"Ten thousand strings!"

"Hahahaha, one hundred thousand! You lost, hahaha..."

As soon as Xia Xun played his cards, Fei Hewei excitedly opened up the hole cards he was holding, throwing them like a god of gamblers, and it turned out to be a "hundred thousand strings".

They are playing leaf cards on the cart. There are forty cards in this card, which are divided into four suits: [-] Guan, Wan Guan, Suo Zi, and Wen Qian. He thought that he would have played card games with more complicated rules in later generations, and he would definitely win, but... his face was already covered with notes.

"Old Fei, is one hundred thousand coins in your hands?"

Xia Xun stared at the card, and said sadly, "You, you, you...you pretend too much! The big card is in your hand, why are you sweating so much? Seeing how nervous you are, I thought the big card At my home!"

Fei Hewei smiled triumphantly: "Hey hey hey! I'm fat and I just sweat a lot. I'm not nervous. Someone Fei just took advantage of it cleverly, hahahaha..."

In the whole team, he, Xin Lei, and Zhao Zijin knew Xia Xun's identity. When he was very bored playing cards at the beginning, he didn't dare to be so presumptuous, but Xia Xun deliberately wanted to be exactly the same as the other guards, let's talk about playing cards , Have fun, what kind of airs are you putting on at this time, so after coming down together, Fei Hewei and Xin Lei are as familiar with him as ordinary guards.

"Put it on!"

The other guard, unwilling to be lonely, grabbed a tattered notebook, tore off one and handed it to Xia Xun. Xia Xun slapped it on his forehead as good as he could, covering his eyes now.

"It's here, go forward another [-] miles, and you'll be there after bypassing that hillside!"

The escorted Oirat cavalry pointed forward with their spears and shouted.Xia Xun poked his head out of the car, pushed aside the note on his face, and looked forward. He saw the sky was green and the water was green, and a meadow rolled along the river until it spread out to the mountains in the distance...


Three fast horses galloped towards them, and when they got to the front of the carriage, they reined in their horses, clasped their fists and said, "Is the imperial envoy Mr. Zhao in the carriage?"


"King Shunning, King Xianyi, and King Anle have been waiting outside the camp for a long time after hearing the arrival of the angel! Master Zhao, please!"

"Lead the way!"

"As ordered!"

The three riders swung their horses' heads and ran towards the way they came. Zhao Zijin's light cart followed closely behind.

In the distance, two cavalry teams lined up to meet each other, everyone with swords, shields, bows and crossbows.Lamb fur armor, fully attired, seeing the imperial envoy driving up, and the cavalry suddenly pouring in like a tide, its momentum is like a mountain falling, it is shocking.Zhao Zijin was shocked, and subconsciously turned to glance at the guards behind him.

Along the way, because the long-distance travel is really boring. The guards often took turns to climb onto the carts to play some games of cards. Since they entered the territory of Wala, they were escorted by Wala soldiers and horses along the way.

But ten miles before arriving at Mahamu's garrison, the guards had put on their helmets and armor one after another, straddled their horses and raised their guns, and raised their flags high.The appearance of the army has changed dramatically. It walks like a forest and moves like the wind. It is completely different from the original appearance.

As an imperial envoy, Zhao Zijin naturally couldn't weaken Daming's aura, not to mention that there was a Fu Guogong in the team, so he didn't dare to be careless.Zhao Zijin took a long breath. Ting straightened his waist, sat upright, with a solemn face.

The oncoming cavalry team was still within a stone's throw of the cavalry led by Zhao Zijin's chariot, just like a flood hitting an invisible rock, it suddenly split.Turning to the two sides, three steeds standing steadily appeared at the end of the front, and the three of them immediately sat upright. You don't need to ask, you know that these are the three kings of Wala.

Zhao Zijin took the lead in the chariot, followed by the guards with high flags and flags, and the Oirat cavalry who came to the left and right suddenly drew their knives out of their sheaths at the same time, and raised their arms to the sky and shouted three times: "Oh...", the voice was like a wolf howling moon.

Countless bright steel knives were held up in the air, and countless rays of light shone against the sun, as if the sun shone on the reflection of the sea.

Zhao Zijin had never seen such a scene before, for a moment he felt the chill, and the hairs all over his body stood on end, but his sitting posture was still very upright, his face was solemn, and there was no change.The Vala soldier suddenly drew his sword and roared in salute. Although he was taken aback by being caught off guard, but because the light car was moving, there was already a slight bump, so it was impossible to see the sudden shock of his body.

The guards of the Ming army behind him still rode their horses at a light gallop. Their pace was never a step faster or slower because of the movements of the Oirat soldiers. The formation was always the same as a whole, and this The whole is moving forward synchronously, the rhythm of movement in stillness and stillness in movement is full of the beauty of strength unique to Junwu.

Of course, the power of the Oirat soldiers could not scare these Ming soldiers. Years ago, Emperor Yongle led the Ming cavalry to chase the Tatar soldiers and broke their tui.

Not just a few years ago, it has been like this for so many years. As long as the Ming army is dispatched, the most common situation is that they run after the Meng ancients. Whoever runs faster will win. Of course, the Ming soldiers will not put these long-distance runners on in the eyes.

Zhao Zijin's chariot galloped in front of the three standing horses, the driver lifted the reins slightly, and the four well-trained horses stopped.Zhao Zijin wore a crown belt in court, and sat in the car without moving.At some point, he was already holding a two-foot-long brocade box made of bright yellow dragon satin in his hand.

Mahamu, Taiping, and Tu Poluo looked at Zhao Zijin, Zhao Zijin sat upright and stared at them, but still didn't intend to get up.

Mahamu's gaze fell slowly, and fell on the bright yellow silk box with dragon pattern in Zhao Zijin's hand. His gaze shrank slightly, and he suddenly pulled the saddle and jumped off the horse.

Zhao Zijin still sat upright, and when Taipinghe dismounted Bald Polo and the three of them stood still, Zhao Zijin slowly stood up, raised the brocade box in his hand, and said loudly: "Under the imperial decree, the three kings of Oara Kneel to accept the imperial decree!"

Xia Xun stood in the line and watched, with a slight smile in his eyes.

The Three Kings of Wala greeted the Imperial Envoy of Ming Dynasty at the gate of his camp, what kind of horse did he need to ride?They just want to gain the upper hand in this silent confrontation when the two sides meet, as long as Zhao Zijin is a little flustered.After getting out of the car first, they saved enough face in front of so many soldiers from the Wara Department.

But a scholar like Zhao Zijin.Other mistakes may be made, but when it comes to the word "ritual", they are more particular than anyone else, so how can they make mistakes.

The Three Kings of Wala are imperial titles of the Ming Emperor, and their titles are higher than him, but before the decree was issued, he was here as if I were in person.There is absolutely no reason to get off the car first and pay homage to the three kings.

This Zhao Zijin's mind was spinning very quickly, obviously he also understood the intention of the third king of Wala, so he immediately punched back.He could have waited until he entered the camp to read this imperial decree.But he stood on the car and announced the decree, which was to make the three kings of Wala kneel and bow their heads in front of their own subordinates.

The third king of Wala didn't dare to contend with Daming right now. After a little hesitation, Mahamu finally took a step forward, knelt down on one knee, stroked his chest with one hand, and knelt down with the etiquette of accepting the will of the Great Khan on the grassland.Seeing Tu Poluo's situation, Taipinghe had no choice but to keep up.Yili knelt down and said in unison: "Daming Shunning King Mahamu (Xianyi King Taiping, Anle King Batu Polo) respectfully listen to the imperial decree!"

Behind Zhao Zijin, all the warriors of the Ming Dynasty reined in their horses and stood motionless. Behind the Three Kings of Wala and on the left and right, the warriors standing with spears, crossing swords and leaping on horses also stood still, holding their breaths and listening.

The emperor ordered not to enter the barracks. They wear military uniforms and are not the recipients of the order, so they just need to stand and listen.

for a while.Only the sound of the wind blowing the banners.

Zhao Zijin saw the three kings of Wala kneeling down, his heart was settled, and his slightly uneasy heart also calmed down. He stretched out his hand and pulled the yellow silk rope tied on the brocade box, let it float away with the wind, then opened the brocade box, and took out a piece of paper. Axis decree.Unfolding slowly, he proclaimed loudly: "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said:..."

After the imperial decree was announced, the Three Kings of Wala shouted long live, and Zhao Zijin rolled up the imperial decree.Step by step, he got out of the car and handed over the imperial decree to Mahamu.Mahamu raised his hands to receive the imperial decree, stood up, and said to Zhao Zijin: "The imperial envoy has come to work hard, and please enter the account. I have prepared fine wine to cleanse the imperial envoy!"

At this moment, Zhao Zijin relaxed his expression, bowed his hands to the three, and said with a smile on his face: "The three princes are polite, how dare you be the first official, the three princes please first!"


In the large tent, there are several or two rows long, arranged on the left and right.The table is full of delicious food, wine and game.Although the dishes are not as detailed as the Central Plains, with a variety of tricks, but the rough grassland style has a special flavor, especially the whole roast beef, the big pot of hand-grilled mutton, and the large wine bowl, it is really easy to evoke Human appetite.

Behind the short table, Zhao Zijin raised his glass and said with a smile: "When I was in Jinling, I have admired the three princes of Wala for a long time. I don't want to have the opportunity to conspire with the three princes today. Hehe, Zhao is now Just borrow the prince's wine, and pay homage to the three princes, please, please drink this cup to the full!"

Mahamu, Taiping, and Bald Polo raised their bowls together, and Zhao Zijin raised their necks to gulp and drank until there was nothing left.Zhao Zijin put down his wine glass, and said with a chuckle: "On the way here, I saw flocks of sheep and sheep, tens of thousands of horses galloping, and the wealth of Oirat, which can be seen. Just now in front of the camp, I saw the war of Oirat warriors with my own eyes. Invincible Xiongfeng, the three princes are the leaders of the tribes of Oara, with such a strong army in hand, and countless cattle and sheep as their backing, they are enough to be proud of the world!"

"Don't dare, the imperial envoy has won the prize!"

Mahamu quickly waved his hand and said: "Wara can have today, His Majesty the Emperor of Quanra has blessed him. Since Wala returned to the celestial dynasty, each other's troops were not prosperous, and we rested to support the people. Only then did our Wala tribe become prosperous day by day. Are you proud of the world, ha ha, It's just an idiot's dream, I really don't dare to have such delusions, even if it is Xiaoao Grassland, I dare not think about it, as long as my Oala tribe can guard my own grassland and not be bullied by others, so that the shepherds under my command can have clothes to wear, If you have food to eat, your wish is enough!"

Zhao Zijin nodded and said with a smile: "King Shunning can think this way, it is the blessing of Oara, and the blessing of the world. But... the three princes, do you know that the emperor's order is to appease Oara and visit places, and what is it for? "

Mahamu hurriedly said: "I also ask the imperial envoy to make it clear!"

Zhao Zijin withdrew his smile, and said in a deep voice: "He Ning Wang Arutai sent an envoy to report to the emperor, saying that the three princes had a wrong intention to welcome the Great Khan in Wala! Three princes, how can you explain?"

In the early morning, I ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! ! ! ! .

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