Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 892 Draft

Therefore, the mountains are beautiful, just like Jiuhua Mountain in Qingyang, which is hundreds of miles away, so it is called "Little Jiuhua".

Xiaojiuhua is also called Wangfu Mountain, because there is a strange stone on the mountain, which is about one person high and looks like a human being. Which dynasty and which generation.

Legend has it that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva once practiced here, so the Ksitigarbha Hall was built in the mountain, which is magnificent.For thousands of years, there has been an endless stream of pilgrims on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and the thirtieth day of the seventh lunar month.

It's not the season for pilgrimage. There are not many tourists in the mountain, and it is very quiet. Xia Xun's family is just in the right place to browse and enjoy the magnificent scenery in the mountain.

Xia Xun did not reveal his identity to the abbot of the temple. After donating a sum of sesame oil, he declined the company of the Zhigu monk, and the family toured freely in the mountains.On the edge of the abrupt river in Xiaojiuhua, there are beautiful peaks, lush vegetation in the mountains, and wild animals in the mountains such as hares, hedgehogs, cuckoos, and woodpeckers. It is very quiet and serene.

When it was getting late and was about to return, suddenly there were several fast horses galloping towards the mountain. Xia Xun thought that there were tourists coming to the mountain to have a look. Unexpectedly, the guards in front greeted him. Dingqing took a look and recognized it was Xu Jiang.

Xia Xun led Xu Jiang to a small pavilion, and Xu Jiang quietly explained to him the news that Jin had been moved to Annan again. Xia Xun was shocked, this was not a good omen, the emperor's mind was unpredictable.Sometimes, demoting again and again is actually just to send a signal to the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty to signal them to continue impeachment.

Xia Xun asked nervously: "Why did the emperor change his mind?"

Xu Jiangdao: "Mr. Xie wrote a song "Songs of Complaint" on the way, and there were also some complaints. Among the people who sent him to Guangxi without protection, there were other people's eyes and ears. I don't know who reported it to the emperor. Angry, this is why he was changed to Annan again."

Xia Xun immediately felt relieved.As long as the emperor didn't take the initiative to signal, then he didn't have the intention to kill him.Even if you are demoted to the horizon.As long as people are alive, there is always room for maneuver.He was stunned for a while.Then he smiled wryly and said, "Xie Jin has such a bad mouth. Don't you know the lesson?"

Xu Jiang also smiled wryly: "In the southern part of the country, there will be rebellion here today and there tomorrow. Rebels are constantly rebels, and gunpowder is everywhere. When Xie Dashi is there, will he..."

Xia Xun shook his head and said: "It's okay, Xie Jin is a scholar of the first assistant. If he has any troubles in Annan, the court will not look good. Therefore, even if Zhang Fu and Mu Sheng don't let him In view of it, he must be properly settled, and he will definitely not cause accidents."

Xia Xun took a breath and said, "Go back first, I'll stay here for a while longer."

Having said that, Xia Xun lowered his voice, and said again: "I will keep an eye on Chen Ying's every move!"

Xu Jiang nodded, bid farewell to Xia Xun, pulled the saddle on his horse, led several subordinates, and galloped away again.

Xia Xun rode on the horse, and a group of women and children took six carriages, surrounded by family members and guards, and hurried back to the other courtyard at the foot of Cigrao Mountain.

Halfway through the journey, I suddenly saw Chuichuidada in front of me, and a team of married people came over.

The guard wanted to step forward and order the other party to make way, but Xia Xun stopped him in time. Xia Xun smiled and said, "Marriage is a major event in one's life. Come on, drive our car to the side of the road and make way for them."

The guard obeyed the order and got out of the way. The married couple didn't know who he was, so they passed all the way. Xia Xun and Ming'er looked side by side at the bridegroom in new clothes and red and colorful, and pointed with a smile. Fan.

When the marriage team passed by, the car drove on the back road and continued to move forward. Within five miles, there was another welcoming team. Xia Xun couldn't help but smiled at Ming'er: "We didn't see it when we came out, I don't know What an auspicious day today, so many people got married."

Before we finished talking, there was another welcoming team that picked up the bride from the fork in the road. The two welcoming teams, together with Xia Xun's motorcade, blocked a road to the brim. It took a long time. The welcoming team passed by, and Xia Xun's family was able to get on the road.The adults felt a little irritated, only the children found it interesting, and they were all in high spirits.

Xia Xun saw Ming'er leaning on the window rail and looking out of the window in a daze, so he gently held her hand, and asked softly, "Why, seeing someone else get married, you feel in love with the scene?"

Ming'er looked back at him with a smile, and said: "What's more, from morning till night, all kinds of ceremonies were so complicated that they almost tossed people to pieces. Who wants to remember it? I saw that mountain peak by chance. Feel it, and see what it looks like."

Xia Xun looked around, left and right, up and down, and after looking for a long time, he hesitated and said, "Hmm... like a green snail?"

Ming'er rolled his eyes at him, and Yang Huaiyuan, who was sitting between the two of them looking around, got excited and quickly got up and said, "Let me see, let me see!"

His two little feet were bare, one foot was on his father's thigh, the other was on his mother's thigh, and he arched forward vigorously. Xia Xun hurriedly supported his waist from behind, and Yang Huaiyuan held onto his waist. The whole head got out of the window, looked carefully for a long time, grinned and drooled: "Mother, that mountain looks like a big turtle!"

Ming'er rolled her eyes helplessly, and said angrily, "Sooner or later, I'll make you and my father pissed off!"

Xia Xun said depressedly: "Then what do you think it looks like?"

Ming'er glanced at him, with a touch of tenderness in her eyes, and said softly: "Do you see that mountain, does it look like...the mountain where you and I met when we hunted foxes in Yanshan in the past?"

Xia Xun hurriedly looked again, but only saw his son's naked body stuck on the window. Xia Xun touched his nose, and said in an uh voice, "Hmm..., it looks, it really looks like it!"

"Hmph! You're insincere at first glance!" Ming'er gave him another look.

At this time, Yang Huaiyuan drew his head back, and said joyfully, "Father, mother, just now... those people who got married just now came back playing the trumpets!"


Xia Xun was stunned, she poked her head out to have a look, and it turned out that there was another wedding party coming. The married couples were all dressed in red and colorful, playing and beating, and the children couldn't tell the difference.

Xia Xun turned back and smiled at Ming'er: "Today must be an extremely rare and auspicious day, and many people are getting married."

Xia Xun didn't know that at this moment, with Jinling City as the center, all the people who were well-informed and got the news in advance were already hurrying to marry their daughters.Especially those who have long been married, but their children are still too young.Not yet married.Even more in a hurry, everything is simple and fast.Get married in a hurry and consummate the house.Because they have been informed.The emperor is going to draft a girl.

In Moling town, a eunuch, a Jinyi guard, and an official from Yingtian Mansion, like three fierce gods, sit in the room, taking a few sips of tea from time to time.

Yang Lijie, the mayor of Moling Town, was holding the household registration booklet, flipping through it in a hurry, dipping in his saliva from time to time before going through the pages. There was an abacus next to him, and Yang Lijie flipped through the household registration booklet.From time to time, I dialed the abacus beads, and with a crackling sound, a number was added.

After a long time, Yang Lijie closed his notebook, took a deep breath, got up and smiled to the three of them: "Three Shangguans, the villain has already checked it out. There are 220 seven households in this town, with 620 people. Among them, there are 16 unmarried girls between the ages of 210 and [-]."


The official of Yingtian Mansion glared at him and said: "This number seems wrong. Why can't it match the list in the mansion? Yang Lijie, don't fool me. This is a draft for the imperial court to choose a woman for the emperor. You know What? If you dare to cheat..., hmph, don't forget how your second uncle died!"

Yang Lijie did move his mind a little bit, he concealed the ten quotas for the convenience of his close relatives and friends.Don't look at the intimidation of Ying Tianfu's officials, the officials do their errands, and they always want to get something for themselves. The emperor's knife is so easy to cut on the head of a poor man like him.

However, this attitude must be maintained. Yang Lijie immediately looked terrified, and said repeatedly: "How dare a villain, how dare a villain. In fact, there are only two people in 210. To be honest, the daughters of several families have become Darling, it's just that it hasn't been recorded in time, the villain can't fool the emperor with a married woman!"

The eunuch snorted heavily, stood up, and said, "Five people from 210! We can't do without one!"

When Yang Lijie heard this, he immediately burst into tears: "Shangguan's kindness, it's really impossible, even if the villain is alive, it's too late to gather so many people!"

The captain of Jinyiwei slapped him in the face and cursed: "Bastard! The entire Yingtian Mansion will select 10 people, and the 10 people will be selected by the local government, and then 2 people will be selected to go to Beijing. Screening, after three selections, 400 people can be selected. These 400, 400 people will enter the palace, and they will be observed by a special person for another month. 800 people will be eliminated, and finally only [-] people will be selected to be the showgirls of the emperor. Is it that easy?"

He sneered coldly, and said darkly: "Don't play tricks with me. This matter is presided over by Lord Jin Yiwei Ji. If anyone dares to play tricks, we, Lord Ji, must have heard of the tricks? Three days later, we will come Bring people! Let's go!"

The three of them piled up their teacups and walked out swaggeringly. Yang Lijie covered his face, nodded and bowed and sent them out, standing at the door in a daze.

"The head of the house, the head of the house!" His mother-in-law followed cautiously, and gently tugged at his sleeve.

Yang Lijie was quick-witted, and said: "Hurry up, hurry up, tell our daughter to tidy up right away, and get married right away!

His mother-in-law was stunned and said: "The head of the family, our daughter has just turned thirteen, and she hasn't married yet. Who will she marry?"

Yang Lijie stared and said: "What's wrong with not getting married yet? I'll find a family for her right now, and we'll get married tomorrow!"

He walked away, and just two steps away, he stopped suddenly, turned his head away, and told his mother-in-law through gritted teeth: "Give me a little more control over your mouth, and don't leak a word!"

His mother-in-law said dully: "Then... then our niece..."

Yang Lijie said: "There are only a few places in total, please don't make it public, wait until we have settled our daughter's marriage!"

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