Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 905 Hook Heart

Guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month!

It's the beginning of the month, and it's scorching June, with [-] updates per day.

The beginning of July, a new month, is a new starting point for time and a new starting point for the list.

What remains unchanged is steady updates and continuous efforts.

There is no Chaosan, no Twilight, no Chaos, no Twilight, as always, serious creation and continuous updating.

I sincerely hope that with everyone's support, I can achieve better results this month.

Therefore, at the beginning of this month, I sincerely ask you to guarantee the monthly pass. I hope that not only can we achieve a good result every month, but when 2012 ends, we will also have a very good result in the annual pass list.

Dear book friends, I sincerely ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!The water surface of Mochou Lake is more than [-] mu, and the lakeshore pavilions are connected with each other. The owner of this family tasted something new.Some are warriors in charge of guards, cruising around the shore of the lake in small boats.

Today, Mrs. Dingguo invited the princesses from the Tenth Prince's Mansion and some wives from the Xun Qi's family to visit the lake. All of them have golden branches and jade leaves. Naturally, extra care must be taken to prevent anyone from colliding with them.Furthermore, the boat is full of princesses, royal orders, and ministers. A group of women and girls are playing in the lake, and there are no male guests.

Ming'er, several princesses, and several wives of the honorable relatives stood at the bow of the boat and watched the lake view for a while, and then returned to the cabin to play leaf cards with others. Went to rest.

This large painting boat is three storeys high, with a magnificent appearance and a quiet and elegant cabin.The princesses, wives, and daughters each have their own bedrooms for rest, and Ming'er's bedroom is on the highest floor.He walked up the stairs slowly, returned to the cabin and just sat down when he heard the door knock gently, Qiaoyun hurried to open the door, the Crown Princess Zhang was standing at the cabin door.

Ming'er got up quickly, and Yingyingfu bowed down: "The concubine has seen the crown princess!"

"Ma'am, no courtesy!"

Mrs. Zhang hurriedly took a step forward, helped Ming'er up, [baidu Jinyi Night Walk Post] said with a smile: "Aunt Ming, why are you so formal when we meet in private."

The two are relatives, in terms of seniority, Ming'er is the aunt of her husband Zhu Gaochi, but Zhu Gaochi is now the crown prince, Zhang is the future queen, and the two are also monarchs and ministers, so they have to meet each other with the courtesy of monarchs and ministers first, and then talk about it. The seniority of my relatives.

Ming'er said with a smile: "The etiquette that should be enforced must not be lacking in etiquette."

Zhang's family is virtuous, filial and docile, and she really values ​​etiquette. Although she is docile, she will not blame Ming'er for being rude, but the way of monarch and minister is very important in her heart, she is polite in her mouth, but she is still happy in her heart , then smiled softly and said, "Aunt Ming, let's sit down and talk."

The two of them sat by the couch, chatted a few words casually, and then got back to the topic.Every time they gather, they will find time to meet privately and exchange some things.Ming'er said: "I heard that someone in the Metropolitan Procuratorate impeached the prince and punished the ministers, the emperor was furious and issued an order to condemn the prince."

Mrs. Zhang suppressed her smile, sighed faintly, and said: "No, the prince is honest and honest, if he is not very angry, how can he lose his temper."

Mrs. Zhang explained in detail why Zhu Gaochi got angry, and sighed softly: "It seems that this matter is just a temporary food shortage in one place. A single carelessness may cause a series of major incidents. The prince was angry because of this, and he was a little carried away for a while. I didn't want to be blamed by the emperor."

Ming'er listened carefully, and said with a soft "oh": "So, the crown prince can write a letter to express his grievances to the emperor."

Mrs. Zhang said: "My nephew said the same thing, but the crown prince refused. Aunt Ming, you don't know that although your nephew is simple and honest, sometimes you get stubborn and can't pull back nine cows. He treats me He said that the father taught his son, and the emperor reprimanded his courtiers. No matter right or wrong, they should not disobey. The emperor was far away in Beijing, so he taught himself a few words for his father, and made a special statement, mixing it with state affairs, and wasting his father's attention. Mind? I can't stand a little bit of grievance. What big things can such a person without deep thoughts do? You say he..., alas!"

Ming'er smiled slightly and said: "The crown prince is right, this matter may make the emperor a little unhappy, but if the crown prince is eager to defend himself, the emperor will look down on him. , It will inevitably make the emperor lose face. The prince is both a minister and a son, this kind of loyalty and filial piety is rare, and the emperor will understand the prince's painstaking efforts sooner or later."

Zhang said: "My niece and daughter-in-law also know this truth, but they are still a little worried. I think it's because they haven't cultivated their minds yet."

Ming'er's eyes flashed, and she asked: "Then the prince is in a bad mood because of this matter?"

Mrs. Zhang let out a "puchi" laugh, and said, "Aunt Ming, you don't know his temperament. I used to laugh at him for being generous and fat, but he didn't admit it. He just said it was a natural physique. He doesn't have any at all. Seriously, he can still eat and sleep well, review memorials with all his heart, and handle things bravely, he said that God rewards hard work, I think he is a good old man."

Ming'er smiled sweetly, her red lips showed a mouthful of white and neat white teeth, and said: "The crown prince is not surprised, this is the prince's heart. Someone deliberately instigated and sued the crown prince, the emperor will indeed reprimand the crown prince if he finds out. But it’s just a scolding, can it shake the prince’s position? No, then why does this traitor still do this?”

Mrs. Zhang's expression changed, and she hurriedly said: "Aunt Ming, you also know that my husband and I are both honest-minded..."

Ming'er smiled and said: "The man's original intention was not to use this trivial matter to frame the prince, but to disturb the prince's mind. The prince is currently in charge of the country. Do you think it will make the emperor feel disgusted if you pick a child and get angry? Or maybe the prince is blamed, and he is afraid of making mistakes again, so he dare not take care of the things he should take care of. I have made merit, but I hope that there is no fault, and because of delaying the important affairs of the country, will the emperor be disappointed?"

Zhang groaned softly, it was also hot, she was startled again, she broke out in a cold sweat, but she knew that if the emperor didn't drive the King of Han out of the capital, her husband would not be safe as the crown prince.

Ming'er said softly: "That's why, the prince is wise and foolish, so he can respond to all changes without change, and calmly resolve the other party's sinister intentions."

Empress Zhang said frightenedly: "What Aunt Ming said is that the niece and daughter-in-law are confused. Fortunately, the crown prince didn't listen to me."

Ming'er gently tugged on Mrs. Zhang, and whispered to her: "People don't hurt the tiger's will, but the tiger hurts the heart. The prince's doing this is certainly to defuse the opponent's sinister plan, but it is only a means of self-protection, not enough. To fight back. Whoever can be on guard at all times, if he is careless, there is a possibility of being tricked, this disaster should be cleared up earlier."

This is not the first time the two have met, and Yang Xu often secretly gives tips to the prince through his wife's diplomacy.After hearing this, Mrs. Zhang understood, pretending to be resentful and said: "The emperor has always disliked the crown prince. The crown prince is careful in his conduct and does not do enough to do what he is supposed to do. What should we do about this situation?"

Ming'er smiled slightly, and said, "Just plan..."

On the Hanwang Mansion, in the back garden, there are four dishes of side dishes and a jug of old wine.

Zhu Gaoxu, King of the Han Dynasty, sat at the head, and Chen Ying accompanied him. The two drank lightly and chatted.

Chen Ying said: "Your Highness, the old minister's niece, thanks to His Royal Highness..."

Zhu Gaoxu waved his hand and said, "Hey, your business is mine. If I don't help you, I will help you. Don't say such heretical things. By the way, after the imperial decree came back, what's the prince's reaction?"

Chen Ying smiled slightly, and said: "It's better than I expected. The old minister thought that if he was wronged and depressed, and quit work, it would be the most satisfactory. Or if he dare not make decisions, he will push everything to Beijing. It can also annoy the emperor, but the crown prince is as calm as ever, reviewing memorials and handling official affairs as usual."

Zhu Gaoxu was greatly disappointed when he heard this, and said irritably: "Cultivate your mind! Cultivate your mind! His mind has been cultivated into an old tortoise for thousands of years. He just shrinks in his shell, which makes me unable to do anything."

Chen Ying chuckled, and said: "Your Highness, the old minister hasn't finished talking yet, and I also thought that the crown prince would not be surprised by favor or humiliation, but later I found some news..."

Zhu Gaoxu was refreshed, and hurriedly said, "How?"

Chen Yingdao: "Since the second day the prince was reprimanded by the emperor, he has lost his appetite and slept restlessly. The veteran also inquired that the prince asked the imperial doctor to prescribe some medicines to reduce phlegm and fire. The way it moves, it's just forcibly supporting others to see, and I'm still very depressed."

Zhu Gaoxu said: "What's the use of that? Could it be possible to use such a thing to kill him?"

Chen Ying said: "Hey, Your Highness, this shows that the crown prince is still very nervous about his position, and he also knows that if you don't leave the capital for a day, Your Highness, his position as the crown prince will not be stable. Although we didn't get what we wanted this time, we tried It hurt him a lot, just give him eye drops a few more times..."

Zhu Gaoxu understood and laughed. He picked up the jug, poured a glass of wine for Chen Ying, and said affectionately: "My lord Chen, if you want to plan a strategy, you have to rely on you. It is no problem for me to lead the army and fight on the battlefield. Whether you are good at the facts, as long as you can assist the king and overthrow the prince, one day the king will take the high position, and you will be the chief assistant of my cabinet, and it is no problem to be named a prince or duke!"

Chen Ying was overwhelmed by the flattery, and hurriedly cupped his cup and said: "Your Highness values ​​you so much, this old minister will do his best for His Highness!"

When the two were showing affection for each other, Xia Xun hurried into the womb of the crown prince.

After Zhu Gaochi took the throne, because his identity was too sensitive, he always lived in seclusion and did not have too much contact with the courtiers. Therefore, Xia Xun no longer met the crown prince easily, but tried his best to keep in touch with the crown prince through his wife. But today, he It was at the request of the prince.

The crown prince supervises the country, and reports to the emperor when he is in distress. If the matter is urgent, he can discuss it with the courtiers and report the solution to the emperor urgently.This power is too sensitive, and if the speed is not well grasped, it will easily arouse the suspicion of the emperor, so the prince easily does not use it.The last time I lost my temper, I called the household officials to discuss the state affairs, and reprimanded them a few words, which resulted in the emperor's criticism. If he had to, the crown prince would not want to call officials easily.

But what happened today, he had to discuss it with someone, and Xia Xun was the one he trusted and familiar with the situation where the incident happened.Therefore, since Zhu Gaochi was established as the crown prince, Xia Xun stepped into the crown prince's womb for the first time.

On July [-]st, a new month begins, and I sincerely ask you for guaranteed monthly tickets and recommended tickets! (to be continued

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