The Master of Form and Meaning of Huashan Qizong

Chapter 66 Is there really nothing I can do?

"Your Majesty Futai does not know that according to the practice of the Hongwu period, the yamen were never allowed to intervene in the disputes in the martial arts. Besides, Shaanxi was originally the territory of the Huashan sect in the Jianghu. They have to send monthly confessions to Huashan, and they are regarded as Huashan's subordinates. However, many of those people are vicious bandits, and they are registered with the procuratorate. The prairie and the yamen have done it themselves. Now that these bandits can be solved with only a few tens of thousands of taels of silver, isn’t it a good thing for the Huashan faction to do it themselves without the yamen being distracted? Why is Futai so angry?” Zuo Buzheng The envoy said with a smile.

"Oh? Then according to Lin Fantai's intention, Benfu should not only not be angry, but also feel relieved? Not only can he not blame the Huashan faction, but also issue him a commendation order?" Fang Buli was so angry that he laughed. He was prepared for the conduct of the officials, but he didn't expect it to be so shameless. "The rivers and lakes? The rivers and lakes are also a corner of the country, and we must obey the imperial court's edict. If we let them do everything, what will you and I do? What do you want the imperial court to do?"

"Futai's words are wrong. I have two capitals, one thirteen chief ministers, and several capitals in the Ming Dynasty. That's the case. From taxation to public security, it depends on these local tyrants. If it depends on the yamen themselves Let’s do it, let’s not talk about paying money and food to the imperial court every year, it’s good if we don’t ask the imperial court for subsidies.” The right minister explained with a wry smile, picked up an account book from the ground, and opened it page by page to Fang Buli Look, "Up and down Shaanxi, up to the Sansi yamen, down to the prefectures and counties, the three classes of yamen are all disciples of the Huashan School. Towns and villages also have to pay taxes to the Buzheng Yamen through the Huashan School."

Fang Buli was a little silent. He knew some inside information, but he didn't expect it to deteriorate to such an extent.Some unwillingly asked: "Can't the yamen recruit some new officials to replace them? Is it possible that I will be restrained by a reckless Jianghu if I am a majestic Shaanxi chief envoy and procuratorial envoy? What does the yamen say? Borrow someone?"

"Futai! These officials have been inherited from generation to generation. It has been like this since the Yuan Dynasty, and some even have been like this since the Song, Li and Tang Dynasties. Want to change? Yes, but the yamen must have money." You Buzheng Fang Buli was a little relieved, and quickly explained, "Although Shaanxi's taxes don't need to be transported to the capital every year, they just need to be put into the warehouse. But... But our place is not comparable to that in Jiangnan. With such a little tax every year, it is already very rare to be able to maintain it." As for the Dusi yamen... Where do we manage to impress people? The commanders and envoys are highly skilled in martial arts, how can we look up to civil servants like us? They are not even allowed to enter the door. A private soldier dismissed the subordinate officials."

"Even if the commander sees it, it's useless. The guards in Shaanxi are dominated by thousands of households, and they all have their children to worship Huashan. How can they support us to dig the corner of Huashan sect?" Zuo Buzheng envoy He continued to explain, "They are the main force against the Oara Tatars, and they are closely related to those princes and princes in Nanjing and Beijing. There is nothing they can do in the Yamen."

"Then there is no other way?" Fang Buli was silent for a while, then spoke again.

"At present, the lower officials can't think of any good solution." The left and right chief ministers said in unison.After finishing speaking, he realized that his old partner had also said the same thing at the same time. The two looked at each other with wry smiles, but this time they had lost face to the capital.But it's better than letting this youthful young man mess around and cause big troubles.If something serious happened, the two of them would not even be able to keep their official hats, let alone their future.

"Is that so..." Fang Buli said expressionlessly, but there was a sneer in his heart. "It turns out that this is what the imperial court picks out from among tens of thousands of top talents in the world every three years, and that's all. Since you have no choice, then let Ben Fu use his own method."


Huashan, Yangtianchi

Zhou Buyi was dressed as a fisherman, took a fishing rod, and sat by the pond to fish.But everyone knew in their hearts that Zhou Buyi was not being lazy, but that he was really flustered.I was so panicked that I couldn't calm down even when I was practicing calligraphy and reading, so I came to go fishing. I wanted to use this to calm my restless heart.

"Senior Brother Sect Master will be very happy to hear this news, hahaha, that kid Fang Buli wants to fight with Senior Brother Sect Leader, that is courting death." From the other side of the mountain road came two young men dressed as disciples of Huashan School, The two talked and laughed as they walked, as if they had encountered something happy, they forgot that this was Huashan, the mountain road was difficult, and they might fall off the cliff if they were not careful.

"Is what you said true? Fang Buli turned the table in front of the two chief envoys and inspectors just after he took office? I remember that kid was very smart. This is what it looks like now?" The other person didn't believe it, but the news from the mountain was like this, so he couldn't help but not believe it.The more anxious the enemy is, the better it will be for the Huashan faction, which is also a good thing.

"Not group, not sad, is it you?" Ling Xiao shouted softly when he heard the conversation between the two.She knew that her husband was troubled in his heart, and if there was a quarrel, he would lose his temper.

"Sister-in-law." The two people who came were Yue Buqun and Hu Bubei. Yue Buqun had been inquiring about the news in Xi'an, and when he got the news, he left the matter in his hand to Cui Bupo and Gao Bucheng. Ma Fei rushed back to Mount Hua just to report the good news.

"Buqun is back." Although Zhou Buyi didn't pay attention deliberately, his martial arts practiced to his level, his six senses are sensitive, even if he doesn't go to pay attention all the time, he can detect the situation within a radius of three miles.

"Senior brother, Fang Buli has arrived. It is the same as the previous news. It is the governor of Shaanxi Chengxuan and Duogandu. Very much." Yue Buqun said excitedly.

Hearing that Fang Buli's errand was indeed the same as the previous news from the capital, Zhou Buyi shook his hand slightly, scaring away the fish that were about to take the bait.But because it was just a slight trembling, neither Yue Buqun nor Hu Bubei saw it, so they naturally didn't know how shocking the news was to Zhou Buyi.

"Are you here? Then what is the first governor's warrant?" Zhou Buyi's nonchalant look made Yue Buqun and Hu Bubei feel a little bit disappointed when they wanted to see Zhou Buyi panicked. In my heart, I also admire Zhou Buyi's determination. He was so calm when he heard the news. No wonder he was chosen as the head. (to be continued..)

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