The Master of Form and Meaning of Huashan Qizong

Chapter 18 Can You Stop Calling This Name, We Are Not Xianxia

() The sword is forged, but looking at the appearance of the sword, Zhou Buyi looks weird.Moreover, the shape of the sword shocked the swordsmith and his friends even more.Instead, Ling Xiao, a heartless person, found a pack of fried chestnuts in sugar from who knows where.Peeling the shell and eating it again and again, urging: "Don't stand still, idiot, haven't you been looking forward to this sword being forged? It's finally made, don't you try?"

Hearing these words, the swordsmith came back to his senses, handed the sword to Zhou Buyi, and said excitedly: "Young man, try it quickly. I have forged many good swords over the years, like yours." It’s the first time I’ve seen such a strange thing, so I can’t say how powerful it is, it’s better to give it a try.”

Zhou Buyi nodded in agreement, but said in his heart: How could this sword be bad?But... this sword is just similar?Or is this the divine sword in the legends of later generations?My God... Could it be that I am not Xiaoao through time travel?No, Zuo Lengchan, Yue Buqun, Fangzheng Chongxu are all there, and I have never heard of the existence of those people.Maybe it's just a resemblance? ?

There were so many thoughts in my mind, but in fact it was just a blink of an eye.It was also fortunate that Zixia's magical power returned Qi very quickly, and within two or three breaths, the lost true Qi was recovered. Zhou Buyi took this freshly baked sword, poured true Qi into the blade, and slashed at the sword furnace all at once. Next to the sword-testing stone, who knew that when the blade was still half an inch away from the sword-testing stone, Zhou Buyi actually retracted the sword and put it in front of his eyes to observe carefully, as if he was facing a peerless beauty.The swordsmith and his disciple didn't know it, and Ling Xiao was still peeling the fried chestnuts in her hand.Just when the swordsmith couldn't bear to ask Zhou Buyi why this happened, a gust of wind blew over, and the sword-testing stone split in two. It turned out that the elbow had been stimulated by the sword just now! ?Originally, with Zhou Buyi's current skill, he would definitely not be able to stimulate the sword light, even if he used the method of national art, he could only emit fake sword energy at best.Only with the increase of this treasured sword can there be such an effect.

Only then did the swordsmith begin to carefully observe the sword in Zhou Buyi's hand.This sword, the whole body of the sword is shining, the swordsmith originally thought it was the reflection of the fire, but after careful observation, he found that this sword is crystal clear, as if coated with a layer of glaze. Things are actually swimming on the sword body!This is not some kind of colored glaze, let alone an entity, but the sword light spurred by Zhou Buyi's true energy poured into the sword body! .

"Congratulations, young man, this sword is so powerful. I have been learning the craft of making swords from my master since I was a child. It has been more than 40 years. I have traveled all over the country, and I have seen many good swords, but none of them are as good as me. Come on, young hero." The swordsmith was extremely excited.That's right, for a swordsmith who has made swords all his life, it would be the best thing to be able to forge a real sword and hand it over to a suitable master.As a craftsman, there are not many opportunities to be famous in history. Craftsmen are like the sands of the Ganges River throughout the ages, but how many people can be recorded in the annals of history?A peerless sword can be forged, handed over to a suitable master, and a story that is enough to be passed down to future generations will be deduced.Then the name of this swordsmith will be passed down through the ages with this sword.

Ling Xiao thought to himself: "Besides, if this girl didn't come up with a method, could this sword be forged?"

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While everyone in Jianjianfang was celebrating the casting of the sword, a person came in from outside. It was guarding the gate outside the valley. His surname was Zhang, and his name was Zhang Xueliang.Seeing his sloppy steps and flustered expression, the swordsmith felt displeased, and his excitement of forging a good sword was also diluted a lot.

The little six sons were originally extremely wealthy, and their father was a very rich local man, because he was born to his regular wife, so he doted on him very much.Therefore, Little Six was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and he was unbearably stubborn when he urinated. When he grew up, he became a frequent visitor to brothels and gambling halls.That's all, later, I didn't know where I got the problem, and I learned from the dandies in the capital to take Wushisan!Later, Zhang's father was murdered by his enemies, and the younger six sons inherited the family business. They finally got rid of Wu Shi, but they listened to a bad friend and took advantage of the fire to rob most of the property of fellow villager Feng Jidu. micro word.Afterwards, he fell into the trap of harming his friend, and most of his solid family property was destroyed, but there was no one to help him.

The uncles and elders in the clan had already criticized Xiaoliuzi, but he was a legitimate son, and he had abstained from Wushisan, so he had some expectations for him.Now that he lost his family business, he said that he didn't want to let him take charge of the family business anymore, so he was sent to the Sword Forging Valley to learn how to forge swords from the swordsmith.The swordsmith was a good friend of Xiaoliuzi's father, so he agreed.Originally, he planned to teach him what he had learned all his life, but he didn't know that Xiaoliuzi was in a state of mind, so he practiced and scrapped several furnaces of iron.Although the swordsmith is one of the few masters in the valley and the disciple of the elders of the swordsmith valley, he couldn't suppress the criticism from the valley, so he had to arrange for the little six to guard the entrance of the valley, hoping to hone the heart of the little six Xing, but now it seems...all in vain.

It was also the swordsmith who was in a good mood today. He poured a bowl of water from the kettle, handed it to the other party with a pleasant face, and said to Little Six, "Don't panic! What happened?"

Little Six took the cup, drank his saliva, and collected himself: "Master, it's not good. Seven people, no. 80, came from outside the valley with swords in their hands. They all looked fierce and insisted on coming in. What do you say?" Uncle Sun Wen didn't dare to let them in when he wanted to find their elder brother, and he was letting Wang Zhaoming and the others block the door. How should we deal with it?"

"Someone thinks I'm making trouble in Sword Forging Valley? How is that possible?" Hearing this answer, the swordsmith's first reaction was disbelief.This is no wonder to him, first of all, here is Zhejiang, where the imperial court pays a lot of taxes, since it is a place with heavy taxes, it is naturally guarded by heavy soldiers, not to mention that there is a Jingnan nobleman who is in charge of suppressing Japanese in Zhejiang.Although that Uncle Tang had put down the Japanese pirates two years ago, and the army returned to their own soldiers, but whoever wants to make trouble in Zhejiang depends on whether the imperial court agrees; second, this is Longquan, the holy place for sword casting Now, half of all the masters who use weapons in the Jianghu use weapons made by Longquan. They need to know who is going to make trouble in Zhujian Valley... Thirdly, Zhujian Valley itself has a close relationship with some nearby righteous men. The more than 2000 swordsmiths in the valley are also good players, and with the organs set up in the valley, it will not be a problem to delay the arrival of reinforcements.

Seeing this, Zhou Buyi said to the swordsmith, "Master Song, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding. Why don't we go to Taniguchi to see what's going on before making a decision. What do you think?"

The swordsmith thought about it for a while, and then agreed, if there is a real danger, there is no way to avoid it.Besides, Zhou Buyi had been in the valley for nearly a month, and the level of kung fu, the swordsmith still had some understanding, not to mention that just now Zhou Buyi used his true energy to help him forge swords, which cost a lot, and then he didn't need to adjust his breath , you can use the sword glow.Apparently, the Twelve Classical Meridians have been opened up, and several of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians have also been practiced.The swordsmith couldn't help sighing in his heart: Those who can practice kung fu to such a high level at such an age, the world is so big, I am afraid that there are not many people who can do it.

Several people hurried to the gate tower of the valley.Zhou Buyi took a look, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, I guessed right." Turning around to the swordsmith, he said, "Master Song, this is not a villain, but my junior brother. I will go out and talk to them first. Let me tell you what's going on." When I was still in the valley just now, when Zhou Buyi heard about the elder brother, he wondered if someone sent by the master had arrived, and he saw that it was indeed so.The swordsmith breathed a sigh of relief and asked someone to open the city gate, but he didn't dare to let those people in.Zhou Buyi also murmured in his heart, how did these people find this place?

It turned out that when these Huashan outer disciples arrived at the Fuwei Escort, the leader Zhuo Bufan and Hu Bubei saw that Zhou Buyi was not there, so he didn't want to delay, so he handed over to Lin Zhongxiong first.Since then, more than 400 Huashan disciples have become escorts of Fuwei Escort Bureau.In other words, more than 400 old people from the Fuwei Escort have joined the smuggling industry.

Lin Yuantu took care of the rest of the people. Anyway, the Lin family didn't lack this little money, but it's been almost two months, and Zhou Buyi still hasn't come.Lin Yuantu didn't say anything yet.Then the remaining hundred or so outer disciples couldn't wait any longer, and asked Zhuo Bufan and the others to inquire Lin Yuantu about the whereabouts of the elder brother all day long.Later, Lin Yuantu couldn't get enough of it, so he asked Zhuo Bufan and the others to go to Longquan to look for it, and only then did the previous scene happen.

Zhou Buyi walked out, really ready to give these unruly outer disciples a good lesson, who would have thought that just as soon as he put on the appearance of the dean, he heard two voices: "Elder brother." I saw two beautiful women hanging on Zhou Buyi's body like koalas.Zhou Buyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why are you here?"

This is Han Yueer and Chu Qiqi, they followed the team after leaving Shaanxi, Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to send them back, so as not to get too involved with them and be blamed by Ning Zhong.But Hu Bupei is very supportive (Hu Bupei said: "Actually, I don't want to, but if I can stand the torture of these two little girls nainai, I won't be so cute. I don't want to touch a cauliflower snake while sleeping , when I was eating, suddenly there was a loud roar from behind. I dare not say anything else, that’s not my junior sister. It’s a devil! A devil more terrifying than a tartar!”), and kept on giving Cui Bupo In his eyes, he wanted to get Cui Bupo to object, but he didn't know that Cui Bupo made a mistake, and before leaving, Liu Qingyan and others asked Cui Bupo to obey Hu Bubei's arrangement on the road, so he naturally agreed to bring both Shu has the same surname.Two votes against one vote, and finally the two sisters rushed to Fujian with the team.

"Brother Zhou, who are these two younger sisters?" Suddenly a female voice came from behind. It turned out that Ling Xiao saw two women who were so close to Zhou Buyi, and his heart was sour: "These two women are slutty, If the idiot is taken away by them, what should I do? Yes, let them see what a woman looks like."

Seeing Ling Xiao approaching, Zhou Buyi quickly put Han Yueer and Chu Qiqi down: "This is my two junior sisters Han Yueer and Chu Qiqi. Junior sister Chu, junior sister Han is Lingxiao, the granddaughter of Master Wudang Biyun." Girl." Ling Xiao came over and took Zhou Buyi's arm: "So it's Sister Chu and Sister Han. I heard Brother Zhou talk about you a long time ago, saying that you are his most beloved sister." Ling Xiao said heavily With the word 'sister', Chu Qiqi and Han Yueer's anger value increased, but Zhou Buyi endured it extremely hard because he couldn't get angry.

Chu Qiqi looked at the beautiful Ling Xiao, endured and endured, she couldn't help but wanted to explode, saw the long sword hanging around Zhou Buyi's waist, and thought to herself: "Master brother, this is you!" A newly forged sword?"

Zhou Buyi was extremely embarrassed to be caught between the three women. Seeing Chu Qiqi come to change the subject, he was very happy: "Yes. It took me a lot of thought to forge this sword."

"I suppose the sword hasn't been named yet? Why don't Sister Han and I think of one for Senior Brother?"

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Ling Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "You two sisters don't need to worry about it. My sister has already made up her mind, so I will call it." He said three words, but these three words instantly petrified Zhou Buyi. Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past him, and he roared in his heart: "Can you stop calling me by that name, we are not Xianxia!"

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