Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 937 The Night Owl Enters the House

Chapter 937 A night owl enters the house——

Chapter 937 The Night Owl Enters the House

After Xu Jiang left, Xia Xun lingered in the school's martial arts field for a long time before going to wash briefly, changed his robes, and went into the Hua hall.

A few wives and concubines are chatting in the living room, what they say is just some female classics, and they are doing some business along the way.

Two newborn babies are taking a nap, but the others are already awake.

Xia Xun'er has a house full of daughters and is very prolific, making outsiders envious. For him, it has indeed brought endless fun to the family.

If there is only a group of adults, the husband and wife sit there and talk about how many things they have talked over the years, but if there are children there, there are endless topics.A half-grown child, a child in swaddling...

The happiness of love can be experienced by a couple of men and women, and the happiness of family can only be complete by having a child.

Seeing the end of the day, Xia Xun is still teasing and taking a nap in the morning on the Luohan couch. Girls are honest when they are young, and go to sleep after eating and yawning. , at this time the second young master had already woken up.

Xia Xun lay on his side next to Arhat holding his youngest son.He held a ball made of various silk threads in his hand, and when he shook the ball, the little guy used his hands and feet to hook the ball desperately, grabbing and grabbing, and lay there when he was tired, staring at a pair of big eyes Look, I regained my strength a little, and immediately turned my limbs to the sky, and continued to struggle to snatch the ball from my father.

This kid has too much energy, if he doesn't run out of energy, he will be like a demon king in the world, tossing and tossing so that no one of you can live in peace.Si Yang and Si Xun had already taken Huaiyuan out to play, but Si Yu and Si Qi snuggled up beside Xia Xun.

After all, these two little girls are a few years younger than the two older sisters. The two older sisters are already sensible, and Yang Huaiyuan is too young, so they don't care much about the birth of the younger siblings. But at this moment, when I saw my father doting on my younger siblings, I felt jealous, and insisted on clinging to him to share a share of my father's love.

Therefore, Xia Xun had no choice but to coax his younger son while telling stories to the two little girls, pretending to be a loving father.Xia Xun was telling the story of "The Butcher and the Wolf". The younger brother comes again, every wolf lives and dies differently, now he has talked about Grandma Wolf...

Ming'er sat and looked at the account book, raised her head from time to time to chat, and joked with a few sisters. Suddenly, she glanced at the copper-leaved lotus-shaped clepsydra in the corner, and reminded Xia Xun, "Master, it's already done." It's the third quarter of the last hour, why don't you go to 'study'?"

Xia Xun said "Oh" and sat up. The two little girls knew that their father was going to "study", so they stopped pestering him. They got out of the bed, put on their shoes, told their parents, and ran out to find him. My sister played, but Xia Xun sat up cross-legged, coughed and said: "Ma'am, ladies, please stop what you are doing, and I have something to say for my husband!"

When Xia Xun said this, no matter if they were embroiderers, accountants, or sewing clothes for children, they all stopped and looked at him. Ming'er said with a smile: "Is there anything you want to tell me, so solemnly?" Yes, don't scare the sisters!" The other women also noticed that everyone looked nervous and laughed unconsciously.

Xia Xun said: "This... for my husband's whim recently, if I calculate it, I will be imprisoned. Looking at the current situation in the court, I am afraid that I will go to the imperial prison."

As soon as Xia Xun's words fell to the ground, the room became extremely quiet. None of the women were breathing heavily, and at this moment they could hear their rapid breathing clearly.Ziqi said in shock: "Master, don't scare me, what happened?"

Ming'er also said anxiously: "Sir, what kind of news did you hear?"

Xia Xun waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, why are everyone so impatient."

That being said, no one is worried about the head of his family having an accident, all the wives and concubines gathered around him, their faces full of panic, as if he would never come back after leaving.

Xia Xun said: "This is just my guess, and I can't be sure. I just learned something, figured out the holy will, and made a rough inference. In fact, I have some expectations for this matter. Do you know why? ?Because... since the emperor came back this time, what he has done has been unconstrained and unrecognizable, and I am completely confused. I don't know what the emperor wants to do. That is the most dangerous. Prove that my guess is correct, then I will naturally be able to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and be safe and sound!"

Even with the dexterity of thank you, after hearing Xia Xun's nonsensical words, he couldn't help frowning: "What the hell are you talking about? Why did you go to jail, but you are safe? Don't you go to jail, but you have to go to jail?" Is there a disaster coming?"

Xia Xun smiled and said: "No, if I don't go to jail, it will prove that my guess is wrong. If my guess is wrong, there will be no disaster, but if that happens, the crown prince may really fall. If the crown prince falls, the emperor will live forever, and the king of Han will ascend the throne, and we will inevitably face disasters. We can avoid the first day of the junior high school, but not the fifteenth day. If it is true as I said, put me in prison... Hehe, This disaster will be completely over, and you don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

Ming'er said anxiously: "Oh, there are no outsiders here, Mr. Xianggong, how clever are you, why don't you tell us directly?"

Before he could finish speaking, the second fool rushed over, and when he reached the entrance of the hall, he shouted loudly: "My lord, there are many Jinyiwei outside the gate of our mansion!"

"Really? Haha, it really is here!"

Xia Xun clapped her hands and laughed, Xinxinran was very happy.

Although Ming'er and Xie Xie still didn't understand what medicine Xia Xun was selling in this gourd, they were secretly relieved seeing his expression.Ming'er thought to himself: "Since Mr. Xiang said that going to prison is better than not going to prison, there must be a reason. Mr. Xiang has his own plan in his mind. We just need to take care of our family. Don't ask Mr. Xiang to worry about it."

Ziqi, Su Ying, and Xiaodi didn't expect this level. When they heard that Jin Yiwei surrounded the Duke's mansion, and Xia Xun just said that he was going to be imprisoned, they immediately became anxious and rushed to surround them, chattering, luanluan One after another, Zi Qi said: "Why is Ji Gang here? The master has always been at odds with him, can he be okay after entering the imperial prison?"

Xiao Di was like ants on a hot pot, and he turned around in circles: "What should I do? What should I do? Ma'am, or else you can go to the palace and ask the emperor for mercy. The emperor loves your empress very much. Madam is her most beloved younger sister. Don't look at it." The face of the monk looks at the face of the Buddha..."

Su Ying said murderously: "It's unreasonable! For the court and the emperor, the master went up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire, and went through life and death several times. There is no such thing as merit and hard work. The emperor's old man took the master to jail over and over again! Let's go against it." ! Let him be the emperor, let's escape to the East China Sea and hide in the sea, what can he do to me!"

Xilin and Jeanna had tears in their beautiful eyes, Qiaoyun had already covered her mouth, and the tears were falling down.

Xia Xun glared at Su Ying and said, "Nonsense! Do you still think there are not enough luanzi? You should be more secure. Everything in the house is up to the wife. Don't cause trouble for me. Have you forgotten what the master said just now?" ?”

Xia Xun walked out with a single step, stepped over the threshold, turned his head and asked again: "Just now, you know what I said to you, as long as you know what you have said, and you must not leak a word, otherwise, master, I will be serious." There is trouble!"

After Xia Xun finished speaking, he lifted his legs and walked towards the front yard. The girls suddenly surrounded Ming'er and asked anxiously, "Ma'am, what should I do?"

Ming'er is also anxious and worried, but firstly, she believes that the husband must have something to rely on when he said such words, and secondly, the husband has already left, so the mansion has to be supported by her, anyone can cry, Anyone can luan, but she is the only one who can't, so she pretended to be calm and said: "Didn't you all hear what the master said just now? Don't panic, what should you do, live in peace, the master knows it well, It'll be fine."

Seeing that all the women are still hesitant, thank you and said: "Sisters, don't be stunned. Madam said it's okay, so it's okay. Besides, the master just said something first, you should think about it carefully. He is the only one to be on guard, and who can make him suffer?"

Seeing that Zhi Duoxing said the same thing, all the girls think about it, it is also the same reason, and the panic is slightly reduced.

Xia Xun, accompanied by the second fool in charge, went all the way to the front hall, and saw under the eight screens of magpies climbing branches, a man in a brocade robe and fish suit, with a wingless black gauze on his head, a long knife hanging from his side, his hands behind his back, Watch the picture on the screen.

Xia Xun coughed lightly, and the man turned his head quickly, and then turned around, and the eagle stared at the wolf Gu Zhixiang, and it came into his eyes.This man's beard is like a hedgehog, and his eyes are as sharp as cold electricity. He is the commander of Jin Yiwei, Ji Gang.However, this ruthless man who was famous in Jinling City as a child's night cry, did not look ruthless when he saw Xia Xun. A smile immediately piled up on his face, and he rushed up to meet him.

Ji Gang greeted him with a charming smile, took a step forward with his left leg, his left hand supported his knee, his right hand drooped, and his right leg was bent and half-kneeled. Relaxed and happy, with a yinyin smile, he said, "Ji Gang greets the Duke!"

Greeting An is the military salute of the Ming Dynasty, commonly known as "bending one knee". Later, Manchurians flicked their horseshoe sleeves and stepped forward to salute An, which was the military salute of the Ming Dynasty that followed.

However, at this time in the Ming Dynasty, there were not many occasions where this "bending one knee" was available. Except for the military camp, this salute could only be performed on Si people's occasions. Or it's time to kowtow, and now that Ji Gang met Xia Xun at Xia Xun's house, saluting like this is a little closer than bowing.

Seeing his hypocritical appearance, Xia Xun couldn't help laughing in his heart. This bum who pretends to be a grandpa and a grandson doesn't know how to do it. Usually, when he sees him, he would like to avoid him early. It seems that it is a great humiliation to bow to himself. Now He wanted to grab himself back, but instead became extraordinarily respectful.

In the final analysis, it was his inferiority complex. Poor Ji Yan, there is almost no one in the capital who is not afraid of him. Who knew that he was actually such a low self-esteem person in his bones?Since Ji Gang wanted to play cat and mouse, Xia Xun didn't want to be polite to him. He just nodded in a big way, and asked, "Master Ji is always busy with work, so why did you come here today?"


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