Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 766 Volunteer

Xilin and Rangna were going around to help Xia Xun change her clothes. Liu Yujue walked in. When Xia Xun saw it, he nodded to Xilin and Rangna. The two women understood and quickly retreated. Xun then asked Liu Yujue, "How is it? What have you learned?"

Xia Xun's attire at the moment is a Western Region-style Muslim attire. Although he hasn't finished dressing up yet, he already has a bit of taste. I'm used to seeing him wearing black gauze and official uniform. Liu Yujue found his appearance very interesting. He looked at Xia Xun intently, and said with a smile, "My lord, if you wear a long beard and dye it white, you will become a highly respected imam."

Accompanied by generals such as Suonan and Kunji, Xia Xun inspected Dunhuang's defense these days.Due to the characteristics of the unity of the military and the people in Dunhuang, it is inevitable to deal with many powerful families, and these wealthy families have a very close relationship with Islam, or they themselves hold important positions in the mosque. Therefore, Xia Xun and the Western Regions The first major religion, Moslemism, also had very close contact.

A few days ago, Xia Xun visited the largest mosque in the area accompanied by Shazhou political leaders. This mosque also manages the religious affairs of all mosques in Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Hami, Biesha Bali, etc. It is the largest mosque in the Western Regions. Pope.

The great elder in the temple is a very talkative elder. When he accompanied Xia Xun, he casually talked to him about the experience of the introduction of Moslemism to the Central Plains and the origin of the name of Islam. He said that in the second year of Tang Yonghui, Caliph Osman ordered Said When Wan Gesi went to China as an envoy, Tang Gaozong asked him: "What is the name of your religion?" Wan Gesi replied: "Islam".This Islam is Arabic and means submission.People who obey the will of Allah are submissives, and Muslim is a collective name for Islamic people, and it is also an Arabic transliteration.Emperor Gaozong of Tang said: "Our people don't understand this, please speak Chinese." Wan Gesi replied: "Islam. "

When Xia Xun heard this, he asked the elder what Huihui meant. The elder laughed when he heard it, because Tang Gaozong also asked the same question at that time, and the elder replied in Wan Gesi's mouth: "Two words for Hui, and a big mouth for compliance with religious regulations and national laws. Keep the rural folk customs with a small mouth. Don’t eat unjust wealth with a big mouth, and don’t say useless words with a small mouth. Talk about astronomy and geography with a big mouth, and maintain morality and human relations with a small mouth. Family morals and human relations. I would like to take these five principles as the reason for the reply."

Xia Xun praised him solemnly after hearing this, and the elder said again: "Gaozong asked again: 'What is the relationship between the country and the religion? Heresy spreads, deceitful words, fan wind blows the public, people's hearts are in turmoil, and the world is swaying. Therefore, the true king should support the orthodox religion to eliminate the heresy, the country is upright and the world is peaceful." Gaozong said happily.

After these conversations, Xia Xun seemed to be deeply moved, as if he had been inspired by something, and suddenly had the idea of ​​joining the religion. He mentioned it to the elder, and the elder was overjoyed. Working hard to teach, naturally hope that everyone in the world will join the sect. If such a powerful person from Ming Dynasty converts to the sect, it will be a great merit to him personally, and it will also be of great benefit to them in preaching.

Therefore, the Great Elder immediately agreed, and immediately issued an edict, informing the main priests of various monasteries in various places that anyone who had time would rush to Dunhuang immediately to participate in the grand entrance ceremony of Fu Guogong, and today is the day Xia Xun enrolls.

Xia Xun listened to Liu Yujue's words and said with a smile: "Imam, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it, but since I have joined the religion, I believe the elders will give me a commensurate identity. I am a dignified Duke of the Ming Dynasty, so I can't be treated as an ordinary believer." of!"

Liu Yujue asked curiously, "Did the Duke sincerely join the religion?"

Xia Xun pondered for a while, and said solemnly: "The teachings of true religions all lead people to be good. After Islam spread to Middle-earth, the teachings and teachings of various religions have more or less changed, but its other This creed has not changed. What is said in the Shahadah is indeed the truth that leads people to be good. My good friend Zheng He is also a devout Muslim. I learned a little about Islam from him before. Basically, I agree with the teachings, and since I joined the religion, I must of course abide by the rules. Of course, I do not deny that I do have some other considerations when I join the religion at this time."

Xia Xun called Liu Yujue to sit down, and sighed softly: "In the Yuan Dynasty, the Hui people were all over the world. Now the Hui people may not be all over the world, but here, they are the absolute masters. It has been more than 40 years since Dunhuang returned to Ming Dynasty, but the court has always been here. There are not many achievements. Of course, there are many reasons for this, but the imperial court's control over the Western Regions is far less than that of the Yuan Dynasty. This is a fact.

The reason is that we Han people have different beliefs from the people in the Western Regions. No matter what we do, there is always a layer of separation. When we do things, we will inevitably be hindered everywhere. This is an important reason.Why didn't they have much resistance and fear to Timur's Eastern Expedition?Do they know Timur?Have they come into contact with Timur?None, [Baidu Jinyi Night Walk posted Huangmen internal products provided without error

Just because Timur has an advantage over us.

In order to manage the Western Regions, we must not only increase the number of Han people here, but also unite the Hui people here, and the best way to unite the Hui people is to become brothers with them and gain their trust.Just look at the White Lotus Sect to see how powerful religion is. For legitimate religions, suppression is useless, and guidance should be the top priority!Since ancient times, the methods used to govern the frontiers have been to use force with force, to benefit from the same, and to transform it into literature. This is not a means of assimilation. Of course, do as the Romans do, in our place, the separation of church and state is a must. "

Liu Yujue nodded thoughtfully.Xia Xun asked with a smile: "Okay, tell me, what news have you heard?"

Liu Yujue calmed down and replied: "My lord, the Shazhou is a place that connects things, whether it is the Han people in the east, or the merchants of Persia and Dashi, or even the Tatars in the east, the Wala people in the west, and the people in the south. Turpan people from all over the world will often appear here, and some of them will inevitably act as spies. The frequent contacts also make the Shazhou dignitaries maintain relatively close ties with various forces. The situation is indeed very complicated.

Our people do not have natives from the Western Regions. Once we talk to them, we can be seen as Han people from the Central Plains. This is the main reason why it is difficult to inquire about the news. Fortunately, the information provided by Sirin and Miss Rangna can make people feel better. We carried out targeted monitoring and understanding, and in this way, we have roughly mastered some things.

Now I have found out that there are a few wealthy families that have too frequent contact with the forces of Oirat and Mengustan, which is very suspicious. At least... I am [-]% sure that even if they are not the spy of the other party, they have a relationship with the other party fairly close partnership.Look, Duke, should we use strong measures to control them first? "

Xia Xun shook his head and said: "No, no, no, keep staring, knowing all their movements, it will be of great use, but it is not convenient to move them now. I can only stay here for about [-] days, wait until the weather When it gets warmer, I have to continue westward to meet the King Hami who just took office, and before that, I will clean up Dunhuang thoroughly!"


Liu Yujue immediately bowed and agreed without any hesitation.

He has unconditional trust in Xia Xun. No matter what arrangement Xia Xun makes, the only thing he has to do is to work hard to implement it.

Ask the world, what is love, and teach life and death.

The word love is sometimes really unreasonable.

"I testify that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

In the mosque, Xia Xun solemnly recited this oath following the voice of the Great Elder.Accepting this testimony, and reciting it in public, is an official Muslim.There are no statues or portraits of gods and Buddhas in mosques. Islam opposes idol worship, so the inside is very clean and simple, and the rituals are relatively simpler than other religions.

Halal is a name that became popular in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. In the past, it was called Tianfangjiao, Dashijiao, and Islam. Now the most popular name is Islam. Therefore, this temple is now called a mosque, not a mosque.

Although the initiation ceremony is solemn, it is extremely simple. There are only a large number of Muslim elders who have rushed to observe the ceremony from all over the world, which shows that today's believers have different identities from ordinary believers.After becoming a Christian, he became a Muslim. The Great Elder of Dunhuang convened a meeting of all the elders, and publicly recommended Yang Xu, a devout Muslim, as the Imam.

Islam forbids practice and forbids the behavior of getting something for nothing, giving up the support of parents and family members, and giving up the instinctive obligations of being a human being. It requires young men and women with financial ability and healthy body and mind to marry normally at the right age. To work hard to earn subsistence income and live.

Therefore, it does not have a full-time religious position, and each elder has his own family and occupation, and the imam also belongs to a part-time position.Imams have different interpretations of their powers and obligations in different regions and eras.Here, the meaning of imam is leader, teacher, and enforcer, whose legal judgment is regarded as the embodiment of the uneasy will of Allah.

However, since Dunhuang is a place where church and state are separated, the imam is only a volunteer who assists the imam and uses his status and qualifications to mediate disputes among ordinary people.However, Xia Xun has a special status. He is a dignitary in the political arena, and now he holds the position of imam. When he travels back to the Western Regions, who can question his words, deeds, and actions? , who would object?

I am afraid that devout believers will only support and support the Messenger of Allah infinitely.

The Duke of the Ming Dynasty became a Muslim believer. This was a major event that caused a sensation in the entire Western Regions. When Xia Xun walked out of the gate of the mosque surrounded by the imam, the third head teacher, many elders, Suonan, Kunji and other religious dignitaries, there was A large number of believers had already gathered in the square, and they came just to pay their respects to the face of this religious brother.

Xia Xun stood in front of the main gate with a character-shaped structure. Behind him was a row of high steps. Above the steps was a worship hall arched by eight pure white columns. Moon ornaments.Today the sky is blue with white clouds, pure and bright light sprinkled on his white robe, bathing his whole body in the ruddy light, like a saint.

The devotees cheered and waved warmly to their Imam.

Xia Xun smiled and waved to them in a friendly manner, her white teeth gleaming in the sun.

Looking up from the bottom, behind Xia Xun's shoulders is the crescent moon ornament on the dome of the mosque. It looks like the smiling eyebrows of a beautiful woman, and also looks like a sharp sickle! ! .

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