"Keep me safe? Hahaha, Senior Brother Zhou, you really know how to tell jokes. My dignified official of the imperial court, the second-rank official, wants you to be a gang leader to ensure safety?" Fang Buli was so angry that he laughed, really Do you think Shaanxi is the private property of the Huashan faction?After laughing, Fang Buli's face was gloomy, and his words had a sinister taste, "Brother, I thank Senior Brother Zhou for his kindness, but Senior Brother Zhou doesn't need to worry about the safety of Senior Brother Zhou. Senior Brother Zhou still needs to worry about his own safety." Be safe."

"Hey... Brothers, I didn't expect to come to this point. Why bother." Zhou Buyi's voice turned out to be more hazy and illusory, more and more blurred, until it disappeared.

"Finally left." Fang Buli wiped off his cold sweat, and suddenly felt a chill on his back. It turned out that the cold sweat had already wet his clothes, "I didn't expect Zhou Buyi's martial arts to reach this point. It seems that Ben Fu's plan needs to be adjusted. Now, it seems that the way of learning from the governor of Yuzhou's various political affairs does not work, so let's change the way of thinking."


"Master, you are really good today." In a small courtyard in Xi'an City, a woman who is so seductive that any man would covet her is displaying what she has learned all her life on a big sandalwood bed, catering to this... old man who is pressing on her. ?Looking at this head full of gray hair, this old man should be in his sixtieth year. Isn't Lenovo also supposed to be Panasonic, and he is still "powerful"?This obviously goes against common sense, but if you see the official uniform with the third-grade peacock patches scattered on the ground, you will understand everything...

"Little slut, today the master has to kill seven people and seven people!" If someone knows someone, he must know that this old man is actually the Secretary Zuobu Zhengshi, the Secretary of Shaanxi Chengxuan!Looking at the furnishing of the room and the exquisiteness of this small courtyard, Mr. Zuo Buzheng should have received a lot of money on weekdays.

Just as Mr. Zuo Buzheng and his concubine were about to continue the goblin fight, there was a loud noise from outside the courtyard.Before Mr. Zuo Chief Envoy could get angry, the doorman was kicked open with a bang sound, and a large group of guard officers and soldiers poured in from the door.

"Who are you! How dare you trespass on a private mansion? Do you know who I am!" Mr. Zuo Buzheng was a little flustered, but after years of ups and downs in the officialdom, he has developed a kung fu that shows neither emotion nor anger. , even his little concubine didn't realize that his master's heart was already turbulent and hard to calm down. He hid in the quilt and continued to chime in, "Exactly. Do you know who my master is? Be careful that you can't eat it." Go around!"

"Shaanxi Chengxuan Political Envoy, Zuobu Political Envoy, Hu Yitong, what I have said is not bad." A general in Baihu's clothes put his hands behind his back, trying to show a majestic posture, but in Zuobu From the eyes of the political envoy, it looks like a monkey wearing a crown, all of which are a little bit majestic, and some are just funny. [

"That's right. It's the old man. You are under Fang Futai's order." Seeing that the person came was a hundred households that he had never seen before, and the other party stated his identity and name so clearly.Hu Zuo chief envoy, what else is unclear?Hu Yitong's slightly cloudy eyes revealed disbelief and despair. He never thought that Fang Buli would really dare to act.Really hands on.Hu Yitong was not reconciled, he didn't want to be caught without a fight, and after decades of hard work in the officialdom, he finally got to where he is today.To be brought down so easily by a little doll?Others don't know Fang Buli, but he knows very well that the letter from En'Xiang' Yang Rong is still in the study.

"Your Majesty's guess is wrong. It's the emperor's internal decree, which was requested from the emperor when Fang Futai came. It's fine if you guys are honest. But whoever makes you think about it and insists on dealing with us Uncle is right? Master Futai did it as a last resort." Baihu took out a yellow silk scroll, "Check! Shaanxi Chengxuan Political Envoy, Zuo Buzheng Envoy, Hu Yitong, bathe in the emperor's grace but don't want to repay it , colluded with gangsters, embezzled and accepted bribes, immediately got rid of writing since birth, and went to prison to await trial. Master Hu, are you clear?"

"This! Impossible!" Hu Yitong was crazy, and regardless of his nakedness, he lifted the cup to hide his shame and got out of bed, "This old man is loyal to the court, the emperor can't treat me like this! What is the inner purpose? I'll take a look!" After saying that, he wanted to snatch it up and take a look.

Hundreds of households stepped aside, and the officers and soldiers who brought them subdued Hu Yitong, with a lewd smile flashing across his face, "Hu Fantai, this decree was originally for you, what's the rush? When you get to the prison of the yamen, you Look slowly, no one cares about you for a long time. Oh, yes, Master Futai specially arranged, you are old and a veteran of the court, let you arrange a good single room for you, and this little lady followed Let’s go together. I won’t have anyone to wait for you.” After saying that, regardless of Hu Yitong’s scolding, he personally helped Hu Yitong’s concubine put on clothes, but it may be that these hundred households have never worn clothes before, and they are covered with calluses. Hu Yitong's big hand 'accidentally' touched many places of Hu Yitong's concubine...


"Let go of me, I will leave by myself!" The right chief envoy Fu Xiruo broke away from the two officers and soldiers who were about to come over to escort him, and passed on the official uniform slowly.Fu Xiruo is a dozen or 20 years younger than Hu Yitong, and he was able to climb to the position of the right minister in his 40s, which shows his ability.It is precisely because of this that Fu Xiruo has a bright future, and he does not have many bad habits in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, such as acting as an actor, whoring whores, sitting in sedan chairs, cash registers, and being tender.Previously, the opponent Buli forcibly attacked, not because he accepted the tribute of the Huashan faction, but because he knew that the Huashan faction was too powerful, and if he forcibly attacked, it might cause a civil uprising.But he didn't expect Fang Buli to attack so quickly and so ruthlessly.

When he came to the Neisi Yamen, he found that his old partners had also come.

"It's over." Fu Xiruo knew in his heart that Fang Buli would not have dared to do this if it wasn't for the emperor's will. Arresting officials of the third rank of the court without authorization is rebellion.Before, I had always hoped that Fang Buli would act in private without authorization, but now, except for Du Si, the three chief officials of the three yamen in Shaanxi have been arrested here.Fang Buli was not afraid of the chaos that would be caused when the government office found out that the chief officer was missing when he went to work tomorrow, because he had already found out the reasons.And above board, can be blamed.

Fu Xiruo let out a long sigh, and Hu Yitong and Jiantai also hung their heads like chickens in the water.They are different from Fu Xiruo, they don't lose their filial piety in daily life, Fu Xiruo can stand up to the investigation, and they can let their backers fish them out in the future, but can their background stand up to the investigation... (to be continued... ...)

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