No.16 Chapter Running

The man's voice was high-pitched and thin, and Zhou Buyi knew immediately that this man had either gone off the rails while practicing kung fu, his yin and yang qi were reversed, or he was an eunuch in the palace.But judging from what he just said, it should be the latter.If the palace is involved, it's better for him to leave quickly.Before the man approached, he dropped a dozen coins, dragged Ling Xiao out of the tea shed, and hid in a bush.

Seeing that there was no one else around, Mr. Di didn't care, and said to the man who was probably an eunuch, "Eunuch Jin, what are you doing in this poor country if you don't take good care of the young master in the palace?" He looked quite calm, but the next sentence revealed his inner weakness and hesitation: "At the beginning, the emperor allowed us to resign and return to our hometown. My brother and I have not done anything bad in the past ten years. Just be honest. Do a small business…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the eunuch who looked like a palace eunuch, "Master Di, Lord Fan. Our family came this time to invite the two of you to come out of the mountain according to the order of the young master, not the emperor's order. .”

Fan Rong and Di Jun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard that it wasn't Emperor Yongle who thought of their brothers.At that time, he was finally able to find King Yan, no, he is now, let go of himself, resigned and returned to his hometown, and has been doing his own small business for more than ten years.Seeing this favored eunuch in the palace come to look for him this time, he thought he was here to take his life.If this is the case, the two brothers will be dead.Did they know the eunuch's kung fu, the masters recruited by the King of Han could not assassinate the prince and grandson, and half of the credit was due to this eunuch.

As for the current prince's solicitation of them.Ordinary people in the world may be keen on the invitation of the nobles, but the two brothers were trained by Emperor Taizu and later given to Cao Guogong as guards.After so many years, how can you not know the doorway here?The vortex of royal battles is not something ordinary people can afford to fall into.What's more, other people don't know the details of the palace, and they, who were born in the emperor's secret guard, don't know?Don't look at the Sun Moon God Sect of the Five Sacred Sword Sect who is making a big fuss in the arena now, it will really anger the palace, and it will be turned into powder in an instant.

Speaking of this, I will talk about the origins of these two people.Zhu Yuanzhang was originally from an ordinary farmer in Fengyang, Anhui. He was a monk and a beggar. Later, he met Xu Da, joined the Mingjiao, and joined the anti-Yuan army. The prime minister of Xingzhongshu Province.Later, Zhang Wuji handed over the position of leader to Yang Xiao by coercing the anti-Yuan soldiers, scheming and scheming, coercing and deceiving.Finally, one year before becoming emperor, taking advantage of the Duanyang feast, he ordered Lan Yu and Mao Xiang to lead an army to attack the mountain.Unprepared, Mingjiao suffered heavy losses and fled to Heimuya to start anew.This matter has been mentioned in the previous article, so I will not list it one by one.

But it is said that Zhu Yuanzhang is only from the lower class, so how can he have such a superb martial arts?If he didn't have any supernatural skills, how could he be under Mingjiao's later revenge.Saved his own life, and ruled in front of the court?

It turned out that long before he became the prime minister of Jiangnan Xingzhongshu Province, he had already recruited a large group of high-ranking people from the rivers and lakes. The purpose was to deal with the expansion of Timur (that is, Zhao Min's father Ruyang Wang Chahantemuer), Polo Timur and other capable officials and generals of the Yuan court supported talented people and strangers.At that time, the anti-yuan situation was not ideal, so they ordered people to collect a group of orphans and train them secretly.

After Zhu Yuanzhang became the prime minister of Jiangnan Xingzhongshu Province, the anti-Yuan situation changed, and the collapse of the Yuanting Building was a foregone conclusion. At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang had hundreds of thousands of troops under his command, and the number of civil servants and military generals was even more numerous.At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang has become a prince, and the next step is to become emperor. How can he continue to be loyal to the leader of Mingjiao? ?Whether it is the leader, the double envoys, the four dharma kings, or the five scattered people?Why are you still standing on my head, Zhu Yuanzhang?

But no matter who it is, among those twelve people, even the Wusan people with the worst martial arts can easily move into Zhu Yuanzhang's dormitory.Why did he wrestle with the middle and high-level teachers?After thinking about it, I still pinned my hope on those orphans.In the end, it was really useful, and it actually wiped out most of the Mingjiao's center, forcing Mingjiao to move to Heimuya, Hebei.Later, Zhu Yuanzhang proclaimed himself Emperor Jianji in Jiankang, in order to control the gang of arrogant soldiers in Huaixi, the founding prince.In the name of protection, these orphans were given as guards one by one, and they thought it would be useful, so Mingren collected a group of orphans for training.After Zhu Yuanzhang died.Under Huang Zicheng's persuasion, Emperor Jianwen dismissed them one by one.Li Jinglong remembered the kindness of the past, so he left the thirteen guards given by Zhu Yuanzhang.These two are the members of the Thirteen Taibao

Afterwards, the King of Yan was in trouble with Tianjing, Li Jinglong was defeated twice, the army of Yan State captured Nanjing City, and Li Jinglong was imprisoned. These previous events will not be detailed one by one.

Di Jun and Fan Rong glanced at each other, and said to the eunuch surnamed Jin: "My two brothers, thank you for your kindness here. But we have been used to living idle for so many years. I really don't want to go there again I hope my father-in-law Jin will argue for my two brothers in front of my young master." As he spoke, he saw Di Jun take out a gold medal from his bosom, "This medal was originally awarded by the great grandfather back then. Yes, I have been reluctant to sell it for so many years. Give it to my father-in-law today, and ask him to let my two brothers go."

The eunuch surnamed Jin took the gold medal, and while gently stroking it as if stroking a woman's body, he said to Di Jun and Fan Rong: "There are not many left of this medal. traitor, what a good one to protect the country and eradicate traitors." Before he finished speaking, he saw two silver lights flashing in the hands of eunuch Jin. The iron rod, even if it is an iron rod, is not cut, it is just a short rod of more than one foot.Zhou Buyi could see it clearly, it was clearly written on it—repay with all his heart.

I saw that the short stick danced under the hands of these two people to create a dark scene.After a sudden crisp sound, an iron needle was seen inserted into the stick.

"Eunuch Jin is hardworking. Can this Sunflower Book be practiced to the sixth level?" Di Jun saw the iron needle stuck on the stick, with a bitter and bitter expression on his face.It seemed to eat the golden eunuch.It turned out that Fan Rong didn't have enough time to block the iron needle, and was stabbed in the heart by the golden eunuch. The true energy attached to the needle broke Fan Rong's heart to pieces. There is no exit, just go straight.

"The newcomers in the palace, once they have mastered this kung fu, they will no longer practice it hard. Except for our family and Sanbao, who are old people who follow the emperor, who are willing to practice this kung fu every day? But those of us who have no roots , the palace is our home, and we don’t mix in the rivers and lakes, what do we need such good kung fu? As long as we practice enough to repel mosquitoes for the emperor and young master, that’s enough.”

"Yes! That's enough!" At some point, Di Jun was two or three feet away from Eunuch Jin, and the iron rod hit Eunuch Jin at once.This stick, with all its strength, left no room for it.Eunuch Jin backed away before Di Jun made a move.Suddenly, there was a big distance between the two of them.

"Di San..." Eunuch Jin still wanted to say something, but saw that Di Jun missed his hand, so he left in a hurry.Eunuch Jin originally thought that Di Jun's attack with all his strength was to avenge his younger brother, but he escaped!Immediately, Eunuch Jin froze, and in that instant, Di Jun ran away without a trace.

"Damn it! Coward! Not a man!" Eunuch Jin kept cursing, but his face was full of misery. "It's still the Thirteenth Taibao who was trained by the great grandfather! Just ran away like this?! How does this make our family talk to the young master?" Confession?"

"Puff!" Ling Xiao was also a girl with a heart, and couldn't help laughing when she heard an eunuch say that she was not a man.But just such a chuckle.It was actually monitored by Mrs. Jin!

"Who!" The eunuch Jin yelled, but no one responded. The eunuch Jin's anger value, which was already full, increased to a new high. He took out a handful of silver needles from the box in his arms, and threw them all out without looking at them. No doubt he tapped Ling Xiao's acupoints, shifted his shape, and arrived at Ling Xiao's position. After blocking some flying needles, he stood up and said to Eunuch Jin, "Senior..."

"Don't say anything senior." Eunuch Jin yelled, then lowered his head as if muttering to himself, "It looks like he's still a disciple of a big school. If you kill you, it's not good for the emperor's plan. But Since you eavesdropped on the conversation between our family and Di Jun and Fan Rong, you should be damned, as for how to remedy it, that is a matter for the previous court. An eunuch in our family, what do we do so much?"

At this time Zhou Buyi took advantage of Jin eunuch muttering to himself and had already walked in front of Jin eunuch.With a slap of the palm, he hit Eunuch Jin's chest.This palm struck like a big axe, with astonishing power. At this time, Eunuch Jin just made a decision, but it seemed too late, because this palm was about to land on his chest in an instant, and then the inner strength of the palm It would break Jin eunuch's viscera into pieces, even if he had profound internal strength, the true energy from Zixia's magical skills would also lurk in his extraordinary meridians, causing him to suffer unspeakably at that time.But at this moment, Zhou Buyi only felt a slight pain in his palm.Then I felt a gust of true energy that was as cold as ice and as hot as fire rushing up along the Yangming Large Intestine Meridian. Immediately, my right hand could no longer move, and then Eunuch Jin slapped Zhou Buyi with another palm. , the infuriating energy in the palm was so thick that it almost took shape.A palm hit Guan Yuan who was not suspicious of Zhou.Zhou Buyi fell to the ground in an instant, feeling that his limbs could not be moved, and a strange and domineering true energy was rampaging in his dantian, which was very hard.Eunuch Jin looked at Zhou Buyi viciously, and said word by word: "Boy, enjoy the power of the Sunflower Book." After speaking, he slowly backed away step by step, staring at Zhou Buyi without saying a word. . "You dare to eavesdrop on our family's conversation, and even dare to laugh at our family. You asked for the baby!" After finishing speaking, he left.

When he was about to arrive in Hangzhou, Eunuch Jin stopped suddenly and said to himself: "Our family seems to have forgotten something." The boat returned to the capital along the canal.

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