Not long after, everyone came to the competition site.At this moment, there is no one here, and everyone from Jianzong has not yet arrived.The venue for the competition is located in a mountain depression at the foot of the South Peak.This is a rare piece of flat land under the main peak of Mount Hua. It can be hundreds of feet square, surrounded by huge rocks, and the otherworldly Huashan pine grows among the strange rocks, forming a dense forest. People hide behind and cannot find it.There was a heavy snowfall a few days ago, the weather was freezing, the snow had not yet melted, and the snow was pressing on the branches of the trees. When the mountain wind blew, the branches swayed, shaking off a snow fog.The snow on the competition site has been cleaned up, revealing small stones, and there are still some snowflakes between the stones, making the gray-yellow stones mixed with pure white, making them look so pure and pure.

In this contest, the two sides agreed to adopt the method of fighting.Both sides send one player to the competition first, the winner will defend the ring, and the loser will send another player to attack. If the attacker wins, the original defender will be out, and the attacker will become the defender.In this way, attack and defend in turn until the winner is determined.

The competition venue has been divided into the competition area, the rest and waiting area for both sides, the referee area, and so on.Since this is an internal fight in the martial arts world, there are no spectators watching except for personnel from both sides, so there is no spectator area.At this moment, all the areas are vacant, waiting for the arrival of the personnel from both sides of the contest.

A burst of noisy footsteps approached.Yue Buqun and the others turned their heads to see that Xue Qingling, the lord of the Jianzong, came striding forward with a group of people from the Jianzong.Look at them, they are full of energy, everything is in the sky, they have the general trend of the world, and they have the posture of who else than me.As soon as the sun came into contact, the two sides immediately showed bursts of murderous aura, and the atmosphere at the competition scene suddenly became tense.The disciples of Jianzong held sharp swords and looked directly at each other, as if they were challenging or contemptuous, waiting for the moment of fate to come.The qi sect did not show weakness either, they all sank to their dantians.It seems that he has started to exert power to interfere with the opponent's aura.

For a time, the two leading sects in the Huashan School were called the Second Sword Qi School, and everyone was a little nervous and impatient.Thousands of days of practice are used for a short time. This is also the most unprecedented scale and the only one-of-a-kind martial arts competition since the birth of the two leading sects in the Huashan School.

The time for the contest has finally arrived.The contestants who signed the certificate of life and death were led into the arena by the referee, and they were greeted by deafening cheers from both sides.There was continuous applause, cheers like a tidal wave, and booing to the opponent's contestants.The contestants are all accomplished disciples of the school, with a cold appearance, extraordinary martial arts, and a calm state of mind. They are not disturbed by the opponents outside the field at all, but carefully observe their opponents.

The first match was between Hu Bugui of Qizong and Yang Buqi of Jianzong.The age and seniority of the two are not too old, and they can only be regarded as juniors in their respective sects.But all kung fu is real.There is such a number one in the arena.Even before Zhou Buyi came out of the mountain, the names of these two overshadowed Zhou Buyi, the head disciple.

Representing the Qizong, one by one, the young and outstanding disciples of the Qizong, Hu Bugui.Hu Bugui is of medium build, lean and lean.White skin, black hair, and a pair of medium-sized eyes, reminiscent of the golden eyes of Monkey King in Journey to the West.He has a high nose and looks psychotic.The two protruding ears look like one or two shrunken banana leaves; the long beard flutters on the well-defined lips, but it seems to be much thicker than ordinary people's.It seemed very powerful, as if as soon as he made a move, the long beard would fly up and pierce into the opponent's skin.

Yang Buqi, who was the first to represent Jianzong, was tall and strong, his arms were exposed with his sleeves rolled up, his strands of flesh were as hard as steel.He has a standard horse face, but when he gets excited, his face becomes longer, more like a horse.Under his high nose bridge, there are a pair of extra-large nostrils.He has a bushy beard, which has never been groomed, covering most of his face in a disheveled mess.His mouth is very big, and when he opens his mouth to smile when he is happy, his mouth is so big that he grins from the base of one ear to the base of that ear.

The two of them clasped their fists together and saluted without talking to each other.Limara opened his arms, and he was about to fight.Both of them have practiced the Huashan swordsmanship for decades, and if there is any flaw in each other and where there is a fierce murderous intent, the two of them are clear in their hearts, holding the long sword in their hands, standing by the abyss, neither of them dare to act rashly.Both of them have put out all their abilities, Huashan swordsmanship is really exquisite, and they can kill people, but unfortunately, they are facing the elite disciples of Huashan school who understand the essence of it and have been immersed in Huashan swordsmanship for decades.After a while, the two saw blood, but fortunately no one was killed.

Jianzong is different from Qizong, he pays more attention to the application of tricks, not to the cultivation of internal strength, his endurance is not as long as that of Qizong, and his physical strength began to run out after beating Yang Buqi.He was out of breath, and gradually had only the power to parry, and the swift sword moves in his hand gradually became slower, and those flaws in the original moves that were covered up by relying on the speed of changing moves, also naturally emerged one by one.

Hu Bugui's attainments in swordsmanship are not as good as Yang Buqi's, or the entire Qizong, except for a few elder disciples who have reached the state of 'smugness'.There is no one who can compare with Jianzong in terms of swordsmanship.Although it is not as good as it is, but after decades of practice, how can there be any flaws in the sword moves?Before, the speed of changing moves was too fast, and I couldn't catch it.Now, even though it was only a small flaw, it was enough for Hu Bugui.

The sword of Chaoyang Qi intercepts the power of Chaoyang and turns it into sword intent, the attack is continuous; the defense is impossible to break.Just like Taishan School's eighteen-pan swordsmanship and Huashan's other unique Yangwu swordsmanship, unless the enemy's skill is strong and forcibly interrupted, once the sword is unfolded, it will be like the sun's brilliance, illuminating all directions without limit.Yang Buqi's internal strength was inferior to others, and he couldn't stop Hu Bugui's swordsmanship from the very beginning, so he could only watch the vast and endless sword movements gushing out from Hu Bugui's palm. , rushing towards oneself.Hard block?It is absolutely impossible, internal strength is not as good as human beings, and if you block it hard, you will die.But if you don't stop it, can you retreat?When Hu Bugui pushed Chaoyang Yiqi sword to the extreme, Yang Buqi's long sword suddenly accelerated, and a set of aggressive and murderous swordsmanship was unleashed, and all moves fell on Hu Bugui's hands. above the flaw.

Hu Bugui is dead?It's true that when one's sword power is at its highest and then weakened, it can be fatal to be suddenly killed by others when it is replaced by someone else.But who told Hu Bugui to use the sword?The sword technique used is Chaoyang Yiqi Sword again?However, in Chaoyang Yiqi Sword Manual, there are two formulas for turning defeat into victory. (To be continued..)

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