As mentioned last time, Yue Buqun defeated Yang Buqi and invited the Sword Sect to fight.Because it was agreed in advance that two swords and one punch, in this match, you can't compete with swordsmanship, but with fists.Frightened by Zhou Qingxuan's prestige at that time, no one in Jianzong dared to raise any objections. Although Zhou Qingxuan was not around now, Jianzong couldn't hold that face back.

Few of the sword sects are good at boxing, which requires extremely high internal strength.Xue Qingling, the patriarch of the Sword Sect, has checked the masters of the sect several times, and Liu Qingyan is the only one who is suitable.

Seeing that the Sovereign is going to play by himself now, Liu Qingyan was completely unwilling.He looked at the dense forest not far away, and felt that it was full of murderous intent.He has his own plans and schemes.He didn't want to play so early, and it would be best not to play at all, so that the two sides would fight to the death. It would be best if the sect master Xue Qingling was also seriously injured, so that he could make a final decision on the sect's affairs.Liu Qingyan has never forgotten his ambition to unify the Huashan School.Today is a prime opportunity!

However, according to the rules of Jianzong, the suzerain has the supreme authority. If he disobeys the suzerain, the whole sect will be punished and he will be expelled from the sect.If he disobeyed the suzerain's order at this time, he would immediately lose his foothold in the sect, so he could still talk about realizing his ambition!Anyway, the unified whole faction is today, and the suzerain wants to go up by himself.He knew that his martial arts were comparable to Yue Buqun's, and he was not absolutely sure of winning.But today I must not lose something, otherwise it will be difficult to obey in the unified Huashan faction in the future.

He had already thought about it, and if necessary, he would use a hidden weapon to kill Yue Buqun. ——Although the use of concealed weapons is not ashamed by decent martial arts people, it is denounced as a low-level method.It is forbidden by this martial arts competition.The two parties clearly agreed that no insidious tricks, bad tricks, or hidden weapons should be used in this contest. Whoever uses it will be judged to be the loser and the other side will win.But not so much when necessary.Fortunately, Liu Qingyan's unique insidious trick is a unique skill, and it can be used without showing any traces.It is not easy for ordinary people to see.

He spent a lot of money to learn this secretly from a master of hidden weapons.The only worry is that Suzerain Xue Qingling knows his details, even though he doesn't know his unique secret technique.But his martial arts skills are very deep, and he can clearly see every detail in the martial arts competition. He can clearly see every small movement in the martial arts competition, and the tricks he uses may not be able to hide the suzerain.

But Liu Qingyan had already figured it out, and when the time came, the suzerain would not take the risk of the sect's defeat to tell the truth, using the interests of the sect's victory or defeat as the trump card.With the character of the suzerain, he would severely punish himself in the sect, and even expel himself from the sect.But at that time, the entire Huashan faction will undergo earth-shaking changes, and I will be crowned the leader of the whole faction.Does Xue Qingling still have a chance?

Liu Qingyan looked at the sky involuntarily, thinking, God really helped me!The sky was still full of dark clouds just now, but in a blink of an eye, the sky was clear and sunny.This is the perfect astronomical phenomenon for me to use that trick. Could it be that there is a god in the dark to bless me!He leaped onto the ring in a majestic manner, saluted Yue Buqun with fists, and Yue Buqun returned the salute with fists.With complete etiquette, Yue Buqun opened his posture as a "golden wild goose across the sky".Looking directly at Liu Qingyan: "Make a move!"

How could Liu Qingyan show weakness? A "Giant Peng Spreading Its Wings" descended from the sky, trying to overwhelm Yue Buqun in terms of momentum from the very beginning.

Yue Buqun knew the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy.In terms of swordsmanship, no matter what happens to me as a junior, I can't keep up with this Jianzong's "brain tank", but in terms of internal strength.Thinking about it, Liu Qingyan is not as good as herself.Fortunately, the sect master had the foresight to arrange this out, so that neither side can use equipment.The competition is fist and foot.Since Liu Qingyan was so stupid as to give up her greatest advantage, Yue Buqun would not be polite.

Gradually, Yue Buqun clearly gained the upper hand, and Liu Qingyan had no choice but to fight back.Liu Qingyan stared at Yue Buqun, who was getting more and more courageous in the Vietnam War, and cursed in his heart: If it weren't for Zhou Qingxuan's broken rules, Yue Buqun would have gone down a long time ago.It seems that if I don't use that trick, I will die.Liu Qingyan kept moving around, trying her best to face the sunlight head-on, and give Yue Buqun the backlit side.

At this time Sunshine Liu Qingyan was facing Yang, and took out a fingernail-sized object from his body at an extremely fast speed, and pointed it at Yue Buqun's eyes in an instant. Put it away immediately, and the little thing disappeared immediately.This is the heretical trick that Liu Qingyan learned from the masters of the leftist - "one yang dazzles the eyes".

"Yiyang Dazzling" is a highly concentrated lens that can gather scattered sunlight to a high degree, forming a high-intensity light that is a hundred times stronger than sunlight, and shoot it into the opponent's eyes, making the opponent's eyes instantly blind.Although this kind of blindness is only temporary and will recover soon, it is self-evident for the significance of striking and killing the opponent.Insidious tricks have always been tainted by decent martial arts people, so the key to using this trick is to make the concentrating lens as small as possible so that it is difficult for people to find it.It's easy to do.two

The user's technique must be extremely fast, the faster the better, it is best to complete it within one-tenth or one-hundredth of a breath; at the same time, it must be extremely concealed, when the opponent and others do not know what is going on Finished, and then restored to its original appearance.This move can really make the opponent hard to guard against.

Yue Buqun was attacking Liu Qingyan with all his heart, and he was about to win.Suddenly, an incomparably strong light came from nowhere, piercing his eyes, and for a moment, his eyes were full of stars, and he couldn't see anything, the venue, and the surrounding scenery , The brothers in the audience couldn't see it, and the opponent couldn't see it either.His attack lost its direction in an instant, his fist lost its aim, and his pace lost its position in an instant.A master's combat all depends on a pair of eyes. Sudden blindness of the eyes, even if it is only a few seconds of temporary blindness, will put oneself in a very dangerous situation; it will give the opponent a chance to win.

At this time, Yue Buqun's pace was completely chaotic, and the balance of victory was tilted towards Liu Qingyan in an instant. An imperceptible grin appeared on the corner of his mouth, he regained his energy, took a few steps forward, stretched his palms like a knife, and exercised all his strength , chopping at Yue Buqun's neck with all his strength.This split method is very powerful, and it is a fatal move.If it hit Yue Buqun's neck, even if Yue Buqun's neck bone would not be broken, the blood vessel would not be able to rupture, causing massive bleeding.That's the carotid artery. Is there any hope for Yue Buqun to survive?

Fortunately, Yue Buqun's basic skills are still solid, his eyes can't see, but his ears can hear a gust of wind blowing towards him.Immediately jump to dodge.The neck dodged, but Liu Qingyan slammed Yue Buqun's ribs fiercely with this ultimate move.Yue Buqun staggered and fell to the ground.

Liu Qingyan didn't want to stop there.He yelled loudly and jumped up, ready to give Yue Buqun the final fatal blow. (To be continued..)

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