Zhu Gaoxu was scolded for being stupid. 3∴35686688

When a person encounters a situation that is too unexpected, it is inevitable that he will not be able to react.Since Zhu Gaoxu was a child, no one except his father has scolded him so harshly, and even his father has never scolded him so embarrassingly.

Zhu Gaoxu was stunned for a long time before he said in surprise and anger, "You... how dare you scold me?"

Sun Lu, who was kneeling on the ground, was also stunned. He raised his head, his blood-colored eyes stared in awe at Chen Buyuan, who had scolded His Highness the King of Han, "How courageous! You're so fucking manly! "

"Call you? You should be scolded like you. If you don't scold you, who else will you scold?"

Chen Ying was so angry that the veins on his head bulged, and he completely lost the ability to control his emotions: "Although the prince is a prince, it is still difficult to be favored by the emperor. The emperor has three sons, and among the three sons, you are the one who loves you the most. King Zhao, the crown prince is at the bottom, this is where the crown prince can't compare to you no matter how hard he tries!

Since he is the crown prince, he is also the crown prince of the country. During the winter solstice, the summer solstice, the land, and the spring and autumn, the ancestral temple, there are big celebrations.You think that the crown prince is weak and has foot problems, he needs support even when kneeling and prostrating, he is a useless person, how can the emperor like it?Every time the emperor sees it, his disgust will increase, and resentment will accumulate for a long time. How could he know that the emperor has no intention of being easy to store?

The last time the emperor went to the north, after the triumphant return, he went to the right to read the Baishi Zoudu, and found that the paperweight golden lion on the prince's case was placed on the side of the case at random, and would fall to the ground if he accidentally touched it, so he taught the prince a lesson. Said: "Although the world is safe, don't forget the danger, so you must be cautious about small things, and accumulate if you are not careful."There will be a big disaster.Small mistakes must be corrected, and small mistakes must be accumulated.When the catastrophe is approaching, it is the way to put everything in jeopardy. '

It's just a paperweight, so what if it really fell?The emperor made a big fuss, which shows his dislike for the prince.Isn't this your chance?The emperor's peace is difficult.I was on the verge of crisis many times, but I was rescued by you, and when Yuji proclaimed himself emperor, I set up your eldest brother instead. The emperor has always felt sorry for you for this. .

Don't you think about it, the emperor didn't establish a prince for a long time after he ascended the throne, why?The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty repeatedly asked for a reserve.The emperor refused to allow it for a long time, why?King Zhou is the brother of the emperor's mother and compatriots. He led the vassal princes from all over the country to ask for the eldest son of the emperor to be the crown prince. The emperor still delays, why?The emperor Gan Gang is arbitrary, resolute and resolute. Since the crown prince is appointed, he will not drive you out of Beijing.why?

Why did your majesty agree to your request and take you with you when he went to the Tatars in the Northern Expedition? Once you have made great achievements in battle, he will accept your request and give him a heavenly strategy to defend. "Please familiarize yourself with the domain name." Your Majesty, don't you really understand that the word "Tiance" is easy to make all the officials think about it?You are in the capital, you travel and live, and you are honored, and your specifications have surpassed the crown prince, and you are rampant in the streets.Everyone is staring at you, the emperor is the most taboo about trespassing, but Xie Jin impeached you, why did you get reprimanded by the emperor instead?

Chu Jun Chu Jun, what is a Chu Jun?After the emperor lives forever, the one who succeeds the country is the crown prince.The crown prince is in full bloom in autumn, and the crown prince is weak and sick. I am afraid that he will walk ahead of the emperor. How can he be a reserve like this?Although the emperor's grandson Zhanji is favored by the emperor, he is still a boy after all.

The matter involved the country, the country of thousands of years, and the emperor An Neng was careless and cautious. With all these things, can't you see that the emperor regards you as the heir of the heir?Even if you can't wait, if you want to be big, you should act like a paper kite, be relaxed and proper, not to arouse the emperor's wariness, not to annoy the emperor.It’s too late to know too much, but what about you?Do you want to imitate Li Shimin with Tian Cewei in hand?

Li Shimin killed Li Yuan's son and grandson, even if Li Yuan didn't want to give it to him, who else could he give it to, but what about you?The emperor has not yet made up his mind to change the crown, and there is still the third prince Zhao Wang in the court, and the emperor's grandson Zhanji, so do you have to be appointed as the crown prince?One piece at a time, the way of civil and military affairs, now that Xie Jin is demoted, and the prince is impeached, we should restrain ourselves, slow down, and seek the country is by no means a one-time achievement, what are you anxious about? "

Chen Ying contorted her face, spat all over Zhu Gaoxu's face, she was extremely rude, but these words woke up Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Gaoxu regretted and said: "My lord, Xiao Wang knows his mistake .I...what am I going to do now?"

Chen Ying laughed miserably, and said, "What else can I do? Your Highness is wise and powerful, so why bother to ask Ji Yuying. Farewell, old minister!"

Chen Ying cupped his hands to Zhu Gaoxu, turned around and left.Zhu Gaoxu said anxiously: "My lord, Mr. Chen..."

Chen Ying turned a deaf ear and just walked quickly. Zhu Gaoxu took two steps after him and stopped there, his forehead was so angry that veins like earthworms stretched out.

Not long after leaving Han Palace, Chen Ying's face was gloomy, she walked over to take the reins from the Shiwei's hand, stepped into the stirrup, and when she put the saddle on, she finally couldn't help but looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh: "Your Majesty doesn't understand, according to Nanyang , Yafu is the chief strategist. I thought Chen Ying was smart for a while, but I mistakenly followed the Hanwang, hey! I’m afraid that I will end up worse than Fan Zeng..."


In Xia Xun's mansion, people came and went.

The visiting crowd came one after another. Xia Xun was lying on the bed, busier than usual, constantly accepting condolences and gifts.Everyone was very considerate of him, and when they saw him wrapped like a rice dumpling, they would be taken aback, and immediately told him to stop talking with concern.

The only thing Xia Xun needed to do was to point to his chest and show his mummy-like body to others, and everyone surrounded him as if they were looking at his remains.Afterwards, Mr. Wen Ao, the imperial doctor of Taizigong who is sitting on the side, will use his affectionate magnetic voice, as if Mr. Zhao dubbed "Animal World", and give you an explanation with emotion.

Wen Ao is the brother of Zheng Wendi of the Taiyuan Hospital. Wendi is the chief physician of the emperor and empress. His brother Wen Ao was assigned to the crown prince.Wen Ao did not exaggerate, Xia Xun's injury was indeed dangerous.In the eyes of people with excellent medical skills like him, there is no trauma that can be hidden from them. They can tell at a glance whether the injury is self-stabbing or other, and whether the injury is serious or not.

The wound on Xia Xun's body was indeed caused by being slashed with a knife in front of him. This can be seen not only from his wound, but also from the clean and neat cuts of his clothes inside and outside. However, the clothes were taken away by Ying Tianfu as evidence, and then handed over to Jin Yiwei.

Xia Xun's injury was not serious, but dangerous. If the collarbone was any heavier, the bones would be cut off. If the chest was deeper, the internal organs would be injured. If the abdomen was penetrated by an inch, it would be the end of a disembowelment. It can be said that it is not dangerous, it is really a fluke that he survived.

However, since the injury was not serious, why was it wrapped up in such a virtuous manner?

Physician Wen also had no choice, because this was the request of several wives in the Yang family.There are three imperial wives in the Yang family, especially Ming'er, who is the emperor's concubine and the prince's aunt. They love their husbands dearly, and they insist that Imperial Physician Wen take care of her husband properly and carefully, as if facing an enemy. Physician Wen had no choice but to wrap Xia Xun up.

This time, the wives of the Yang family were all satisfied, and they all felt that this imperial doctor Wen really attached great importance to Fu Guogong's injury, and was extremely polite to him.Speaking of it, this doctor Wen Aowen understood the psychology of patients and their families very well.

Physician Wen repeated Xia Xun's injury over and over again like a repeater, talking dryly, and finally dealt with all the high and small officials who came to visit, and hurriedly apologized and went to rest, Xia Xun was also very tired Now, dealing with customers is harder than being injured. Although you don't talk much, you have to listen carefully to what they say, and you have to stare intently at the other person's eyes all the time?What people say is so moving and affectionate, you have to pat each other's hands, and you have to use your eyes and expressions to try to make a moving and gratifying expression?So, Mr. Actor is really tired.

But as soon as he took a deep breath and before closing his eyes, Xu Jiang sneaked in: "Master Guo!"

Xia Xun said weakly, "Well, what's the matter?"

Xu Jiangdao: "Master Guo, just received the news that Eunuch Zheng He is back!"


Xia Xun's spirits were lifted, and he calculated with his fingers that it had been two years since Zheng He's trip to Nanyang, and he had not heard from him. Unexpectedly, he finally came back today.

Xia Xun said happily: "Does the imperial court already know?"

Xu Jiangdao: "Not yet, we have ships on the sea, and we often run around, faster than the government. Before Eunuch Zheng arrived in Fuzhou, we knew the letter, so we sent it back immediately! I heard that Eunuch Zheng When I came back, many princes from foreign countries sent envoys to pay tribute."

Xia Xun patted his thigh lightly, and said with a chuckle: "Okay, okay! Eunuch Zheng returned safely. It's a great event. Envoys from various countries have gathered in the capital. It seems that the emperor can't stay in Beijing. Once we get the news, Your Majesty must set off to return to Beijing."

Xia Xun thought for a while, then asked: "Those people still stay where they were?"

Xu Jiang smiled and said: "That's right, it seems that these desperadoes are not good at stealth, lurking, spying and spying! After doing such a big thing, they still stay in the original residence, don't know how to disperse and move, change places .”

Xia Xun nodded and said, "The Jinyiwei are still staring at them? Didn't they notice you?"

Xu Jiang said: "No, we are very careful."

Xia Xun nodded and said, "Very well, we don't need to do too much, just listen and watch, and know what's going on, and don't let things get out of our control. Tell Chen Dong, Dong Don't bother with the factory, don't interfere with everything, too much is too late!"

Xu Jiang said worriedly: "But, can Jin Yiwei really be counted on?"

Xia Xun smiled and said, "Don't worry, we just need to help him prepare the ingredients. Ji Gang... is a good cook!"

Before the words were finished, Sakura suddenly appeared at the door...


p: Sincerely looking for a recommended monthly ticket!

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