Xia Xun lived in Lushan for a few days, and did not return to Jinling until Xiaodi was about to give birth. 9vk netizen hand type

At this time, Zheng He had already returned to Beijing.

Zheng He is an internal official, and his official rank is not high, so there is no need to send officials above the third rank to greet him, but there are many envoys from other countries, including the king of a country, who came back with him.The king of Luni, Manaragananai, brought his concubine, prince, princess, and his brothers and sisters, and a large family came, which required people of the same rank to welcome them.

The kings of foreign countries are equivalent to the county kings of the Ming Dynasty, so the Ming royal family sent a few idle princes in Beijing to welcome them, and after they were taken to the Huitong Hall, Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Gaoxu rushed to the Huitong Hall together Visit, greeting.

Zheng He went to sea this time, because it was the first time that he needed to explore a sea route from scratch, so it took a long time, as long as two years, and the countries and regions he passed included Champa, Java, and Malaga. , Sumatra, Mount Ceylon, Kochi, Guri, Siam, Namuri, Gayile, Gambari, Abbabadan and other countries.

When they came back, these countries sent people to present gifts, among them, Ryukyu Zhongshan, Shannan, Borneo, Aru, Sumatra, Manlajia, Wuni, Champa, Siam, Banggala, Nanhuili, Xiaoge Lan and other countries sent envoys to pay tribute.Almost at the same time, Japan's Ashikaga Yoshimitsu also sent envoys.

The situation in Japan is very bad now: Emperor Kameyama ran away, and he ran to the south to reunite with the former Southern Dynasty, and protested the Northern Dynasty's treachery by force.Because Mrs. You Xizhu and Da Ming secretly provided him with a large amount of funds, weapons, and food, the time when Hou Guishan left was earlier than in history, and the effect was much greater.

Since he had sufficient funds, weapons and food in his hands, he not only quickly recruited a group of old troops, but also recruited many peasants and wandering warriors, including those who were suppressed by the Chinese navy and the Japanese navy with little room for survival. Pirates also defected to him in large numbers, which made him quickly organize a large-scale armed force.

Hou Kameyama's outstanding performance made some clans and rich families in the Southern Dynasty who wanted to wait and see the sensuality to join in without hesitation. The emperor had a headache.

At the same time, in view of the fact that Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was old and frail, and gradually unable to control the several major princes under him, his adopted son Zhengyi, the general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, also mustered up the courage to publicly express his opinions and opinions in various aspects such as government affairs and military affairs. He advocated against the Minister of Taizheng, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and took the first step of a complete break.

In view of this situation, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu urgently needed Ming’s recognition and support for the Northern Dynasty, so he sent a team of envoys to pay tribute to Daming, and asked Daming for moral support. If possible, he hoped that Ming would The navy can also provide some cooperation in the military.

This way, together with the envoys of the Timurid Kingdom who rushed to Jinling earlier, the envoys from various countries gathered in Jinling have reached nearly [-] countries. The prince Zhu Gaochi, who could no longer control it, took the opportunity to write a letter to invite the emperor to return to Beijing.

With the current situation, it is impossible for Zhu Di to stay in Beijing anymore, and it is time for him to come back.

A pool of autumn water, sparkling.

Although it is autumn, the lotus leaves are still green, but there are fewer lotus flowers, and some lotus stems have already produced full lotus seeds.A small nine-curved bridge winds over the water, and there is a small octagonal pavilion in the middle. The doors and windows of the pavilion are fully opened, and the breeze and lotus fragrance pass through the pavilion, leaving a room full of fragrance.

There is a red sandalwood round table inlaid with mother-of-pearl in the pavilion, and four people in straight gowns and Confucian scarves are sitting around the table.

Not far away, there is a small clay stove in the corner near the window, on which sits a pot of boiling water, and next to it is a small square table with a tea set on it, and a delicate and pretty little maid stands quietly, waiting Seeing which of the four people sitting around the table had run out of tea, they lightly stepped forward to fill it up for him.

The little girl's name is Xian Ya, and Ming'er's original personal girl, Qiaoyun, became Xia Xun's concubine, and was only chosen by Ming'er to serve by her side.When the Fuguo Mansion was completed, the emperor gave some officials and slaves to the Yang family. This little girl was sent to the Fuguo Mansion with her mother at that time. She was only a few years old at that time, but now she is graceful More than thirteen, the age of the head of the cardamom, Ming'er chose again and again, thinking that she was smart and smart, and she was raised in Yang's family since she was a child, and she was loyal to the Yang family, so she chose her as a close girl.

Xian Ya's thoughts are very delicate, she remembers that she has already poured five rounds of tea, and the tea in the master's cup is always the same cup, the tea poured in the first round is still full, and the master has not even touched a sip.

"Master must be in a bad mood today!"

Xianya thought to herself, and became more careful, her hands and feet moved gently, not daring to make any noise.

Xia Xun, who was sitting at the table, didn't appear to be unhappy on the surface. He always had a faint smile on his face. After returning from Mount Lu, it seemed that he had figured out something, or put it down. After reading some things, his mind is no longer so heavy, and his expression is calm, with a feeling of being out of the dust.

Very calm, neither great joy nor great sorrow.

But when Zheng He, who was still busy with ordinary things, got up to say goodbye, Xia Xun's expression darkened.

There were three people left in the pavilion: Xia Xun, Xie Jin and Huang Zhen.

The sun had already slanted westward, and the sunlight entered through the pavilion and reflected on Xia Xun's back. Although it was not late autumn, the power of the sun had been greatly reduced, and the breeze was blowing, and the shade was cool. This little sunshine would not make people sad, but Xia Xun's face was ugly.

It was Huang Zhen who was talking. He didn't know why Xia Xun's face suddenly darkened. He thought that something he said was wrong, and he couldn't help feeling uneasy, and his voice became weak: "There is a lot of talk about moving the capital in the court. Even Zheng Gonggong Returning from Nanyang, accompanied by a large number of foreign envoys, such a lively event failed to divert everyone's attention, we are all procuratorates..."

Xia Xun said with a sullen face: "Don't move! Didn't I tell you to stand still?"

Huang Zhendao: "Yes, yes, the lower officials will naturally obey the orders of the Duke. However, the proposal to move the capital concerns everyone. This matter has nothing to do with factions. The ministers of the DPRK and China have never been so united, and everyone is writing to oppose it." , even if they are political enemies who have fought for a lifetime, they are also like-minded at this time. Including the cabinet and internal..."

He glanced at Xia Xun, lowered his voice, and said, "King Zhao is in Beijing. If the capital is moved...so even the prince's people and the King of Han's people are now against moving the capital with one voice. Duke, we really don't need it." Did you say anything?"

Xia Xun said coldly: "The prince, I also expressed my opinion, and the prince also agreed with me. Some ministers objected to moving the capital because they were interested in the prince. This matter has nothing to do with anyone, and it concerns anyone. Everyone is going their own way, and no one is stopping it, because no one can see through what the emperor wants to do with this move. If you want to express your opinion, that's up to you, but I I advise you not to act rashly!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

"Duke, be too careful!"

Huang Zhen hurriedly agreed, but Xie Jin interrupted disapprovingly.

"Oh?" Xia Xun turned his head expressionlessly and looked at him coldly.

Xian Ya stood aside, saw Xia Xun's expression clearly, couldn't help pursing her lips, and said in her heart: "It turns out that the master is angry at this Master Xie."

The little girl Xianya saw why Xia Xun was unhappy, but Xie Jin, the most talented man in the world, did not. Xie Jin smiled and said: "The Duke is so wise, he is almost suspicious. This matter is not so complicated. The emperor favors it." Beijing was not a day ago. It was the place where the emperor's dragon flourished, and it was the place where the emperor guarded since he was young. Naturally, he was reluctant to give up. Therefore, it is human nature to want to move the capital. But the emperor is the king of a country, how can he act? You can rely on your own likes and dislikes, Xie's return to Beijing this time coincides with the meeting, so I should express my opinion, and I have already objected to this matter!"

Xia Xun's face darkened, Xie Jin didn't notice it at all, and he showed off triumphantly, saying: "Xie wrote a letter and only said four things. One is that after the war at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Beijing was severely damaged and the population was extremely sparse. During the difficult battle, the damage to the city became more and more serious. If you want to move the capital to Beijing and rebuild the imperial city, it will take a long time and cost a lot of money;

The second is that the imperial court moved to the north, and food and taxes were difficult.In the 30th year of Hongwu, only 15 shi of grain was exported to the north.In the sixth year of Yongle, due to the continuous migration of people to Beijing and the increase of garrisons, the supply of food and taxes increased to 65 shi.Last year, 50 shi of grain was transported to Beijing by the canal, and 70 shi of grain was transported by sea.If the imperial court really moves north, then at least 500 million shi will be needed to transport food to Beijing every year. Can our transport capacity afford it?

The third is the consideration of safety. Beijing is too close to Beidi. This is the place that the ministers of the DPRK and China are most worried about, and it is also the place where the most discussions are made. Too much to say.

The fourth is the very noisy Feng Shui.It's really ridiculous, Jinling is full of dragons and tigers, and the city of Ziwei is shown on the screen. No one can be the capital than Jinling. What is there to argue about?Xie has carefully deduced it from "Hetu" and "Luoshu". "Hetu" and "Luoshu" are the source of yin and yang and five elements. The unity of man and nature is a metaphor for all things in life, and it must be true..."

Xia Xun said with a half-smile: "The gentleman is worthy of being the most talented man in the world. He is unparalleled in the world in terms of culture and martial arts. He actually understands yin and yang, understands gossip, is proficient in the art of Zhouyi, and learns to seek good fortune and avoid evil."

Xie Jin's EQ was really poor, and he didn't hear Xia Xun's teasing tone. Hearing this, he smiled triumphantly and said, "The Duke has won the award, he has won the award!"


Xia Xun couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped the desk, making Xie Jin stunned, and Huang Zhen also startled.


Xia Xun called out in a deep voice, and Xianya hurriedly knelt down to salute: "The servant girl is here!"

Xia Xun said: "Go down, you don't need to wait here."


Xian Ya obediently agreed, turned around and lifted her skirt, stepped out of the pavilion, and stuck out her tongue quietly.

As soon as Xianya left, Xia Xun stood up abruptly, and said furiously, "Self-righteous! Pretending to be smart!"

Xie Jin ate and said: "Duke..."

Xia Xun pointed at his nose and scolded him: "If you really understand the gossip of the Book of Changes, do the math for yourself first! If you really know how to avoid evil, you will have to go back to Beijing just after being relegated to Beijing? Yu Jia is not here The capital, even visiting the crown prince, don’t you understand such a big taboo? Write a letter to talk about it! Write a letter to talk about it! Who have you discussed with? It’s really unreasonable!”

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