Xia Xun investigated in detail the emperor's usual courtesy and communication with the East Palace.

Since Zhu Gaochi became the prince, although Zhu Di disliked the elder son the least among the several sons, since he was established as the crown prince, he still cultivated him with all his heart. When he was not in the capital, the prince would supervise the country. When he was in Beijing, Many memorials were also forwarded to the prince for review, so as to cultivate his ability to govern the country.

Although Mu En has become the Duke of Dongchang, but he has managed the inner study for so many years, how can he not have many confidantes in the inner study, not to mention that the emperor has his adopted son Musi by his side, so he quickly investigated the information , according to the records and statistics of the inner study, although there has been a slight increase or decrease in the memorials that the emperor forwarded to the East Palace for processing, the number is roughly stable and there is no change.

In addition, the prince is in the East Palace, and he pays his respects to his father every day. When the father and son meet, apart from chatting about the family, the emperor asks the prince about his studies, and the prince asks the emperor about the policies of governing the country. No significant change.Even the number and time of father and son meeting and chatting every day have not changed.

Xia Xun's investigation was very careful, even when the emperor met the crown prince, he did not ignore the subtleties of his expression, tone of voice, his first words, and even giving him a seat and tea. The one in front of him was as thick as a foot.

Xia Xun compared and figured out all the materials over and over again, and when he finally ordered people to take these materials to be destroyed, he finally confirmed that: the emperor did not intend to be easy to store, and he preferred Zhu Gaoxu to be in command, probably because Zhu Gaoxu was crusading Excellence when tartar.And during that time, the father and son got along day and night, fought side by side, and their relationship warmed up, so they had the meaning of pampering and pampering their son again.

For the emperor, wanting to satisfy his son's request to go to war is just a kind of care and pampering for his son, but how will the courtiers interpret it when it is manifested in the court.That's hard to say.The name Tiance Guard is really too sensitive. Li Shimin, who murdered his brother and usurped the throne, was General Tiance. This is a higher position than princes and dukes, second only to emperors and princes.

Of course, Ming Dynasty did not have the title of General Tiance, but Tiance Guard happened to use the same name as Tiance Mansion. The emperor bestowed Tiance Guard on the King of Han, whether it was a signal of Yi Chu, the civil and military officials had long been secretly speculating up.If Zhu Gaoxu seized the military power.When An Nanli came back with a great contribution, Zhu Gaoxu would surely become the brightest political star in the court again. Some people would think that the emperor wanted to be easy to save, so they defected to the King of Han and cheered for him.

Later, the emperor who had never abolished the prince and established a new crown prince may not have such thoughts.So while Xia Xun breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't slack off.He has the mentality of a father.After analyzing Zhu Di's thoughts, he started to counterattack.

In order to persuade the prince to retreat, Xia Xun tongue.Because both the prince and Xie Jin were worried that the emperor had the intention of being easy to store. If so, they would mobilize their own hidden forces to "praise and kill", I am afraid it would be self-defeating. If the emperor followed suit, it would be irreversible.

Of course Xia Xun couldn't guarantee that his analysis was absolutely correct, but this stalemate could not last.Annan must be reacted as soon as possible, and now the King of Han has clearly gained the upper hand, and if there is no danger, it is likely to be defeated across the board.Combined with the detailed information he has, Xia Xun believes that his judgment is still quite possible. After careful consideration, Zhu Gaochi finally agreed to Xia Xun's plan.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There were more voices in the court in favor of the King of Han leading the army, and then someone raised it again.The vassal king should have three guards. Although the Han king has not taken over the vassal, since the emperor bestowed Tiance guards to the Han king, the other two guards should also be given to the Han king. For this suggestion.The emperor pondered again and again, and then went to ask Zhu Gaoxu for his opinion.Of course Zhu Gaoxu couldn't ask for it, so Zhu Di agreed.

The purpose of promoting has been achieved. These hidden forces, which appear to be neutral on the surface but are actually the prince’s faction, have retreated and are no longer on the front line. Those smart people happily took the last stick and started I can't wait to join the camp supporting Hanwang, cheering for him and advocating deception.

Xia Xun's assassination plan is in full swing, but it has not attracted enough attention from Zhu Di. Seeing that the momentum has been created, Xia Xun is planning to make clever arrangements to promote Zhu Gaoxu as the second king of Yan in the public opinion, thus arousing Zhu Di's wariness.I don't want another dose of better medicine to come to my door.Tatar Pingzhang has arrived in Beijing suddenly, Xia Xun is a person who is good at capturing all opportunities, how could he let this good opportunity pass by.

If Tuo Huxie was the starting point, the means would obviously be more subtle, so Xia Xun immediately changed course to see if there was any possibility of using Tuo Huxie.

Tuohujie brought Arutai's memorial table, paid tribute to [-] horses, and formally handed over to Daming the official seal granted to Arutai by the Zhongshu Province of the Yuan Dynasty to express his sincerity to completely draw a line with the old dynasty and submit to Daming .

Zhu Di was very happy, and gave him clothes with colored coins, and issued an edict saying: "I am the king of the world by the destiny of heaven, and I am the king of all kings. I want people from all directions to have their own place. Anyone who comes will caress him generously. Er Alutai, the remnant of the Yuan Dynasty, can follow the way of heaven, come and return, present the table and accept the seal, and wish to belong to the same family, to add grace, and to praise with tin. He is specially named as the grand teacher of the special Jin Guanglu doctor, and he is the general The soldiers and civilians here will guard Juetu forever."

After Tuohuxie kowtowed to thank him, he presented a roster of 960 leaders of the Tatar army. These people all abandoned the official positions conferred by the Yuan Dynasty. Their original official positions were awarded to the governor, commander, commander, thousand households, hundred households, and town governor respectively.

Afterwards, the envoy lived in the Huitong Hall and held a banquet at Honglu Temple.

Tuo Huai went to Jinling this time, but he had a secret mission, so of course he wouldn't just return.So after he moved into Honglu Temple, he immediately proposed to the Daming officials to meet the emperor again. Of course, he could not meet in public this time in the Golden Hall, because he had important matters to report in secret.The ceremonial officials of the Ming Dynasty reported to Shangshu Lu Zhen, and Lu Zhen personally summoned them to ask for details.

There are two main things about the so-called secret meeting of Tuohuxie. The first one is: to put eye drops on Wala.It is said that when Benya lost his way to Oala, he took the imperial seal of the Yuan Dynasty with him. When Benya died, the jade seal would definitely fall into the hands of Oara. If it is decided to send troops, the Tatars will definitely send troops to follow the emperor and crusade against Wala.

The second one is: if possible, take Alutai's eldest brother and younger sister back to Tatar.When the Yuan Dynasty withdrew back to Saibei, they were in a hurry and were chased by Xu Da. They escaped with great joy. Many princes and nobles fell behind and were captured, including Alutai's brother and sister. I have lived in the Central Plains for more than 40 years, and now I am 60 or [-] years old.

After hearing the report from Tuo Huai, Zhu Di just laughed and said disapprovingly: "I never value this treasure!" Then he sent him back.As for his request to return Alutai's brother and sister, he said that he could consider and study it.

In fact, Zhu Di was not tempted when he heard that the jade seal fell into the hands of Oara, but he knew the Tatar's intentions better. It is impossible for him to make a big move against Oara right now, so he naturally had to show a look of indifference.

Tuo Huxie comes from the grasslands, and he obviously doesn't have a clear understanding of the implicitness and introversion of Chinese politicians. He doesn't understand what the so-called "disapproval" is, and he doesn't know how to "consider" it. , "Research" whether to agree or not, so I am very anxious.Tuo Huxie sat in the huitong hall all day trying riddles, and his head was dizzy. At this time, an expert came to the door himself.

This expert is Zhang Xitong.

Zhang Xitong was originally the chief minister of the Honghe Temple. When he was working in the Honghe Temple, this man was not loved by his grandma and uncle. Now he has been promoted to be a member of the Ministry of Rites, Wailang, and his relationship with the old colleague of the Honghe Temple has suddenly warmed up. Move around each other often.On this day, Zhang Xitong walked around the Honglu Temple again, and also went to the Huitong Hall to sit. He "accidentally" met Tuo Hugai, and the two chatted politely.

The next day, Tuo Huai opened his eyes, prepared a generous gift, and went to see the King of Han.As the vanguard of Zhu Di, Zhu Gaoxu of the Han Dynasty conquered Tatars together. In the ears of the Tatars, he was also a figure who was empowered like thunder. It has a great influence, and I firmly believe in the tone of a key person who can influence the political situation.

Zhu Di Yunwen Yunwu, but his eldest son and second son seem to have only inherited one aspect of his abilities, the eldest son is outstanding in martial arts, and the second son is brave.The King of Han was a handsome man on the battlefield, but he became an idiot when he came to the political arena. He heard that the Tatar envoy Tuo Huxie had met him, and he welcomed him into the mansion triumphantly. After taking his gift, we had a cordial meeting and a friendly conversation.

When Chen Ying heard about it, it was too late to rush to stop him, so he beat Chen Ying so angry that his beard stood on end like a hedgehog!

Dongchang immediately sent the news to the imperial court. Ji Gang, who was watching the news with a secret play, couldn't hide it when he saw it.It's just that his report has to go through the Secretary of General Administration and then through the inner study, so it is destined to be a lot later than Dongchang.

Zhu Di's expression darkened immediately after reading the report that Dongchang submitted directly to the imperial court.

In Fuguo Duke's Mansion, Xia Xun clapped his hands and laughed loudly after hearing the news, "The battle for the commander-in-chief of the Southern Expedition is settled!"

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