asks Tian to take it away, Ji Gang will not give up greater interests for such a useless guy.

He didn't want the emperor to know that he was at odds with the Fuguo Duke and fought with the Metropolitan Procuratorate because of his corrupt official brother-in-law, and he didn't want Xia Xun to know that he cared about this matter, so he asked Xia Xun to be careful.

Although Ji Gang is quite defiant now, he is still a bit vague towards Xia Xun. If Xia Xun realizes that he is hostile to him, this clue may slip out of his hands for nothing.

In order to catch Xia Xun's pigtails, and in order to prevent the emperor from thinking that he was an avenger when he reported it in the future, it was Ji Gang who was loyal and righteous, and reported his close relationship and excellent friendship with tears in his eyes. What's the point of an old boss like Chang Yinglin?

For this reason, not only did he stand idly by Chang Yinglin, but he also destroyed all the evidence that might have caused Chang Yinglin to bite him. However, he was too careful in this regard, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate did not take advantage of the opportunity to bite him.

Just because one of Chang Yinglin's cousins ​​was made a concubine by Ji Gangna, why did he accuse the big celebrity in front of the emperor of being a big backer who connived and instigated Chang Yinglin's corruption?

If Chen Ying's political quality is so naive, how can he be qualified to be Ji Gang's opponent, how can he be qualified to be a thorn in the side of the Manchu civil and military?

A cruel official like him can't tolerate mistakes. If he does something wrong, a bunch of people will immediately come up to beat the dog in the water.

Yu Shiji was also worried that Ji Gang's energy was too great, relying on Chang Yinglin not only could not fix Ji Gang,

If you ask Ji Gang to make a "delay" tactic again, to delay a big matter and a small matter, and then get Chang Yinglin out when the weather is calm, he will be beaten, so before the imperial decree came down, he mobilized the masses first, and asked Xia Xun held out the banner of Wang Ming.

After Ruan Xiaojiu finished speaking, she looked at Ji Gang anxiously.

Ji Gang thought carefully for a while, and then slowly said: "When Yang Xu returned to Beijing, he must go to Shandong for the funeral. He ordered the people there to act quickly. If necessary, they should be arrested first and asked about their identities. As for the Peng family, they should not act rashly until they have real evidence. If they do not have strong evidence before Yang Xu arrives in Qingzhou, they will all go underground and cannot be controlled by it!" An ordinary official, if Xia Xun caught him before he got conclusive evidence, he would be very passive. In this game, both sides are afraid.

Ruan Xiaojiu responded, and then glanced at Ji Gang to see if he had any other orders.

Ji Gang yawned lazily, and asked again: "Tomorrow, should the King of Han become a vassal?"

Ruan Xiaojiu hurriedly replied respectfully: "Yes, tomorrow is the deadline for the King of Han to leave the capital." Ji Gang smiled and waved his hand lightly.

Early the next morning, Xia Xun did not go to court because he had received the emperor's order.He explained to Zheng He and several officials from the Ministry of Industry that he was going to call people from the disaster-stricken areas to Beijing to participate in the construction of the Dabaoen Temple, and asked them to handle the details, and then hurried back to the government to prepare for the trip to Shandong.

Last time Peng Ziqi left in a hurry and didn't bring anything. She is the daughter of the Peng family, so it doesn't matter if he is empty-handed. He is the son-in-law and the Duke of the state. It would be shameful not to prepare some gifts. Fortunately, Ming'er has bought a lot for him. Things are kept at home, and there are not many things to buy. Although Xia Xun is anxious, he only delays for half a day, but he can bear it.

Inside the palace, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaosui had just returned to the Jinshen Hall, and Zhu Di was quite unhappy.

Today is the deadline for Zhu Gaoxu to resign and leave Beijing to go to Yunnan. Zhu Di also carefully prepared gifts and words of comfort to his son. He wanted to wait for his son to go to the palace to say goodbye to him, but the result... Zhu Gaoxu did not go to the palace to face the king at all.

Zhu Gaosui is the crown prince, and he usually doesn't have to go to the court to participate in the driving. Today, because it is the big day for the second brother to leave Beijing, he is also sent by the court. As a result...

"Xu'er has resentment towards me so much?" Zhu Di felt more and more depressed as he thought about it.

At this time, Mu En came in on tiptoe, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the King of Han is begging to see you!" When Zhu Di heard this, he said angrily, "Tell that unworthy son to come in!"

Mu En said with embarrassment: "The King of Han seems to have not fully healed yet, and he is supported by two maids from the Palace of the King of Han. The slaves are watching, and the King of Han is struggling to walk..." "Oh? Xu'er's health hasn't recovered yet?"

Zhu Di's anger dissipated immediately, and he hurriedly said, "Come on, tell him to come in."

After a while, Zhu Gaoxu asked someone to help him, and walked in tremblingly.

After listening to Chen Ying's words, Zhu Gaoxu knew that family affection was his only trump card, and he really put in a lot of effort.

The food is definitely not delicious, the sleep is definitely not good, the beard is not trimmed, and the hair is not good. I saw that his hair is fluffy, the beard is messy, the eye sockets are deep, and the cheeks are sunken. He used to be a martial artist, but now he is sick. It's as if the wind blows and falls down.

Zhu Di felt sour when he saw it, and hurriedly said: "Come on, show the seat to the King of Han!"

Zhu Gaochi hurriedly greeted Zhu Gaoxu, took his arm from his little sister-in-law and supported him, and said with concern: "Why is the second brother so sick?"

Zhu Gaoxu broke free from the support of Zhu Gaochi and the little wife, and knelt on the ground with a "boom", knelt forward and climbed two steps, hugged Zhu Di's thigh, and cried loudly: "Father!"

Zhu Di's eyes were a little wet, and he quickly bent over to help him and said, "Xu'er, get up, get up, how long has it been, why are you still so sick, the imperial doctor of the King's Mansion of Han is really damned, such a serious illness, unexpectedly Dare to report it as a father! Since Xu'er is not in good health, let's rest and recuperate in Beijing for a while!, Zhu Gaoxu tearfully said: "Father, I have repeatedly thought about it at home these days, and today I am sick. Palace, to pay respects to my father, I just want to ask my father for a word! "

Zhu Di said, "Get up first and speak slowly."

Zhu Gaoxu refused to get up, and cried: "Father, my son is so wronged. My son has repeatedly introspected and felt innocent to the country. Why was he sent away by the father thousands of miles away? My son is not convinced!" Zhu Di's face froze, He said angrily, "What do you call Xu'er? My father named you King of Han and asked you to guard Yunnan, but to guard the southern border for the country. Because of the country's barriers, how could you be relegated?" Zhu Gaoxu knelt and cried. : "Yunnan is a place of high mountains and dangerous smog. My son has lived in the north for a long time. How can he adapt to this life in southern Xinjiang? Today, my son only asks for forgiveness from his father, and his son will not seal the country anymore. If you ask about world affairs, I will be an idle prince in Jinling City, but I hope that I can stay by the side of my father, queen and queen, my wish is enough!"


Zhu Gaoxu kowtowed and said in a sobbing voice: "If the father doesn't agree, the son will go on the road. I just ask the father to prepare a thin coffin for the son first!" Zhu Di was surprised: "Why?" Zhu Gaoxu said tragically: "I'm afraid The son has already died before he arrived in Yunnan." Zhu Gaochi watched from the side, seeing his brother say this, his fat face was already flushed, and looking at his father's face, Zhu Gaochi gritted his teeth and knelt upright In front of Zhu Di, he said earnestly: "Father is kind, and at the request of my second brother, let him stay in the capital!" Xie Jin was busy in Wenyuan Pavilion, when he heard the news suddenly, he couldn't help being surprised and angry, and said angrily : "The king of Han refuses to leave the capital? The crown prince still pleads for him?"

Yang Shiqi, who came to deliver the letter, said helplessly: "The elder Ge doesn't know something. The king of Han saw him sick and looked miserable. The emperor can't bear it anymore. Even if the prince doesn't plead for him, the emperor will agree. If the prince stands aside and ignores it, wouldn't it be let Your Majesty thinks the prince is cold-hearted?"

Xie Jin said suddenly: "If the King of Han doesn't leave, the world will be restless! The prince is the brother of the King of Han. It is inconvenient for him to say it, so I will say it!"

After Xie Jin finished speaking, regardless of Yang Shiqi's dissuasion, he rushed to Jinshen Hall in a hurry! @.

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