Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 732 Holy War

Yishihaxuan Fu Nuergan has achieved great results. As Liaodong is becoming more and more prosperous, while the Tatars are losing battles and weakening day by day, the leaders of the tribes in Nuergan area respect Yishiha and show their willingness to surrender Meaning, Yishiha seized this opportunity, struck while the iron was hot, and kindly invited the leaders of the Nuergan area to make a pilgrimage to the emperor.

After some preparations, the leaders of several big tribes in the Nuergan area, such as Tadaha and Gulu, were driven thousands of miles to the capital. When the news came, Zhu Di was overjoyed, but going back to the source, this credit is inseparable from Xia Xunjing After reviewing the merits of Liaodong, and it is certain that this is the result of managing Liaodong and irradiating slaves, Zhu Di inevitably thought of the dispute with Xia Xun in the Dabaoen Temple.

Xia Xun expressed his disagreement with An Nan to him face to face. Although Zhu Di was annoyed, he would not blame Xia Xun for it. Zhu Di was not a person who tolerated different opinions. Afterwards, he has always allowed voices from different opinions. If he is a person who only knows what to do, who only knows how to obey orders and never has his own opinions, he will never be sent out by him to stand alone.

Once Zhu Di has made a decision, he must be arbitrary, and his arbitrary decision is precisely after he listens to various opinions, repeatedly deliberates and considers the opinions of these people, constantly improves, supplements, and revises his own views, and finally makes a decision. The many decisions made by Zhu Di are not because his wisdom alone has reached the point where he is so wise and mighty that he never makes mistakes, but it is precisely in this process that the insights of many people have been gathered.

But now he is still fighting against Annan under the banner of punishing the rebellion of the vassal state as the suzerain state, and in the name of "prosperity and extinction". Annan's family of powerful ministers asked them to take the initiative to ask Daming to restore the prefectures and counties according to the ancient times, and it was only logical at that time.

Zhu Di deliberately met Xia Xun alone in the Dabaoen Temple. Before Jinyi Yexing Xiaopin confided his feelings to him, it was a little difficult to say. It was for this reason that he had no one to discuss with him now. He must not let people know that he covets Annan. This is contrary to the moral thought formed by China's cultural inheritance for thousands of years. If he raises it hastily, it will inevitably arouse opposition and criticism from quite a few literati in the ruling and opposition circles.

Xia Xun did a lot of secret things for him. When he was exploring Liaodong, he fought for every inch of North Korea and North Korea. These actions made him feel that Xia Xun was most likely to agree with his opinion, and Xia Xun did not object .Xia Xun didn't object, which meant that Xia Xun really didn't stand on the ground of morality and boast, and imitated those rotten Confucians, talking about the clichés of the heavenly kingdom and the state of etiquette.

Xia Xun is even more "vulgar" than Zhu Di. He is completely based on the gains and losses of interests, like a businessman who must compare his supplies. After repeated comparisons, he thinks that the gains outweigh the losses. It did not arouse Zhu Di's disgust.He also knew that although Xia Xun held different opinions on taking the opportunity to annex Annan, if he still wanted to send Xia Xun to conquer Annan, Xia Xun would still go all out.

But Zhu Di's temperament also has its own stubbornness. Since you don't like it, I don't need you. I ask you to watch it with your own eyes to see whether I am right or you are right!With this in mind, he instructed Zhang Fu to do it, hoping that Zhang Fu would live up to his expectations and win back his breath for him.

Now that the leaders of the Nuergan tribes went to Daming to ask for surrender, Zhu Di couldn't help thinking of Xia Xun's performance in Liaodong.Xia Xun was very good at managing Liaodong. He thought Xia Xun would be the best candidate to annex Annan, but Xia Xun strongly opposed it.Thinking about Liaodong, there is Tatar oppression in the west and North Korea in the east. The environment should be more dangerous than Annan. Why is Xia Xun so keen on consolidating Liaodong, encroaching and annexing and expanding the territory, but doesn't take Annan seriously?

Could it be that I was really wrong?

Zhu Di seriously recalled what Xia Xun said, and after careful consideration for a while, he still didn't agree with Xia Xun's statement, but he didn't take it lightly anymore.He asked people to inform Hu Wei that in the process of searching for Jianwen's remains, he should pay attention to inquiring about news from all directions, and those who go north to search should pay attention to collecting some information about Tatar Wala.

Because if there is chaos in the north, as Xia Xun said, he must focus on the north, which is the big trouble for Daming. Annan is the icing on the cake for Daming, and its importance cannot be compared with Saibei.On this point, he and Xia Xun's views are highly consistent.

The heads of the Jurchen and Mongolian tribes from the Nuergan area arrived in Beijing. Zhu Di held a grand welcome ceremony. At the request of the leaders of the tribes, he set up the Nuergan guards and named the leaders of the four tribes including Rataha as commanders. It is known that many leaders, such as the ancient donkey, were guarded by thousands of households, and they were granted seals, crowns, clothes and banknotes.

Afterwards, several guards were successively set up in the north and south areas of the Onan River and the Heilongjiang River Basin, as well as in the Songhua River, Wusuli River, Green River, and Ganges River. These guards were still dominated by local tribal leaders. The method of conferring edicts turned them into officials of the Ming court, and of course some Han troops would be sent there to further strengthen the rule of the area.

When these guards are stabilized, connected into a line through each point, penetrate the entire Nuergan area through a line, and finally control the entire Nuergan area like a big net through military and economic development, then Then set up local military and political yamen in Nuergan area.This development model draws some lessons from the development model of Liaodong.

In order to achieve this goal, preparations must be made early. Zhu Di is really busy these days. He frequently meets with tribal leaders in the Nuergan area, holds banquets, discusses affairs, understands the details of the Nuergan area, and convenes the cabinet and the five armies. People from the Governor's Mansion and the Ministry of War deployed arrangements for the Nuergan area.In the afternoon, Zhu Di had just discussed some matters related to the Nuergan area, and sent away the governors of the five armies and the cabinet, and Mu En brought a playing case to him.

As soon as Zhu Di looked at the secret box, he knew that it was the secret memorial that had passed through the Tongzhengsi and the inner study and went directly to the front of the imperial court. His tired body immediately sat upright. He opened the secret box and took out the memorial. In the news that Ma sent back to Beijing, there was only one thing mentioned: "In the Mongolian region, the Timur Empire's army is active and its strength is increasing day by day. It seems that there is a suspicion of eastward invasion!"

Tie Mu'er is indeed going to conquer the East!

Timur's military exploits in the West have reached the peak of glory. In the past few years, he has attacked India, Tudeli, occupied Iran, invaded Turkey, fought in Syria, captured Iraq, Baghdad and Damascus, and captured the Ottoman Turkish Sultan Bayesid , is invincible and invincible.

The Europeans are trembling. Six years ago, the Ottoman Turkish cavalry had just severely damaged the Holy Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire and the French coalition in Bulgaria. It was recognized as the best army in Europe at that time, but Timur defeated it in one day. Killed the whole army.

Africans are also panicking. A century ago, the Egyptian Mamluk cavalry wiped out the then invincible Mongolian Expeditionary Army in Palestine, but Timur beat it twice within a year.

Genghis Khan and his descendants established the Yuan Dynasty and the four great Khanates of the Great Mongol Empire. Long before Timur, the Wokuotai Khanate was divided and destroyed by the other four countries. Now there are three more (Chagatai, Il , Jinzhang) surrendered to Timur, and the remaining Yuan Empire had already collapsed on its own, leaving only some unaffiliated tribes fighting each other on the Mongolian plateau.

Since the beginning of the world, there has never been such a powerful armed force as Timur in the universe.No matter whether this Turkic cripple pretending to be a descendant of Genghis Khan marches to Europe or Africa, he will be invincible, and he will have no disadvantages!

Everyone is going to die!All the monarchs are doing the most devout prayers to their God and Allah, but they still hopelessly believe that they will soon return to the kingdom of heaven under Timur's butcher knife.



The prayer took effect, the Almighty God appeared, and the cripple who was more terrifying than Satan suddenly retreated.

The terrible Timur the Great suddenly gathered his army and returned to his magnificent capital Samarkand, leaving behind a group of terrified Western monarchs, trembling to restore their dilapidated country.

Because Emperor Timur is no longer interested in them, he has a new goal of conquest, he is going to the east, he wants to conquer the Ming Empire!

When he sent Aldusa and Gaisuyeddin to Ming Dynasty, the emperor of the Central Plains had already become Zhu Yunqi. In Timur's view, Zhu Di only occupied a corner of Beijing to fight against the whole of China, and there was no hope of victory at all. At that time, he didn't care about the so-called rebellion of the vassal king named Zhu Di.But when his envoys arrived in China, the emperor of China had changed from Zhu Yunqi to Zhu Di.

When his mission rushed back and reported the news to him, Timur was taken aback. Only then did he realize that he might meet a strong opponent!

Zhu Di had just ascended the throne, and he won the world as an anti-king. At this time, his political situation is bound to be unstable, and the people's hearts are bound to be uncertain. This is the best opportunity to attack, so Tie Mu'er gave up those vulnerable positions. Opponents, quickly assemble the army.This is the ultimate goal he has always regarded. He wants to go to China, conquer China first, and then conquer Mongolia. Only in this way can he become the Great Khan of Mongolia and replace Genghis Khan!

To this end, he has been preparing for many years. He has conducted reconnaissance in northern, central and western China for more than ten years and collected a lot of information. It has already entered Mongolian Stein (western Xinjiang), captured Khotan, and advanced to the middle reaches of the Tarim River.

It's time, he has launched countless holy wars, this time, he will launch "Chinese holy war!"

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