The Master of Form and Meaning of Huashan Qizong

Chapter 10 Zhang Sanfeng Appeared?This unscientific!

"Xinyiquan? Why have I never heard of this sect? Forget it, let's go through this test and send Hanwang's brother-in-law away first." Qiu Weiwei thought to himself.Make up your mind and say goodbye. "It turned out to be Hero Ji of Xingyiquan. I have admired him for a long time. Today it was just a misunderstanding. Why don't I set up a banquet in Zuixianlou to apologize to you. What do you think?"

"That's right. Just now, the official was confused and thought that Mr. was one of the two thieves just now. All this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." After seeing Zhou Buyi's current appearance, the rascal knew that he had admitted his mistake It's just that he felt that he had made a mistake, so he made a mistake. Who made him look like the thief who bullied him in height and body?Besides, the two masters I brought with me, even my brother-in-law agreed.The guards who fought with these two gentlemen last time were all killed from Jingnan with the King of Han. How tough is their kung fu?Wasn't it somehow defeated by these two gentlemen?One is a fluke, two is a coincidence, and the third is a coincidence. If there are more than [-] losers in a row for no reason, and there is no injury on the whole body, it will explain the problem.

Even these two gentlemen don't seem to be any good opponents for this Ji, so I still obediently admit my inferiority, otherwise this group of people who kill people like mowing grass will kill me if they don't like it, and I have nothing to say go.No, the very sensible brother-in-law of Han Wang ran up to apologize.Pulling out the tiger skin of the King of Han, others know the family and status of the King of Han and the Songshan faction (or the power of the Wuyue Sword faction in the Jianghu), maybe forget it, and maybe use his power to catch up with the King of Han line.

Although the relationship between the emperor's grandson has already determined that the position of the eldest son of the emperor's crown prince in the East Palace is stable, but the prince's health is not good, and he is now old.Maybe the emperor's grandson will directly take over Jinshang's position. At that time, it will be another Jianwen period. If the king of Han launches Jingnan again at that time, the success or failure is also unknown.

However, these may be very useful to other people, but they are of no use to Zhou Buyi.Firstly, he knew that the final result was the victory of Xuande and the tragic death of the King of Han; secondly, he was not his original appearance now, even if he killed this scoundrel, he would not be able to find himself even in the official pictures.Moreover, this kid knows what he looks like in the past. What if he is described to others and people know that he is from the Huashan School?

Ever since. . .The King of Han will lose a brother-in-law this time.

Zhou Buyi didn't say a word, he rushed over like a thousand troops, Qiu Weiwei saw that the situation was not going well, and stepped forward to intercept it.Qiu Weiyi hit Zhou Buyi's chest with his palm. Qiu Weiwei was overjoyed, and suddenly his face turned pale.

The so-called "transformation energy" is to sense the strength and direction of the enemy's movement energy through the contact of the limbs or even any part of the body, and then use the situation to eliminate it, and even borrow it to feed back to the opponent.

In order to practice this skill, one must develop extremely sensitive and accurate listening skills: through contact with the limbs or even any part of the body, one can sense the strength and direction of the enemy's energy movement, so that it can be eliminated, and even borrowed to feed back to the opponent. , making the opponent unable to advance or retreat, the more force you use, the more you will be manipulated.The listening power of boxing depends on the touch of the body skin, which is already very difficult; but it is extremely difficult to extend the ability of listening power to swords and dead objects.In Zhou Buyi's previous life, in the era of abundant resources, there were only a handful of people who could practice to this level, and in this world, there is absolutely no second choice for those who can practice Chinese martial arts to this level.

Ordinary strength transforming kung fu can only dissolve the power of fists, feet and swords, but it has nothing to do with such strange powers as true qi.Just because fists, feet and weapons are both tangible and qualitative objects, but internal energy is tangible and intangible. If you want to grasp the enemy's true energy attack, you can only react instantly after the internal energy reaches your body .How easy is it?Don't think that if you fail to transform your strength at that time, you will be hurt by your true energy instead, then the gain will outweigh the loss.Fortunately, Zhou Buyi is also a person with deep inner strength, since I can't react so quickly, I won't let your true energy touch my body.Zhou Buyi used the method of transforming energy to spread a thin layer of true energy on himself. Don't underestimate this thin layer of true energy. Zhou Buyi used the method of transforming energy to lay it down. Air maintains this layer of gas mask.Secondly, although this zhenqi is not as strong as Fangzheng Chongxu's thick outer qi like a city wall later on, it is not something anyone can break through.At least with Qiu's only skill, he couldn't break it.

Qiu Weiwei was shocked: "What's going on? I've never heard of Xingyiquan. Why is it so weird? This boxing method seems to be seen somewhere. It's the Taijiquan used by the Wudang master Biyun last time and this one. The routines are different, but this feels like a boxing technique. However, it seems to be more profound than the real Biyun's boxing technique? Could it be???"

The moment Qiu Weiwei was astonished, Zhou Buyi had already passed him and grabbed the rascal boy with one hand, only to hear: "Crack!"The rascal and Zhou Buyi flew upside down.Taking a closer look, it turned out that Zhou Buyi turned his hands into knives and chopped off the rogue leader of Liuyang alive. Miraculously, Zhou Buyi didn't get any blood on his body.

Qiu Weiyi, who originally thought that Zhou Buyi was that person, felt a little thumping in his heart: that person is a fairy-like figure, how could he be so tyrannical like this Ji Jike?That's right, I wondered how that person who looked like a god could bear such insults, and I heard rumors from his ancestors that that person was also a hero of the generation when he was young, and he thought it was a spur of the moment to get rid of the evil in this world.Thinking of this, Qiu Weiwei's vest was drenched in cold sweat. The two of my brothers and sisters just wanted to get rid of that man!If only that person knew. . .No, that person must know!Is there anything else the gods don't know?what to do?what to do?By the way, the last time I went to Wudang, Master Biyun gave me two talismans, saying that they were drawn by that person, and they can ward off disasters and seek refuge. Fortunately, I carried them with me.Where?Where did you put it?

Zhou Buyi looked curiously at the Songshan School master who was quite famous in the martial arts in front of him, and he touched his body, but he didn't know what he was looking for.Could it be that this person brought some peerless hidden weapon?Peacock feathers?Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle?No, if you bring a hidden weapon, you can find it for such a long time?What exactly are you looking for?

Seeing the death of Han Wang's brother-in-law, and his senior brother groping around like crazy, Foxconn even forgot the pain, turned his head and shouted at Zhou Buyi: "What kind of magic did you do? Turn my senior brother into a This look? Quickly restore my senior brother to normal, or I, the Songshan Sect, and the Wuyue Sword Sect will not be able to spare you!"

"I found it, luckily I didn't leave it in the room." At this time, Qiu Weiwei finally found the two talismans, just in time to hear his junior brother yelling at Zhou Buyi, and he broke out in a cold sweat again. Going up and "slapping" and "slapping" are two slaps in the face, which stunned Foxconn.Then he knelt down towards Zhou Buyi all of a sudden: "Brother villain has no eyes and no eyes, so he offended the real person. I hope the real person will forgive me this time for the sake of these two talismans." After finishing speaking, he knocked hard He rang his head a few times.

Now it's not just Foxconn who is dumbfounded, Zhou Buyi is also dumbfounded: "The real person? Which one? The Kunlun faction's lead machine? The Qingcheng faction's Songfeng Taoist? The Kongtong faction's white real person? Could it be?? Qiu Weiwei How did you take me for him?"

Qiu Weiwei saw Zhou Buyi's serious face, and saw Foxconn sitting there motionless, thinking it was because Foxconn was acting stupid.Qiu Weiyi poked Foxconn a few times, and said in a low voice, "Don't you hurry up and apologize to Mitutoyo? You don't want to live anymore?!" Foxconn also knelt down as if waking up from a dream. Regardless of the serious injury and pain in his right hand, he shouted spare my life.Foxconn knew that his brother was a wise man, and he was right, so he just had to listen to his brother and know how to do it.

At this time, Zhou Buyi came back to his senses: "Sure enough, he took me as Zhang Sanfeng, and I don't know why. That's all. No matter what, let's talk after passing this test." He pretended to be a master: "Poverty Daoist I was just playing games, but I didn't know that when I met you guys, I would beat up the poor Taoist regardless of the reason. It's annoying! It's annoying!"

Qiu Weiyi's bones softened when he heard this, and he was really ready to close his eyes and wait for death. He would definitely not be able to beat this immortal who had lived for hundreds of years.I just hope that he will act quickly so that he will not suffer more.Just when he was thinking this way, he heard "For the sake of these two talismans. Forget it, I will spare your death, but remember, don't bully the good and cause trouble again! Ruopindao heard you Songshan Songyang Er Don't blame the poor Taoist for not predicting the evil things! Hmph!"

After saying that, he left with a sway.

"It's dangerous..." Qiu Weiyi didn't care about being in a busy city, and slumped on the ground all of a sudden.Foxconn asked: "Brother Qiu, is that man really Zhang Sanfeng from Wudang?"

"Shut up!" Qiu Weiwei looked in the direction where Zhou Buyi left.Seeing that Zhou Buyi was no longer in sight, he breathed a sigh of relief: "I want to call Sanfeng Zhenren! Have you lived enough?"

"No. Brother, I heard that Zhang..." Foxconn was about to say the remaining two words, but seeing Qiu Weiyi's eyes widening, he immediately changed his words: "I heard that Sanfeng Zhenren was born in the late Southern Song Dynasty. He is almost 160 years old, so why does that person look like a young man in his 30s or [-]s, how could he be the real Sanfeng?"

"Ignorance! You just don't listen to me when I ask you to read more books on weekdays! Sanfeng Daoist has a successful career, and he's rejuvenated, do you understand?" Qiu Weiwei murmured: "No, this matter has to be passed on to King Han, You can't let the brothers and the others know, tell the prince, and report it first." Qiu Weiwei took his brother to the local Jinyiwei Qianhu Office, and after a while, a secret letter was sent to Qingzhou.At the same time, several other secret locations each sent a secret report.Go to the capital, the Imperial Palace, Songshan Junji Temple, Shaolin Temple, Wudang Mountain.

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months later

"Zhang Sanfeng is still alive? How is it possible!" Taishishan asked.

"The ancestors have spirits and reappear in the world." Wudang Mountain

"Amitabha, the world has become troubled from now on."

"What! Mitutoyo is now in Jinhua! I want to go and listen to the truth in person." Forbidden City, Beijing

"Zhang Sanfeng appeared? This is unscientific!" said a minister's residence in the capital

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