Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 847 Add Firewood

Xia Xun laughed! "How to burn this fire, we must first figure out what the emperor wants to establish the East Factory, Mr. Mu, are you right?" Mu En nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, then...the emperor's meaning..." He Blinking his eyes, he turned his gaze to Xia Xun for help.

Xia Xun said: "Dongchang wants to visit to conspire against demons and slander evil, etc., and equal power with Jinyiwei. In other words, your functions are the same as Jinyiwei. Whatever they are doing, you have to do. Then, why did the emperor still How about setting up the East Factory? Even if Jinyiwei is short of manpower, it is enough to expand the manpower, why bother to set up another yamen?" This time before Mu En asked again, Xia Xun replied: "Because, the emperor is high above you. It is the easiest to be deceived by officials. If the courtiers around the emperor are as clear as water, bright as a mirror, diligent in governing and loving the people, then it will be better. If the courtiers deceive the emperor because of siyu, then what should we do? Hope the emperor will go to heaven Zong wise, without asking, not observing, not watching, but knowing everything in the world? How is that possible? Therefore, the emperor needs eyes and ears!

But the eyes and ears are also composed of a yamen and a group of people. If they also blind the Holy One because of siyumeng, what should they do?

In the official system of the Lou Dynasty, the judiciary, the army, and government affairs were divided into three divisions.In the imperial court, there were three legal divisions, the Ministry of Punishment was in charge of the trial, and the Dali Temple was the prudent organ, which mainly managed the refutation and redress of unjust, false and wrong cases.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate can not only supervise the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, but also has the "big event tribunal, small

The right to “make a decisive decision”. The separation of functions and powers among the three judicial divisions and mutual restraint.

However, in some major cases, or major cases of treason, gossip, and crimes, Jin Yiwei will be set up to actively investigate and arrest, so as to prevent problems before they happen.But Jin Yiwei is above the San Judicial Division, so what if he is arbitrarily assertive and deceives the superior and the inferior?

Now the emperor set up another East Factory with the same function as Jinyiwei, which can make up for the shortcomings of Jinyiwei, and the most important thing is that the emperor has an extra pair of eyes and ears. If the investigation report submitted by Jinyiwei and Dongchang, the same incident, the investigation results Same, then there must be one party who didn't work hard, or deliberately concealed it, Mr. Mu, do you understand? "Xia Xun explained carefully, and Mu En nodded "ahhh", as if he understood, but he didn't seem to understand. Looking at his eyes, he was still a little confused. Xia Xun smiled and said: "Since the eyes and ears are not the eyes and ears that grow on the body, they have their own thoughts and desires, then another pair of eyes and ears should be installed so that the two pairs of eyes and ears can supervise each other.If you listen to it, you will understand! "Mu En nodded heavily, and then happily said: "After listening to the words of the Duke, our family's heart is clear, I know what to do!" Xia Xun laughed and said, "Eunuch Mu used to be in charge of the inner study, and the memorials of the courtiers have to go through your hands first. The memorials of Jin Yiwei are classified as secret among the secrets. Eunuch Mu must still remember it fresh. Just think about it, what they have investigated and reported to the emperor, that is what you need to investigate, Eunuch Mu. As long as Eunuch Mu arranges the affairs of the East Factory in this direction, it will definitely suit the emperor's wishes best! "Mu En stood up with great joy, bowed to Xia Xun solemnly, and said sincerely: "Dongchang has just been established, and our family has no clue, just like a headless fly, thanks to the country Grandpa, our family... I really don’t know how to thank the Duke.”…

Xia Xun also stood up and said with a smile: "If you want to thank me, the public is the public, and the si is the si, so I can manage the East Factory well! If I guessed correctly, my every move, every word and deed, Jin Yiwei Be sure to monitor closely, report to the emperor at any time, they will find out, and you will naturally find out, don't deliberately conceal it and not report it because of our friendship, or even put on a cover for me, otherwise, it will be self-defeating!" Mu En Embarrassed, he said: "This..., how dare our family stare at the lord of the country, don't worry, the lord, our family..." Xia Xun shook his head, and said seriously: "My father-in-law thought that Yang was telling the truth but said No? Otherwise, I’m telling the truth! Not only me, but also other people. In the past, the father-in-law used to sit beside the emperor and the empress in the palace, and he was very familiar with the prince. Even the prince, you have to Staring, you are just and fair, not only can this newly established Dongchang gain a firm foothold, it is also a protection for me and the prince, rather than a threat, understand?" Although Mu En was still a little confused, Chen Donghe Ye An understood everything so far, and both of them smiled knowingly. Chen Dong took a step forward and said to Xia Xun: "Guogong instructed, the low-ranking class already understands!" Looking at it, it is like the Buddha holding a flower, and Kassapa smiling, and the Zen is all in it.

When the three of them sent Xia Xun out of Dongchang respectfully and stood at the gate, Mu En turned his head and scolded Chen Dong: "The governor hasn't figured it out yet, and he is about to ask the Duke for advice again, so you will understand, you Understand what?" Chen Dong smiled wryly, pulled Mu En, and walked back while saying: "Don't feel uneasy, the factory owner, let's check whatever the Jin Yiwei checks. The emperor needs to know the affairs of the world, and the courtiers. What are you doing, you need another pair of eyes and ears to tell him whether what Jin Yiwei hears, sees, and smells is true. As long as we understand this truth, don't we know what to do?

The factory owner should not think that the supervisor of the prince and the supervisor of the state is arrogant and ungrateful. If Jin Yiwei investigates them, but we avoid them, won't the emperor pay more attention to them?It is necessary to investigate, but if you look at the same thing from different angles and say it in different words, it will feel very different to others. Then? "Mu En used to be followed by the emperor, so the art of speaking is naturally not bad, but the intrigue and scheming in the officialdom have not been tempered. Now that Chen Dong said it so clearly, Mu En finally understood it completely, and it is much less concern.

On the other side, Ye An sympathetically said: "Ji Gang supervises the officials, who will supervise Ji Gang? We also need to investigate Ji Gang, and we must focus on the investigation, it must be very satisfactory!"

Chen Dongdao: "In a word, except for the emperor, no one will notice, this is the original intention of the emperor to establish the East Factory, and entrusted us with the mission!

Mu En got excited and said, "Okay! Again, my lord, let's go back and do some accounting!" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Lou Xun left the Dongji Works Factory and went into the palace on his way. When he arrived at the gate of the palace, he handed over the pass-through sign. He had just entered less than a hundred meters away when he ran into Ji Gang walking towards him.The two saw each other from a long distance, and the footsteps of both sides immediately slowed down. Seeing Ji Gang's hesitation, he seemed to want to avoid it, but the palace is spacious, and there is no one on the big road. It was too obvious, Ji Gang hesitated, and the two approached.

Xia Xun stood still, staring at Ji Gang, Ji Gang reluctantly arched his hands, and said, "Duke." Xia Xun said with a half-smile, "Master Ji, long time no see. Seeing your appearance, you seem to be getting fatter. Life is very pleasant!" Ji Gang forced a smile on his face, and said with a fake smile: "The Duke is dark and thin. I don't know people, and I use it to strengthen that scum. I don't want this crazy thing. ,

He was bribed by foreign enemies and nearly killed the Duke. When the officials heard about it, they were really heartbroken.During the days when the Duke disappeared, the officials prayed day and night, begging God to protect the Duke. Fortunately, the Duke was safe, and the Duke returned safely after being exiled to a place like Bieshabali. He is really a lucky person. "Toefl TOEFL, is the emperor in the palace now?" "

"Yes, but unfortunately, the emperor is dealing with an urgent matter, and he summoned a few ministers to discuss the matter. If the Duke was not summoned by force, he might have to wait a while. If the Duke has something important, do you want to wait?" The next official is going to report on behalf of the Duke?

Xia Xun smiled slightly and said: "Thank you, Mr. Ji, for your kindness. My country has nothing important to do. I just rested at the mansion for a few months. I am very quiet and want to move. I came to the palace to meet the emperor. You know, I haven't seen you for a long time." Sheng Yan, the Holy Majesty will definitely send envoys to summon him. As a subject, how can I sit quietly at home and wait for the imperial decree? Since I have this palace wearing plaque, I can enter the palace at any time, and I should take the initiative to pay homage to the Holy Majesty. This is the duty of a subject. Your Majesty Now that I'm dealing with official business, I'll go to the cabinet and chat with some great scholars!" Ji Gang laughed and said, "Since that's the case, I won't bother the Duke anymore. I have something to do, so I'm leaving."

Xia Xun said with a smile: "Master Ji is in such a hurry. Could it be that he rushed to Dongchang to congratulate him? This is also reasonable. If you want to say that this is the most closely related to Dongchang, it is Jinyiwei. You and Eunuch Mu, you really should get closer, and we will work together to run errands for the emperor in the future, so that we can take care of each other!"

Ji Gang's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately said haha, "This is because the emperor understands Ji Gang's hard work, so he asked someone to help Ji Gang share the burden.

The Dongchang fanzi are all transferred from my Jinyiwei, and the two execution officers are also my old Jinyi, so they should go to celebrate now, haha, I’m leaving now! "

When the East Factory was first established, although it shared power with Jinyiwei, judging from the current situation, they can only detect and arrest people. The right to interrogate and detain people is in the hands of Jinyiwei. Digging inside, the power position is indeed inferior to Jinyiwei, it looks like a peripheral organization of Jinyiwei, so it's no wonder Ji Gang said so.

Naturally, Xia Xun would not be so bored as to wake him up, but just smiled and said: "Okay, Mr. Ji can go!" down! ! .

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