Autumn, late autumn, eventful autumn.

The matter of sending troops to Annan has not yet been settled, and all kinds of problems that have been covered up during the successive wars on the north, south, west, and west have surfaced one after another.

In the early morning of this day, Zhao Zijin, the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, actually stated that during the Hongwu period, the imperial court established a rule to set up grain storage in various places to prepare for food shortages, and to open warehouses to help the people. To prepare for floods and droughts, this is an act of merit in the present and benefit in the future.However, since the year before last, wars have continued frequently, and the government's grain stocks have been completely empty. Due to the large number of civilian labor to transport grain and grass, rivers in various places have not been dredged for a long time, fearing that spring floods will cause catastrophe.

Therefore, Zhao Yushi proposed that he hoped that the emperor would issue a decree to strictly order the chief ministers of various places to do a good job in the construction of food reserves and water conservancy facilities. This policy of compassion for the people has been implemented.

Zhao Yushi is a young and strong faction of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. He was a city patrolling envoy two years ago, and he has just become the thirteen supervisory envoys. The attention of the people, but this matter is of great importance, the emperor did not dare to take it lightly. In that era, the three rural issues were the most fundamental problems of the country. The three major problems of rural areas, agriculture, and farmers could not be solved well. The country will be in chaos.

Therefore, Zhu Di immediately issued an order, ordering Yousi to handle it accordingly.Immediately afterwards, the cabinet submitted another memorial to the emperor. It turned out that there was a major plague in Yushan and Yongniu counties of Guangxin Prefecture, Jiangxi Province.Immediately afterwards, the Ministry of Household Affairs reported that a plague also broke out in Shangrao County, Guangxin Prefecture, and more than [-] people died. The local people were panic-stricken, and many people left their homes and fled to other places.

Zhu Di was very nervous and immediately ordered the transportation of food and medicines for disaster relief and epidemic relief.Relief places.After this decree was issued, the household department ran to the Jinshen Hall to cry to the emperor that there was no one, no money, and no way to rescue the disaster.Zhu Di convened the cabinet to discuss matters, but he couldn't come up with an urgent and effective solution for a while, so Zhu Di was helpless.We had to decree that, apart from the compilation of "Yongle Dadian" in Beijing, the two major projects of Jinling Dabaoen Temple and Wudang Mountain Dojo were temporarily suspended.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Di issued an order to the Beijing Xingdu Division: A few years ago, the soldiers and civilians in Beijing either served in the garrison, or provided for hundreds of millions of troops, and prepared for hardships.Since the peace, hard work has not stopped.And building Beijing is a major national plan.The people had to work hard.From now on, the non-urgent tasks of the counties in Beijing and the compradors have all stopped.

These projects were suspended, and a large sum of money was finally allocated, which were used for disaster relief and epidemic relief and food storage. During this period, Chen Ying did not realize the original intention of the cabinet and the six ministries to report these matters, and saw that the court was in full swing.Civil and military officials are all concerned about the national economy and the people's livelihood. The Ministry of Chen is unwilling to be lonely, and hastily ordered his subordinates to investigate the problem. In the end, he really found out a big problem and hurriedly reported it to the emperor. Although his purpose was not pure, he did it for the common people. A great thing happened.

turn out to be.An epidemic also occurred in Dengzhou, Henan at this time, but the epidemic here was not aimed at people, but cattle epidemic, and a large number of official cattle fell ill and died.The local government has a strict assessment and punishment system for the cattle and horses that are raised by the people, but this is not force majeure due to poor breeding.It should not have been punished.However, a large number of official cattle died of illness, and the officials were afraid of being blamed by the court, so they shared the losses among the cattle farmers.

The officials demanded that the people who raised the official cattle pay compensation according to the market price. As a result, many people tossed and sold their fields and houses, which was not enough, and even sold their children and daughters.Chen Ying reported this matter to Zhu Di, and Zhu Di, who was feeling devastated for the national economy and the people's livelihood, was so angry that his three corpses jumped up and down, cursing: "The purpose of raising cattle is to let the common people live a good life, but now it has become a poisonous poison." People!"

Zhu Di, who was extremely angry, immediately ordered that the local government be exempted from the compensation apportioned to the people due to the cattle epidemic; the houses and fields that were sold would be redeemed by the government, and the children who were sold would also be fully responsible for the search by the local government. back.At the same time, severe punishments were imposed on these officials who invited to flatter and harm the people, but this way, the imperial court paid a lot of money.

Zhu Di was at a loss, so he had to think about what Xia Xun said. He did intend to let the King of Han go to pacify Annan.For one thing, the performance of the Han king Zhu Gaoxu in Mobei was remarkable, he was indeed a handsome talent, but before the Battle of Annan, Zhang Fu’s reputation was not obvious, and no one knew that he was a famous general. In Zhu Di’s view, his son went to Conquering Annan is probably better than what Zhang Fu did.

At the same time, he did this to appease his son. Gao Xu is not mediocre, so he really raised him there to be an idle prince with nothing to do?With a man alive, who wouldn't want to have a great career with great vigor and glory that will be recorded in history.The throne has been given to the eldest son, even if it is compensation, the second son should be allowed to make some achievements.However, due to the exposure of many problems of the shortage of money and food, he had to consider the risk factor here.

Zhang Fu has already proved his ability in Annan, and he is familiar with the local military geography, customs and customs. After all, Gao Xu has never fought in the south. If the first battle fails and delays, then...

In view of this, Zhang Fu was the most suitable candidate in Zhu Di's mind. He called Zhang Fu into the palace for several days to discuss how many troops Annan would need to send again, and what specific plans and measures he would have.It was only then that Chen Ying realized that all the above are all about Xiang Zhuang's sword dance, which is aimed at the King of Han!Poor him being used in a daze for a while, Chen Ying, who became angry from embarrassment, immediately returned the color, and made a statement: They command Shan Zheng to be arrogant and break the law, and make his family leave the country without authorization, begging for punishment.

After Zhu Di saw the memorial, he immediately gave instructions: "In the Spring and Autumn Period, ministers have no diplomacy. Today's soldiers dare to fight for trade matters. If there is a slight injustice, they will compete to open up a gap. This matter is of great importance, and it cannot be tolerated even if it has merit. He will be imprisoned and severely punished according to the law! In the future, if there is military trade, it should be handled according to this!" [baidu Jinyi Night Walking Post]

This Shan Zheng is a general who guards the Nine Sides, and he has nothing to do with the person Chen Ying wants to attack, and to be precise, this person is still in Qiu Fu's lineage, but with the approval of this imperial decree, he can It wasn't just for the generals of the Nine Frontiers, Chen Ying immediately dispatched a few confidants, led by Yu Shiji, the imperial envoy of Qiandu, to go straight to the east of Zhejiang Province, looking for the bad luck of the Shuangyu Guard.

The gods fight, and the imps suffer!To achieve their goals, the Taizi clan and the Hanwang clan used devious and twisted means, hiding their swords behind their backs. As far as the matter is concerned, no one is fighting for the right to lead the army. They are all under the guise of serving the country and the people. You want to impeach There is no way to start, and not only the king of Han and the prince did not show up, but even the leaders in their camp leisurely "stayed out of the matter", and the methods can be described as watertight.

At the same time, Ji Gang was not idle, he was racking his brains to think about the King of Han's momentum, and he finally understood that if the King of Han fell, his running dog would be of little use value. The more intense the attack, the more stable his position will be.

Sitting in the palace, Ji Gang waited for Zhang Fu, who was playing the war against Annan with the emperor, to leave. He immediately found an opportunity to sneak in, and with a few words, he went around to the King of Han, and praised Zhu Di: "When you are free, I will go to Longjiang Station to see His Majesty the King of Han used to perform military exercises, he was as fierce as a dragon and a tiger! I used to lead horses and stirrups for His Majesty, and served in the army. Looking at the King of Han today, he looks like the emperor's heroic posture in those days. The guard was trained by the King of Han that day, and he was completely reborn. , the elite of the Beijing camp, there is no one invincible!"

"Oh?" [Baidu Jinyi Night Travel Post]

Hearing this, Zhu Di couldn't help showing a smile on his face. He has been worrying too much recently, and now he can't help being a little happy to hear that his son is so promising.

Ji Gang took the opportunity to say: "Your majesty is exhausted with state affairs, and your mind and energy are too exhausted. I see that there are not many memorials on the desk today. Why don't you go out of the palace to relax? Let's go to Longjiang Station to watch martial arts. I know that your majesty always likes the spirit of being in the army, but Ninety-five supreme, a rare opportunity!"

Zhu Di became interested when he heard this, and said with a chuckle: "That's fine, you can arrange it, don't make too much of a big battle, I will go to Longjiang Station in Weifu, and go to see the King of Han perform martial arts!"

Ji Gang was overjoyed, and quickly responded respectfully, thinking to himself: "King of Han, I have won this opportunity for you, you must perform well!"

Ji Gang hastily arranged for the holy driver to set off, but the other side quietly revealed the news. Han Wang's confidants got the news and rushed to Longjiang Station to report the news. Zhu Gaoxu was overjoyed when he heard the news, but he didn't know Ji Gang intended to help, and he thought that Ji Gang was deliberately speaking out to let His Majesty find fault with him, so he pulled himself together, gathered his [-] elites, and quickly made arrangements.

When Zhu Di Weifu arrived and reported to enter the camp, Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly greeted him with a look of surprise, as if he didn't know anything about it.If it is said that the King of Han is really good at governing the army, and he has made preparations in advance today, how can anything go wrong in this martial arts performance? Zhu Di watched his three armies, moving like fire and looting, immovable like mountains, and the soldiers are so strong and brave that they are unstoppable.He is a great expert in the army, how can he not be able to tell whether this performance is a silver-like wax gun head or real kung fu, Zhu Di nodded again and again with joy, and couldn't help thinking: "Looking at this army, it is unstoppable. If my son goes south Sign, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it!"

At this time, Jin Zhong, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and Xu Jingchang, the governor of the Five Armies, got the letter that the emperor had gone to Longjiang Station, and the two rushed over like flying horses.

Seeing the two important ministers in charge of the world's soldiers and horses, Zhu Di smiled and said: "In the past, the ministers with meritorious deeds all rose up to serve in the army. Difficult, playing for many years, not good at riding and shooting. When you meet the test, you are at a loss. When you face the enemy, you are timid and timid.

Even though Gao Xu has been named king, he has not lost the legacy of martial arts, he can be regarded as an example of meritorious children, if my son is like this, how about others?Most of the sons of meritorious officials and eunuchs have entered the Qinwei, Xunwei, and Yiwei since childhood, and have military positions. You should strengthen training for them. From now on, the sons of meritorious officials will perform martial arts. If they fail the Chinese style in the first test, they will be fined for three years in the guard. , Relegated to the frontier defense, and select talented and skilled children to inherit the guard! "

Zhu Gaoxu's face turned pale, Jin Zhong and Xu Jingchang only agreed, but secretly complained in their hearts: "It's too bad, I'm afraid the emperor has the intention of the king of Han again, so I have to report this matter to the Crown Prince and Fu Guogong to know about it!"

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