Seeing that the whole army of Qizong was about to be annihilated, Yue Buqun saw it and was anxious in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.When he was in a hurry, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes coming from far and near on the road in the forest.Ruqing, a strong and capable team appeared on the scene.Yue Buqun looked up and couldn't help but feel overjoyed.The leader is Zhou Qingxuan, the master of Qizong!Brother Ning Qinglin and the backbone of Qizong masters also stood upright among them.Yue Buqun also saw the sect masters Liu Qingyan and Ning Qinglin standing side by side on horseback.Liu Qingyan is a brother of Zhou Qingxuan's same generation, with outstanding martial arts skills and a prominent reputation.There is only one letter difference between Liu Qingyan's name and Jianzong Liu Qingyan's, and this word is only different in pronunciation, which is really strange.

Wasn't Zhou Qingxuan trapped in Xi'an, Ning Qinglin and many Qizong disciples went to the capital together after receiving the fake letter from Liu Qingyan, and Jin Yiwei was going to catch them all?How did they escape?How did you rush back again?What is going on here?

We have to start from the beginning.

After Ning Qinglin left Huashan with many brothers, a group of people ran non-stop, day and night, not daring to stop for a moment, and galloped towards the provincial capital.This evening, seeing that it was only ten miles away from the provincial capital, everyone was exhausted.Seeing that the provincial capital is approaching, Feng Qingyang suggested that everyone stop and have a rest.

At this time, I saw a fast horse galloping along the official road from the direction of the provincial capital.

The horseman ran up to him, waved his hands and shouted: "Uncle Ning!"

Following the sound, the horse had already rushed to Feng Qingyang.The rider flew off his horse, and before he could stand still, he gasped and said, "Finally I've stopped you!"

When Ning Qinglin saw the horseman, he was shocked, and after hearing the nonsensical words, he thought, something is up!He asked anxiously, "No, what's the matter? What happened?"

It turns out that this Gao Bucheng is also a disciple of Qizong, Yue Buqun's younger brother, he is loyal and clever.Martial arts are also excellent, and he is a very reliable person.In order to find out the reality of the court, the suzerain Zhou Qingxuan secretly sent him to sneak into Jinyiwei's Shanxi Thousand Households.This is the core secret of the Qi sect, and only a few core members such as the suzerain and Ning Qinglin know it.It was agreed at the time that Gao Bucheng was only responsible for inquiring and delivering information, and he would not reveal his identity unless it was absolutely necessary.This time, regardless of the risk, he rushed to intercept Feng Qingyang and the others, which shows that the matter is serious and the situation is very urgent.

"What's the matter?" Ning Qinglin asked directly without any time to show any respect.

"Something has happened!" Gao Bucheng collected himself.He spoke very quickly, "The master master of the sect has been controlled by Jin Yiwei and locked in the dungeon. What Liu Qingyan brought to you is a fake letter. They plan to lure you to Xi'an and wipe out our Qizong!"

"Ah~!" Ning Qinglin was shocked, "What's going on?"

Next, I told everyone the ins and outs of what happened to Gao Wucheng.

Didn't Zhou Qingxuan, the head of the Qi sect, go to Xi'an to train the arresters of the six sects for the imperial court at the invitation of the Shanxi Procuratorate?The relationship between Qizong and the imperial court is extremely delicate. Although the two sides are not bad on the big side, Zhou Qingxuan can see it.Because they did not "cooperate" with the imperial court several times, several yamen were very wary of the Qizong, and several times their words seemed to be threatening.

This time, the procuratorial envoy asked Zhou Qingxuan to help train the six-door arrester, although he still couldn't see any conspiracy.But everything has to be guarded against, so he politely shirks.However, the Procuratorate did not give up on the punishment and invited him several times with sincere words.There is still a bit of toughness in the bones.Zhou Qingxuan offended Xue Lu because of his talent, and he didn't want to make the relationship with the local incumbent too rigid, which would be detrimental to the Huashan faction.Think before and after.Zhou Qingxuan had no choice but to go forward reluctantly.As soon as he arrived in Xi'an, Zhou Qingxuan was brought under control, first under house arrest, then in a dungeon, and completely lost contact with the outside world.

As a member of the lower ranks who just joined Jinyiwei, Gao Bugui didn't understand these core secrets.It was also a coincidence, yesterday Jin Yiwei Deputy Qianhu occasionally felt a cold, so he asked his personal attendant to buy some medicines.Gao Bucheng happened to meet him.Gao Bucheng is trying his best to find out the core news of Jinyiwei, how can he give up this golden opportunity!He knew that this attendant was a good drinker, so he warmly invited him, and the two made an appointment to meet at Zuiyaxuan Restaurant.The attendant hastily handed in the errand, and happily rushed to Zui Yaxuan.

Gao Bucheng ordered a table full of good food and wine early on.The two pushed the cups to the cups, and after drinking too many glasses of wine, the attendants had no one to control their mouths.While chatting, they confessed to Jin Yiwei's plan to eliminate the Qizong. ——How to design to deceive the suzerain to go to Beijing, how to let Liu Qingyan of Jianzong bring a false letter, then how to intercept and kill the brothers of Qizong in Xi'an, how to kill the head master Zhou Qingxuan in the end, and so on.

Gao Bucheng couldn't help but gasped when he heard it.This is too vicious!He couldn't help but worry about the safety of the head.He stabilized his emotions, continued drinking and chatting with his attendants calmly, thinking about how to escape and pass on this important message.The matter was so serious that he could not care less about revealing his identity.Jinyiwei has strict control over its personnel, and they are not allowed to go out alone if there is nothing to do.It was not until the evening of this afternoon that I finally found the opportunity.Gao Bucheng is afraid that Ning Qinglin and the others will rashly enter the city later, and they will encounter unexpected events. In this way, the entire Qizong will be dangerous enough!He immediately rode out of the city and galloped along the official road.Now it's finally stopped.Gao Bucheng's hanging heart finally relaxed a little bit.

Ning Qinglin was shocked when he heard this.Unexpectedly, there are so many traps and murderous intentions hidden in that letter!Fortunately, the suzerain Zhou Qingxuan had a long-term vision and planned to install Gao Bucheng in Jinyiwei, otherwise the Qizong would be doomed this time.He also wondered, Jianzong is also a branch of Huashan, born in the same body as Qizong, Xue Qingling is also a hero, why would he do this dirty trick of colluding with the government and plotting against his colleagues this time!His train of thought seemed to become clear all of a sudden: while deceiving some disciples of the Qizong to go to the capital with a fake letter, he also advocated a martial arts contest with the Qizong to disperse the strength of the Qizong.

The former used the power of Jin Yiwei to get rid of some of the Qizong disciples who went to Beijing; the latter, during the martial arts competition, the elites of the Sword Sect used the power of the Qizong to disperse and defeated the Qizong in one fell swoop.It is a vain attempt to let Qizong fall into a slump and let Jianzong unify Huashan School.That's all.What's even more frightening is that the Jinyiwei of the imperial court helped Jianzong so much this time, and they will never stop there. They must have a private deal with Jianzong.From then on, Jin Yiwei's forces will control the Huashan faction, a major martial arts faction, and then intervene in martial arts affairs.The result is that those who are willing to be used by the court will become eagle dogs of the court; those who are not willing to be used by the court will be punished by the court, and even... killed.

Thinking of this, Ning Qinglin immediately decided to do two things: [-]. No matter how much risk there is, rescue the senior brother immediately; [-]. After rescuing the senior brother, rush back without stopping.You must rush to the contest site before the end of the contest.

He asked Gao Bucheng: "Does anyone know when you come out?"


"That's good. You go back immediately and make arrangements to rob the prison tonight and rescue the brother in charge."

"Okay. I'm about to go back right away, and people will be suspicious if I'm late. I have secretly developed a few hard-core brothers, and I will arrange it immediately after I go back."

The matter was urgent, and the two agreed on the time, place, and secret code for the joint meeting, and after initially agreeing on the action plan, Hu Bugui turned his horse's head, flew on the horse, and galloped away.

Don't talk about Gao Bucheng's inquiring arrangements, just talk about Ning Qinglin's here.This young man had originally come to visit the head of the "seriously ill" with an extremely heavy heart, and had no other preparations, let alone expected the situation to be so serious.Ning Qinglin explained the current situation to everyone.

Ning Qinglin solemnly said to his disciples: "Since ancient times, Huashan has only one road. Today, our Qizong has been forced to have only one road, and that is to save the senior brother who is in charge and protect ourselves!"

Ning Qinglin looked around at everyone, and asked in a firm and forceful tone: "Brothers, do you have the confidence to rescue the senior brother who is in charge and return to Mount Hua?"

"Yes!" All the brothers said in unison, with the same firm and forceful tone.

Ning Qinglin explained the action plan.This prison robbery can only be done by outsmarting, not by force.So the total number should not be too many.Ning Qinglin selected five disciples who were very good at lightness kung fu and fighting from all the brothers. Together with Ning Qinglin himself, a total of six people formed a prison robbery team, dispersed each of them, and went into the city quietly.The others found a nearby place to hide, and when the matter was completed, they gathered at the specified time and place, and then rushed back to Huashan overnight.


It was three o'clock that night.The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the thick black winter clouds cover the entire sky tightly, and you can't see your fingers everywhere.After entering the city separately, the six qizong masters quietly gathered in a secret place near Jinyiwei Prison according to the stipulated time.Hu Buguihan was already waiting there.

Ning Qinglin asked Gao Bucheng in a low voice: "Is it all right?"

Gao Bucheng nodded and said, "It's done."

After Ning Qinglin returned to Jinyiwei, he immediately found those hard-core brothers and arranged the task for tonight.It is also God Blessing Qizong, God Blessing Huashan, and God Blessing the Sect Master. Among the three guarding Zhou Qingxuan tonight, one of them is one of Gao Bucheng's hard-core brothers, a brother named Gao Yaomao.Gao Yaomao is in his early 20s, he is Gao Bucheng's fellow countryman, and he is also the first brother Gao Bucheng seeks to develop after he entered Jinyiwei.He has a brain and is very cautious in dealing with things. He is a person who cannot be trusted.Gao Bucheng gave Gao Yaomao the task of the night before, and asked him to find a way to make the other two guards sleep to death——sleep as deadly as possible, and then respond to the prison robbery outside.

Gao Yaomao nodded in agreement, expressing that he was [-]% sure.

After Gao Yaomao bid farewell to Hu Bugui, he prepared plenty of good wine and food, and specially poured sweat medicine into the wine to be safe.The two guards had a good drink, and they were lonely on duty at night. Seeing such good wine and food, there is no reason not to open their posture and eat a gluttonous meal.As long as they get into the trap, things are [-]% sure. (To be continued..)

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