Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 870 It's You!

In the imperial envoy's tent, Zhao Zijin was discussing with Xia Xun in a low voice.

Zhao Zijin said: "Master, tomorrow I will send a team to conduct interviews separately. The officer will bring his own team and go to the Nahashha tribe. I think Nahashha and Mahamu are quite at odds. If I go , should be able to attract more attention to facilitate the actions of the Duke here."

Xia Xun led the leader and said: "Well, then I will stay in the camp. The left-behind people should be the least noticed group. They don't know how to guard against people in their own tribe. I don't know the woman's full name, and it is impossible to ask for help." The people in this tribe inquired, so they had to wander around and wait for her to come to me again!" As he was speaking, the curtain was lifted, and a person walked in.Xia Xun turned his back to the door, and thought it was the guards from the camp entering the tent, so he didn't pay attention to it. Zhao Zijin saw a woman walking in from the door of the tent, but couldn't help being very surprised, stood up quickly, and said strangely: "Girl, what are you doing?" Did you come in?" When Xia Xun heard about the girl, he thought that the lady had come to the door last night, so he stood up abruptly, turned around excitedly, and was immediately stunned.After two years, I can't even remember her name, but there have been so many wonderful stories between the two of them, it is impossible to forget her appearance. After Xia Xun was startled for a moment, he remembered her name: "1】,

cherry! "The light in the tent was darker than the outside. Wulan Tuya didn't pay attention to Lou Xun's appearance. After she came in, she saw Zhao Zijin standing up from behind the case at a glance, and immediately said: "Master Imperial Envoy? "Xia Xun froze for a moment, and quickly lost his shock, but even though it was only for a moment, it still aroused Wulan Tuya's alertness. Wulan Tuya glanced at him and was shocked immediately.

Xia Xun grew a beard, but growing a beard is not a problem, Xia Xun has already reached the age to grow a beard.In ancient times, men with eyebrows were mentioned, and beards were also an essential part of men’s grooming. Opening the history books, when writing about the appearance of outstanding emperors and generals, they usually only use the three words of beauty and grooming to describe. If this person has a beautiful beard, Then there will be one more description in the history books: there is a beautiful beard.

The man started to grow a beard at the age of 28, and Xia Xun has reached the age when he should grow a beard, but in the past two years, he has been running around all the time outside. He is clean and sleek. After returning to Beijing this time, people saw that he hadn't grown a beard yet, and people were often concerned: Is it possible that he won't grow a beard?My brother knew a famous doctor, and even Ming'er often reminded Hua Xiaxun that he had no choice but to grow a little beard on his chun to meet the occasion.

But Wulantuya didn't know this. In her mind, at Yang Xu's age, he should have grown a beard. As for the beard, it varies from person to person. A long beard doesn't mean he's not Xia Xun.The only reason why Ulan Tuya hesitated was because of Xia Bi's clothes, he was wearing the clothes of a guard, which was why Ulan Tuya thought she had misjudged the person.

Xia Xun secretly groaned, he shouldn't have had anyone recognize him in Wacha, this is really nowhere in the world where no "confidant" went to a place like Bieshabali, and he would meet Yu Jian who wanted his life, Now that Waji came, he met Sakura who wanted his life again.

Xiao Ying stared at Xia Xun steadily, her eyes became more and more strange. Although Xia Xun's appearance was somewhat different because of the beard, although Xiao Ying spent a short time with him, her impression of him was stronger than anyone else's. Everyone is deep, how can they forget?

Xiaoying hesitated and asked: "You...you are?" Xia Xun coughed and said, "My name is Zhu Dazhuang, my little lady is Ning De?"


Xiao Ying was dumbfounded, and Zhao Zijin was also dumbfounded: "Master, why is your tongue curling all of a sudden, and you're talking Suzhou dialect?" Xiao Ying asked again, Xia Xun was still elegant, her tongue curled, and she sipped The Suzhou dialect, the thickness of the voice will naturally change.

Xiao Ying looked at him suspiciously, as if she still hadn't cleared up her doubts, Zhao Zijin vaguely understood that the Duke was deliberately concealing his identity, it was so strange, did the Duke recognize this girl?

Zhao Zijin was suspicious, and hurriedly said: "This is the guard of the official, named Zhu Dazhuang. Girl, do you know him?"

Xiaoying's eyes flickered slightly, she still stared at Xia Xun, but said in her mouth, "I don't recognize it!" Xia Xun immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Zijin hurriedly asked again: "Girl, how did you break in? What do you want to do with me?" Xiaoying let Xia Xun go, turned to Zhao Zijin and said, "I'm afraid there will be some uninvited guests to disturb me in a while, and I will Straight to the point! Imperial envoy, why are you here this time to investigate the matter of Wacha's arrogance?"

Zhao Zijin's eyes lit up, and he said, "That's right, so what?"

Xiao Ying took a breath and said: "If you continue to investigate like this, don't expect to find out. People here will live on the backs of the three kings. Even if they are dissatisfied with them, how can they tell you? Even if you find out, And how to obtain corroboration? I can tell you that the things you investigated are true or false, and I can also provide you with two witnesses. Based on their identities, what they say is enough evidence for your crusade against Wacha."

Zhao Zijin leaned forward and said eagerly, "Really? Tell me quickly!"

Xiao Ying said: "However, I have two conditions. If you can do it, I will cooperate with you!" Zhao Zijin asked anxiously: "What conditions?"

Xiao Ying said: "The first thing is to bring those two important witnesses to Daming, otherwise, they will die if they say it, and they will never dare to testify for you! But I am talking about it, because their identities Especially, it is not easy for you to take them out of the grassland." Zhao Zijin frowned and nodded sharply, "If you want to serve as witnesses, of course you have to rescue them. Don't worry, I have my own means! This second What's the condition?"

Xiao Ying said together: "Second thing, I want to go with you, not only I want to go with you, but also...you have to do me a favor!

Zhao Zijin said: "What help?"

Sakura said: "Help me find a heartbreaker!"

Zhao Zijin was stunned, and wondered, "Huh? A heartless person? The girl has a lover in my Central Plains?"


Listening to Xia Xun, a faint feeling came up.

Sakura has a lover in Central China?Isn't her fiancé, Abu Ji'a, the son of Grand Master Alutai?Could it be that in the past two years, she has had someone she likes and abandoned her?Grassland women don't have the concept of chastity. It's very common for a husband to remarry after death, let alone a fiancé. She is young and beautiful, and it is normal to find a good man, but why does she always feel that it is not good?

Zhao Zijin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This couldn't be easier. However, you must know his name, surname, and place of origin. Otherwise, I will be making a list of the world. Hehe, it's hard to find him!"

Xiao Ying smiled strangely and said, "Don't worry, my lord, not only do I know his name and place of origin, I also know his official position!"

Zhao Zijin was taken aback again, and said in a voiceless voice, "Is he an official?"

"That's right, he was an official in your Daming, but he always abandoned me, and he made me...

Sakura let out a gasp as she spoke, as if she was about to cry.

"It's over! It's broken! This girl is still suspicious of me, she is cheating!"

Lou Xun knew right away that Xiao Ying was still testing his identity. When he was in Liaodong, Xiao Ying was by his side, gentle and delicate, like a little sheep, but it was all pretending!The woman on the prairie is daring and daring, how can someone so delicate treat her like a beggar without hesitation in order to assassinate herself, and seduce her again and again, you can see her daring, daring and bold style No wonder she would mind doing another play!

Xia Xun quickly winked at Zhao Zijin, but it was useless.

Zhao Zijin's gossip hun has already ignited: an official from the Central Plains made a life-long betrothal with a beautiful woman on the prairie, and then the family must have arranged another good match, or because she disliked the other party's identity as a prairie woman, she sent her away. Abandoned, this story wow haha... It would be better if this official is a Beijing official, an official I know, then it will be fun to watch!

Zhao Zijin didn't bother to look at Xia Xun at all, and immediately asked with a smile on his face, "What is his name and what is his official position?"

Xiao Ying said word by word: "His surname is Yang Mingxu, he is a Duke of the State, and he was the Governor of Liaodong in the Ming Dynasty!"


Zhao Zijin immediately stood up, puffed up his eyes, opened his mouth wide, like an oversized toad, and looked at Xia Xun in surprise.This was his subconscious action. Even if he saw Xia Xun's sign in advance, he might not be able to do it calmly, not to mention that he didn't see Xia Xun's sign at all.

Xia Xun closed one eye, tilted the corner of his mouth, maintained a winking expression, slowly raised his hands, and covered his face all at once.

When Zhao Zijin saw Xia Xun's expression and movements, he no longer had any doubts in his heart. He looked at Xia Xun sympathetically, then at Sakura sympathetically, and then sighed sympathetically.

Xia Xun slowly put down his hand, still struggling for the last time, and said, "Little Niang'e, it's*

Nonsense Hong Kong dialect, the first one wants sand head*! "

Xiao Ying slowly turned to him, her pretty face turned sideways slightly, teasingly said: "You straighten your tongue before talking to me! Yang Xu, Master Yang!"

Xia Xun knew that she couldn't pretend anymore, so she sighed and gave Zhao Zijin a hard look.

Zhao Zijin got it wrong again, and hurriedly pretended to be clever and said: "Goose's father is fishing for ducks, alas, the matter is really not helping you. If you avoid it, it's better to talk to Xiaoniang'e yourself! "

Xia Xun's nose almost turned out of anger: "You idiot, you still speak Suzhou dialect to me, are you very playful?"

Zhao Zijin walked out happily, being able to share the little secrets of the Duke, he felt that the relationship between himself and the Duke had suddenly become much closer.

Xia Xun and Xiao Ying were the only ones left in the big tent. They stood facing each other for a long time, and Xiao Ying suddenly said, "Mahamu will probably be here soon!"

Xia Xun said: "If you want to kill me, I'm afraid you can't count on him. Girl Xiaoying, to tell you the truth, if I find Tuotuobuhua now, Mahamu would rather kill him and apologize to Daming than dare to kill him." Move my finger!"

Sakura said angrily, "Are you sure I'm going to kill you?"

Xia Xun wondered, "You won't kill me?"

Xiao Ying bitterly said: "Even if I want to kill you, I will only do it myself, and I will never do it to others!"

Xia Xun laughed and said, "If that's the case, I'm afraid you will never have a chance!"

Xiao Ying was very angry, and said: "If someone misses, don't be too confident!"

Xia Xun said: "Hehe, good, then Yang will wait and see!"

Xiao Ying said angrily: "Are you trying to quarrel with me, or do you want to handle the important matter entrusted to you by your emperor?"

Xia Xun moved and said: "Of course it's a big deal, who is the witness you're talking about, you" Xia Xun stared at Xiaoying's red pouting cherry mouth, and suddenly realized: "The witness is the woman from yesterday?

The girl in the dance dress last night was..."

Xiao Ying stared at her big beautiful eyes, and a thrilling blush immediately appeared on her fair and pretty face: "Was that person last night you?"

Xia Xun also said: "So that person is you?"


Xiao Ying let out a shy cry, and kicked Xia Xun's ankle, causing Xia Xun to yell "Ouch" in pain.

Xiao Ying hooked her chun corner, and said with a half-smile: "It's really ugly, don't you know how to bark?"! .

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