Dear book friends, both monthly tickets and recommendation tickets are weak this month. Several new books this month have entered the old book list, and other authors are also working hard. , Our monthly ticket and recommendation ticket both slipped to ninth and eighth, and we are in danger, and we are about to fall off the top page of the ranking. txt e-book download**

Could it be that Jin Yi has come to an end?I don't think there are many stories to write later, even if Xia Xun completes the "perfect assassination" link, all the things that happened on the way back to the Central Plains are necessary foreshadowing for another big scene in the future.Guanguan needs your support. If you still have a monthly ticket or a recommendation ticket, please vote for it. Please support it.

Zhou Wang and Xia Xunfang both mistook the Han king Zhu Gaoxu for Zhu Di, because Zhu Gaoxu's body looks exactly like his father's when he was an adult, and the heroic figure of leaping horses and whips is exactly what Zhu Di always did when he was in the army. Naturally, he was regarded as the emperor, but Emperor Yongle did not ride a horse today, but sat quietly in the car.

He was wearing a black uniform, with only thin and faint gold threads embroidered with cloud patterns on the cuffs of the robe, and there was no other decoration.He leaned on a pillow, did nothing, just stared at a corner of the carriage in a daze, with an unconcealable tiredness on his brows.

The Battle of Conquering the North lasted for half a year. During this half year, he always rushed to the front line. After calming down from the excitement, he felt extremely tired mentally and physically. After all, he was not a young man in his early twenties with a vigorous appearance.

This time the Northern Expedition had achieved his strategic goal, and the war on the Western Front had ended without any risk. He was very happy, but his worries about the ups and downs of the country's fate were temporarily put aside, and he was concerned about his family again.After the news of the great victory came back to Beijing, he received a letter from Tai. Originally, he wanted to stay in Beijing for a few more days.After receiving Tai's letter, he had to set off immediately and rush back to Nanjing. He didn't get a good rest along the way.

Tai only said one thing in the letter: the mother's body has become more and more unwell recently, with frequent headaches and unbearable pain.This situation started at the beginning of spring, but at that time, the battle on the western front of Daming was cloudy, and the fierce battle on the northern front was in full swing.Empress Xu strictly instructed her son not to divide the emperor's heart in this matter, so it was not until the news of the Yongle victory came.He dared to report his mother's illness to his father.

After Zhu Di read the letter, the joy of returning triumphantly disappeared. Now he just wants to return to Nanjing as soon as possible and meet his queen.

The car jolted slightly.Zhu Di sighed leisurely, and lazily curled up again, with a dispirited expression on his face.An emperor is aloof, like a god in the hearts of his ministers, so he must pay special attention to his every move in front of others.Ministers must not lose their manners, and even more so, kings must not lose their manners.

Only in the presence of those closest to him, or alone with such a person, could he drop his disguise without defense.Show your true self.And now, the only person who can let him take off the emperor's mask and present himself in front of her without any precautions is seriously ill...

Zhu Di knew very well that the Queen's illness was very serious.He has the imperial physician with the most superb medical skills in the world, and he has always been unable to cure the queen's illness as long as he wants to use the most expensive medicine that can be supplied at any time. Since then.He knew that the queen's illness was incurable, and he only hoped.God can make his favorite woman spend more time with him!The wishes of the common people are turned to the officials, and the wishes of the officials are turned to the emperor.The emperor is a loner, he can only ask for help from heaven.

The emperor is lonely, if the wife who has been in love with each other passes away again, he will really become a lonely family, and the heights will be too cold!

The car stopped suddenly, Zhu Di raised his head lightly, and heard his son Zhu Gaoxu say loudly in a full voice outside: "Father, His Royal Highness Zhou Wang, His Royal Highness Zhou Wangshi, Duke Fu, welcome the holy driver!"

Zhu Di took a long breath and stood up slowly...

The inner shi rolled up the curtain of the car, and Zhu Di appeared. He stepped out of the car. He was dressed in black and gold-patterned casual clothes, his hair was tied up in a bun, and a black pair was tied on his forehead. He stood there upright, like a thorn. The big gun facing the sky, with the blue sky above his head, and his stature is extremely stalwart.

King Zhou, He Shi, and Xia Xun leaned over at the same time...

Zhu Di stepped out of the car with vigorous and vigorous steps, first helped King Zhou up, and said with a smile, "We bid farewell in a hurry, more than half a year later, the emperor's brother is as handsome as ever, I am very pleased!"

He helped Shi Shi up again, looked him up and down, and said with a smile: "Okay! My nephew is a little less youthful than before, and much more mature. You are the king, and you should help your father take care of everything!"

When he walked up to Xia Xun who was bowing deeply in front of him, he didn't speak for a moment. He stood in front of Xia Xun for a while, stretched out his arms, and slowly helped Xia Xun up, saying deeply: "Wen Xuan ..., darker, and thinner..."

Xia Xun smiled and said: "Your Majesty is exhausted from fighting for half a year, and has become darker and thinner... Please take care of the dragon's body, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Di patted his forearm lightly and smiled slightly.

The two monarchs and ministers, one north and one west, each calmed down one side, and almost said goodbye to each other, but after meeting, they only said this sentence, and looked at each other with a smile again!

Zhu Di stayed in Kaifeng for a day. This was because King Zhou was the brother of his mother and compatriots, and they had the best relationship with each other.Book Mi Group 2 But he was worried about the queen's illness, so he really couldn't delay.

Since the news of his great victory in the Northern Expedition came back, the news of the Queen's phoenix discomfort was no longer blocked. The outside world already knew that Zhou Wang knew the relationship between the emperor's brother and the queen, so he didn't force it. The emperor said he wanted to leave, and he didn't Dare to keep him, only hastily received him for a day, and then sent the emperor out of Kaifeng again in a grand and solemn manner.

During this day in Kaifeng, apart from Xia Xun accompanying Kaifeng civil and military officials, Zhu Di spent the rest of the time reminiscing with his fifth younger brother, and did not see anyone else, including Xia Xun, until the next day when he was on the road. , Zhu Di suddenly issued an order to announce Xia Xun and asked him to ride with him in the imperial chariot.

Zhu Di seldom rides in a car. When he marched north, he was always dressed in military uniform no matter it was windy or sunny.Riding a war horse, my waist was straightened, but on the way back, I relaxed a lot.

Although he seldom rides in a car, no one dares to deal with the emperor's imperial chariot, which is always built with the best specifications.Although the road at this time was not as smooth as the roads of later generations, sitting in this car rarely felt bumpy.This car is definitely a master builder.There is absolutely no flaw in the workmanship of shafts, pins, wheels, hubs, and rabbits, as well as the mortise and tenon assembly of the whole vehicle. The horse is a well-trained imperial horse, and the imperial hand is also a good one out of a hundred.So the car runs smoothly and fast.

Of course, unlike Timur’s giant palace-like car that needs to be pulled by 32 oxen, or even pulled by 64 oxen on difficult roads, Zhu Di’s imperial chariot is just a light car.It is convenient and smart for long-distance treks.The emperor's imperial chariot was not big, it only had a couch, a desk, four chairs, and two desks. The floor was not even covered with rugs, it was very simple.

Although Zhu Di is not as close as his father, he is also frugal by nature and doesn't like extravagance.

Zhu Di was reclining on the big pillow, and a Bashu water bamboo cool mat was placed on the big yellow silk cushion.Listening quietly to Xia Xun's story.

Xia Xun sat on the official hat chair closest to him, holding a cup of tea in his hand, and described his trip to the Western Regions in detail.

After Zhu Di heard that Xia Xun was attacked in the vast sea, he suddenly frowned and said: "Eight hundred miles of vast sea. If someone hadn't known your destination and itinerary in advance, it would be difficult to find you so accurately. Not to mention, a team of thousands of people is still in the ice and snow, it is impossible to wait there in advance! Is there an insider?"

Xia Xun nodded: "The emperor is wise!"

Zhu Di sneered and said, "It was said that there are many people in Xiliang who love Timur and are willing to work on him, but I never thought it would be so serious. To be able to obtain such detailed information, this person must be someone in the army." Quite a high status. Have you found out something?"

Xia Xun said: "Yes, I have found some clues. But this clue comes from..., I should go on first, otherwise the emperor will inevitably sound even more strange."

Zhu Di nodded and said, "Okay, tell me!"

Xia Xun then talked about how he ventured out of the siege after being surrounded by ambushes, from his wandering in the desert, being constantly hunted down, until his horse exhausted to death, crossing the snow-capped mountains, catching wild donkeys, wandering into Lop Nur by mistake, and meeting Hu merchant brigade The team arrived at Bili, and entered the hotel of Argus under the guise of a different identity, and skillfully dealt with the generals of the Timurid Empire, but fell short just before the return journey, and was found out and imprisoned...

Each of these stories, any part is thrilling, bizarre enough, full of ups and downs, full of dangers, Zhu Di gradually became fascinated by listening, his eyes widened unconsciously, and even his breathing became rapid.Although Xia Xun is right in front of his eyes, it means that he is still out of danger in the end, but the frightening process of every step still makes him feel nervous. His emotions become tense with Xia Xun's every step into the crisis, every step to solve the crisis , relax, and then tense...

Next, Xia Xun talked about how he fought for life after he became a prisoner. First, he used the internal contradictions of the Timur Empire to stir up the ambition of Harry Sultan, and then used Tang Saier's illusion to strengthen his confidence in rebellion. Zhu Di Hearing this, I couldn't help clapping my hands and exclaiming: "Wonderful! It's really hard for you to come up with such a way when you are in a desperate situation. This is also a mistake. If you didn't want to pretend to be a ghost when you were about to come back, It would be very difficult to instigate internal chaos in the Timur Empire, and it would be difficult to do it in a hurry at this time. A clever woman can't cook without rice, let alone such a little girl."

Xia Xun said: "Yes, after that, Harry Sultan was determined to cooperate with the minister, but at that time he had offended Timur because he did not move, and Timur had decided to send General Gaisuyeddin to take over the military power and ordered Hazai to return. Samarkand, if I want to cooperate with him, I must first keep his military power, but if I want to keep his military power, unless Timur has passed away, this cooperation and its prerequisites are actually a matter of one in two, two in one, Therefore, I had no choice but to change my strategy and assassinate Timur!"

Zhu Di was shocked and said: "Assassination of Timur, how easy is it?"

Xia Xun said: "I also know that it is not easy, but this business is a sure profit, why not do it? If I succeed, the situation in the Western Regions will be solved without a fight. Why can’t we disintegrate a whole army of enemies and get Hari Sultan to defect to the emperor, which will greatly dampen Timur’s spirit?”


Zhu Di nodded, with a moved look in his eyes, he nodded a few times, suddenly realized, stood up in surprise, and said in a broken voice: " really succeeded? Timur's death...could it be... "

Xia Xun also stood up.Smiling: "Yes, I succeeded!"

Zhu Di stared at Xia Xun dumbfounded, as if he was looking at a monster. After looking at it for a while, he said impatiently, "Sit down, sit down and talk, hurry up and tell me what happened!"

Xia Xun agreed.Sit down according to the words, and tell how he got there with the help of Harry Sultan, if it happens by chance.As a result, Liu Yujue was valued by Guo Yixuan and accepted as his younger brother, so he got a special case in Timur's army that banned alcohol occasionally, and then planned an idea to assassinate Timur and get rid of Harry Sultan's control at the same time...

Xia Xun said this in detail. He was on the way to escape.I have already explained the cause and effect of this matter carefully, and Sai Hazhi will definitely tell the emperor later, but Sai Hazhi is so stupid, if the statement is not clear, I am afraid I have to speak it myself, why not explain it first .Besides, Zhu Di was listening engrossed, so it's impossible to be brief at this time.

Xia Xun told the whole assassination plan.When it came to going east by boat, Zhu Di couldn't help laughing while taking advantage of the large luan in Timur's camp to escape calmly, pointing at Xia Xun and said: "Okay! Okay! Hahahaha... Such a clever plan, the clothes are seamless, Unpredictable, Wenxuan, only you can come up with such a method!"

Zhu Di happily stroked his beard and said: "I won the world, and I was the first to be the Duke of the Six Kingdoms. Master Daoyan helped me a lot. I fought in the front, and I was too guarding Beijing. I depend on the help of the master in government affairs. Although the master is a monk, he is actually a civil servant. The number one hero. Zhang Yu, Zhu Neng, and Qiu Fu are the credit for fighting on the battlefield and fighting thousands of troops.

It is a pity that Zengshou died early, and he is a descendant of King Zhongshan. I made him the Duke of the state, and others can't say anything.Only you, many people who don't know the details think that your meritorious deeds are not outstanding, and that you were able to save my life by being named a public servant. Soldiers!Of my six great princes, which one was not piled up with credit, how can there be any reason for si to give and accept?Announce the credit for your encounter and let's see who has something to say! "

Xia Xun smiled and said, "Your Majesty, it's better not to talk about this matter!"

Zhu Di let out an "ah" and said regretfully, "That's right, this matter should not be publicized, it's just... this way..."

Xia Xun said softly: "I have never felt that I have been wronged. Compared with those soldiers who fought in the battlefield and died for the country, the ministers are high-ranking, beautiful wives and concubines, heirs, and rest with the country. What do you want to think about? The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and the world will end up catching the cicada, my minister, I am very content!"

Zhu Di stared at Xia Xun for a long time, and said slowly: "Okay, you are fine!"

After another moment of silence, Zhu Di said: "I never imagined that Timur's army would be so powerful. If this battle is fought, even if we win, it will be a miserable victory. The people will suffer a lot more. It is certainly a pity that I failed to fight Timur Khan, who is invincible in the West, but... such a result is the best for the country and the people, and Wenxuan has contributed a lot!"

Xia Xun said: "It is the blessing of the world for the emperor to show mercy to the people!"

Zhu Di shook his head and said, "I was also stationed in Beijing on the way back, and I got the news. The battle in Annan, the preparations for the western front, and the battle in the northern border, every place is full of money like flowing water, only out, not in. In order to supply With such a huge army, the treasury of the world has been searched all over. I saw the number of cashiers in the two capitals and the treasury of the world in Beijing. The amount is so large that it is shocking. It is because the Western Regions have not fought..."

Zhu Di rummaged through the stack of memorials beside his pillow, found a copy, and said to Xia Xun, "Here, not to mention military pay, armor and equipment manufacturing, just transporting food and grass, come and see: Shanxi, Shandong, and Henan three chief ministers, Zhili, Yingtian, Zhenjiang, Luzhou, Huai'an, Shuntian, Baoding, Shunde, Guangping, Zhending, Daming, Yongping, Hejian thirteen prefectures, Chu, He, There is a division in Xu Sanzhou, who is responsible for building cars and recruiting Ding Zhuang to transport them.

During the period, there were 34 donkeys, 11 three carts, 570 six people pulling chariots, and 23 shi of grain.At that time, it was mainly in winter, because the roads were dangerous and far away, the ground was freezing and the weather was cold, and many peasants died of frostbite or disease during the transportation of grain..."

Zhu Di closed the memorial and sighed: "It's also thanks to the winter, otherwise, the national economy and the people's livelihood would be greatly affected if so many young and strong farmers were recruited. It's ridiculous that some officials and gentry ignore the sufferings of the people and blindly tout military exploits to please me. However, there is a poem from the Tang Dynasty: "Believe it is evil to have a boy, but it is good to have a woman. If you give birth to a woman, you must marry a neighbor, and if you give birth to a boy, you will be buried with a hundred herbs.""

Zhu Di gave a dull smile, shook his head and said, "Even if you are married as a neighbor. Wouldn't it be equally miserable for a widow to be buried in the battlefield as a neighbor?"

Xia Xun's original way, Zhu Di, was very happy. Hearing him say these words, it was obvious that Fang's words did not come out casually, but he really had a feeling, so he couldn't help being moved by it, and hurriedly stood up.He said happily: "It's a blessing for the emperor to think like this!" This time, he didn't mean any compliments.It really comes from the heart.

Zhu Di said: "So, you were able to defeat the enemy without fighting, retreated from our powerful enemy of Ming Dynasty, and successfully provoked their civil war. It's a great achievement! It's just..."

Zhu Di frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Although I am not a warlike king, I can't sit idly by to force the feudal vassal and foreign captives, otherwise it will become a major disaster for the country. For the sake of the future, when the war is in progress, we still have to fight! Right now, Wala and Tatar are in balance for the time being. If this situation of mutual restraint can be maintained, I will naturally have to rest my troops. To recuperate the people's livelihood, if the tigers and wolves become stronger and surround us again, and covet our Central Plains, we still have to act first to prevent Before it happens!"

Xia Xun nodded. Of course he knew that sometimes launching a war was not for militarism, but for long-term peace and stability.It's just that this measure is really difficult to grasp, and it's a little careless.Crossed the line.

From this, he remembered the seal again.In his mind, once that seal falls into the hands of meng ancients, there will be endless troubles. It played a great role, and it became the key to preventing Emperor Yongle from repeating and conquering the Tatars again and again, and finally became the key to the military.

Next, he should talk about the process of returning from Hami to Xiliang under the escort of King Hami's troops. Originally, this part was just a rush to others, and it seemed boring. He could simply skip a few words, but Xia A lot of things happened on Xun's journey, especially the whereabouts of that seal... But how to say these words took a lot of thinking.

Although it is said that Song Sheng, Marquis of Xining, has made outstanding contributions and is now Emperor Yongle's in-laws, but Xia Xun knows that Zhu Di is definitely not the one who abolished his father because of his sins, or paid for his merits.Merit is merit, demerit is demerit, public is public, si is si, this is what the emperor should be clear about, if not for this, Qiu Fu has already died in battle, Zhu Di will not be deposed after death, and his whole family will be sent to Hainan Island up.

Xia Xun was hesitating how to speak, so as not to make Zhu Di angry at the Lord of Xining, but Zhu Di's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he asked in a deep voice: "Wenxuan, you haven't said that, let me leak my military plan, and you will be exiled." Who is the spy who killed [-] soldiers in a foreign land?"

Xia Xun recalled his thoughts anxiously, and said to Zhu Di: "When I reached an agreement with Hari Sultan, he told me the name of this person..."


"Thousands of brocade clothes, Yu Jian!"

"It's what you said, the one I met in the Western Regions..."

"Not bad!"

Zhu Di asked suspiciously: "Yu Jian..., as a rich family, why would he do this?"

Xia Xun said: "I don't know the motive. On the way back, I immediately ordered Tuoba Mingde to be controlled and locked up for investigation, but..."

Xia Xun took the opportunity to talk about what happened in Suzhou during the return journey. Zhu Di never expected so many things to happen on Xia Xun's return journey. After passing by, he couldn't help frowning.

Xia Xun said: "I was in Xingyang, and I happened to meet Yu Jian who was posing as a beggar and escaped. Yu Jian confessed to what he had done, and knew that he was guilty of the crime, so he committed suicide. There is a record in the Xingyang government."

Zhu Di stared at Xia Xun for a long time, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what to think. After a long time, he nodded slowly and said: "I will deal with this matter after I return to Beijing. As for the seal, you don't have to worry too much about it." nervous!"

Zhu Di smiled coldly, and said: "Didn't I kill Benya when he lost his face? If this seal really fell into the hands of the Oirats and caused them to stir up some storms, I won't be afraid to fight Oirats again!"

Xia Xun hurriedly said: "I have found out that the seal fell into the hands of a charlatan. Presumably, this person only regards this seal as a beauty, and there may not be a situation that His Majesty is worried about."

Zhu Di said softly: "It's best!"

On the way back, Xia Xun had already found out that during Zhu Di's Northern Expedition, the eunuch country guarded Nanjing, and Ji Gang was Zhu Di's confidant who stayed in Nanjing. Putting it on Yu Jian alone is a bit incomprehensible. If you insist that this matter was ordered by Ji Gang without any witnesses or physical evidence, it will be difficult to convince the emperor.

In this way, the conflict between himself and Ji Gang was completely exposed to the emperor's knowledge, and once the emperor knew that the two were incompatible, it would be difficult for him to deal with Ji Gang when he turned around. If they have long been at odds, they will have doubts about the purpose of what he did, and their trust in the evidence he provided will also be greatly compromised.When dealing with a strong opponent in the officialdom, if it comes to the point of putting the contradictions on the table and having a showdown in front of the supreme ruler, then... either don't fight, fight or kill!

This battle will not be deployed until after he returns to Beijing!

p: [-] for one chapter, fellow book lovers, this month’s monthly tickets and recommended tickets are both weak. Several new books this month have entered the old book list, and other authors are also working hard. The competition for monthly tickets and recommended tickets is very fierce Lie, with other authors striving for the top, our monthly ticket and recommendation ticket both slipped to the ninth and eighth place, which is in danger and will fall off the top page of the ranking.

Could it be that Jin Yi has come to an end?I don't think there are many stories to write later, even if Xia Xun completes the "perfect assassination" link, what happened on the way back to the Central Plains is a necessary foreshadowing for another big scene in the future.Guanguan needs your support. If you still have a monthly ticket or a recommendation ticket, please vote for it. Please support it.

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