Jinyi Night Walk

Chapter 996 In Spring

This winter, as in previous years, there are boundless fallen leaves and thousands of trees.

Different from previous years, there are fewer people in Saibei Cat Winter this year, and the whole north is in full swing, busy killing people, busy fleeing for their lives, busy fighting for power, busy taking profits...

Not long after Xia Xun left Mrs. Huo'a's camp, the people from the Wala tribe arrived to report: the army of Daming had arrived at their camp, Eight Rivers, leaving their tribes in the best winter grazing place. His old den was copied.

The leaders of the various tribes in Oara were shocked when they heard the news. They didn't care about continuing to compete with the Tatars. They hurried back to the army and rushed back to Oara.Tu Poluo and Mrs. Huo'a had already known the exact news from Xia Xun before, and they were also very anxious when they heard that something happened in the lair, but they all knew that since Xia Xun told him this, it represented the Ming Dynasty's army They had already arrived at Bahe, and it would be too late for them to return to their teachers immediately, so it would be better to strive for the best interests in the aftermath.

Who said that people on the grasslands have no political wisdom?After some weighing, the two of them sensibly suppressed their anxiety until the news officially came, and then they were "outraged" and "outraged" like other tribal leaders. Walk around in other tribes, meet with the leader of the tribe, and negotiate in secret.

There are many tribes in ancient times in Ximeng. The so-called Three Kings of Wala and Hashha are just that this tribe is strong, and then there are many tribes attached to it and form an alliance. Tribes, whose leaders have absolute dominion over the headquarters, they can choose new political allies and form interest groups.

What Mrs. Huo'a and Tuboluo have to do is to win the support of these tribes as much as possible. Of course they can't disclose too much information now, so they can only start by condemning Tuotuobuhua and Samuer, accusing them Desperately launching the war against Tatar, there were many mistakes in command.In fact, she also had a part in agreeing to use troops against the Tatars. The tribes agreed to send troops because the heads of the tribes personally nodded, so naturally they avoided talking about it at this time.

Along the way, Wan Songling was only dreaming of bringing all these weakened Mongolian tribes under his rule with the support of Ming Dynasty, while Princess Samuel was worried that the tribe would not know how it would be destroyed by the Ming army, so she didn't pay attention at all. Mrs. Huo'a and Batu Polo's small movements.

After both Mahamu and Hashha were assassinated, Princess Samuel, as the widow of the supreme ruler of Wala, coupled with Tutuo Buhua's strong appeal, did attract some tribes to come over at that moment All these efforts were in vain, and these hesitant tribes turned to Huoahatun and Batu Polo respectively.

Nuergandusi, King Hami, and King Bieshabali were all local forces who surrendered to Ming Dynasty but maintained independent armed forces. They were ordered to attack Oala, and they spared no effort in the snowy and cold winter season because they were driven by interests.In the past, they have always been the targets of oppression and plunder by the two fierce tigers, Oala and Tatar, and now they have the opportunity to bite back, and they are naturally willing to agree.

As a result, Wala was in bad luck.How could these people be polite when they arrived in Wala. At the beginning, as long as they encountered resistance, they burned, looted and killed the young and young. The women, children, cattle, sheep and horses were all swept away. Later, if you don’t resist him, you will resist. Then they looted in a proper way, and transported the spoils of war such as people and livestock back to their own places in an endless stream.

By the time the remnants of the Oirat army ran back to their territory in embarrassment, their tribe was like a bone that had been gnawed to pieces, and there was not much meat left.

The Ming army from Shanxi Dusi and Shaanxi Dusi has better military discipline than these groups of troops, but it is impossible to have strict discipline and commit no crimes. Moreover, this kind of invasion itself is also a means of weakening Oirat. The plan is to use up all their strength to end the battle. This method can also weaken their strength to the greatest extent, so they turn a blind eye to the behavior of the friendly forces and adopt a laissez-faire attitude.

In fact, at this time, they can't restrain them even if they want to. The victorious tribes plunder the defeated tribes. There are no cities like the Central Plains, but small and large tribes scattered on the grassland. When the army arrived, they scattered and fled. The whole grassland was full of them. The army had to divide their troops to pursue them, and there was no way to supervise them.

In fact, many soldiers of the Ming army also participated in it, but they could not drive away the cattle and sheep in a grand manner like the three-way army, and took the women and children back as slaves, so their actions were smaller.Although Huoahatun, Batu Polo, Princess Samuel and others had already expected the attack on their headquarters, they were still filled with grief and indignation when they returned to Wala and saw the looted tribes with their own eyes.

But right now they have no other way, the Ming army crusades against Wala under the guise of conquest.They have already obtained the evidence of the evil intentions of the Great Khan. After the Ming army attacked Wala, they captured many elders and leaders of the tribes. With these witnesses, the crusade can be said to be famous.They have no choice but to apologize, because they have no power to fight.

Not to mention that those remnant defeated generals could not be opponents of the Ming army at all, and because the old nest was occupied, if they really wanted to fight, they would have to be wiped out due to lack of food and grass in a few days.Of course, it was impossible for the Ming army to do so, nor was it capable of doing so.

The imperial court is devouring the big cake of Tatar, and it is impossible to spare enough manpower, material resources and financial resources, and at the same time take measures to adapt Oala.

Not to mention that at that time, even in modern times, the national reserves were many times stronger than that at that time, and all kinds of modern transportation, transportation, and communication conditions were convenient and fast, and a concentrated and thorough transformation of a province was carried out with all the power of the country. Investment and investment are also unbearable. Since the Ming court cannot immediately attack Oala, it is necessary to retain the weakened original ruling class and promote its continued internal strife.

Otherwise, once there is a power vacuum in Oala, and the court does not have enough power to control him, the northern and western tribes cruising around Oara, as well as the lords and chiefs of Hami, Bieshabali, and even Nuergan will covet Intervening in the vast territory of Oala and countless nomadic tribes were eaten up and annexed by them, forming a new and powerful nomadic people, with a big tail, which will make the court even more headache.

What's more, it is not easy to eliminate the ruling class of Oala. They can't fight but they can escape. If they flee to the north, make peace with the nomadic tribes further north, and establish a government in exile, the Ming court does not have enough power to control the Oala grassland. The tribes took refuge in the past one after another, and they will still make a comeback after ten or eight years.It should be noted that the army has already controlled Wala, which refers to the control of the core tribes who live in the Bahe area and directly belong to the Wara Three Kings and Hashha. In the meantime, even if all of Daming's more than 200 million troops were sent here, it would be impossible to control all the tribes in the entire Wala Grassland.

Therefore, Daming had to press down on his temper to negotiate, and the Oirat nobles had to swallow this bad breath to negotiate.

The Ming court has already obtained the ironclad evidence of the Great Khan of Oalasili, and he has the confidence to negotiate with famous teachers.At the same time, they have already controlled the Bahe area where the main force of Oala is located, and they have the initiative to negotiate.Since the tribal leaders who had hurriedly withdrawn from Tatar still had a chance to negotiate, they couldn't make up their minds to go into exile. As long as they didn't exceed their negotiating limit, they could only sit down.

In the war with Tatar, Wala suffered unprecedented heavy losses, its old nest was copied, and a large amount of wealth accumulated in the tribe over the years was plundered. All these made many tribes no longer mistrust the authority of the Jin family, but took Wansongling As the scourge of the Oirats, his prestige plummeted.Huo Ahatun and Princess Samuer, who originally supported him resolutely, now there is only one Princess Samuer who is determined to the end, and Huo Aha has completely broken with him.

Wan Songling is not stupid. With his shrewdness, he could even discover Xia Xun's conspiracy earlier. It's just that although he cheated all his life, he never thought that the court could also cheat. He thought that the imperial court could be a trickster, and because he believed so deeply, he never thought deeply about the deep meaning behind every order of the imperial court.

Now that he knew it, it was all over.Princess Samuel has nothing against him. Due to the harsh living environment on the grassland and the constant wars, the decline and revival of the tribe is commonplace. , Rising again the day after tomorrow, this kind of thing is not uncommon, so Samuer is not depressed at all, even if there is only one soldier left, she is confident to make a comeback.

As a descendant of Genghis Khan, Princess Samuel is worthy of being a hero among women. If she was born a man, she would not need to praise Wan Songling as a fake.Pity her for being infatuated, but Wan Songling, who sweated and dreamed shattered, made a fortune and fled every day, continuing to dream of a charlatan.On the one hand, he wrote an indictment letter to the Emperor Daming as ordered by Jin Yi's secret agent Yang Gen, and on the other hand he ordered his disciple Gongsun Dafeng to prepare to flee.

Mrs. Huo'a and King Anle wrote Tu Polo to the Ming court, and pushed Si Li Dahan's guilt to the dead Mahamu and Taiping. They showed their loyalty to the Ming court and expressed their willingness to hand over Tuotuo. Don't hua, in exchange for Daming's pardon.

Seeing this scene, Princess Samuel knew that the situation was over, so she planned to escape.If the Ming court wanted to execute Tuotuo Buhua Dahan, she would break out and flee further north!Temujin was a prisoner, was defeated in a battle, was abandoned by the entire tribe, and wandered alone on the grassland. Didn't he become the king of all corners of the world?Ten years of reunion, ten years of lessons, she and Tuotuo may not be able to make a comeback.

Soon, the imperial decree of the Ming Emperor came down, and Zhu Di granted Mrs. Huo'a a first-rank imperial order, Mrs. Zhongshun, and her son Agula as the King of Shunning.King Shunning was originally the title of Mahamu. Mahamu was the head of the three kings of Oara and the husband of Princess Samuel. Giving this title to the son of Huoahatun meant depriving the Mahamu tribe of their independence. Since Elbek Khan, the supreme ruler over Oala.

Batu Polo is still the king of Anle, but the emperor decreed that Mahamu and Taiping secretly set up the Great Khan, conspired against them, deprived them of their titles, and the Taiping tribe was ruled by Anle King Batu Polo.In this way, Mrs. Huo'a was given the title of supreme ruler of Oala, but King Anle got the greatest benefits.

The most powerful forces in Oara were originally the Hashha tribe and the Mahamu tribe. After merging Tupolo into the Taiping tribe, their strength will be greatly increased, and they will stand on a tripod with these two tribes and divide the world into three parts.But after Taiping's death, Princess Samuer had already established a leader for the Taiping tribe, and she had become the de facto leader of the tribe, but she had not yet been recognized by Daming, and she had not taken over the prince.

Now that Zhu Di brought the Ministry under the rule of Tu Polo, it is conceivable that the new leader of the Taiping Tribe will never hand over power willingly. He dealt with the Ming army vainly and submissively, and he will definitely resist Tu Polo's Control, if Tu Polo wants to strengthen his own strength, he has to mobilize his constant ally tribe.

This is like when Erbek Khan granted the ruling power of Simenggu to Mahamu, the original leader of Simenggu, Hashha, refused to delegate power, so the two fought for more than 20 years until they were assassinated at the same time. Huangquan Road is still a pair of incompatible enemies.

With Zhu Di's arrangement, it is obvious that he is trying to drive away wolves and fight wolves, but can Bald Polo give up?

You know that my purpose can only be done according to my requirements, this is a conspiracy of Chi Luoluo.

When Tu Polo is absorbed into Taiping's tribe and has enough power, will he challenge Mrs. Huo'a?This is a later story, right now, they still have a common enemy: Princess Samuel.

Emperor Yongle established Mrs. Huo'a as the ruler of Wala, so she had to conquer Princess Samuel in order to be recognized by the grassland tribes.Princess Samuel and Mrs. Huo'a, once allies, now have to go to confrontation.

In fact, in Mrs. Huo'a's heart, she always thought that the only person she needs to conquer next is Tu Poluo. She thinks that Princess Samuel and Tuotuo Buhua Khan will be executed by the Ming Emperor. She has even secretly instructed her own tribe Once the Ming army encircled and suppressed Princess Samuel, they deliberately released water to let Princess Samuel escape from their defensive area.

Mrs. Huo'a is not thinking about the old love, but because as long as she is not in the Wala tribe, a living Tutuobuhua and a living Princess Samuel are beneficial to her, and the Ming court has to rely more on her. Support her financially, and prevent Tuotuo Buhua and Princess Samuel from surpassing her in influence and strength among the Wala people.

But I didn't expect that Zhu Di aggressively pursued the fact that the Wara people were good at setting up a profuse sweat. For this reason, he did not hesitate to make a big effort, and when he really found out the whereabouts of Tuotuo Buhua, he was kind enough not to kill him.According to the imperial decree, the Ming Dynasty has always treated the descendants of the Yuan family leniently and courteously. It is a clear proof that Tutuo Buhua was placed in Gansu and allowed to become the leader of the tribe.

Mahamu and Taiping are good at establishing the Great Khan, and their hearts can be punished, but Tuotuo Huan has no foundation in Wala, and is just a puppet at the mercy of others. His Majesty the Emperor is kind and merciful. Seeing his sincere plea, he decided not to punish him severely. Only his Khan position was removed, and he was renamed the Commander Tongzhi of the Ming Dynasty, and he still ruled over the original Mahamu tribe.

This move, however, is the same as the intention of bringing Bailian Sect Grandma Qiu into Beijing, making her a female official of the Jiaofang, asking her to recruit more disciples, and revealing the Bailian secret technique, which is actually magic tricks, to the world. If you uncover its mysterious color, you will no longer be able to fool fools and fools.

Genghis Khan sowed everywhere in the past, and the descendants of the Golden Family are far from extinct. Even if this Tuotuo Buhua Khan is true, killing him will not help. Sooner or later, I will find another one, or even concoct a fake one.What's more, this Tuotuo is not fake, and it is worth using.

Keeping the Tutuobuhuabuniu in the heart of this Wala people, and placing him under Tuboluo and Mrs. Huoa, can break the myth of all the grassland people who still have illusions about the Jin family, and let them witness it with their own eyes. : The sacred can also be trampled on.This move is more ruthless than swords and guns. If you kill a few of them, they can regenerate. If you rob them of a few cattle and sheep, they can raise them again. If the spiritual pillar is shattered, they can no longer recover.

Of course, these are only temporary means. As for the reason why there is no one step in place, it is because Ji Gang suddenly changed his plan, which did not exhaust their strength, and the imperial court now has to concentrate on running the Tatars, so Xia Xun had no choice but to make up for it. Put the bait down and let them continue to kill each other. When the Tatar side's problem is solved and their hands are free, the fight here should be almost done.

After the "satisfactory settlement" of the Wala incident laid down the root causes of many disasters and civil wars, Hami, Bieshabali, Nuergandusi, Shanxi Dusi, and Shaanxi Dusi began to withdraw their troops. They stationed on the grassland for a whole winter, Those who eat tiles, rob tiles, and harm tiles, and by the way, they have done a lot of work to improve the human race, and they are finally ready to leave.

At this time, the ice and snow melted, and the breath of spring had already blown to Saibei.

Xia Xun is also leaving from Liaodong and returning to Beijing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A long-distance cart rumbled past the guards with complete saddles and bright armor at the front and rear.

Sakura poked her head at the window, greedily watching everything on the street.

Old men and old women, still wearing old sheepskin jackets, appeared diligently on the street, with rattan baskets on their shoulders, picking up cow dung and sheep dung along the road.

The cattle dealers who came from the Tartar grasslands drove the cattle, sheep and horses all over the street, passing by with the sound of cows lowing and sheep bleating.

Carts of grain brought in from the sea also passed by. On both sides of the road, there were all kinds of business travelers, stalls and shops, and it was very lively.

Going all the way, when you leave the city, you will find Cong Cong Mountain not far away.

Shanyin is still covered with snow, but the wild grasses and vegetables in Shanyang have grown wildly.

Even if it is the white snow in the mountains, the color of spring has already appeared. The red azaleas all over the mountains and plains are like a gorgeous morning glow, but what is laid out below is still a piece of snow-white, white and red, forming a pleasing scene. stunning.

On the wide Liaohe River, the once frozen three-foot river surface has begun to thaw, and the middle part of the river has reappeared. It collapsed into the water and turned into many crystal-clear ice cubes, rushing happily into the distance with the river water, crashing into pieces along the way.

This is the north, but it is not the grassland she is familiar with. The scenes she sees are both familiar and strange.

I say it's unfamiliar because it's not like this when people who have been stung for the winter wake up in the spring on the grassland.She is familiar with it because of the wind, the sky, and the smell here. She likes it here, and it is just like her hometown.

But she still has to leave after all, and follow her man, because her home is where his man is.

Home and hometown, of course, home is more intimate.

Thinking of her man, Sakura's heart felt sweet, it turns out that love between men and women is such a feeling!

Before she became his woman, she never knew that although she had longed for and fantasized about it, she didn't know how lacking her imagination was until she actually experienced all that. From a virgin to a man, the physical and mental The changes are not big, but the physical and mental changes from a virgin to a woman are really too big...

Just as Sakura was thinking about it, her face became hot, and there was a crisp "pop" on her buttocks!

"Ouch!" Xiao Ying yelled, and turned her head to stare at Xia Xun reproachfully.

Xia Xun smiled and said, "Do you want to lie on the window all the time? It's all out of town. Come and sit with me for a while."

Xiao Ying pouted, and turned to sit beside Xia Xun. Xia Xun grabbed her waist, as if to let her sit on his lap, Xiao Ying gave Xia Xun a white look, and pointed to the rolled up curtains.Xia Xun smiled, stretched out his hand to pull the curtain cord, and lowered the curtain. There was a gap in the bamboo curtain, but one could see things clearly from the inside out, but nothing could be seen from the outside in. Xiao Ying then docilely entered in his arms.

If there is more than enough plumpness, if it is soft and boneless, the plump and beautiful body is the best piece of warm and fragrant nephrite in the world. The tender and soft, round and warped pink tun sits on the tui, gently stroking it for a moment. This kind of indescribable flexibility, Xia Xun's big hand only caressed Wan Wanxiang's tun lightly, before she could wave her hand to hit her, she slid up again, and touched Xiaoying's pair, which besides Su Ying, was enough to laugh proudly at Xia Xun. Xun the arrogance of all other wives and concubines.

"Why, are you reluctant to leave here?"

"No, there's nothing to be reluctant about."

Xiao Ying said against her will, and grabbed Xia Xun's big hand in front of her chest, she couldn't stand Xia Xun's twitches at all, as long as Xia Xun used a little trick, she could make her body soft and her flowers murmur, but How can it be cloudy and rainy in this car?Wouldn't it be extremely uncomfortable at that time.

Tilting her head to think about it, Xiao Ying suddenly became a little worried, turned her head to Xia Xun, and said hesitantly, "Brother, you said... you said Madam and the others..."


"Will they laugh at me?"

Xia Xun was startled, and wondered, "What are you laughing at?"

Xiao Ying stopped talking, thought for a while, turned around again, rolled up the corner of her clothes nervously, and stammered: "I came out with you to help you with something, but...but..."

Xia Xun's face became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Yes, if you don't say it, I'll forget it. Ming'er probably won't say anything about you, but thank you and Ziqi, it's all grudges." woman of man."

Sakura panicked and said, "What should I do, brother?"

Xia Xun said seriously: "How about, after returning to Jinling, you go back to Moling Town first? I will pick you up when there is a suitable opportunity."

Sakura asked: "Well..., it is also possible. But... the right time, when is that?"

Xia Xun said leisurely: "Maybe March, May, maybe three years, five years...


"Maybe 30 or 50 years!"

Xiaoying laughed angrily, slapped him, and said angrily: "Ignore you, come to play me again!"

Xia Xun laughed heartily and said: "Soldiers come to block you, water comes to cover you, it doesn't matter who we are when we come out, you are my woman now, this is a fact that no one can change, what do you care about? Besides, Zi Qi , Thank you, they are not unreasonable masters, if I make a joke with you, what if you are generous? My Sakura has the broadest heart!"

Following this pun, Xia Xun fiddled with Sakura's proud twin peaks, causing Xiao Sakura to be furious again...

Xia Xun hugged her with a smile, Xiao Ying sat in his arms, a slightly uneasy heart gradually calmed down, Xia Xun still caressed her, but his mind was quietly immersed in thinking about the situation in Liaodong, returning to Beijing Afterwards, these will be reported to the emperor in detail, so it is natural to take the time to sort them out!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After one winter, the Liaodong Chief Secretary has almost done the work of re-registering Tatars, accepting and resettling them, appointing officials, and setting up management systems. Lutai reluctantly handed over his power, and was kindly invited by Xia Xun to live in Shenyang Weichang. His title was still retained, but he completely lost his power. In fact, in the original history, more than ten years later, Tuohuan, the son of Mahamu, ruled Oala and invaded east again. Go, or descend to Daming, or descend to Wala. In the end, there are only more than 3000 people left in Alutai in the declining Western Mountains. They migrated to Muna Mountain.

Now, not only can he die well, but his glory and wealth are not diminished a bit, he is really a lucky one.It's just that he didn't know that his future end would be so miserable, so he hated Xia Xun so much.

Xia Xun is not afraid of his hatred. This guy can only stay in Shenyang as an apartment in the future. Are you afraid that he will curse himself in circles?Even if this old bastard swears, he only repeats a few sentences over and over again. Compared with the words that the gang of literati in Jiangnan are swearing at themselves now, with all kinds of swearing and whipping into it, their skill is far behind.

Alutai became the hands-off shopkeeper, although he was reluctant to do so, but he didn't have to worry about many headaches, these things were taken care of by Liaodong Dusi.Since the imperial court formulated the policy against the Tatars, the capital of Liaodong began to raise funds to transport food by sea. It is not difficult to subdue the Tatars by means of soft and hard methods, but it is difficult to return to their hearts. This will be reflected in successive policies.

Stockpiling food and grass, avoiding spring famine, and avoiding starvation of a large number of herdsmen due to the famine after the military robbery, this is the first step to win the hearts of the people.

The transportation of grain was all handed over to salt merchants and grain merchants. The imperial court now has too many large-scale projects to take care of this at all.Transport grain to Liaodong, and trade directly with barter. From Liaodong, you can exchange ginseng, Dongzhu, cattle and sheep, furs, etc., and it is very profitable for merchants to manage it. What's more, if you don't like to exchange special products in the Northeast, you can use salt Introduce transactions.

Therefore, a large number of merchants rushed to undertake the task of transporting grain to Liaodong. When the spring breeze came, they set off one after another. They not only purchased rice grain from Jiangnan, but also purchased rice grain from Southeast Asia and other countries. It not only promoted the development of overseas trade and grain trade, but also promoted the development of shipping.

Batches of grain ships were transported by sea to Liaodong, and a large amount of grain stabilized the grain price in Liaodong. At the same time, a large amount of grain was transported in, which also prevented some merchants from wantonly raising prices and taking the opportunity to exploit Tatar herdsmen in market transactions. Aroused the wrath of the Tartar shepherds who had just surrendered.

Grain was brought in, and cattle, sheep, livestock, and special fur products were continuously shipped out. This process also promoted the further development of Liaodong's economy. For the first time, the people of Liaodong discovered that war does not necessarily make people's livelihood difficult, but sometimes it will make people suffer. make them richer.

At present, horses are the most traded materials between Liaodong and Tatars. War horses are important military items. Ordinary merchants were not allowed to trade, and this power was limited to the imperial court.However, the imperial court did not aim at profit, its trading methods and functions were seriously bureaucratic, and its trading efficiency was extremely low. Xia Xun specially requested an order to relax this condition in view of the special situation in Liaodong.

In order to encourage the trade of horses, the Liaodong Chief Secretary lowered the tax on horse trade while increasing the tax on cattle and sheep trade, and promoted its development through economic means.As a result, a large number of Menggu horses were imported into the pass through merchants with advanced economic minds and flexible economic means.

Also raising livestock, raising horses is more profitable than raising cattle and sheep. After tasting this sweetness, the eyes of the poor herdsmen brightened. In this spring, the number of herdsmen who focus on raising grazing horses has increased significantly.

Many ministers in the DPRK and China have raised objections to opening the door to the horse market and stimulating herdsmen to raise horses.Some ministers believed that the nomads were strong, and because they had horses, they should not be encouraged to raise a large number of horses. Instead, they should focus on raising cattle and sheep. Quan Qimei.As for the horse, which is a weapon of war, it would be disturbing if the Tatars had too many horses.

After the emperor received the minister's opinion, he was not in a hurry to express his opinion, because after so many years of knowledge, he knew that Xia Xun must have his own thoughts in everything he did. His thoughts were often tricky and different from ordinary people, but Thinking about it carefully, it makes a lot of sense.So Zhu Di just forwarded the opinions of the ministers to Xia Xun.

Sure enough, Xia Xun wrote a letter stating his views. As soon as the memorial was published, those ministers who had objections immediately had no objections.Xia Xun said in the letter: People on the grassland have to graze to survive. The grassland is vast, which is different from the captive livestock in the Central Plains. Horses are necessary for grazing, so even if you try your best to restrict the shepherds from raising horses, even if you lower the price of the horses It's not worth it, and they will also keep a certain number of horses.

The number of horses will be at least one for each person, regardless of men, women, old or young.Therefore, as long as they wanted to fight, they always had enough horses available for fighting whenever they wanted, and this restriction was meaningless from the herdsman's point of view.

As far as the Central Plains is concerned, there is a serious shortage of horses, not only in the army, but also among the people, so that the price of horses is very high, and it is still not enough for use.Once the breeding of horses is restricted in the places where horses are raised, it will not reduce the number of horses used by herdsmen for combat, but will only make it more difficult to supply horses in the Central Plains.But what about encouraging them to keep horses?

The grasslands are only so big, and there are only so many herdsmen grazing. Their pastures are limited, and the number of livestock that each person can graze is also limited. If they raise more horses, they will have no energy or enough pasture to raise more cattle and sheep. It is necessary to raise horses to trade, to exchange for food, cloth, and various living materials, to live a better life, isn't it great?

Once they have malicious intentions and want to make trouble under the gathering of people with good intentions, the extra horses will not help their combat effectiveness at all. At this time, cattle and sheep are their most important material guarantee.Therefore, if they raise more horses, they have to raise less cattle and sheep, and their daily necessities are more dependent on the farming nation.

At present, when they have just surrendered and their hearts are still unstable, should they be self-sufficient in food, clothing, housing and transportation, or should they leave their belly problems to Daming?

Of course, this is also a means of the transitional stage. At this stage, their uneven development is beneficial to the rule. When the antagonism and estrangement between the two sides are gradually eliminated, the Central Plains also has enough horses, and the supply and demand relationship will change. Oversupply , Horses were not sold well, so herdsmen naturally switched to raising cattle and sheep.

Although Zhu Di is a master of great talent and strategy, some aspects are far more clear than Xia Xun's thought, but Xia Xun's method contains a lot of experience and wisdom of later generations, including the laws of market economy. Xia Xun's analysis is reasonable and well-founded. , some methods have such far-reaching purposes that even Zhu Di was overwhelmed when he saw it, so this matter was settled.

Today, based on the experience of reforming and relocating the Liaodong tribes, combined with the characteristics of the Tatar tribes, the Chief Secretary of Liaodong formulated many new policies according to the time and local conditions, reorganized the Tatar tribes and herdsmen, and designated new The leader delineated the range of nomads, and in the barter transaction, transformed a part of the herdsmen to become a full-time trader.

There are also some herdsmen who have completely lost their grazing materials and become farmers and tenants.Another part of the herdsmen whose families lost their young labor force or main means of production, according to the previous survival principle of the grasslands where the weak preyed on the strong, could only survive by being taken away by others, or by taking the initiative to become slaves of others. recruited as workers.

With the development of Liaodong trade, many people are not satisfied with selling fur and other rough-processed special products directly in the customs, because the profit is too little, so some people have already started to run large fur workshops. Many people are enlightened, and they begin to feel that just buying a large amount of land, collecting fixed land rent, or running a large ranch, selling livestock for profit, is far less direct and fast than the money earned from processing trade.

Therefore, some people have already begun to transform, and various types of factories and workshops have emerged. The most shortage of such factories is the proletarian labor force, so they are happy to recruit these homeless and jobless workers. The capable people become their own workers.In this way, there are fewer people on the grassland, and the competition between turf and water sources is less intense, and it will be easier for the Chief Secretary of Liaodong to resettle people who continue to live as nomads.

Just like back then, Xia Xun only grasped the general direction, and completely let go of specific matters. Even if they encountered some difficulties in some details, Xia Xun would not remind them in advance, but let them touch it. There is a big mess.Soon, the Chief Secretary of Liaodong in Wanshiyu was able to deal with the new Liaodong, which had expanded more than several times, with ease.

If you want to go fast, you can only do this for the time being. Digestion is a long-term process. As for the expansion of the Chief Secretary of Shanxi, the Chief Secretary of Shaanxi, and Beizhili, and even draw a new branch with Daning as the center. Political Secretary, a thorough disintegration of Tatar is not a problem that can be solved in three or two years.

So, now is the time for him to leave.

Xia Xun's thoughts were wandering, and he went through the situation of Tatar and Wala in detail, and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Huh? Stop! What's going on in there?"

Xia Xun, who woke up from his thoughts, accidentally looked out the window, knocked on the window to ask someone to stop, and then rolled up the curtain.

Not far away is a low mountain peak, there is a peak on the mountain peak, and there is a shrub beside the road, which is Shanyang.There is an artificially stepped road in the bushes, which leads to the halfway up the mountain.Halfway up the mountain was a piece of land without trees. At this moment, a huge tomb was being piled up there. The black and yellow fresh soil was surrounded by some banners, fluttering in the mountain wind.In front of the grave, there are many people dressed as soldiers with mourning belts on their heads, and it seems that they are holding sacrificial activities.

What kind of person died to build such a big tomb, and asked all the defenders in the nearby garrison to come to the ceremony. Xia Xun didn't remember any important figures in the army who died recently, so he asked someone to ask.The convoy stopped, and a guard ran up the mountainside along the trail, and then hurried back after a while. When he got to the front of the car, he said in a low voice: "Master, this is the station of Xingshan Station, and we are going to Tatar to mediate. The army was drawn from various guards, and the Xingshanyi garrison also mobilized many soldiers to fight against the tribes that refused to surrender. Now that the army has returned, the Xingshanyi soldiers brought back all the bodies of Paozhe who died in battle, a total of 79 , are all buried here."

Xia Xun's heart sank slightly, and after a moment of silence, he slowly got up and said solemnly, "All follow me, let's worship the heroes of the fallen soldiers together!"

In front of the grave, a glass of water and wine was slowly poured from Xia Xun's hand, and putting down the glass, Xia Xun took another stick of incense from the agitated and tearful Xingshan Post officer, and solemnly bowed to the huge grave After praying three times, I prayed silently in my heart: "It is inevitable to sacrifice to protect our home and country. However, this time we could have avoided some unnecessary casualties! The heroic spirits of the heroes are not far away. Please listen to Xia Xun's words. I will definitely seek justice for you!" .

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