After Hu Bubei finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Buyi timidly, the fear of Zhou Buyi in his eyes was not lessened by Zhou Buyi's petrification.That's right!You read that right!Zhou Buyi was petrified. After hearing Hu Bubei's confession, Zhou Buyi was completely petrified!Zhou Buyi never expected that this conspiracy against him was actually caused by the fact that he completely repaired the life-and-death struggle of the eagle and snake and dedicated it to the sect.

Zhou Buyi originally thought that it was just a repair of a long-lost boxing technique of the Huashan School.Although this hand kung fu is to be practiced well and to become a top master in the world, you must focus on Qi training, but the fist and palm kung fu on Huashan is not just the set of "Eagle Snake Life and Death Fight", "Splitting Stones and Breaking" The jade boxing "Hunyuan Palm" has been passed down all the time, and I haven't seen people from Jianzong yelling for beating and killing, but several masters of Jianzong have also practiced Hunyuanyi Qigong to perfection.Zhou Buyi thought, even if Jianzong is dissatisfied, so what?At most, it was just a few extreme people like Liu Qingyan saying a few words in secret, and they didn't expect it to come to this point at all.

What Zhou Buyi didn't expect was that on a whim, he wanted to try to let Huashan disciples also taste the sweetness of Chinese martial arts, and enhance the skills of Huashan disciples, so that in the future, it would also prevent Huashan from having two or three big cats and kittens after the battle of Yunvfeng. It is dangerous to destroy the faction, and it will be remembered by the Songshan faction in the future.Only then did some training methods of Chinese martial arts be mixed into the "Eagle Snake Life and Death Fight".Who knew that this unintentionally violated the taboo of Jianzong!It got to the point where Jianzong had to kill himself.

God is sorry, when I wrote it, who knows if there are such things in the "Eagle and Snake Life and Death Struggle" handed down by the patriarch?It was just a whim of my own, but everyone in Jianzong thought that their ancestors had these things because of this, and in order to keep the secret, they even wanted to kill themselves!

Thinking that I had accidentally hit and bumped into the truth of why Jianzong was able to compete with Qizong!Zhou Buyi couldn't help but feel excited.But what made him unbelievable was: the ancestors of the Huashan School discovered the hard training method of this national art early on? !Moreover, according to the fact that this Baoyuan Jin was realized by Cai Zifeng and Cai Zushi from the "Sunflower Treasure", besides the seniors of the Huashan School, there must be other seniors who thought of it!

Zhou Buyi recalled the contents of the Evil Resisting Sword Manual, and remembered that there were two sentences on the "Evil Resisting Sword Manual" that were indeed very similar to the Chinese martial arts. 'This is what Lin Yuantu memorized the narrations of Yue Su and Cai Zifeng, the two patriarchs, based on his own experience and knowledge of practicing Shaolin martial arts in the past, and recounted it. It is purely explained by the method of inner family's true energy, so it is ignored. up.If it weren't for Zhou Buyi's ability to never forget, I'm afraid I wouldn't have thought of it now.Thinking of this, Zhou Buyi couldn't help thinking of something in a trance, but he seemed to be vague, and he seemed to be unable to remember anything, as if something was dangling in front of him, and he wanted to grab it, as if immediately I was about to catch it, but I couldn't catch it anyway.

Zhou Buyi felt powerless in his heart, and lightly pressed Yintang: "Forget it, if you can't think of it, think about it slowly in the future. You will think of it one day. It's better to deal with this troublesome Hu Bubei first."

"Junior Brother Hu, it stands to reason that it is a serious crime for you to commit disorder. Leading disciples from the outer sect to use swords and guns with the brothers from the inner sect to provoke internal strife in the sect is even more unforgivable. According to the rules of the world, you should be punished. You are punished with three knives and six eyes."

Hearing Hu Bubei's wry smile here, he thought to himself: "Is it finally here? That's okay, although the three knives and six eyes are cruel, it's much happier than the punishment of suffocating and dying." Hu Bubei's vest was drenched in cold sweat from his own torture, and the energy he had finally built up was just vented.It wasn't like this, but Hu Bubei couldn't survive the torture before, and revealed the secret that Jianzong couldn't be treated by outsiders, and most of the spiritual pillar in his heart collapsed, so it's no wonder he behaved like this.

Looking at Hu Bubei, who was so invincible in the past, he looks like this now.Zhou Buyi couldn't bear it, so he stopped teasing him: "If you know your mistake, correct it, and I won't punish you..." Hearing Zhou Buyi's words, Hu Bubei knew that he had overcome this calamity Hu Bubei let out a sigh of relief, but remembering that he had betrayed Jianzong, he might not end well in the future, Hu Bubei sighed in his heart.

"...But you made a big mistake after all, and it is definitely not something you can offset with a few words. You have to make meritorious deeds for our Huashan faction in the future. Do you know?" Zhou Bu asked

"Junior brother knows, from now on he will devote himself to Huashan and die, to atone for the crimes I committed today." Hu Bubei didn't care that he was still tied by the rope, he knelt down vigorously and said with his head bowed.But what he thinks in his heart, maybe only he knows.

Cui Bupo couldn't believe it when he looked at this formerly invincible senior brother Hu, he didn't expect such a result. "Senior Brother Hu!!" But no matter how he shouted, Hu Bubei ignored him.That's right, no one would take kindly to an accomplice who forced him to betray his sect, not to mention that now that Hu Bubei is still on fire, don't think that he will pay any attention to Cui Bupo.

Looking at the submissive Hu Bubei, Zhou Buyi didn't know what it was like in his heart.From now on, the former Huashan Hu Erge, who was arrogant and didn't care about anyone, will probably disappear from now on.In the past, Hu Bubei, who made me feel a little bit jealous, is gone from now on.From now on, among the disciples of different generations on Huashan Mountain, I am afraid that no one dares to challenge him again.

"Junior Brother Zhuo!" Life is going on, things have to be done, people can't always be there sighing.Zhou Buyi came to Zhuo Bufan who just couldn't bear to run to the bow of the boat to watch the waves.

Zhuo Bufan walked over, thinking about the mind-reading skills of the elder brother and the terrible punishment just now.He asked respectfully, "What's your order, Senior Brother?"

"Go and tell the sailors on the ship, let's go back!" Zhou Buyi said firmly, "It's courting death if we go to Nanyang to fight the world with such a small number of people. We have to transfer some people back from the Fuwei Escort. The sailor said, ready to return to the voyage. The location, stop at Houguan!"

"Of order!" Zhuo Bufan agreed so neatly, but Zhou Buyi could hear that there was a bit of hesitation in his words, and Zhuo Bufan didn't tell the sailors to return to the voyage after responding, he still stood by his side blankly.Zhou Buyi looked back and asked, "Junior Brother Zhuo, do you have anything else to do?"

Zhuo Bufan pointed to Hu Bubei who was kneeling on the ground, Cui Bupo who was tied up and begging for mercy, and the rebel disciples from the outer sect: "What should we do with them? Senior brother, have you thought about it? And...Hou Guan But there are many eyes and ears of the government."

Zhou Buyi let out a long sigh: "Hey...there is such a big turmoil when I come out this time, although I knew it would not be calm, but I really didn't expect it to be like this. Brother Zhuo, you go now. Don't worry! I already want to So what to do next. As for the eyes and ears of the government, the Lin family has been in Fujian for so many years, and they have already managed to get up and down, and they went out in the middle of the night today just to attract them. It’s okay to go back like this.”

"Since that's the case... It's good that senior brother knows what's in his mind. I'll go get them back first." Seeing that Zhou Buyi had made a decision, although he still didn't know what it was like.But the big stone in Zhuo Bufan's heart was still put down, Zhuo Bufan secretly said in his heart: "As long as there is a is good to have a decision"

Zhuo Bufan also didn't know how to deal with these people, especially Hu Bubei and Cui Bupo, two disciples of Jianzong who were both inner disciples.lighter?They have launched an internal strife!Leading the disciples of the outer sect to use knives and guns against the brothers of the same sect, and even trying to murder the head disciple, this crime can almost be compared with murdering the head master, the reasoning should be that martial arts should be abolished, imprisoned in the back mountain and never born, Now they are in a hurry outside, and they can even send them to see the patriarch.But if you really do this... this is a brother from the same sect!Although they belong to two sects, and the two sects have been stumbling over the years, they belong to the same sect after all. If they really want to send them to see the patriarch, Zhuo Bufan really can't make up his mind, let alone the ruthless hand .

The most important thing is that Hu Bubei's identity is too special.Hu Bubei is the first disciple of Jianzong, the disciple of Xue Qingling, the big brother of Jianzong, and the best kung fu among the disciples of Jianzong's Buzi generation. He is the only one who dares to challenge Zhou Buyi, and the only one who can challenge Zhou Buyi.The elders of the Sword Sect, Liu Qingyan and Chen Qingchen, had high hopes for him, and they always wanted Hu Bubei, as the head disciple of the Sword Sect, to replace Zhou Buyi as the next head of the Huashan Sect.If Hu Bubei is really dealt with severely... At this time, Qizong is not ready to completely turn against Jianzong... But what Zhuo Bufan doesn't know is that if Liu Qingyan really knows what Hu Bubei just said...I'm afraid... Don't let Liu Qingyan go all out to protect Hu Bubei, I'm afraid Liu Qingyan even has the heart to kill Hu Bubei himself.

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Looking at Zhuo Bufan's busy figure, Hu Bubei looked at Zhou Buyi with a complicated face: "How does the big brother want to deal with the little brother?"

Zhou Buyi stood up and patted the dust on his hands (I don't know where Zhou Buyi got the dust on the ship sailing in the sea): "You don't have to worry too much, Junior Brother Hu. You will know when you arrive in Fuzhou. Don’t worry, I will never torture you again. Then whoever, Tong Boda, come here and take them away.” After finishing speaking, he put away the mulberry paper and brushes filled with Baoyuanjin’s cultivation methods and strength methods, and went back to refer to the review .

Although Hu Bubei felt uneasy, what can I do if someone treats me like a fish with a knife?Even if Zhou Busu wanted to kill him, I'm afraid there was nothing he could do right now... Besides, if he really wanted to kill himself, wouldn't it be easy to kill him at sea without sending him back to Mount Hua?Without a sound, it was thrown into the sea, and no one could find the bones.Do you still need to go back and kill yourself later?

Hu Bupei thought: "This life is saved, but I don't know what method the big brother will use to deal with me." Thinking of this, Hu Bupei shook his head, and threw all those thoughts out of his mind.No matter what the method is, even if it kills him with a sword, as long as he doesn't die in such an aggrieved way as 'Tie Jiaguan', it will be fine.What's more... Can I turn back now?Thinking about what he vomited just now, thinking about his master's methods in the past, and thinking about Liu Qingyan's wrist, Hu Bupei suddenly felt a bit of regret in his heart.But it's a done deal, and there's nothing we can do.What Hu Bubei can do now is to let the outer disciple take him into the cabin and wait for Zhou Buyi to deal with him.

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Fuzhou Fuwei Escort Bureau Lin's

After Lin Yuantu sent Zhou Buyi and others away, he repeated what he had repeated countless times since his 70th birthday party and retired from the world: reading Buddhist scriptures.As a disciple of Putian South Shaolin, Lin Yuantu recited naturally the "Six Patriarch Altar Sutra" handed down by the sixth patriarch of Zen Buddhism, Huineng.

"Good Advisor! From the beginning, my Dharma door has established no-thought as the principle, no-phase as the body, and no-dwelling as the foundation. Those without phases: stay with phases and separate from phases; those without minds: stay with minds without minds; without minds. Dweller: Human nature, in the world, good and evil, good and bad, and even grievances and relatives, when words touch thorns and deceive, will be empty, do not think about rewards and harm, are in thoughts, and do not think about the future. If the past Thought, current thought, and future thought, the continuous flow of thought and thought is called bondage. In all dharmas, if you can’t stop thinking and thinking, that is, there is no bondage. This is based on non-dwelling.”

"No abode is the foundation, no abode is the foundation." Lin Yuantu kept chanting these two sentences, but there was a bit of inexplicable bitterness in his heart: "If the old man really can do it without abode, there is no need At this age, I am still worried. If I can really live without a residence, I will go back to Shaolin Temple a long time ago."

"Master." At this time, a housekeeper came to the door and called softly.

"What's the matter? Don't you know I'm reciting scriptures?" Although Lin Yuantu was unhappy, he also knew that if there was no serious matter, these servants would not dare to disturb him. Last time, the servant came to disturb him because of a small matter in the mansion. As a result, he was kicked out of the Lin residence on the spot.From then on, no one dared to disturb him if he hadn't given some orders in advance, or if something serious happened, and there was no other person in charge at home.

"Zhou Shaoxia from the Huashan faction is waiting in the living room, old man, didn't you tell me earlier? If Zhou Shaoxia comes, no matter when, he must come to report immediately. I don't dare to neglect, so I come here to disturb the old man." The butler broke into a cold sweat He stayed for a while, and the Lin family treated him very well, and he was never short of food and clothing. If the old man hadn't ordered him before he died, he would not want to bother the old man even if he was beaten to death.

"The little fox is back?" Lin Yuantu smiled when he heard this, and said to himself: "It seems that he has already solved it. The old man knew that this little fox..." Seeing that the boy was still there Waiting outside the door, Lin Yuantu remembered that Zhou Buyi was still waiting in the living room, put down the Six Patriarch Altar Sutra in his hand, and said to the boy, "Let's go." The old fox who is in charge, there is a little fox who can stand on his own. Brother Cai! Those disciples and grandchildren of yours are really enough to memorize."

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There will be two updates a day next week, I don’t know if it’s possible

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