Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 916 1 girl and 2 marriages

Xiao Ying followed Xia Xun to the front cabin, and saw that the cabin was full of messes, corpses were strewn about, and there were bloodstains on the floor.

There were a lot of people crowded in the cabin, besides Xia Xun and Mo Luo's people, Xu Shiling, the commander of the Wucheng Army and Masi, Ye Zhixuan, the judge of Yingtianfu, Zhang Shuchen, the pusher, and a large group of people also came. His face was livid.For such a big case, they are the first to bear the brunt of the responsibility. If this case cannot be solved, they will be ravaged layer by layer from the emperor to the Ministry of punishment to the governor.

Xia Xun hurried into the cabin, probably because he had met these people in the cabin before, and everyone just saluted him without saying too much.Xia Xun walked up to Mo Luo and asked, "Is there anyone alive? Have you found out the identities of these people?"

Ye Zhixuan, the judge of Yingtian Mansion, stepped forward hurriedly, and replied: "The people under the official are still under investigation, so far no survivors have been found."

The Commander of the Five Cities Army Ma Sixu also bowed and said: "People with humble positions are searching everywhere. It is midnight and the curfew is already in place. There are so many of these people that they cannot escape!"

Xia Xun's gaze narrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

Commander Xu's heart felt cold, and he hesitated: "This..., the low-ranking officer is strictly investigating, and as long as they find a trace of a person, they will definitely not let them run away."

Xia Xun snorted and turned to look at Mo Luo.

At this moment, Xiao Ying had already told Mo Luo what Xia Xun had said, and Mo Luo said: "There was a living man, but the guard of the Duke was stabbed in the arm, and in annoyance, he kicked the assassin to death." Kicked to death. However, there is no need to live, judging by the weapons these people use and their appearance, they must be killers who have been recruited by black wounds. In this world, besides him, is there anyone else who wants to kill me?"

Xiao Ying said it to Xia Xun, Xia Xun nodded heavily, and said: "We will investigate this matter, as long as we find real evidence, we will definitely give you justice."

After Xia Xun finished speaking, he turned his head and directed to Xu: "Master Moluo suspects that these people were ordered by Wushang, the envoy of the Timur Kingdom. You should immediately send someone to Linggu Temple to see if any of Wushang's people have ever stayed here. Those in the temple. Remember, don’t be rude to them before you get the facts!”

"Humble job! I'll go in person!"

Commander Xu clasped his fists in agreement, and hurried out of the cabin.

Xia Xun comforted Mo Luo again.

Mo Luo had a request from Daming on the one hand, and on the other hand, he had just fought with Wushang two days ago, and he took advantage of that battle, and he had long believed that Wushang's people did it this time when the assassins attacked at night. This enmity was forged long before going to Daming, but it had nothing to do with Daming, so he had no intention of taking responsibility. He just gritted his teeth and asked Daming to punish Wushang severely, otherwise he would lead someone to kill him at Linggu Temple, and take the place of his tragic death with his own hands. people take revenge.

Xia Xun pulled Mo Luo aside, and said in a low voice, "Lord Mo Luo, you are so confused! The hatred between Wushang and you stems from the dispute between Shah Ruh and Prince Harry. It is not a personal hatred. Just imagine, even if Wushang kills you all, will it have any impact on the current situation in your country? Then why does he want to kill you?"

Mo Luo blinked his eyes, seemed to recall the memory, and asked nazily: "The Duke's meaning is..."

Xia Xun said earnestly and earnestly: "Master Moro, to my Emperor Daming, it doesn't matter whether your country is crowned king by His Royal Highness Harry or Shahru, as long as he is willing to submit to my Daming. If Shahru If you kill them all, then who should I negotiate with? Is it possible that my Ming will ignore Shaharu's envoys and send envoys to communicate with Prince Harry after thousands of miles away?"

After hearing this, Moro let out a soft ah, and understood something.

Xia Xun said again: "However, if they want to achieve this goal, they must kill you all. Obviously, Wushang is not familiar with the place, and he didn't know that I would accept your banquet tonight, so he brought a lot Shiwei boarded the ship. He underestimated the force on the ship, so he returned home. Now that he has not killed you, Lord Mo Luo, when the emperor returns to Beijing, who will be more beneficial in front of His Majesty?"


"Hey, Master Mo Luo, the day before yesterday in the Huitong Hall, you took action first, but I was a little aggrieved. I was still worried about you. Once the emperor returns to Beijing, he will be angry when he hears about this, and he will leave you alone Now, Wushang has done you a great favor, even if we have no evidence to prove that Wushang did it, as long as Mr. Moluo insists that it was Wushang who did it, think about it..."

Xiao Ying glanced at Xia Xun lightly, and thought, "This guy is cheating again."

Sakura's mind was fully awake at this time, she gradually recalled all the situations before coma, she remembered that when she was stuck on the window and couldn't get out, it seemed that an assassin broke into the cabin, and she shouted loudly in Chinese 'The right owner has been found! Judging from this, I'm afraid those assassins came for Xia Xun at all, but Xia Xun pushed it lightly...

As soon as Sakura Xia Xun's words were told to Mo Luo, Mo Luo really turned his anger into joy.He already believed that the assassin was sent by Wushang, and now, no matter whether he is or not, he is biting his finger and he will not let go of his death.

At this time, a large boat came with lights on, and before it came to a complete stop beside the painting boat, the man in the bow shouted loudly: "Prince asked: Did the assassin hurt Duke Fu and Lord Mo Luo when he committed an attack?"

Xia Xun heard it from the cabin, and said to Mo Luo: "Excuse me, I'm going to meet the visitor."


Moro was pulling his beard and turning his eyes around. He was wondering if the assassins didn't have any marks on them, and whether they should put something unique to the Timurid Kingdom on the dead to kill them, so he just nodded absent-mindedly and said: : "Although the Duke is busy with something, don't bother me."

Xia Xun walked a few steps, glanced back at Xiao Ying who was following her like a shadow, and said, "You just woke up, and you're not feeling well yet, take a rest first, I don't need to accompany you when I'm going to see the people in the womb. "

Sakura let out an "oh", stood still, stared at Xia Xun's back, and thought faintly: "It's hard for him to be a prince, and Ting knows how to hurt people."

Xi Shi is in the eyes of lovers, they used to look at him, all kinds of things don't go well, but now once they are in love, they just look at everything.


Xia Xun got out of the cabin and walked to the front deck. The inspectors of Ying Tianfu, who were investigating and interrogating the ship, had already stepped on the board to welcome the person on board.

The man on the boat was about [-] years old, with a white face and no beard, wearing a round black-brimmed hat and a sky blue dress, a pair of white satin soap boots under his feet, and a red lamp in his hand. The lantern is dressed like an eunuch.

Zhang Shuchen, the pusher of Ying Tianfu, took a step forward and said, "Grandpa Fuguo is here, which father-in-law is here?"

The eunuch picked out the lantern, and saw that Xia Xun was wearing a robe that didn't fit well, his hair was tied up with a hairpin, and his bun was loose. Knowing that this is the Duke of the State, he quickly gave a salute and said, "Slave Yiyi, I have seen the Duke of the State. The prince was shocked when he heard that the Duke and the envoy of the Timur Kingdom were assassinated, and asked the servant to bring the imperial doctor. Look Look, the Duke's body was injured, but the Timurid envoy is safe and sound."

Xia Xun leaned forward and said, "Prince Chengmeng asked, but fortunately, the minister was fine, and Mo Luo, the envoy of the Timur Kingdom, was not injured. However, some guards and warriors on board were injured or injured, and the doctor has not been found yet. Can you ask the crown prince's imperial doctor to diagnose and treat it for you? "

Although the imperial physicians of the imperial uterus are also arrogant, but whoever is in front of this style, they will never dare to play tricks in front of a prince. The two imperial physicians agreed, and brought the apprentice with the medicine box, Zhang Tuiguan led him into the hall.

On the deck, there were only three people left on the deck, the inner eunuch Yiyi of the Taiwomen, Ye Zhixuan, the judge of the Yingtian Mansion, and Xia Xun. Surrounded by them, they were the only three subordinates, and there were no people from Mo Luo. His face immediately sank.

"Lord Judge!"

Xia Xun shouted in a deep voice, which startled Ye Zhixuan. The Duke of the country was fine just now, but why did he suddenly change his face? This tone was really not kind.

Judge Ye hurriedly agreed with caution, and leaned in front of Xia Xun. Xia Xun said solemnly, "Eunuch Yiyi, you can listen aside and answer the two of us, and answer the prince!"

The people around the prince are so vigilant, Yi knew that there must be some strange secrets that are not known to outsiders, so he just bowed and took a step forward, pretending to be listening attentively, without saying a word.

Xia Xun held on to the side of the boat and took a look outside. At this time, there were many large and small boats parked around the boat, salvaging corpses in the water, and searching for assassins who had jumped into the water and had not had time to escape. Therefore, there were countless fire lights on the water surface, shining brighter than the sunset But also brilliant.

Xia Xun turned around slowly, and said in a deep voice: "Before the assassins boarded the ship, many people on board had been poisoned, and even my country's father had their way! If it weren't for this, they might not be able to hurt me!"

As Xia Xun said, he slowly opened his robe. Under the light, he could only see his bare chest, from his shoulder bones to his abdomen, tightly wrapped with a silk belt, with blood still oozing faintly. I don't know how long the wound is. .

Xia Xun asked the two of them to take a closer look, tied up their belts again, and said, "In desperation, my father-in-law had no choice but to jump into the river to survive. He didn't want to jump into the water, but he regained his strength after being shaken by the lake water. Thinking about it now, They should be using something like perspiration medicine, and only this kind of poison can be mixed into tea and wine without being noticed. Judge Ye, do you understand the meaning of my country's lord?"

Judge Ye said with a stern expression: "Yes, I understand! There are assassins on this boat. If this assassin is really sent by the Wushang envoy, then this insider should be someone close to Mo Luo who was bought by him!"

Xia Xun snorted, and said calmly: "The words in the cabin are just lies I said in front of the foreign envoy, not wanting to lose the dignity of the court. My country's father was poisoned and was powerless to resist, so he had to escape. The assassin who killed Ben Guogong once shouted before he struck: "The real master has been found!" And... he spoke Chinese! This time, do you understand what Ben Guogong means?"

Judge Ye was hot and sweaty, his forehead was sweating like a paste, rolling off, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said with difficulty: "Xiaguan...Understood."

Xia Xun gave a soft "hmm" and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't make things difficult for you. You can't control this case, and only Jin Yiwei and Dongchang can investigate it. Go back and tell your Fu Yin, according to Actually play!"! .

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