Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 107 Taiwan

The magistrate of Haicheng County is from Jiangxi. He was a Jinshi in the 20th year of Wanli. His surname is Su Mingxue, and his calligraphy is learned.

He accepts tribute from merchants, subordinate officials, and government servants every year, and the money he earns is enough for him to spend the rest of his life richly. Now, without any reliable background, his official career is hopeless, and he is already preparing to return to his hometown to live the life of a rich man after his term of office expires.

And now a hot person is under his rule, maybe there will be a civil uprising; this may be, Haicheng has always been a place with strong folk customs, it is located by the sea, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the people have always been not so obedient , and once there is a civil uprising, his hope of living the rest of his life in peace will be shattered, and he may become a scapegoat for bureaucrats at all levels of the Fujian government, and he will spend his days in the Beijing Sky Prison in the future.

Thinking about these possibilities, the magistrate of Su County was helpless and helpless, walking back and forth in the back hall of the county government office, and looked dizzy at Mr. Zhang on one side. Mr. Zhang was from Quanzhou, Fujian. He couldn't stand it anymore and said To: "Sir, you must go there yourself,"

Su Zhixian was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped and asked, "Mr. Zhang, where do you think I have to go?"

"Luo Xuri's family, the owner of Huaxing United, lives in that wealthy businessman,"

Suzhi County is not a sour doctor who can't let go of airs. He hesitated and shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to go, but what's the use of going? If they turn against me, things will get out of hand,"

The master smiled slightly: "Master, don't worry, if they wanted to turn their backs, they could have killed all the officers and soldiers last night, including your county government. The big boss Yin Feng sent the officers and soldiers to you without any punishment. hurt, which just shows that they don't want to turn against the government,"

Su Zhixian thought for a while and said: "This is reasonable. They really want to kill officials and rebel. Last night, they could have chopped off all my brains; but how can we send these plague gods away?"

The master said: "Then Yin Feng is a person who understands current affairs, and this incident is related to his family and life; he did not enter Quanzhou City and came to Haicheng, he must be waiting for his own boat to pick him up, and then return to Dongfan, oh, Taiwan,"

"You mean, he is temporarily staying under the jurisdiction of this county and is waiting for a boat, so why doesn't he just hire a boat and go away?"

The master smiled: "If something like this happens, will he trust other people's boats?"

The magistrate of Su suddenly realized: "Yes, that's what happened, okay, let's get ready, I'll meet this person,"

The magistrate of Su County came to visit, and Yin Feng, as a supervisor, greeted him with student gifts. The two sides quickly reached an agreement, and Yin Feng agreed; only two ships from the Zhonghua Company were allowed to enter the Yuegang Wharf to pick up people, and no weapons were allowed. Haicheng The county government sent all the servants to protect Luo's house. The magistrate of Su County was very humble during the conversation, and he did not have the domineering prestige of a county's parents. The Fujian government has nothing to do with it. Although Yin Feng had already guessed this, he still thanked Su Zhixian very much and gave him a lot of money and gifts. Of course, he did not give gifts in person, but sent someone to give them to him after Su Zhixian returned to the Yamen. to go.


Yin Feng hired a fishing boat, went to Taiwan to inform the headquarters, and told them the agreement he had reached with Suzhi County, but unfortunately, the fishing boat did not connect with the Feilong, and Ye Hua drove the fleet directly into the mouth of the Jiulong River , because the draft of the Feilong was too deep, it took two brigantines to dock at Guiyu (Chicken Island) and Haimen at the mouth of the Jiulong River, and the rest of the brigantines sailed directly to Yuegang Wharf. The boat appeared murderously outside Yuegang Port, which scared all the people in the county government and the payment department. Fuzhou asked for help; the magistrate of Su County had no choice but to visit Yin Feng in person again.

Yin Feng comforted Su Zhixian, telling him that he would get on the boat and set off immediately, and he would not cause trouble for Haicheng County.

Luo Xuri decided to move his family to Taiwan Island for the time being, so Yin Feng and his party boarded the ship a bit slowly. The armed guards all put away their flintlock muskets and replaced them with less dazzling swords, but they all replaced them with guards. The black clothes of the team, the uniform uniforms and uniform movements of the fifty personal guards, and the murderous temperament made the surrounding officials involuntarily retreat dozens of steps away. The personal guards lined up on both sides of the bean alley, calmly Standing, when Yin Feng and others were walking in the middle of Douxiang Street, the 50 people turned as one, guarding Yin Feng and others towards the pier.

Su Zhixian, who was walking in the front, felt uncomfortable, with cold sweat on his forehead; he hesitated for a while, Yin Feng and others stopped, and Yin Feng cupped his hands and said, "Master Su, please go first."

Yes, Mr. Su is the biggest official here, so he must go to the front. Zhixian Su swallowed his saliva, smiled wryly and cupped his hands. While walking forward, he turned sideways and talked to Yin Feng: "Mr. Yin, your servant is a local."

"Returning to my lord, there are also local people, most of them are children of poor families in coastal areas of Fujian, and there are also people from Qiongzhou Prefecture in Guangdong,"

When approaching the wharf, the subordinate officials and government servants who usually show off their power at the port have disappeared, and the rest are the crowds of people watching the excitement. Yin Feng's war fleet has already docked ten ships, and each ship sent ten firemen. The gunmen, a total of 100 people, armed with bayonet-mounted flintlock muskets, were divided into two rows in the direction of the pier, and a corridor had been cut in the middle of the crowd, leading directly to the dock where the warships were moored.

In the aisle surrounded by forests of bayonets on both sides, Su Zhixian's mind was blank, and he was pushed forward without touching his feet. Yin Feng kept apologizing: "My lord, it's my fault. I couldn't stop it." They went ashore to pick up people." From Su Zhixian's point of view, Yin Feng's statement was completely insincere, the murderous sailors on both sides, and the bird guns with strange blades in their hands, all of this was far beyond his imagination Other than that, he never thought in his life that he would face such a situation one day. For a long time, Su Zhixian couldn't say a word, and his mouth was full of meaningless humming.

After Yin Feng and the whole group boarded the boat, they hoisted the sails and anchored. It was not until the shadows of the sails of the sailboats disappeared at the mouth of the Jiulong River that Su Zhixian came back to his senses.

When Suzhi County was relieved, Qin Yi, who was in the Wuyu Water Village in Shihukou Water Village, put Chief Shen Yourong in high tension again. This time, there were more than 50 warships of the Zhonghua Company, and nearly 200 ships of various kinds came across the sea mightily, and the entire Daquanzhou Bay was occupied by the ships of the China United Company, and none of the warships of the officers, soldiers and navy dared to come out to patrol.

On the way, the fleet commanded by Lin Xiao merged with the Ye Hua fleet that had already received Yin Feng and others. Yin Feng believed that since this operation had demonstrated the strength of the company, it should not be just an armed parade, but should be taken advantage of. Taking this opportunity, all the pirates who had harassed the company's ships along the coast of Fujian for nearly a year were wiped out.

Now that the defense zone of the officers and soldiers has been invaded, there is no need to be restrained.

Therefore, after the round, the naval warships, except the Feilong, which sent Yin Feng and others back to Taiwan, were divided into several teams and began to mop up and hunt down the pirates from all walks of life. The alliance has suffered a major blow so far. The Chinese company has spent a lot of money to bribe many fishermen and officers and soldiers, find out where the pirates are hiding, and then block the door. Relying on the advantages of firearms and organizational capabilities, the pirates Attack.

When Yin Feng returned to Taiwan, Li Lihua was the first to greet him.

After the sailors' rebellion at the beginning of the year, Li Lihua changed her previous sloppy attitude and took the initiative to undertake the affairs of Chinese companies dealing with Western powers. She kept running to Macau, Octavia, Malacca and other places to contact the local Portuguese and Dutch colonists. She deals with various foreign affairs, she is familiar with Western culture and various Western etiquette, and Li Lihua is also gifted in languages, so she will soon learn to speak Dutch, Portuguese is originally similar to Spanish, let alone her , Such a combination of various qualities, the beauty of the East and the cultural background of the West, is simply invincible to the lethality of ordinary Europeans.

Therefore, Li Lihua was already well-known in the Nanyang area, and she was already the spokesman for the foreign affairs of the China United Company. She recruited many technical personnel that the company urgently needed: such as glass manufacturing craftsmen, smelting experts, shipbuilding craftsmen and so on.

Originally, when Yin Feng was assassinated, she was on the way back from Macau to Hong Kong. She didn't know that Yin Feng was assassinated until she returned to the port. Tell her that Yin Feng is fine and will be back soon.

Yin Feng didn't expect that Li Lihua would rush forward to hug him and shed tears under the witness of the audience. Fortunately, Li Lihua quickly regained his composure and retreated. "You have to be careful," she said softly, and then With a shake of his head, he left.

Yin Feng looked at her back and sighed with emotion. The relationship between the two of them was indeed a bit awkward; although they had a little close contact in Manila, that was all there was to it. Dan's promise also includes the fact that Yin Feng already has a wife and concubine. Li Lihua is a Catholic, and the Catholic Church opposes polygamy.

Yin Feng threw out a trace of charming fantasies in his mind, and when he looked back, everyone around him stared at him with wide eyes, dumbfounded. There was no sound on the big pier.

Yin Feng coughed a few times in embarrassment, Han Ping came to his senses first, laughed and walked forward, and said loudly: "The ship owner must survive a catastrophe, and there will be future blessings."

With this shout, the people around seemed to be awakened immediately, and they gathered around to say hello. No one seemed to have seen the scene just now.


In the headquarters of Zhonghua Company, in Yin Feng's special office, Lin Xiao suddenly knelt down to Yin Feng, bowed his head and said, "This subordinate is unpardonable, I failed to detect the other party's actions in advance, almost..."

Yin Feng sat on the top and waved his hands: "Okay, brother Guangze, stop talking nonsense, you get up first." Yin Feng thought about it, and saw Lin Xiao sitting in front of him carefully, bowing his head in silence, and couldn't help laughing He smiled: "Okay, I am also responsible for this matter. What you are good at is making friends and spreading points in many ways. You have only worked in this line for a short time, and it is conceivable that you lack experience. Your problem is that you are not careful enough..."

Lin Xiao raised his head and said suspiciously: "This time, we didn't even notice the eyeliner we put around the eunuch Gao, and the hidden stake at Shisan's house didn't respond, we..."

Yin Feng said: "Then, as for the mountain bandits in western Fujian, the pirates in Zhejiang in northern Fujian, and the officers and soldiers in Tongshanshuizhai, we all lack prior arrangements. You can't deny that, right?"


"Yes, Zhaojia'ao's brother told me that some of the people at the south gate of Quanzhou City spoke the dialects of the mountainous areas in western Fujian and southern Fujian, and some people fought with the 'du' as the organizational unit, and the mountains in southern Fujian and western Fujian Bandits operate in units of 50 to 100 people,"

"Damn, doesn't the Ministry of Security have to monitor everyone?"

"If you can really do this, hehe, your name will go down in history, and you may be infamous for thousands of years." Yin Feng smiled and said: "Okay, be careful, and be more careful; spread more, spread the net widely, this is what you want now." The government does not want to turn against us for what we are doing, but we have to make all preparations in advance. In addition, you don’t need to worry about the matter of Luzon Island, I will take it over personally,”

The intelligence work on Luzon is mainly collected through Daan, a Russian-Chinese ethnicity on Luzon Island, and Bernardo, a new Christian in Macau. Yin Feng was originally in charge, so Lin Xiao has no objection .

... Yin Feng hesitated at the door of the house, turned back and said to Chen Zhongji: "You go back, this is your own territory, nothing will happen," Chen Zhongji shook his head: "It's okay, I'll stay in my own room, Brother Lin said I must with you at all times,"

Yin Feng had no choice but to walk into his house with hesitant steps, thinking in his heart: Would Zeng Jing already know about the scene at the port today? In his heart, he complained that Ji Zai was ignorant of current affairs, and he would not know about it when he had dinner later. What to say.

Ji Zai at his house is the same as his own, and Yin Feng has no pretensions, and let him eat at the table together. Now, Yin Feng hopes to face Zeng Jing alone, so that he can speak clearly, but Zeng Jing didn't give him any advice. Opportunity, met him with warmth and tenderness, and she was obedient to him, and she also insisted on letting Ji Zai stay for dinner. Of course, she didn't say anything except words of consolation and reassurance.

In the evening, Yin Feng was taking off his clothes with a guilty conscience. Zeng Jing pressed her tender body close to him and said softly, "Please marry Miss Li."

"What," Yin Feng said, feeling a little louder and more guilty, Zeng Jing looked at him with shy and charming eyes, and said with a half-smile: "What's the matter, I don't want to,"

Yin Feng suddenly thought of the saying that actions are more effective than words when dealing with women. With a grin, he put his arms around Zeng Jing's slender waist, and a hungry tiger overwhelmed her, turning an unspeakable conversation into one "Sports Activity",

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