Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 691 Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea

"Boss, make a decisive decision!"

"Boss, when did Jin Yiwei suffer such a loss, and now we are disheartened and defeated, how will we explain to Master Ji when we go back? Make up your mind!"

"Boss, we came to Shandong this time. You are our eldest brother. This job can't be handled well. Everyone's faces are ugly. Big brother, you are more like..." Zhong Canghai, Ji Younan, and Gao Xiang talked to each other. He kept urging Zhu Tu to do a big fight, no matter whether he had evidence or not, he had to arrest him first.Zhong Canghai and Gao Xiang escaped from Zihedian. The two originally fled from Qingzhou to Zihedian, but they didn't expect that Qingzhou chief catcher Mie Shifang led a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals to go to Zihedian to overwhelm the river.

In normal times, how could a small chief arrester in Qingzhou be regarded in their eyes? If one of these four great King Kongs is taken out at will, Mi Shifang can be strangled to death like a flea with two fingers. Knowing their identities, the two couldn't stay in the Zihe shop anymore, so they simply led their men to Putai County to meet Boss Zhu.

The two of them were full of anger, and naturally they hit it off with Ji Younan, who was aggressive, and repeatedly urged Zhu Tu to act recklessly, but this had the opposite effect. The Eight Great King Kongs of Jin Yiwei usually intrigue among themselves in order to compete for favor, Zhu Tu didn't I believe that these three guys sincerely treat him as the eldest brother, and these people are masters who talk about everything, and the more eloquently they speak, the more suspicious Zhu Tu feels.

"say no more!"

Zhu Tu patted the case and said: "I am in charge of Putai. Fourth and sixth, since you are here, you should stay here obediently. It is best for you not to interfere in my affairs. Otherwise, if you really mess up the errand, don't blame the big brother for saying you are wrong in front of Ji Yaren! Young and old..."

Zhu Tu cast a cold glance at Ji Younan, who was the youngest and youngest among the eight people, but the most trusted by Ji Gang: "If you think that I am old and can't do things well, you can take care of all the troubles in Putai." In the past, I patted my ass and left, and went back to Jinling to wait for your good news, and I, Zhu Tu, will suffer any punishment from the Lord!"

This is too serious, Ji Younan hurriedly stood up, and said with a smile: "Brother, aren't you talking about me, Brother Shame? The younger brother is just giving you an idea, whether this idea is good or not, right or wrong, you still have to Brother, you are in charge, you are the master. It is done, you are the master of everything, brother, I only follow you!"

Gao Xiang and Zhong Canghai also tried their best to persuade him, Zhu Tu's expression softened a little, and he said in a more serious tone: "According to the original plan, get Xu Hui Zeheng out and torture him, I won't believe it , With Jin Yiwei's means, I can't pry his mouth open! Chen Yunan!"

Seeing the four big brothers quarreling, Chen Yunan, who had already hid at the door, hurriedly took a step forward for fear of being swept away by the wind, bowing and saying: "The humble job is here!"

Zhu Tu pointed at him: "This time, you take someone there yourself, if you miss again, you don't have to come back!"

Chen Yunan gritted his teeth, and said respectfully: "I obey you!"

Based on the various clues collected from tracking and monitoring for many days, Jin Yiwei's secret agents concluded that Xu Hui Zeheng was not an ordinary person. It is not easy to take a wife out, if it is not for the more important person, even if he wants to bring his wife, how can the big boss agree?

Another one, Jin Yiwei has already found out that Xu Huizeheng's father is the big shopkeeper of Taibaiju, and Yabaiju is a property of the Lin family. Xu Huizeheng himself also works in the restaurant and is responsible for purchasing this piece. In a long-standing restaurant, all internal personnel and organizational systems have been balanced and stabilized very early. Those who can take on the fat job of purchasing must be the owner's confidantes.

In view of this, and because the whole family of the old hag and the little hag seemed to have moved into the Lin family suddenly, and the Lin family has a big business, unless they show their identities and force their way in, it will be difficult to get anyone, so they set their target on Xu Huizeheng .Chen Yunan got the order and immediately took people away. At the same time, Zhu Tu led the others to evacuate from Putai County.

Once such a large living person is taken away, Putai County will definitely search everywhere. They are foreigners, and so many people gather here, it is too eye-catching. Once they get it, they can only leave Putai County. Find a place to resettle and interrogate them. After getting the confession, it will not be too late to raid the house in Potai to seize the people. With such a large family business in the local area, there is no need to worry about them running away.

Xu Huize bought all kinds of meat, vegetables and wine, and sent them to Taibaiju Restaurant. There was nothing important. He talked to his father for a while. Old Xu wanted to be a fat grandson, but he was the big shopkeeper. , Can't leave easily, Xu Hui Zeheng promised to go back and bring his son, told him to be rare, turned around and left the restaurant.

The secret agents of Jinyiwei who had been secretly watching him for a long time followed him immediately...

On the bank of the North Yellow River in Putai County, Qianhusuo.

Qianhu Du Long had just finished wrestling martial arts with a few skilled men. He returned to the house shirtless, sat cross-legged on the kang, took out a gourd of wine, and placed a plate of pork head meat, a mouthful of wine and a mouthful of meat. Spicy, very enjoyable.From time to time, his hands would reach under the small kang table, squeezing his stinky feet hard. Although he used chopsticks when eating, this taste... only he can enjoy it, no wonder those The lieutenant general and the hundreds of households had no one to accompany him to drink.

This scene is exactly the same as when Xia Xun begged him to send troops with the palace piercing badge of Prince Qi's mansion.

After so many years, the scholar from Qingzhou has become the Duke of the dynasty, while Du Long is still a family member on the bank of the Yellow River.

There is no way, Lao Du was on the wrong team. During the Jingnan period, he was on the side of the imperial court, and he fought fiercely against the Yan army. King Yan became the emperor, and if he didn't counterattack, it would be good to find him. Are you expecting a promotion?Difficult, too difficult!

Time makes people grow old, and now Lao Du has grown hair on his temples, but it seems that this is the only change in him, and nothing else has changed, including everything in his house, which is only dirtier and messier than before a little.

"Master Qianhu, an adult from Jinyiwei wants to see you..."

Before the little soldier finished speaking, he was pulled aside, and Chen Dong walked into the room leisurely in a suit of casual clothes.

Chen Dong paced in with a leisurely demeanor, but as soon as he entered the room, he almost suffered a big somersault.Du Long is a warrior, not clean, but also good at drinking, one can imagine what the barracks where he lives alone all year round must smell like.

When Du Long heard that Jin Yiwei was coming, he was startled and wanted to get off the ground, but before he could move, the man had already barged in.Du Long stared at Chen Dong in a daze. Chen Dong took a breath and took out his waist card to show him.

Du Long's action of pinching his feet was already noticed by Chen Dong. Chen Dong didn't want him to touch his waist card, so he just held it in his hand and asked him to see it clearly.

Du Long saw clearly the line "Jinyiwei South Town Fuzuo Qianhu..." and he was quick-witted. He got up and was about to go to the ground, and said in a hurry: "Ouch! Mr. Qianhu, what is your surname, I don't know what to do to find an official something?"

Although he is also a Qianhu official with the same rank as Chen Dong, one is from the most powerful yamen in the capital, and the other is a Qianhu official on the bank of the North Yellow River in Putai County. The power is so different that Du Long dare not follow him. People on the same level talk about friendship.

"Okay, okay, you sit down, the matter is urgent, no need for greetings!"

Chen Dong stopped him, sternly said, "Du Qianhu, what is the duty of the imperial court to order you to guard here?"

Du Long panicked, he didn't know what he had done wrong, he actually asked Jin Yiwei to come and arrest him, he quickly replied in panic: "The final general is here, training troops and preparing for war, guarding local areas, guarding river defenses, and sometimes... assisting the local area in arresting robbers ..."

Chen Dong snorted coldly and said, "Since that's the case, how can you drink freely here while leaving the thief Shi Song alone? Isn't this a negligence of duty?"

Hearing this, Du Long already knew that Chen Dong didn't come to trouble him, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly replied: "Responding to my lord, this Shisong... I have also heard of it in humble positions, he is the leader of the Qingshuibo water bandits, Xiaoju Shuibo, who robbed his house, is a key criminal wanted by the court. But... "Then Qingshuibo is not under the jurisdiction of the last general..."

Chen Dong said with a straight face: "The imperial court has recently launched a large-scale suppression of Qingshuibo by sending troops and civilians. The pirates had nowhere to hide, so they had to break up and hide among the people. When you come to Putai County, you hide here, is this your duty?"

Du Long widened his eyes and said: "Really? Putai County has never issued a document asking the general to help catch the thief, the general does not know!"

Chen Dongdao: "This stone pine has been taken in by a local thief hiding money. The magistrate of Putai County doesn't know about it. I have made a clear investigation. Considering the third class of government officials in Putai County, it is easy to get some ordinary thieves. In this way I don’t know how many desperadoes you have brought, and I don’t know how many people they have brought. Tell them to catch the thief. Nine times out of ten, they will do something bad, so they find you.

Now the officer has explained the cause and effect to you, if you handle this case well, it is a great achievement, if you fail, hum!I will impeach you to the imperial court and ask you for the crime of negligence in duty and robbery! "

Du Long's face twitched for a while. He was guarding this place where the birds didn't shit.Besides, this is a good opportunity for meritorious service and promotion!I vaguely remember that many years ago, there was a disciple of Prince Qi's mansion who asked him for help, and he handled the matter very well that time.

It's a pity that the luck was bad. King Qi intended to promote him to be a guard commander at that time. Tie Xuan Shengyong has been fighting for two years, but Yan Wang is the king of the world, his future...

Hugging the imperial court's back tui this time, will this matter never be scalped again?

Du Long immediately put the wine gourd aside, and said solemnly: "My lord, please tell me... the general will definitely cooperate with all his strength to capture the bandits!"

After half an hour, Chen Dong walked out of Du Long's room, followed by Du Long.Although I have been in abalone for a long time and I don't feel the smell, but it's like...

Chen Dong took a deep breath: "The air outside is so fresh!"

Everyone Loves Thirteen Niangs Everyone Drinks Mumu Milk—Jinxinxin Group dedicated to you—@.

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