Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 760 He's Coming!I am coming!

Going back and forth, Xia Xun has already arrived in Dunhuang after a long journey.

In terms of geographical location, Jiayuguan is indeed very dangerous. It is adjacent to Jiayu Mountain in the north, with dangerous rocks and strange rocks, which is unattainable. The water flow at the bottom of the valley is turbulent, and the two sides of the river are cut by knives and axes. Only birds can pass through.Further south, there is the Qilian Mountains that are frozen in ice and snow.From the foot of Jiayu Mountain to the Chaolai River Valley, it is only about ten miles away, which is the narrowest part of the west end of the corridor. As long as this place is strangled, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. It is the key to the west of the Hexi Corridor. If you keep this pass, you can basically be guaranteed inside the pass.

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The Ming court's strategy to deal with Timur this time was to use Jiayuguan as the first forward fortress. However, placing the focus of the economic strategy here meant that the control over its outer territories was drastically weakened.On the 600-mile long line of defense from Jiayuguan to Hami, there are only seven military defenses, including Chijin, Handong, Shazhou, and Hami. Each guard has only [-] people. Guards, and the seven guards outside the pass are all commanded by the attached Mongols, and most of their soldiers are Mongols.

Among the seven guards, the Hami Guard is the most important. It is located in a prominent position on the western front line.The other two important guards, Handongwei and Shazhouwei, were both located in Dunhuang. They served as a bridge connecting the frontier court with the Ming Dynasty’s interior. , the western defense line of the Ming Dynasty could not exist.

Historically, because of the poor management of Hami, Dunhuang and other places, the seven guards outside the customs struggled for power and internal strife, and the Turpan Kingdom established by the Uighur nobles at the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains continued to invade eastward, and the world's navigation industry was also gradually developed at this time. In a nutshell, the channels for trade exchanges and envoys between the East and the West are gradually moving from the land to the sea. The speed of the huge boats that shuttle back and forth between the various oceans, and the number of people and goods they carry are far better than a camel. , the land transportation and frontier defense in the Western Regions have gradually lost their original pivotal significance.

Therefore, in the 11th year of Zhengde, Dunhuang was occupied by Turpan, and in the third year of Jiajing, the Ming Dynasty closed Jiayuguan, moved the people of Kansai to the pass, and abandoned the two prefectures of Guasha and Dunhuang. Thousands of miles away, the moon shines on the quicksand, the deserted land of another day".

Xia Xun insisted on the west tour, with three purposes. The first is of course for the urgent task. This trip to Xuanfu Western Regions, if you can win one more, it is one. With double the help, the account is worth it.

The second is to take the opportunity to learn about the Western Regions.The wind knows the strength of the grass, the more it is at such a dangerous juncture, the more it is possible to understand the direction of the people and understand the strengths and weaknesses of all parties. If the strategy is proper, unfavorable things can also produce favorable results. The most difficult thing about destroying the old and establishing the new is that the old and the new are mixed. It is difficult to abandon, and it is also difficult to establish. War is a cruel method, but it is precisely the best method to destroy and then establish. If you use it well, you can use war to destroy all pots and pans, and then use the Ming court as the leader to establish new forces here. . [Baidu Jinyi Night Journey Posts Huangmen Neipin provides text first release]

The third is that Xia Xun has always had doubts about whether this Timur can reach the Western Regions safely.Timur is a strong opponent, so he didn't dare to use his so-called "prophetic ability" to say a word to the emperor to despise the defense of the Western Regions, otherwise if there is negligence in defense, Timur will actually come After all, he is the chief culprit of countless people who have been tormented by the flames of war outside the customs. Once Timur's jihad is successful, he will be the sinner of the nation.

But logically speaking, even if there is one more person in the Central Plains who does not belong to this era, it is absolutely impossible to affect Timur's life, old age, sickness and death. If this is the case, Timur should still die of a sudden illness.He tried his best to go west, and the last stop was in Hami, hoping to be at the forefront and be able to grasp Timur's movements as soon as possible.

This is indeed a bit risky, but it is a helpless move, because it is unrealistic to expect his Qianlong to conquer the world. Although it has been seven or eight years of development, Qianlong has matured day by day, but asking them to go deep into the Western Regions to perform missions is the biggest The biggest obstacle is the problem of language and race.

The Silk Road is no different than other places. The power here is weak, and merchants who have not developed for many years cannot survive. A group of foreign Han people who do not understand the language of the Western Regions are conspicuous enough even if they pretend to be merchants. If they are asked to inquire about important military information, Its difficulty can be imagined.To inquire about intelligence in the Western Regions, you still have to rely on local talents.

Whether the information is accurate or not is related to the fate of the country, and whether it is timely or not is related to a large amount of wealth. One must know that the daily cost of hundreds of thousands of troops mobilized and stationed in the fortress is an astonishing sum. The more accurate his time is , the burden on the country will be smaller.

On his westbound pass, his first stop: Dunhuang, finally arrived.

Handong Wei commanded Suonan and Commander Tong Zhita to attack, and Shazhou Guard commanded Kun Ji and Mai Jia to greet him outside Dunhuang City.

Handong Guard, whose guard site is at Nanhu, is in charge of the first-line defense from Yangguan to Subei. This is also a pair of Yuan army generals, and they are two brothers. In fact, they are the leaders of two tribes, one is the Handong Mongolian tribe, and the other is the Shazhou Mongolian tribe.

Wealthy businessmen from Dunhuang also waited under the high-rise colorful sheds, among them were Mandu Latu, a giant merchant on the sandbar, who was Yingzhan, and Shenglong, a Tupan nobleman at the foot of Nyainqentanglha Mountain.

The guard of honor for Duke Fu of the Ming Dynasty was getting closer and closer. Suonan and Kunji hurriedly adjusted their crowns and headed forward. Ying Zhan, Sheng Long and other wealthy businessmen from the Western Regions also followed closely behind with smiles on their faces. Their heads, they would never have imagined that the upcoming Duke would have anything to do with the woman they love.

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A chariot was marching in the vast white snow. Two rows of fierce warriors wore sharp curved horses around their waists and held sharp spears to protect him tightly. A big fat man kept taking off his hat to wipe his sweat because of his difficulty in walking.

He is Gaius, originally an eunuch in the court of the Eastern Roman Empire. When Timur's army swept across the Eurasian continent, he brought back a group of eunuchs, including him, and now he is Timur's close servant.

Today is the day they stayed on the banks of the Syr Darya. For fifty days, the soldiers suffered a lot. Some soldiers who did not protect themselves well were frostbitten, but generally speaking, the army's combat strength remained relatively Completely, although it is difficult to go out in winter, for them, it is far more comfortable than enduring the sweltering summer in the Tarim Basin.

Timur learned that there was a nearby cemetery of a saint who went to the Western Regions to preach the Holy Religion, so he went to pay homage today, and he just came back at this moment.As soon as he returned to the camp, General Gaisuyeddin rushed over excitedly to report: "Khan, the Syr Darya is completely frozen. Even if we drive countless cattle and sheep on it at the same time, it will not be broken. We can continue Marching in!"

Tie Mu'er was overjoyed and said happily: "I just came back from worshiping the saint and heard such good news, hehe, could it be that the spirit of the saint in the sky is protecting us?"

He took two steps on the soft Persian carpet, and said happily: "Bring the astrologer Bonatti here, and I will ask him to divination about our future."

"Obey, my sweat!"

Gesuyeddin respectfully agreed and withdrew.

Not long after, a pale and haggard old man wearing a black robe slowly walked into the huge palace-like yurt of Timber, stood in the middle of the carpet, and saluted the great Khan respectfully. The sleeves of the robe unfolded with his movements, and a pattern of violet hexagrams was exposed on the edge of the sleeves. Behind him were two disciples, holding precious crystal balls and other instruments.

Timur said happily: "Oh, Master Bonatti, you have finally arrived. The Syr Darya River has frozen, and I am going to cross the river immediately. I hope you can divination the next fortune for me. I am suddenly very interested in this." interest!"

A smile appeared on Bonatti's withered old face, and he said: "Your Majesty, those who walk in an unknown destiny are fearless. When you see everything in the future, you may lose interest in moving forward!"

Timur laughed loudly: "No, no, dear master Bonatti, I have been fearless all my life, just like the sword on my waist, my warrior, as fearless as I am, will not be afraid because the future is dark Or light and change. Seeing my goal clearly doesn't change my path, I just...suddenly get really interested!"

Bonatti smiled slightly, bowed and said, "Then..., as you wish, Your Majesty!"

He stepped forward and sat down at a table. A disciple immediately put the huge crystal ball he was holding on the table, and lifted the velvet black silk scarf on it. Leaning against the crystal ball, muttering in the air, the pair of deep eyes on the pale face were full of vicissitudes, staring closely at the crystal ball in front of him, as if he wanted to pierce his eyes deeply.

It was quiet in the tent, everyone held their breath, even Emperor Timur was sitting there, waiting quietly, and Yuer's horse neighed in the distance.

After a long time, Bonatti moved his hands away from the crystal ball, and with a strange expression on his face, he glanced at Tie Mu'er, but did not speak.

Timur couldn't help asking: "What did you see?"

Bonatti's old face was expressionless, and he only said in a low dreamy voice: "Your Majesty, I have seen an unpredictable future!"

Timur's expression tightened, and he leaned forward and said, "When you see it, it should no longer be an unpredictable future. Can you tell me what you saw?"

Bonatti blinked his eyes, he was staring at Timur, but his gaze seemed to pass through Timur's body, and was projecting into an empty space, and he murmured in a blank tone: " Water and fire are incompatible, but Mars and Mercury are surprisingly connected. The positions of Taurus, Gemini, and Pisces have all changed. The gate of Pluto's palace suddenly opened, and the messenger of Pluto, carrying a huge sickle, is coming out of nothingness. Come...!"

Bonatti murmured twice in his throat, his eyes suddenly opened wide, staring forward without focus, and his tone suddenly became extremely frightening: "He's coming! He's coming!"

Timur couldn't understand Bonatti's words, and couldn't help asking: "Dear Master Bonatti, can you explain to me more clearly?"

Bonatti still had the same expression, and said in the tone of reciting poems: "It is the autumn of life and death that attracts people's attention, and there are amazing symptoms in the sky, and the clouds are stained with bloody red. The messenger put on his battle robe, shouldered his huge scythe, and cast the shadow of death on the sky...

He shouldn't have appeared in this world, but he came with his servants, one who shouldn't be him, Gemini driving a chariot for him in front, Pisces serving diligently behind, his left It is a woman who is not a woman, and his right side is a daughter who is not a daughter. What a strange combination. They should not have appeared here, but because of God of Destiny's mistake, they appeared in the right place by mistake.

A great king, he looks down on the world and is invincible, but in front of the messenger of the god of the underworld, he is willing to bow his head and kill him!Yes, he is the messenger of the god of the underworld, and only the god of the underworld can invite the greatest king to visit his shrine when he should not leave!This is an irresistible fate, so his enemies in the world, who should have feared him and hated him, helped him; enemies who could have killed him, were willing to be used by him..."

Timur still couldn't understand what he said, but he felt that it seemed to be a prophecy that was not good for him. His face was very ugly, and he couldn't help calling: "Master Bonatti? Master Bonatti!"

Bonatti didn't hear it, but his voice suddenly became high and sharp, and his body was trembling violently: "He's coming! He's coming! Go back to Samarkand, go back to Samarkand, only the strong palace, that time Only the place where the light of the glory of the gods is sprinkled can receive the protection of the gods!"

Timur stood up abruptly, Bonatti, the master of astrology, was shocked suddenly, and suddenly woke up, and the focus fell on Timur again.

Because of the fear caused by the unpredictable prophecy, the beautiful maidservants and many eunuchs in the tent all prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling in horror, and Tie Muer said with a livid face: "Master Bonatti, could it be you What you see is very bad for me?"

Bonatti's old skinny face returned to his old and unwavering appearance: "Your Majesty, the road ahead is full of layers of fog. If God wants to tell you something through me, then I have already told you everything I know. I report to you, and now I know no more than you!"

With a sullen face, Tie Mu'er dragged his broken leg, walked two steps slowly in the tent, stood still, with a trace of ghastly ferocity on his face: "He's here, so who is he? I'm here , I am Tie Mu'er! I am the king of the world! I am the messenger of the god of the underworld walking in the world, never afraid, never invincible! Come! Come! Let us have a showdown!"

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