The ancient dragon inscriptions, in the words of Zhou Buyi's previous life, are like oracle bone inscriptions and pottery inscriptions.Because it has been lost for many years, there are not many words deciphered so far, and this is the case in later generations, let alone this era when oracle bone inscriptions have not yet been discovered, and no one recognizes these "ghost painted peach charms". Today's oracle bone inscriptions It is still used as medicinal materials in pharmacies to treat diseases and save lives.Of course, due to the sudden appearance of Zhou Buyi, all the oracle bones unearthed in the area controlled by the Wuyue Sword Sect were transported to Mount Hua, avoiding the fate of being smashed to pieces.Of course, it is also because the Huashan School is a well-known and decent school in the martial arts, and Zhou Buyi is also the head disciple. It takes a whole day to practice Kung Fu on weekdays, so there is not much time to study oracle bones, to decipher word by word. , and then break the sentences into articles, and the translation into today.Naturally, he didn't know what was in it, let alone how many opportunities he wasted.

But now that the Taiyi Handbook is in his hand, Zhou Buyiyou happened to discover the miraculous records in it, so how could he let it go?After wasting half a day of effort, Han Yueer and Chu Qiqi also collected their efforts and played with jewelry on the sidelines. It was almost time for dinner, and only then did they completely decipher the first article.

"One yin and one yang are called Dao, those who follow them are good, and those who succeed are called nature. ... The daily renewal is called Shengde. The birth is called Yi, the formation is called dry, the imitation is called Kun, and the extreme number is known. Occupation, changeable things are called things, and yin and yang are called gods....Heaven is one and earth is two, heaven is three and earth is four, heaven is five and earth is six, heaven is seven and earth is eight, sky is nine and earth is ten. Heaven is five, earth is five, and five phases The number of days is twenty, there are five, the number of earth is thirty, and the number of heaven and earth is fifty, there are five. This is why there are changes and ghosts and gods. Dayan's number is fifty, and its use is forty. Divide into two to form two images, hang one to form three images, and press four to form four images. It is strange to press and use the image to leap, so press again and then hang. The strategy of doing, 210 has six. Kun's strategy, There are four in one hundred and forty. Where there are sixty in three hundred, the current day. The strategy of two chapters, there are one thousand and 520, which is the number of all things. Therefore, four camps make easy, ten out of eight changes make hexagrams , gossip and make a small achievement. Lead and extend it, touch the class and grow it, and the world's ability will be completed. Showing the Tao and God's virtues, so it can be used for entertaining, and can be used to bless the gods."

Zhou Buyi carefully pondered the questions he had deciphered. This paragraph is to explain the essence of martial arts with the help of the sentences in Zhouyi. Big one.If the opportunity comes, it may not be empty talk to go straight to the innate.All of a sudden, Zhou Buyi's hands trembled, and the white paper filled with small script almost fell to the ground.It seems that Zhou Buyi realized something great from it.

If someone looks carefully at Zhou Buyi's eyes at this time, they can see faint stars moving in them, and the changing phases of the sun and the moon. If someone can see the true energy in Zhou Buyi's body at this time, they will see a strange phenomenon , 720 acupuncture points all over the body.Constantly expanding and contracting.At the same time, the five viscera are slowly glowing, faintly revealing the five colors of "red", "white", "black", "yellow" and "blue". No, the internal organs returned to their normal colors.Wu's five breaths start from the five internal organs and go straight to Niwan along the meridians.Entanglement, separation and reunion, and finally entered the ancestral orifice to operate according to the arrangement of the five elements.As soon as he sank his mind into the Niwan Palace between his eyebrows, a sense of vastness and boundlessness arose in Zhou Busu's mind. In a trance, it seemed that stars passed down from ancient times were slowly turning. The desolate and lonely, vast artistic conception immediately It washed over his mind like a wild wave, but this artistic conception only lasted for a moment. The stars, which were condensed from the spirit, vibrated for a year, and at this moment they involuntarily vibrated slightly, and the trembling and suppressed breath quickly permeated the air. When it opened, it was like an ancient star exhausting its lifespan for hundreds of millions of years, and it seemed to be a precursor to bursting and destroying.

Those ancient stars whose longevity of hundreds of millions of years seemed to have come to an end, after violent vibrations, they turned into meteors and fell to the earth. One, two, three... When the last star fell, Zhou Buyi was suddenly ejected from the artistic conception.

The artistic conception is mysterious and mysterious, and when it comes to it, it is somewhat similar to the kung fu of the word 'Yi'.It's just that even if you have never seen the artistic conception you want to achieve, as long as you can understand the divine intent of the artistic conception you want to achieve.The qi in the body is thought to be the god, and it is connected with the god of the void, the internal and external induction, and the three treasures are in harmony.When the Three Jewels of Essence, Qi, and Spirit are sufficient to support the completion of the visualization, it will be accomplished.It's just that if you can't be in the scene, observe carefully for ten or eight years, and hold the divine mountain in your arms, this artistic conception can only be a beginner's state. Don't even think about defeating the enemy. Morte. "Is it still not working?" Zhou Buyi sighed, "After all, the internal strength is still a bit weak, otherwise the artistic conception of Zhou Tian Xingchen will be achieved. Hey, disaster is approaching, so we can only focus on achieving the artistic conception of the Five Sacred Mountains. Wait until this catastrophe is over, and start over again. What's more, as long as the kung fu is reached, the mountains may not be unable to become the universe!" After making up his mind, Zhou Buyi shook slightly, and 45 purple qi diffused out from the nine orifices respectively, Five streams of purple qi emanate from each orifice, and each entangles and evolves, one flower, one stone, one grass and one tree.In the end, there were five mountains that were as crystal clear as purple jade. However, except for Huashan Mountain, the other four mountains were huge, but they were strong on the outside and strong on the outside. Only the Huashan Mountain had real power.

Generally speaking, the more powerful the artistic conception is, the more difficult it is to achieve, like this Five Mountains artistic conception, it can be achieved.Ever since the Five Sacred Sword Sect Association became honorable, there has never been a slap in the face.It can be seen that it is difficult.Later, the top ten masters of the Xiaoao Zhongzheng Sect all achieved extremely profound artistic conception. Of the five masters of the Wuyue Sword Sect at that time, only Hengshan Moda, Songshan Zuolengchan, and Huashan Yuebuqun realized it, but they also But it is the god of a mountain, the meaning of a mountain.Zhou Buyi achieved the artistic conception of the Five Sacred Mountains in one go this time. If he can achieve it, there will be few people in the whole world who can deal with him in the next hundred years.

"Clang!" There was a sound, and the Ziying sword came out of the scabbard. Zhou Buyi poked the unpretentious hand, only to see the Ziying sword stretched by more than a foot, and changed to its original length in the blink of an eye. So many times.If someone fights Zhou Buyi at this time, that person will not be able to see Zhou Buyi. What he can see are the five majestic sacred mountains that have stood on the land of the Central Plains for hundreds of millions of years!

Artistic conception, the most important key to enter the innate, Zhou Buyi finally got it.

However, although Zhou Buyi has achieved the artistic conception of the Five Mountains, the only one he can get is the Huashan Mountain in the West Mountain. If the Five Elements are to be fulfilled, he will have to go to the Dongyue Taishan, Nanyue Hengshan, Beiyue Hengshan, and Zhongyue Songshan in the future. , live in a hut, and carefully figure out their mountain spirit.Otherwise, you will never even think about entering the innate realm for the rest of your life.

However, the Songshan faction only wanted to surpass Huashan and become the leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Mountains. Could it really accommodate Wuyi to practice martial arts on his own territory next week?If the Songshan school is capable, what about Shaolin?Would you like to see a stronger Huashan?

That's why, even though he was able to achieve the Five Sacred Conception three years ago, Zhou Buyi has always been unwilling to take this step. If it weren't for the strong pressure of the old priest, he might not be willing to do so now.Of course, more of the reason is because Zhou is not suspicious and arrogant, and disdains to stop at the Five Mountains artistic conception. What he wants to practice is the more powerful Zhou Tian Xingshen concept.But Zhou Buyi also tried it just now, even if he got a lot from the Taiyi Handbook, it was still not enough to achieve the almost invincible Zhou Tian Xing Shen Guan, even if he was just a beginner, it was impossible.

But for now. . .Is there anything else for him to choose?

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