The Master of Form and Meaning of Huashan Qizong

Chapter 81 5 Yue Gui 1... Finished?lost?It seems to be done...

"Mr. He thinks that the five mountains are one, how about it?" asked the one dressed as a Taoist among the two.

"The number of days has reversed, and He can't see clearly anymore. The five mountains together should be a matter of 20 years later, but Zuo Lengchan actually brought it up now." Mr. He shook his head, pointing to Zuo Lengchan to lose " Doesn't he know that Zhou Buyi's martial arts are far superior to his? When Zuo Lengchan was planning to merge the Five Sacred Sword Sect, he should have a clear understanding of the martial arts foundation of the masters of the four schools, and he is confident that none of the four schools To be able to defeat oneself, and then spare no effort to promote it. This is the truth. Otherwise, if someone is stronger than him in martial arts, after the merger of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, the head of the Five Sacred Sword Sect will be taken away by others. Who are you working hard for, making wedding clothes for others? Master Zhang, what do you think?"

"Wuliang Tianzun, from Pingdao's point of view, Zuo Lengchan did not intend to merge the Five Sacred Mountains. Zuo Lengchan was also pushed to that point by Zhou Buyi's words. In his heart, he just wanted a leader of the Five Sacred Mountains. " Zhang Zhenren saw through Zhou Buyi's sinister intentions at a glance, but who is Zuo Lengchan?Is it worth his help? "On the contrary, Qiu Weiwei and Foxconn went to Shandong to assist that little boy Zhu Gaoxu in rebellion. I don't know whether he is wise or stupid."

"Let's not talk about those two people. After the imperial army arrived, the Palace of the King of Han was turned into ashes in an instant. Zhu Gaoxu didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, so he wanted to imitate his father and come back to Jingnan again, and didn't even praise himself. Is he Zhu Di? Zhu Zhanji is not Zhu Yunqi either!" Mr. He was full of disdain, as if he didn't care about the royal family at all in his words.Suddenly Mr. He laughed.

"Mr. He, what are you laughing at?" Zhenren Zhang was a little strange. Those masters of Zhu's family committed second murders and killed them, which made people laugh, but is it so funny?

"If Master Zhang doesn't make a move, Zuo Lengchan will surely lose. No, not only will he lose, but his life may even be lost!" Mr. He said seriously.But his face was full of smiles.If there is any relationship between Zuo Lengchan and this Mr. He, it can be related by turning around, but it is only a complaint, not a kindness... In other words, Zuo Lengchan's life and death has nothing to do with him. The strange thing is that Mr. He is like this Prompt Zhang Zhenren what to do?If he really cared about Zuo Lengchan, why was his face so happy?Weizai Weizai.

"What does Zuo Lengchan's life and death have to do with me? The old Taoist is the patriarch of the Wudang sect, but not the teacher of the Songshan sect. Is it okay?" Zhang Zhenren was also very strange in his heart, and asked tentatively: "This Zuo Lengchan, is not related to the Songshan sect. Is Mr. He old? Or is he close to a veteran apprentice?" If a friend with a normal IQ sees it, he will understand it in his heart.This real person is Zhang Sanfeng, whom the Emperor Yongle has been looking for for many years and whose life and death are unknown.

"After the merger of the Five Sacred Mountains, there is another giant in the world. Master Zhang's Wudang Mountain is located in Huguang, sandwiched between Songshan Mountain and Hengshan Mountain. Isn't Master Zhang afraid to come to another Wudang next time? I see the one of Master Zhang. His apprentice's martial arts are incomparable to Zhou Buyi." Mr. He smiled brighter, but he felt a little bit trembling in his heart, "I don't know if the elders will be fooled by this. But don't let Zhou Buyi join forces with him." Five Sacred Mountains, or Zhou Buyi's stinking virtue. The first one to bear the brunt is the old man's Kunlun Mountain."

As the saying goes, you come here when you are afraid, and Zhang Sanfeng saw through Mr. He's calculations.Zhang Sanfeng looked at Mr. He with a smile in his eyes, but in fact he didn't want Zuo Lengchan to die, Zuo Lengchan died.It is a foregone conclusion that the Five Sacred Mountains will be sent together.The ghost knows what Zhou Buyi will think in his head, whether he will consolidate the northwest or advance eastward to the Central Plains.These are all bad things to say.The two looked at each other and smiled, knowing that their calculations had been seen through by the other party.Nodding his head, he looked at Zhou Buyi.


Seeing that Zuo Lengchan was about to die in Zhou Buyi's hands, Zhou Buyi felt two mighty auras attacking him.He cursed secretly in his heart, "Shameless." He pointed at Zuo Lengchan's acupoints and turned around to meet the enemy.Zhou Buyi didn't think that with Zuo Lengchan's internal strength, he could open the acupoints he pressed with extreme force.

But when Zhou Buji turned around, he realized that there was nothing behind him. It was a picture of four images flying over from the opposite mountain and...Two Mountains of Turtle and Snake?

"Could it be that Wudang attacked me regardless of the friendship of marriage?" Zhou Bu was suspicious, although Taoist Chongxu's martial arts and his own are only on par, but if he attacks him, it means a martial arts comparison In addition, it is more dangerous for the taller martial arts masters to make shots.Because Daoist Chongxu is not alone, behind him is Wudang...

But the current situation can no longer allow Zhou Buyi to think too much. After standing still, the Niwan Palace immediately pulsated slightly, and slowly, traces of invisible purple air rose from every acupoint, and moved along their respective acupoints. The respective meridians rise up and go straight to the center of the eyebrows. There is faint purple air overflowing from the Niwan Palace between the eyebrows, and the five purple air rushes up behind them, turning into five mountains, but they are the five mountains. But these, the heroes of the world are out of sight.

Three realms of martial arts: Mountains are mountains, water is water; mountains are not mountains, water is not water; mountains are mountains, water is water.On the lucky boat that sailed to Nanyang back then, Zhou Buyi was the first one. The weather was bad, and everyone couldn't feel it, because they were too weak.Last year, outside the Hejiabao, Zhou Buyi reached the second level, shocking all heroes, but unfortunately he couldn't retract freely, everyone could see it and figure out its details.But this week Buyi has finally reached the third realm, as long as he does not intentionally cast it on anyone, otherwise anyone, even a great master of the innate realm, will not be able to see his five mountains.

The Five Sacred Mountains are like the four pillars of the sky after the Gonggong angered the Buzhou Mountain, rushing towards the pressed down Tortoise and Snake Mountain and the Sixiang Formation.

'Boom. After a loud noise that outsiders couldn't hear and didn't know whether it really existed or not, the two turtle and snake mountains and the four-element array finally overwhelmed the top of the five mountains. The mountain turned into a gigantic monster. As the thick and long body twisted, the dense and tight scales twisted together, revealing the strength of each pound. The fog that permeated the whole body was sometimes cold and sometimes scorching hot. Wow, As soon as the cloud and mist parted, the ferocious dragon's head suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.The unity of turtle and snake is Xuanwu.I don't know if the Sixiangtu was infected by it, but it also turned into four sacred beasts, which were about to attack Zhou Buyi's five mountains.

Just when Zhou Buyi was about to work harder to divide the five mountains into five elements, a voice rang in his ears: "..."


The heroes watched Zhou Buyi knock Zuo Lengchan to the ground, they thought that Zhou Buyi was going to kill him on the stage with one palm, but suddenly Zhou Buyi turned his palm into fingers and struck Zuo Lengchan violently. After clicking, he turned around and went in a daze.Seeing this, everyone thought that Zhou Buyi had something else on his mind.After waiting for a while, Ling Xiao felt that something was wrong and shouted repeatedly.Zhou Buyi didn't come to his senses until everyone's voices were dry.

Everyone thought that Zhou Buyi was about to announce that he was the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, and the disciples of the Songshan School were waiting for Zhou Buyi to speak about it. They are going to do it together and chop up and down the Huashan pie into minced meat.

But who knows...

Zhou Buyi bowed his hands to the crowd, and said: "I was lucky enough to beat Junior Brother Zuo's move, and the leader of the Five Sacred Sacred Mountains will still do it in the future? What do you guys think?"

"Naturally, if you compete with swords to win the commander, leader Zhou will naturally be the head of the Five Sacred Sect..." Halfway through the conversation, everyone came to their senses.No, isn't it the Five Sacred Mountains Paradise?Isn't it the head of the election?Why are you now the ally?What is Zhou Busu doing?Not only them, even the Huashan disciple who drew his sword halfway and was about to merge with the Songshan disciple couldn't figure out what his head was thinking?Ning Buyong was even more confused, didn't senior brother let him place Huashan faction's elite army at the foot of Songshan overnight last night, just waiting for this moment?Why did it come here?

But who dares to stop the order of the head?And the other martial arts 'heroes' just came to watch the excitement, and finally whether the Five Sacred Sects could succeed.After the success, who will take the position of head of the Five Sacred Sect, and what does it have to do with them?As for the disciples of the Five Sacred Mountains Sect, they will not stop them. It is a great thing for this Sect that the Five Sacred Mountains are not merged.The patriarch's spiritual position is guaranteed, and the inexhaustible land savings can continue to be enjoyed, without having to rely on others to watch people's faces.What a wonderful thing.As for whether Zhou Buyi would suffer a loss, why did he do this knowing that he would suffer a loss? What does it have to do with them?Anyway, after this time, the Wuyue Sword Sect was disbanded, and Zhou Buyi no longer had an excuse to intervene in other sects.Whatever it is for.


Ren Woxing wanted to intervene in the royal family's battle for succession, and took advantage of the power of the Sun Moon God Sect to seize the opportunity to take down the Forbidden City.This crazy move aroused opposition from the whole church, even including Dongfang Bubai who was single-handedly promoted by Ren Woxing.At this moment, Ren Woxing is just in the final stage of retreating to attack the star-absorbing desire.Therefore, Ren Woxing persuaded the senior leaders of the Sun Moon God Sect to give up his idea of ​​going east, but Ren Woxing actually suppressed all objections with absolute authority after preparing the storage tank.At this time, Wuyue Sword Sect attacked Heimuya.I don't know if it's really a coincidence, but Ren Woxing's wife Xue Xin died at the hands of Zuo Lengchan. In a fit of rage, Ren Woxing broke through the last level of the star-absorbing passion and achieved the most terrifying black hole artistic conception.

After a fierce battle, the heads of the Wuyue Sword Sect were defeated by Ren Woxing one by one, even Zhou Buyi was not surprised.This time, Ren Woxing was not going to leave any life for Zhou Buyi.The newly upgraded star-absorbing gun was fully fired, almost absorbing Zhou Buyi's internal energy. At this moment, the five Zhenyue swords in Zhou Buyi's sword pouch pierced into his body. With the power to understand the void, he broke the last barrier of martial arts.The Dharma Aspects of the Five Sacred Mountains also turned into Zhoutian and stars.What is a mere black hole compared to a universe?

In the end, Ren Woxing was actually sucked back by Zhou Buyi, and all of his strong internal strength belonged to Zhou Buyi.Although they won by a narrow margin, four of the heads of the Wuyue Sword Sect had collapsed to the ground. After Zhou Buyi arranged for them to be sent back to their families, he killed them on Heimuya by himself.He met Dongfang Bubai by chance, and the two hooked up somehow. After a spring breeze, Zhou Buyi left quietly.The power of Heimuya fell into Huashan's command, and from then on, Shaanxi and Shaanxi provinces were all owned by Huashan faction. (To be continued..)

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