Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 820 Phoenix - Moth

The grand party has begun. In name, this is a carnival before the army goes out, but officials with a little bit of power already know the two great news of the surrender of Oara and the surrender of the Golden Horde.

The soldiers in the barracks were not allowed to leave, but they bought a lot of wine in advance and slaughtered a lot of cattle and sheep. Except for some people who were very self-disciplined and refused to drink alcoholic beverages, most of them were drinking.The actual military life is dull and boring in leisure time, and bloody in wartime. In such a place, there are very few people who do not drink alcohol. It is just a matter of drinking more or less. Under the influence of the festive atmosphere, most People are drinking and eating meat.

The place where Timur drank and watched dances is another situation. The engineers in Timur’s army used a day to build a tall, strong, and wide viewing platform. There is wine and meat.Although it was equally relaxed, after all, Khan was here, and many civil and military generals and important figures all came, so no one dared to let go.

Timur was in high spirits, sitting in the middle seat, accompanied by Aldusah and other important civil and military dignitaries, drinking till the end of the drink, very refreshed.

He was very comfortable, he had once surrendered to Emperor Hongwu of Daming, but ever since he felt that his strength was enough to compete with Daming, the biggest goal he wanted to conquer in his life had already been set on Daming.

Now, he has finally come, finally fought. At this time, he has obtained the promise of Wala and the surrender of his favorite adopted son. As an old man, everything he wants to pursue in this life will be fulfilled. Consummation, what can I ask for?How could he not be happy?

Timur pulled out a sharp short knife from his waist, cut a large piece of mutton with his hands, and ate the steaming and bloodshot mutton in his mouth.Fat, tender and fragrant, he suddenly felt as if he had regained the appetite and...

He has not had a concubine or a concubine for a long time. Although he has at least two young and beautiful virgins cuddling close to him to sleep every night, the place where he used to be a man of glory has always shrunk like a dead snake. In his crotch, he didn't even want anyone to caress it, but he wanted to try it tonight, and he was suddenly moved.

Zang Feng wandered bored among a large number of boxes and cages.He is very nervous.

The boxes and cages were piled up in piles, half a mile away from the stage, and sheds were set up on the side, and on the outside, according to the terrain, the officers and soldiers watching the performance sat on a higher sandy slope, with wolf fur mattresses under them. On the low table were roasted lamb and beef that were burnt yellow and dripping with oil, but the daily diet of these soldiers was mainly meat.They are not very interested in meat, and what they value most is wine.Not long after the performance started, there was a mess of wine jars piled up next to the short table.

Although Zang Feng was only responsible for creating a seemingly accidental fire and causing a moderate chaos, he was still very nervous.

People who can be sent by Harry Sultan to carry out such an important task are certainly warriors who are not afraid of death.But sometimes nervousness is not necessarily because of fear of death, just like Qin Wuyang entered the Qin Palace and assassinated Qin Shihuang, Qin Wuyang was fierce and brave, but in fact he was not afraid of death.He originally went there with the intention of dying, but when he climbed into the Qin Palace and saw the majesty of the First Emperor, his face still changed involuntarily.It wasn't that he was afraid of death, but that he couldn't cultivate his xinxing.

Zangfeng is also not afraid of death. He is a privately owned warrior of Sultan Harry. He has sold his life to Harry. He now has a poison pill in his pocket. Huima committed suicide by taking poison, in case he could not be punished, and recruited the chief envoy.He already had the will to die, but when he thought that the person he was going to kill today was actually Timur Khan, the supreme being who was like a god to him and even his people, he couldn't help but tremble.

Now Harry is the only one staying by Xia Xun's side, and it is Xia Xun's group who are responsible for taking action, and he has never regarded Xia Xun as his partner. He has a fear of loneliness in his bones. Now I really hope that Gai Banger can be by his side. If Gai Banger can chat with him, maybe he will relax a lot.

Outside the barracks, there is a Turkish bath.

A long row of wooden bathrooms, especially deserted.

This bathhouse opened relatively late, and the good location closer to the military camp has long been built, so it is relatively remote, and the business is not very good.Today the army held a big celebration banquet for the departure of the army three days later, and many shops were closed, and this place was no exception.In fact, because the army was about to set off in three days, some merchants who were unwilling to continue to follow the adventure to the east had already packed up their luggage and were going to leave this place early tomorrow morning to start their business elsewhere.

For example, in a dilapidated tent not far from the bathhouse, the Indian Ramanujam has already packed all his luggage. Except for this dilapidated tent, all his belongings are only one It was nothing more than a luggage and a basket, in which were several king cobras he raised.He lay on the sand, peacefully asleep, with his hands still clutched at his belt, where his real valuable tools were tucked away.

He performed the snake dance, and he could only earn some food. After so many days of busy work, there was only a little surplus. However, he made a big deal a few days ago. He sold several copies of the medicine, which was a wonderful poison. He paid him a large sum of money, he had never seen so much money in his life, a total of five gold coins!

The person who bought the medicine was dressed like an Arab, wrapped in cloth from head to toe, with only a pair of eyes exposed, which was very mysterious.In fact, Ramanujam didn't care who he was at all, and he had no interest in him, so not long after the other party left, Ramanujam also quickly picked up his snake cage, picked up his luggage and fled until This relatively remote place stopped.

Ah San is a smart person. He knows that a person who buys poison so mysteriously must not be a good idea. He is not interested in what the other party wants to do, but he is worried that the other party will kill him, or he will not be willing to pay him such a huge sum. Wealth, if you take the money back, it will be a full five gold coins!So he fled here.

He planned to leave tomorrow, he was holding his belt, with a smile on his face in his sleep.He dreamed that he returned to his hometown, bought a large piece of land, became the landlord of the village, and married the most beautiful girl in the village.In the courtyard of his house, a pair of king cobras danced and writhed, and suddenly they turned into him and his bride. They writhed, danced, and suddenly appeared on the bed together, naked, still as before. snake.

In the tent, a small tent was gradually set up in the crotch of Ah San who was sleeping soundly.There seems to be a snake in the small tent, struggling to get out...

In the empty bathroom of the row of Turkish baths, three rows of warriors sat quietly, forming a circle around the oil lamp in the middle.

The windows were covered with black cloth to prevent the light from leaking out, and the yellow light shone on them. They were all wearing bright red war robes, with a machete across their knees.Anyone who has lived near this barracks for three days will know that the soldiers in red, yellow, blue, white, and black uniforms are the tomorrow's guards of Emperor Timur the Great.According to the Han people in the Central Plains, it is the Imperial Forest Army.

But did Timur's Imperial Forest Army need to hide here so secretly and furtively?

Gai Banger is impressively in the row, and is sitting in the center.

In the shade under the lamp.There is a pass token.

Gai Bang'er spoke in a lowered voice: "Originally, we all came here with the will to die. If they fail, we will be responsible for saving them with all our might. However, the method they adopted was to go deep into the Central Army. In this way, if we fail, we will all die, and it is impossible to rescue him.

It's too late to ask His Highness for instructions, we made a little fuss about the plan.Tibetan wind is still inside, if they can successfully kill the target, and can exit safely.Zangfeng was in charge of bringing them here, we pretended to be guards and left with them, after we left..., hum!Tell them to disappear forever! "

A hoarse voice asked: "They lost a man surnamed Liu. What should we do?"

Gai Bang'er said coldly: "The man surnamed Liu is transporting equipment to Biesha Bali. How to escape loss?"

The man stopped talking, and Gai Banger took a hissing breath, and said again: "If the assassination fails...we will take advantage of the chaotic opportunity of the officers and soldiers to leave here, and notify His Highness in time to respond! As for now, the only thing we can do is expect!"

Tang Saier is on stage, performing wonderful large-scale magic tricks. The blazing bonfires on both sides of the venue and the lights of the stage illuminate the stage brightly, but no one can see the wonder of Tang Saier's magic. All of them were amazed and applauded again and again.

Zang Feng saw Tang Sai'er coming on stage from a distance, and became more nervous. The evening breeze carried the cool air, but the sweat dripped from his forehead. In order to avoid the suspicion of other circus people who also guarded the cage, he walked around. When we got to the shade under the shed, we leaned on the pole and looked towards the platform.

Two piles of bonfires were burning on both sides of the stage. In order to prevent the fire from burning towards the stage, the silk cloth of the high-rise canopy was burned. The high viewing platform and the sand slopes on the left and right will not be covered by the fire, but if you stand below the wind, your sight will be blocked by the flames.

The flames rise and fall, Zang Feng watched intently, the small figure of Tang Sai'er dressed in colorful clothes flickered and intertwined with the flames, like a phoenix dancing in the fire, or... Moth!

Tang Sai'er's performance was over, and Zang Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and hands.

After Tang Sai'er retreated to the backstage, Zang Feng subconsciously clenched the fire pocket in his sleeve, and desperately looked towards the stands, looking for Tang Sai'er's figure.The light in the direction of the stand was relatively dim, and there were more than a dozen rows of seats half a mile wide, filled with princes and generals, and from time to time there were all kinds of servants walking around serving wine, meat and food. How could he know that Tang Saier was there? Not there, where?

After more than half an hour, to the anxious Zang Feng, it seemed that only a moment had passed, a clown suddenly danced in the fire meteor field, Zang Feng's heart suddenly stopped, and in an instant , as if the sun, the moon, the stars, and everything in the world suddenly stopped. What he saw in his eyes were only the clown on the stage and the shooting star dancing in his hand.

"Finally... let go!"

There was no one around Zang Feng, so he still hid himself guiltily, then gritted his teeth, and pulled out the fire pocket in his sleeve...

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