Not to mention how Zhou Buyi killed the enemy, but only said that Zhou Qingxuan and Xue Qingling joined forces, entered the enemy's formation together, and swung their swords to kill the enemy.In terms of his own skill, Zhou Qingxuan was better than Xue Qingling, but at this time Zhou Qingxuan was imprisoned and injured, so his skill was naturally greatly reduced.Although her gong power has recovered after external application and internal administration, it has not yet fully healed, and her gong power is still not as good as before. Compared with Xue Qingling, it is already slightly inferior.

Therefore, Xue Qingling's offensive was even fiercer when the two joined hands to fight this time.In addition, Xue Qingling had been thinking with his eyes closed before, which was tantamount to recharging his energy and accumulating skills. Now that he has awakened, he will inevitably burst out with unparalleled strength.Therefore, in the fighting arena, he appears very active.

In fact, Xue Qingling's martial arts skills are also extremely profound.He and Zhou Qingxuan belonged to the Huashan Shuangxiong, and the difference in martial arts was not too great.Jianzong focuses on the changes in swordsmanship, while Xue Qingling's practice focuses on strength, focusing on improving one's judgment and adaptability, making use of one's own strengths, attacking the enemy's weaknesses, and improving one's ability to defeat the enemy and self-defense.He pays special attention to the stability of the center of gravity of the lower body, and believes that practicing martial arts is to let the center of gravity of one's body gradually sink during exercise, so that the center of gravity of the lower body is as stable as a rock.

Once the center of gravity of the lower body is stable, the person will not be fluttering, and all the movements that one wants to make will be handy.At this time, the energy of the body will be generated and enlarged with the center of gravity as the origin.Xue Qingling lost his father when he was young, and his health suffered, but he believes that hard work can make up for weakness.Therefore, he practices extremely hard and is a master of swordsmanship.As a master of a generation, he has all kinds of swordsmanship in his chest.When dancing with the sword, he holds the sword in his hand, often suppresses his smile, and shows off his posture, his eyes flash like shooting stars, his eyes follow the gestures, and he dances vigorously.I saw that the sword was like a silver dragon flying up and down around his body, coiling left and right, dancing faster and faster.Don't think that he is just trying to be fast, when he should be slow.His sword is like a soft wind blowing against his face, and like a white cloud flying in the sky, soothing and free.In short, when he danced the sword, he was as calm as a crouching tiger, as moving as a dragon, as slow as clouds, as fast as lightning, steady and unrestrained.

At this time, Xue Qingling attacked with a stick and sword, with the ambition of winning.The winter sun shone into his eyes, making them more aggressive.He only looks for the opponent's martial arts to attack.I saw a man in Jin Yiwei beating so hard that he lost his face.He seems to have forgotten that this is a day when dripping water turns into ice. He took off his royal guard uniform, only wearing a scarlet gown, a brand-new hakama of a ripe leather color, and dark blue cloth socks on his feet, wrapped in hemp shoes. In the land of no one, many Qi and Jianzong disciples fell under his sword.

Xue Qingling saw this.Stop this man with a straight sword, and the two of you will come and go, what a fierce fight!Xue Qingling used his internal strength, and the sword edge became more and more chilly.This ferocious demeanor shocked the man.Unknowingly retreating again and again.In an instant, Xue Qingling's tall body took a few steps forward, looked at the man's eyebrows, and slashed down with his sword.The man greeted him with a knife.Unexpectedly, Xue Qingling's move was full of strength, the man blocked the sword with too much force, "Dang!" The knife in his hand flew away.Xue Qingling took advantage of the situation and changed her tactics.He raised the sword and landed on the man's forehead, and the gushing blood stained his head and face red.But the man stared unconvinced, and then fell to the ground with a muffled sound.After subduing the powerful enemy, Xue Qingling turned around and fought bravely against more than a dozen Jinyiwei masters.

Not to be outdone, Zhou Qingxuan fought bravely to be the first, and also defeated a master of Jin Yiwei.I saw him staring at each other, with a sense of deterrence in his eyes.Then he raised his sword and stabbed straight, the opponent took advantage of the situation to block, but it was just a false move to lure the enemy.With a flick of Zhou Qingxuan's wrist, and the flip of the blade, it became a downward slash.The opponent raised his saber again to resist, but his hands were numb from the shock, and he took three steps back.Zhou Qingxuan took the first few strides, and made another oblique counterattack towards the opponent.After a few rounds, the opponent has only the power to parry and has no power to fight back.Zhou Qingxuan saw the opportunity, and struck out a deadly sword like lightning, hitting the opponent's lower abdomen.The other party only felt unbearable pain in the abdomen. When the steel knife fell, the whole person fell to the ground.

The disciples of Qizong and Jianzong were greatly encouraged to see how brave their respective suzerains were, and they all moved forward bravely, each of them scrambling to kill the enemy first.Seeing that the general situation is over and there is no leader to command, everyone in Jinyiwei is fighting on their own, so they don't want to fight.First, a few people abandoned their swords and fled, and then everyone fought and retreated, and then dispersed in a herd, fleeing towards the dense forest.

Seeing this, the disciples of Qizong and Jianzong were ready to follow and chase him, so as not to let him escape.

Zhou Buyi whistled loudly, and shouted loudly: "Junior brother, stop!"

Then he cupped his hands and reported to the two suzerain masters Zhou Qingxuan and Xue Qingling: "Master Master, Uncle Xue, there is a gap between the two sects of Huashan, so that Jin Yiwei can take advantage of it. Jin Yiwei is certainly hateful, but those Jinyi guards and soldiers of the Firearms Battalion are also affected. Driven by others, they have no quarrel with my two sects, and many of them have dealt with me in Huashan, I hope master and uncle will let them go, and don't kill them all."

Zhou Qingxuan and Xue Qingling looked at each other, and felt that what Zhou Buqun said was justified, so the disciples on both sides said: "Buqun is justified. Let them go. My Qijian sect survived this catastrophe today. God bless me Huashan School!"

The disciples of the two factions felt reasonable after hearing the teachings of the suzerain, so they relied on Ma Kedai to stop their pursuit and gathered around their respective suzerains again.

Jin Yiwei and the remnant soldiers of Shaanxi Guards Station saw that the other party did not come after them, and they also stopped to listen to the words of the Second Suzerain, deeply moved.They felt that this battle was fought for no reason, for what!After losing the battle this time, they were all worried about their future.Jin Yiwei is okay, they are all the sons of honorable nobles, and their uncles and in-laws occupy all the real power positions in the court. After a few words and a few pen and ink lawsuits, this matter will be over.Who will hold on to it?Who dares to hold on to it?

But that group of soldiers can't go back. They are all honest and low-level soldiers. They don't have any relatives who hold high positions in the court. The endorsement for the failure of this mission will mostly fall on them.This group of soldiers is well aware of the ruthlessness hidden under the benevolence and morality of the imperial court, so returning home in such a desperate way, waiting for them will be the way to hell.They are all strong men, of course they are not willing to end up like this.Where is their way out?Some people decide to wander the world and roam the rivers and lakes from now on.Some people saw that Zhou Qingxuan and Xue Qingling were kind and reasonable, so they decided to join Huashan.

The army composed of more than 200 well-trained professional soldiers (maybe Jinyiwei is not counted?) just died, wounded, fled, and surrendered.Except for Jin Yiwei, no one returned.Thinking of living together and dying together, the Jinyiwei who returned to Xi'an claimed that the firearms battalion was gone.This is a defeat and shame that Jinyiwei has never experienced since its establishment, not to mention that Zhu Jiu borrowed these more than 100 elites through relationships.It was the loss of face of Jin Yiwei, and the loss of face of the court.In order to cover up the disastrous defeat of Jin Yiwei, the court never mentioned this matter, and no words were allowed to be left in the world, recorded in books, and it was right to pretend that it never happened.Therefore, for hundreds of years, people have not been able to find any official records about this campaign; only bits and pieces have been circulated among the people.

However, the victory of Qi and Sword sects this time was also a miserable victory.More than a hundred brothers were killed or injured in the two cases.Zhou Qingxuan counted the qi sect, and only Zhou Buyi, Yue Buqun, Hu Bugui and others remained among the elite disciples.Xue Qingling counted Jianzong, and only Yang Buqi, Chu Buming, Song Bushang and others were left among the elite disciples.Both cases were seriously injured.

The war ended and the valley returned to calm.I don't know when the museum will open, but the white hair wind is blowing in the mountains again, the weather is gloomy, the sky is low, and the sky is full of thick, low, gray and turbid clouds.The majestic and straight main peak of Mount Hua was submerged in the turbid fog, and heavy snow fell to the ground again.The distant mountains and the near mountains are like jade armor, and there are thousands of "pear blossoms" blooming.The wind blows snowflakes, violently sweeps across the mountains, and shakes the trunks of ancient trees.The mountain wind howled, roaring and roaring strangely, as if everything in the world was its docile slave, and it could ravage and destroy them at will.The mountains roared like thunder rolling by, the forest waves surged like stormy waves hitting the shore, and the vigorous branches of the trees on Huashan Mountain struggled in the strong wind and screamed mournfully.Not a single bird could be seen in the sky, and even the proud goshawk dared not try its wings in such weather.Listening to the majestic winter symphony of nature, thinking about the fierce battle that just ended, the mountain wind, flying snow, Lin Tao, and low clouds at this time seem to be the echo of nature to this fierce battle.


This accident started from the rivalry between the two sides, and was eventually taken advantage of by traitors.Zhou Qingxuan thought about it.My own knowledge is so shallow that I didn't see Jin Yiwei's evil intentions for Qi and Jian Erzong, and I was easily invited to Xi'an to be some kind of coach. As a result, I was imprisoned and gave Jin Yiwei and the traitor Liu Qingyan an opportunity. brought about this disaster.Zhou Qingxuan felt more and more guilty when he thought about it, and felt sorry for the patriarch in his heart.Originally planned to commit suicide and apologize, but was stopped by Zhou Buyi who always pays attention to his movements.

Zhou Buyi moved him with affection and reason, and it was hard for him to dispel this idea.He decided not to eat a vegetarian meal, but to pass on the headship to Zhou Buyi.Zhou Buyi is definitely not the kind of person who covets high positions, so he insists on resigning.Zhou Qingxuan said that he did not have this idea since today. He has long been optimistic about Zhou Buyi, and he believes that he is a talent that can be created, and he has been cultivating it carefully.In this fierce battle, Zhou Buyi showed extraordinary courage, decisiveness and calmness, and fully possessed the qualities of a suzerain.

Through this big change, it just prompted me to make up my mind early.Zhou Buyi said that since he was young and low-ranking, he might not be able to take on this important task.However, Zhou Qingxuan said that Zhou Buyi had strong martial arts skills, first-class character, clear mind, and calmness in situations, so he would definitely be able to convince the crowd.Zhou Buyi still looked troubled.Seeing this, Zhou Qingxuan mobilized all his disciples to persuade him, and Zhou Buyi reluctantly ascended to the position of suzerain.After completing this important event, Zhou Qingxuan withdrew from the arena, took Lu Qingcheng to live in seclusion in the back mountain and thought about crossing the cliff, and no longer interfered with the affairs of the martial arts. (To be continued..)

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