Harry was about to catch up with a cunning sand fox, but was called back.He hurried back angrily, and the messenger of Marshal Shahru of the Left Army immediately went up to meet him, took out a letter and presented it with both hands, and said, "Your Highness, this is a letter from His Highness Shahru!"

Harry glanced at it and saw that Xia Xun had circled his horse and hid seven or eight feet away, chatting with Sirin and Jeanne, so he tore open the letter and took out the letter to read.All he paid attention to was Xia Xun, but he ignored a character he had always ignored..." Dumb.

Just like what he said to Tuoba Mingde, sometimes, no one can find out the secrets that they try to hide, but they will be hidden by a guard sleeping in a corner, a cook who is cooking with a big spoon. Know.

After reading the letter, Harry took a long breath, slowly folded the letter and put it in his arms, and said with a faint smile to the messenger: "Please reply to my uncle, just say that I already know, the war opportunities change rapidly, uncle has not I haven't arrived at the scheduled location yet, and I don't understand the situation ahead. What I heard and heard is not reliable, I have a measure, and I know what to do!"

The knight immediately gave him a military salute, turned his horse's head, and led the two guards away.

When they walked away, Harry's calm face suddenly turned red, and he shouted angrily, "Bastard!"

Omi is very familiar with his character. Seeing that he put away the letter very calmly and responded very calmly, she knew that her sweetheart was suppressing his anger and had already rushed to her side. Harry had just had a seizure, and she approached him. , immediately hugged Harry, and comforted softly: "Honey, please don't be so angry!"

Harry was trembling with anger, and said furiously: "Omi, do you know what he said in the letter? This despicable, shameless bastard! This insidious, dirty politician! He made excuses that the road is difficult, so far he has never rushed When I arrived at the scheduled location, I was accused of standing still and not dispatching troops immediately, telling the Ming army to take precautions in advance!"

Omi comforted: "My Harry, don't be so angry. The soldiers and horses are in your hands. Whether you fight or not depends on you. Why bother with him, there is no need to be so angry."

Harry sneered and said: "Omi, you are so naive, you don't know my uncle at all, before he accused me, he must have sent someone to Khan to slander him first!"

Harry clenched his horsewhip tightly, and said with a sneer, "Let me take the lead, and damage my troops! If I win, I will be enraged by the prince's family and accuse me of going deep into the business alone, without permission; if I lose, he will go in again." Slander, saying that I am not effective in fighting, maybe I will confuse Khan, and bring my soldiers and horses under his command, so that he can command them in a unified way! This treacherous old fox!"

Omi couldn't help worrying after hearing this: "Harry, what should I do?"

Harry rolled his eyes slightly, and said, "Go back first. The key to the problem is still with Khan. I'll figure out a solution after I go back!"

After this incident, Harry didn't want to continue hunting anymore. He and Xia Xun rushed back. After returning to Argus's hotel, Harry personally picked out a goose-throated antelope and two sand chickens and gave them to Xia Xun to taste the game. He said goodbye and hurried back to his residence.

Xia Xun hurried back to his residence, and asked Ah-Dai what had happened. Ah-Dai told Xia Xun what he had heard, and said in amazement: "It turns out that this Harry Guangsheng is also a general of the Timur Empire. I really thought he was a businessman."

Xia Xun warned: "You have to be strict with your mouth. If you leak something, you might bring yourself to death!"

Dumb was taken aback, and Wei Wei said yes.

Xia Xun frowned again and said, "It sounds like there is no business opportunity to take advantage of. But if Khan Tiemu'er really orders to send troops immediately, it will affect our return journey."

Dumb said: "I don't know when the master will return to the sandbar?"

Xia Xun said: "It will take ten days at the earliest. According to our agreement, each caravan will purchase the required goods separately, and then gather here. It will be ten days later. If some caravans are delayed, they can delay for another three days." God, I won't wait any longer."

Dumb made some calculations, then heaved a sigh of relief: "According to this, it is still in time, this Harry...General seems to not want to be used by others, wait for him to write a letter and post Mu'er Khan to defend himself, and then receive the order , it will take more than ten days."

Xia Xun said: "Not bad! But we have to buy our things quickly. Tomorrow, you will take me to buy jade and magnesium iron!"

Duan quickly agreed, Xia Xun took out three gold coins and gave them to him, and Duan withdrew gratefully.

As soon as Ah-Dai left, Xia Xun sat at the table with his chin in his hands and began to meditate. Sirin and Jeanna didn't dare to disturb them when they saw this, but quietly sat down next to the bed.

What Xia Xun was thinking about was whether he could use this to make a fuss.

It seems that there are not only contradictions within the Timur Empire, but the contradictions have clearly intensified to the extreme, if they can be used..." Xia Xun didn't expect to make the Timur Empire fight with one thing, but as long as they If the soft shield between is more intense, this kind of hidden consumption will increase exponentially, which will definitely benefit Daming.

He contacted the sandbank dignitaries and religious figures, and took the risk of going to Hami. All of this was actually for one purpose: to increase Ming's chances of winning.If the war enters a stalemate stage, or if it is evenly matched, then even a weak force you can win can play a decisive role at this time.

At the same time, there must be sacrifices and animal husbandry in war. Of course, inevitable sacrifices need to be made, but leaders should avoid sacrifices that can be avoided through command or winning over intermediate forces.All that Xia Xun did was actually fighting for this goal, for Daming's victory, and for Daming's people to reduce casualties!

He could have stayed in this hotel peacefully until the caravan returned, ending the trip to the enemy camp without any risk, but now there is such an opportunity in front of him, he can use it well to increase his own chances of winning, The lives of thousands of soldiers who should have been sacrificed can be saved. Should he do it?

As soon as they are successful, they are living lives with ordinary families behind them. You can get more help to avoid heavy casualties of soldiers, but if you don’t do it, then you and the executioner who killed them with your own hands What's the difference?

But after thinking about it for a long time, there was nothing he could do.With his current status, and with only ten days remaining, it is impossible for him to play a role in this matter, and become a catalyst for conflicts among the major forces within the Timur Empire.

But he couldn't take advantage of such a great opportunity, and he was really unwilling.

Xia Xun frowned, pondered over and over again, devised one plan after another in his heart, and denied it again and again after repeated scrutiny. Finally, he finally found out that none of the plans could be used.

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked lightly twice, and then pushed lightly. Xia Xun turned his head to see that Tang Sai'er's little head poked in.Seeing Xia Xun sitting at the table, Tang Sai'er ran in joyfully, holding two chicken feathers in his hand, and said with a smile, "Did my godfather bring that pheasant back? What a beautiful tail, why?" Next time Dad goes hunting, Sai'er will go with him!"

When Xia Xun saw her, his eyes lit up, he quickly grabbed her waist, hugged her onto his lap, and asked, "Sai'er, come, tell godfather a story."

Sai'er laughed in surprise: "Godfather wants to listen to Sai'er tell stories?"

Xia Xun nodded and said, "Yes! Let me tell you the story of playing tricks on those two 'vicious dogs' with Granny Qiu in Puhe County."

When Xia Xun asked about this before, he used the "vicious dog" instead. Sai'er understood that he was referring to himself and the patriarch's mother-in-law pretending to be gods and playing ghosts, and knocking out the two guards. Already know?"

Xia Xun said: "I want to listen to it again, this time, please explain in detail.


It was rare for me to be able to tell my godfather a story. Sai'er cheered up and told the story in detail again. Xia Xun listened attentively. After a long while, he suddenly straightened his body and looked at Sai'er with burning eyes.

Tang Sai'er felt uncomfortable from his strange gaze, and shrank slightly, "Godfather, what's wrong with you?"

Xia Xun smiled eagerly, "Well, very good, very good, Sai'er, do you like watching theater?"

Tang Sai'er said happily: "I like it, does godfather want to take me to the theater?"

Xia Xun smiled and said, "Occasionally I will go too. Sirin, let me..."

Xia Xun called Xi Lin and Rang Na, who were sitting obediently by the bed, to him, and whispered, "Tomorrow, I will ask Dui to find another local guide. Chen Dong and Ye An will protect you and go shopping every day." There are temples all over the place, listen to some stories about gods and monsters, there are also some dramas in this city, no matter if it is a street drama or you need to pay for admission to watch, don’t miss them all, especially the gods and monsters dramas, some folk customs and legends..."

Xia Xun gave detailed instructions for a long time, and both Xilin and Rangna tried their best to remember that they didn't understand Xia Xun's weird order, but their good point was: as long as the master ordered so, then do it seriously, Don't ask him why.

The next day, according to Xia Xun's instructions, Ah-Dai found another local expert for him. Chen Dong and Ye An, who had recovered from their injuries, guarded the three women, and followed the guide to start a tour around the city of Tarbugul. trip.And Xia Xun and Liu Yujue were led by Dumb to buy carved iron and jade.Argus had already paid Xia Xun the money, and he had exchanged most of the money for iron and fine gems and jade.

Since these products are mature products with huge sales volume and a strong market in the city, Xia Xun's purchases went very smoothly. In just three days, he purchased all the goods that needed to be brought back to Shazhou.Harry seems to be busy with political matters these days, so he didn't ask him out again.After purchasing all the goods, Xia Xun went to the theater with Xi Lin, Rang Na, and Tang Sai'er.

In this deformed city, there are all kinds of dramas, including street sideshows and circuses, as well as operas and dramas that can only be performed in grand theaters. After some understanding, Xia Xun chose to watch almost all of them. Zhu Di will be very happy if he sees ghost dramas now, because Zhu Di, who likes to watch ghost dramas, finally has a movie fan friend, and the two have a common language.

What they watched today was a ghost show, which was created based on an Arabian ghost story. The style is very similar to the Arabian story collection "One Thousand and One Nights". When I returned, I still communicated with Ah-Dai: "It's really exciting, oh, by the way, I heard that the Timur Empire uses Turkic as the official language, and the people still use Persian. When you say "This will is irresistible" use How do you speak Turkic and Persian?"

Duan, who is a good teacher, immediately told him, Xia Xun repeated it several times, until the pronunciation and tone of the imitation were almost the same, then he smiled and said: "In the future, when doing business, you must deal with their people, and you must be able to speak some simple words." Okay, I will ask you a few words from time to time, and I hope you will give me your advice!"

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