The Master of Form and Meaning of Huashan Qizong

Chapter 71 It was a spring in 1425... Bah!It's summer!

Fang Buli pretended to drink tea with his head down, secretly observing Tang Binglin carefully.Looking at Tang Binglin's ever-changing expression, Fang Buli knew what Tang Binglin was thinking in his heart, and felt a little disdainful, "This group of wealthy dudes in Nanjing are really getting worse and worse. Those who have been suppressed by Jingnan Xungui all these years have been suppressed by civil servants in the imperial examination for more than a hundred years. They have nothing to do, but they are just a bunch of rich and idle people. After this time, let’s change our thinking.”

After being sure, Fang Buli raised his head and said with a smile: "Oh, by the way, there is another good friend. My nephew can introduce you to Uncle Shi." Fang Buli put the teacup in his hand back on the table, clapped his hands, From behind the screen came out a slightly fat man in yellow-brown clothes.

"Nephew. Who is Why don't you introduce me to the old man?" Tang Binglin's eyes were a little straightened. The man in front of him had thick hands and calluses, but there was no point on the knuckle of the middle finger. He didn't look like a scholar.But the recklessness of this person is obviously not the son of any honorable family.And judging by his attire, he doesn't look like a wealthy businessman.What can this kind of person help Fang Buli?Are they really just good friends?Fang Buli would make such a friend?

In fact, there is another possibility, and that is a certain bigwig in the Jianghu. After all, Fang Buli is from the Huashan School, the leading school in the Jianghu. It would be normal if he could make friends in the Jianghu.It's not that Tang Binglin didn't think about it, but precisely because the Huashan School is the leading school in the Jianghu, according to common sense, Fang Buli should not be able to find friends in the Jianghu to help.After all, what we have to deal with this time is the Huashan faction, which is the leading faction in the world, not to mention that at the Five Sacred Mountains League held two months ago, Zhou Buyi took the position of the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains. Who dares to fight against the Huashan faction in this Jianghu?

"Here is the head of the Songshan Sect. Zuo Lengchan. I have met Erye Tang. The humble name is insulting and clear, please forgive me." Only a stern voice came from this man who was wearing a yellow-brown shirt and had a slightly fat body. issued from the man's mouth.The news reached Tang Binglin's ears, but Tang Binglin was covered in cold sweat in shock.Songshan school?Zuo Lengchan?Isn't this an ally of the Huashan faction?Why is he here?Something big is going to happen!

"So it's the left head of the Songshan sect. Tang is being polite." Tang Binglin cupped his hands, wanting to be Zuo Lengchan's head, but just as he was about to bow down, Fang Buli stopped him with a stride. "Nephew, what are you doing? Quickly let go, and let Uncle and Master Zuo have a good time."

Tang Binglin tried his best to break away from Fang Buli's obstruction, but how could Fang Buli dare to let go?Others don't know he doesn't know?The organs under Tang Binglin's sleeves were poisoned.During the last trial, the cow was only scratched with a little oily skin, but it didn't take long for it to die.Zuo Lengchan was the helper he had found with great difficulty, so don't lose your life because of this, in the end Songshan Sect not only could not become a helper, but instead became an enemy, so the Five Sacred Sword Sect would really share the same hatred and become monolithic.Without Zuo Lengchan's Five Sacred Sword Sect, who can resist Zhou Buyi?Mo Da and Liu Zhengfeng from Hengshan?Or Taishan's idiot Tianmen?Or Ding Mian and Fei Bin?

Seeing Tang Binglin and Fang Buli like this.Zuo Lengchan suddenly understood what was going on, his temper could not be suppressed and he would explode, but when he recalled the unsuspecting kick of the Five Sacred Mountains League last week, the feeling that was born in his heart A pinch of small flames seemed to disappear suddenly.For the first time in his life, Zuo Lengchan explained to others. "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Zuo and Zhou Buyi have a deep blood feud, and they will never disclose the news to Huashan. Before Mr. Zuo came, Fang Futai had already negotiated everything with Mr. Zuo. Please rest assured Mr. Tang."

At this moment, Tang Binglin finally came out of the previous panic. After calming down, he looked at Fang Buli and Zuo Lengchan.He also guessed in his heart that he was close to ten, he let go of his hands, looked at Zuo Lengchan disdainfully, and said, "It turns out that friend Zuo was also invited by Nephew Fang, Tang was reckless before, please forgive me friend Zuo. "Although I said forgive me, there was no apology in my tone, but it was full of disdain and contempt.Fang Buli understood the bad temper of these wealthy children, and looked at Zuo Lengchan apologetically, Zuo Lengchan nodded, indicating that he was fine.But what exactly Zuo Lengchan was thinking in his heart, probably only Zuo Lengchan himself knew.

Tang Binglin dismissed the disdain, but his heart was like a bright mirror. This time, Fang Buli was prepared from both the official side and the road, and suppressed the Huashan faction together.But what method did Fang Buli use to make Zuo Lengchan, a leading figure in the Five Sacred Sword Sect, do his bidding and betray the leader.Tang Binglin was full of curiosity about this, but he also knew that this matter could not be asked anyway, so he stopped asking.But this is also good, the Songshan faction is strong, and it is only on the front line with the Huashan faction. If Zhou Buyi's martial arts is not too high, it is still a matter of who will be the leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance this time.


Every morning, after Zhou Buyi got up, he would perform a set of Changquan Shiduanjin in the yard. Although this kung fu is not very lethal, it is very good for recuperating the body when combined with Zixia's magical kung fu.Zhou Buyi had experienced countless calamities and tribulations in the past, and accumulated a lot of hidden wounds on his body. Now he can suppress it when he is young, but if he is old and frail, he can't suppress it anymore. One life, but the internal strength is about to retreat.If you can recuperate now and eliminate some injuries, you will be much better in the future.

"Junior Brother Hu is in such a hurry to come here, is there any movement in the Xi'an Mansion?" Zhou Buyi finished a set of Changquan Shiduanjin, took a towel from the maid next to him and wiped it off, and asked He was looking for Hu Bubei who rushed over in a hurry with a tired look on his face.

"It's not a big deal, but Fang Buli issued an order to Huayin County yesterday, saying that he wanted to set up an economic development zone in the Tongguan area, so that all the surrounding prefectures and counties would cooperate. The juniors felt that something was wrong, but after all What's wrong, it's hard to say. What the hell is this economic development zone? Senior brother, you have traveled all over the world, do you know what it is?" Hu Bubei was baffled, he was completely confused by Fang Buli, The Xingdu Division's army did not mobilize, nor did it order to make it difficult for the Huashan faction to build a Laoshizi Economic Development Zone. What exactly did Fang Buli want to do?

When Hu Bubei was full of questions, Zhou Buyi let go of his hand, and the tea cup brought to his mouth fell to the ground, Hu Bubei was startled, and he grabbed a towel to help Zhou Buyi wipe it off. Wiping the tea splashed on his body, he asked while wiping, "Brother, what's the matter? Could it be that the economic development zone that Fang Buli wants to build is aimed at us?"

"Yes, but it's not. Fang Buli... I was so blind back then, why didn't I see you coming! Fang Buli didn't want to attack hard this time, but to dig the roots of our Huashan faction! No, it's not just Huashan Pai is the root of all the landowners in the world. Don’t be sad, go send pigeon letters and tell those squires that if you don’t want your family’s century-old foundation to collapse, don’t let this development zone be repaired! Go!” Zhou Buji didn't realize that he had lost his composure, and kept urging Hu Bubei.

Hu Bubei was a little at a loss. He had never seen Zhou Buyi lose his composure before, and quickly said, "Senior brother, what is yes but no? What is this economic development zone for? Is it to welcome the Central Plains? The army of the guards entered the customs? If it is true, it is nothing, we will do it for him."

"It's not the army of the Central Plains Guards. This economic development zone is ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times more terrifying than the army. You go. Go!" Zhou Buyi realized that he had lost his composure. , it can be seen that Hu Bubei is still moaning here, his heart is angry again, and he can't help but roar.As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Zhou Buyi regretted it, and quickly explained, "Brother Hu, brother lost his composure, I'm sorry, you go now. I'll tell you why when I get back."

"Senior brother, you don't need to be like this... Junior brother will send pigeon letters first." Hu Bubei was getting more and more confused, what the hell is this economic development zone?Not the army, but more powerful than the army?Is there anything more powerful in this world than a great army?With doubts, Hu Bubei bid farewell to Zhou Buyi, and rushed to Yaoyingtang to send letters to Huashan sub-rudders in various places in Shaanxi.

"I didn't expect there to be a time traveler outside of this seat. Hehe, it's getting more and more interesting." Zhou Buxin looked at Hu Bubei's disappearing figure and thought silently, "Economic Development Zone? If you become Well, there will be a song called the first year of Xuande in the future. It was a spring... No, it was summer. A young man drew a circle in the northwest of Daming? Didn’t you see it? You have been allowed to stay in Huashan for so many years? No! It turns out that this seat has fulfilled you. I said why he is still alive now. It turns out that Fang Buli is dead. It’s not that we can’t leave.”

"I said at this time that the Demon Cult has firecrackers, why is the imperial court not in a hurry? Even if Heimuya is difficult to attack, but a mere Jianghu sect has a military weapon such as Huo Chong, and the imperial court will gnaw it down even if there are hundreds of thousands of casualties It turns out that the imperial court already has better ones. Well, let me see whether your musket is powerful or my magical skills are mighty." Zhou Buyi looked up at the sky with a helpless expression, "I wanted to be honest. To be a real landlord, more than ten years later, I will get another vote of meritorious service in the civil castle, and let the court give me a title. Now it seems that I am too naive. God will not let me calm down." (To be continued.. )

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