Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 818 Double Happiness

Chazhan saluted Timur respectfully and said: "Masters Mahamu, Taiping, and Batu Polo, after discussing with the leaders of the Wara tribes, sent me here to inform Timur Khan. Our position is to stay out of the war between our army and Ming Dynasty, and we will not participate. If the Great Khan needs to go through Oirat, the supplies along the way can also be taken from our Oirat tribes on the spot!"

Timur was overjoyed, and asked happily: "King Shunning, King Xianyi, and King Anle were conferred by the Ming Dynasty. If you help me so much, aren't you afraid of Ming Dynasty's criticism?"

Cha Zhan said slyly: "The Great Khan has a strong army and horses, and it is not I, Wala, who can fight against it. Once the Great Khan's army arrives, we will naturally retreat. Some tribes who have no time to evacuate are forced to provide various materials to the Great Khan because of the situation. , what can Daming do?"

Timur laughed out loud.

Cha Zhan said again: "We hope that after the success of the Great Khan, we can reciprocate and take care of the tribes of Oara..."

Timur smiled and said: "There is absolutely no problem with this. We are all descendants of Genghis Khan from the same family. I once said that I am not a descendant of the Golden Family. Don't stand up and fight. After a hundred years, this old man will be entrusted to the Golden Family with both hands, so why would I want to fight Wala's idea?"

Chazhan said: "The Great Khan is a great king, so he promises a lot of money, but he needs to persuade the Wara tribes to dispel their doubts, so... this is a joint writing by Lord Mahamu, Taiping, and Tupoluo. A letter to the Great Khan, we hope, will result in a formal promise from the Great Khan in reply,"

"no problem!"

Timur smiled and said: "I have sent envoys to Oala, and I am still on the way. I didn't expect you to come. Don't worry, I will give a kind reply when I read the letters from the three adults... ..."

Timur took the letter from Chazhan, but he sneered secretly in his heart: "The descendants of Genghis Khan are really in decline. Either you stand on the side of Daming, or submit to me early, but now you are sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger." The idea of ​​fighting, trying to take advantage of both sides. If Da Ming is not the greatest enemy in my life, it is not appropriate to be troublesome right now, I will send troops first, and destroy you soft bones that humiliate your ancestors first!"

Wala agreed to excuse that this was great news for Timur. Although he was strong and invincible, he seemed to be ignored by no one, but after so many years of secret agents collected various According to intelligence, he already has a considerable understanding of Daming's strength, and regards Daming as the number one enemy he wants to conquer in his life. At this time, he does not want any third-party forces to intervene.

Oirat is said to be small, it also depends on who it is compared with. Compared with the Ming Dynasty and the Timur Empire, Oirat’s power is naturally small, but only Oirat is stronger than many Western powers. If they have ulterior motives, Timur You have to keep an army for defense. His left army might be a deterrent to Wala. Now that Wala has publicly stated his neutrality, he can invest more troops in a decisive battle with Ming Dynasty, and the odds of winning will be further expanded. .

That night, Timur summoned several important ministers, conveyed the good news to them, and invited Oala envoy Chazhan to attend the meeting. Arak shochu, the 70-year-old man is like a young man. When he is in the mood, he will sing and dance with his many concubines.

In this life, he has established brilliant achievements. The Mabruk Dynasty of Egypt, which once defeated the Western Expeditionary Army of the Mongolian Empire, was ruthlessly hit by him because he refused to form an alliance. The territory of Syria was occupied and the famous city of Damascus was burned.As for the already fragmented and weakened Delhi Sultanate of India, it was not a problem, and he wiped it out effortlessly.

In the process of establishing his empire, none of the powerful empires could meet his edge. After more than 30 years of conquest wars, he established a capital of Samarkand, with a territory from Delhi to Damascus, from the Aral Sea to the Persian Gulf. big empire.From the Hindu Kush Mountains to the Mediterranean Sea, from northern India to Syria, from the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains to the southern Russian grasslands, his soldiers were invincible, with corpses piled up into mountains and human heads built into towers.

But even though he is in Central and Western Asia, and he is powerful in the European continent, even a considerable part of the Mongolians are unwilling to submit to him.He has great ambitions, he has always wanted to surpass Genghis Khan and become the greatest king of all time, but if he wants to establish an unworldly feat beyond Genghis Khan, he must defeat Ming, which is the strongest empire in the East and the most powerful empire in the entire world. A strong empire, once upon a time, he was also a courtier who paid tribute to Ming Dynasty.

But now, Oala's attitude will make his journey to conquer Daming smoother. With his powerful armament, as long as he conquers Daming and then eliminates the orthodox Tatars who regard the Golden Family, he is a well-deserved king of the world.Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in the Central Plains, Huahua World, lost to the hands of the Golden Family, and now he is the one leading the Menggu people to fight back, who would dare to contend with him at that time?Which ancient man dares to admit convincingly that he is the heir to Genghis Khan's mantle?

Timur was very happy, drank a lot of wine during the banquet, and returned drunk.

Unexpectedly, early the next morning, Timur received another piece of good news that made him even happier. Tutuo Misi of the Golden Horde surrendered to him.

Tuotuo Misi is his adopted son, Timur hates and loves this adopted son, but even though this adopted son is always obedient to him, rebelling whenever he gets a chance, his love for this adopted son , but always more than his own son, now seeing this adopted son "repentant" and expressing to him that he wants to change his past, Timur is ecstatic.

Tutuo Misi is a descendant of Genghis Khan's eldest son Jochi. Tutuo Misi went to Samarkand and asked him for help to fight against his suzerain White Horn Khan Ulus. In contact with Timur, he quickly won Timur's favor and became his adopted son.Timur generously gave him two fiefs: Sagnac City and Erdaza.

Erda is the place where Timur is stationed at the moment. These two places are facing the grassland of the white tent Khan Ulus. Er sent troops to take it back for him.After Ulus died, Tutuo Misi borrowed a large army from Timur, killed Ulus' son, and ascended to the White Horde Khan position.

After Tutomi became the White Tent Khan, he sent troops to defeat the Golden Tent Khan Mamai. Since he was a descendant of Temujin’s eldest son Jochi, he was recognized as Khan by the ancients of the Golden Tent Meng. He lost all the territory that his ancestor Shuchi had enfeoffed back then.Ruled the vast territory from the lower reaches of the Syr Darya to Transnistria, from Segnak and Odak to Kiva [Kiev].

He invaded Rus, burned Moscow, sacked Vladimir, Yuli, Mozhaisk, and other Rus cities, defeated the Lithuanians who tried to intervene near Boltava; a series of victories went to his head, He is the true descendant of Genghis Khan. Compared with him, what is Timur, a Turkic nouveau riche who has neither prominent background nor clear legal title?

So, without declaring war, he raided Timur and nearly captured the unsuspecting king of Samarkand alive.From then on, he started an endless war against Timur.Nevertheless, Timur still regards this adopted son as his favorite son. Every time he defeats the lost army of Tutuo, he will pardon these soldiers, give them food and horses, and let them return to Tutuo On the side of mi**, he hoped that Tuotuo could recognize him as foster father again.

Now, this rebellious adoptive son finally woke up, and the elderly Timur was so moved that he almost shed tears.

Timur regarded Daming as the most powerful enemy in his life. During the expeditionary jihad, he ignored the attention to the Golden Horde.He didn't know that the news of Tuotuo Mi's loss of submission was concocted by someone with ulterior motives.In fact, Tutomi lost his Khan position at this time, and the original owner of the Golden Horde, Ulus Khan's grandson Khutrug, summoned the old ministry and was resisting Tutomi.

Another descendant of Jochi, Yidihu, also established an armed force to compete with Tutu Misi for the position of Khan. Under attack from two sides, he had deserted all his relatives and fled to Tyumen in Siberia, where he was constantly fleeing. At this time, several "his envoys" came to Timur's military camp to express his obedience to Timur.

Timur didn't know that these envoys were sent by his grandson Harry Sultan. In fact, because of all kinds of bizarre incidents that happened afterwards, no one has been investigating the origin of these envoys. In the end, it sank in the long river of history and became a There is a suspicion.

After research, experts and scholars of later generations believed that these envoys were sent by Khutrug, who had already controlled the Golden Horde at that time. Timur Khan, who was caring for him, learned the truth and sent troops to stop him at the critical moment when he regained control of the Golden Account, and the rescue was lost.

As everyone knows, Xia Xun is the mastermind behind all this, and it was Xia Xun who concocted this historical mystery.

Timur was very happy: Wala decided to give up the road, and watched his battle with Daming. His biggest threat and constraint in the Western Regions of Ming Dynasty had disappeared, and his chances of winning greatly increased; Bow down at his knees.

Timur was in high spirits, and the prophecy made by his astrological fortune-teller Bonati had long been thrown out of the sky by him. He felt that this series of good news was a good omen that he would eventually win the Great Ming Dynasty!

Excited, Timur rewarded the "envoys sent by the Golden Horde" and asked them to send their greetings to Tutuomi, willing to accept his adopted son again until the "envoys of the Golden Horde Khan" After leaving, Timur happily issued an order to his courtiers: "Three days later, we will march to Hami! I have decided to lift the ban on drinking today and hold a grand banquet to wish us victory!"

He looked around at the civil and military officials on the left and right, and said with a pleasant smile: "Use your drunkenness to repay my generosity! This will be a day of carnival!"

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