Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 112 The Spaniard

Taiwan Port is the largest trade transit port on the southeast coast of China.Thanks to its geographical location and special political status; it is closer to the origins of major export products such as silk and tea than Guangzhou and Macau.In addition, it was not under the jurisdiction of the Ming government.It is a free port that does not have to pay import and export taxes.certainly.Due to the strong presence of Chinese companies in the coastal areas of Fujian.If many merchant ships want to sail safely along the southeast coast.You can pay a certain amount of silver.Buy a Zhonghua company's Chinese flag on a blue background.As an amulet for escort.

Through this method of charging "protection fees".The company's annual income is already considerable.certainly.Company commitment.All merchant ships flying the Chinese flag on a blue background are in danger or robbery.No matter where the ends of the earth are.Zhonghua United will stand up for him.There are more than 300 such merchant ships and fishing boats.In addition, there are more than 600 merchant ships invested and held by the company itself.The number of civilian vessels owned by the China United Company is about to exceed the 1000 mark.

The nautical trade season is upon us.Before spring begins.A large number of merchant ships have already left the port of Taiwan.Make Ruoda's Taiwan port empty.Several sea-going ships specialized in dredging sand are dredging sand on the sandbar at the port of Taiwan Port (Dayuan Port).Clear the channel.They work with primitive barges.Fit the net pocket under the barge.Use the buoyancy of the barge to dredge the sand.Only when the port is not busy.They can work.Yin Feng has sent people to survey the terrain in Anping, where Tainan Port is located in later generations.See if you can build a harbor over there.Share the pressure of Taiwan and Hong Kong.

It is more than 200 miles south of Taiwan Harbor.on the southwest coast of Taiwan.Ten warships of the second battle fleet of the Chinese company navy.It is patrolling the sea near Langqiao.

The commander of the second battle fleet was Fan Tao, the captain of the three-masted sailing ship "Haiyan".It turned out to be Zhangzhou fishermen.Later, he went to Luzon Island to discuss life.Unfortunately, there was a massacre in Manila as soon as I went there.It was only thanks to Yin Feng's rescue that he escaped from birth.thereafter.He has been working in the battleship fleet.Honestly willing to suffer.He is loyal to Yin Feng.When the sailors rebelled, they stood firm in the old camp of Yaogang.Actively participated in Yin Feng's counter-insurgency battle.Therefore, he was promoted to the commander of the second battle fleet.

A full day of patrolling is over.Fan Tao is planning to command the fleet to rest on the shore of Langqiao for one night.Tomorrow, we will wait for the arrival of the third battle fleet to take over the patrol.They have completed their mission and can return to Hong Kong.

under the setting sun.On the emerald green coastline.Coconut groves line the beach.Several fishing boats that went out to sea to fish are returning.

The sailors in the mainmast ring suddenly rang the brass bell hanging in the lookout.Years of training made all the crew jump up reflexively.On your marks.Load the two bow cannons with ammunition.

The sailor in charge of the lookout slid down the mast nimbly.Holding up the binoculars, he said to Fan Tao who was rushing forward: "Five miles to the southwest. There is a large western-style ship coming north. It is estimated that it will reach the coast of Langqiao before sunset. There are cannons on the ship. There are two small boats behind. It doesn't look too good. clear."

At this time, the Chinese company could not make its own telescope.Most of the binoculars owned by senior officers in the armed forces were bought from Western colonists in Macau, Octavia, Malacca and other places.but.For the sailors who are in charge of looking out on the flagship of the naval squadron.Yin Feng spared no expense to equip each of them with a pair of spotting binoculars.therefore.Fan Tao had no doubts about the results of the sailor's watch.

He quickly directed the sailors to hoist the red flag on the flagship.Indicates the highest alert, ready to fight.

Among the ten warships, except the "Haiyan" which is a warship with three cannons.The rest were brigs with a six-pounder in the bow.The real cannon giant ship owned by the entire Chinese company's water army.There are only two ships such as Feilong.The rest of the warships are Chinese-style sailing ships that have been strengthened and transformed. .Fuchuan.

The sailor on the lookout shouted from the mast: "The king's banner of the Greeks. Three miles. Thirty cannon."

It's a Spanish warship.The sworn enemy of China United Corporation.Related to the warships of the Greeks.

This latest information made Fan Tao's face even more serious.He said to the duty warehouse in charge of weapons and combat matters beside him: "Let a warship report to Taiwan Port. Hurry up."

soon.A brig broke away from the group.Head north.

The remaining nine warships formed a half-moon formation.Facing the Spanish warships that can already be seen with the naked eye.


Portuguese mercenaries who sailed with the second battle fleet.Navy instructor Francisco as a consultant.Yin Feng stipulated that he could voluntarily choose whether to participate in the battle with the Europeans.but.Francisco hated the Spaniards.Same as Couture.He was also an opponent of King Philip of Spain.therefore.He was preparing for the battle with Fan Tao.While constantly observing each other's situation.

"This is the Spanish battleship Maria. Your Excellency. This battleship has 200 cannons and more than [-] combatants. It is the flagship of the Spanish fleet in the Luzon colony." Francisco observed the enemy ships with binoculars.

Fan Tao likes binoculars very much.But now I have to give it to the Portuguese instructor. "Calling your name. What the hell is the name of the ship?" Fan Tao was very angry.He almost died at the gunpoint of the Spaniards back then.His hatred of the Spaniards far exceeded Francisco's level.

Finally, Fan Tao has been training for several years.He is already a calm navy officer.He calmed down and asked, "Buddhist officer. The other party seems to have two ships."

Francisco already speaks Chinese very well.He looked carefully for a while: "It seems. It seems to be a Portuguese ship. Oh. It is a Macau ship."

"What. A boat from Macau. What's going on." Fan Tao asked suspiciously.

Francisco is also full of questions.Shaking his head, he said, "I don't know. What's going on. We Portuguese won't cooperate with the Spaniards. It might be a coincidence. Oh. Strange. The Spaniard's battleship stopped. It seems that a liaison boat was also sent."

"What's the meaning."

"The Spaniards want to contact us. They don't seem hostile."


The Spanish battleship Maria made a detour to Macau.It was led by a Portuguese guide from Macau to Taiwan.

Don Fernando, Governor of Pampanga in the Spanish Luzon Colony, was sent by the Governor of Acuna.With Father Catalina of the Dominican Order.Together they went to Taiwan Island for a diplomatic visit.

Governor Akuna encountered a rebellion at the National People's Congress at the beginning of his tenure.Although the Spaniards eventually won.And almost killed the Chinese people.But the entire Spanish Philippine colony fell into a deep economic crisis.

After the massacre, the Port of Manila became a dead port.All Chinese ships have disappeared; all trade has come to a standstill; and all service industries have basically ceased operations.Agricultural production has also ground to a halt.Indigenous farmers no matter in terms of diligence or spirit of bearing hardships.Far inferior to Chinese farmers.There is no biological person. .Chinese hard work.There is no trading merchant ship without a biological person.The economy of Manila and the entire Philippine colony as a whole came to a standstill.

The Governor of Manila basically relies on the money earned from the galleon trade.Used to maintain the operation of the entire colony.The Spaniards can't bear such heavy economic pressure.The religiously powerful Catholic Church began to oppose Governor Acuna's rule in Manila.It is believed that he did not make a good trade relationship with China in time.This caused the entire colony to fall into trouble; Governor Akuna was furious when he heard the news: the Catholic Church completely forgot.Initially provoked the Spaniards and natives to harass and attack the Chinese.It is the church members headed by Father Miguel de Benavidez, Archbishop of Manila.Eventually the Chinese revolted in self-defense.led to the Manila Massacre.

under pressure from all sides.Governor Aguna sent envoys to Macau.Attempt to contact the Fujian government.Strive to resume trade with China.The first group of envoys was assassinated by sharpshooter Luo Aquan and others led by Yin Feng.Inexplicably died in Macau.

The Spaniards also suspected the cause of death of these messengers.But there is no relevant evidence to check.Moreover, the Portuguese municipality of Macau is also very uncooperative in this matter.Completely reject Manila sending people to investigate the messenger's death.

These two years have been difficult for Governor Aguna; the post of Governor of Manila should have been a lucrative job.Now it's a thankless chore.After the sudden death of the first group of messengers.Governor Akuna decided to send another emissary.Go directly to the coast of Fujian to deal with the Fujian government of the Ming Dynasty.The problem is that no one wants to go to China to die.Whether it is the church or the army.No one is willing to take the initiative to apply for a mission to China.

This situation continued until the beginning of the 34th year of Wanli (1606).At this time.A Portuguese smuggling merchant ship welcomes at the port of Manila.Although Spain and Portugal were united under one king.But there was an agreement between the King of Spain and the Council of Portuguese Nobles.Commercial competition between the two countries should be avoided as much as possible.Therefore, the merchant ships of the Portuguese and Macau authorities are not allowed to go to the Spanish colonies in Asia for trade.But this kind of regulation cannot stop the smuggling trade between the businessmen of the two countries.

The Spaniards received the Portuguese smuggling ship with extraordinary enthusiasm.The Portuguese merchants on board got good prices for their goods.He is also very enthusiastic about the Spaniards.In conversation with Spanish tax officials at the port.A piece of news was revealed: the Chinese fleeing from Luzon Island gathered on Formosa Island (Formosa. Portuguese).A large firm was established.And tried to hinder the official resumption of Manila trade.

formosa. The meaning of "beautiful island".It was first named by the Portuguese in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty in 1544.As early as 1593-96, the interim governor of the Philippines, Luis Perez das Marinas, ruled.The Spaniards were already seriously considering plans to conquer the island of Taiwan.

at the same time.Governor Akuna also knows.The government of the Ming Dynasty has opened up foreign trade with Manila.Just as the Portuguese smuggling boat left Manila.Two Fujian merchant ships entered the Manila port cautiously.It was the ship of the Wang family in Nanmen, Fujian Province and the rich merchants in Anhai who obtained the "Chuan Yin".

The Spaniards were excited and happy.It occurred to me to keep the Manila trade going.Negotiations must be made with the fugitives from Luzon.Also get in touch with the Fujian government.at the same time.The Wang family of Nanmen, Fujian Province brought with them the "Edict to Lu Song Dynasty" issued by Fujian governor Xu Xueju on behalf of the Ming court.He publicly declared that he would not go to war with the Spaniards.Since the Chinese government has promised that there will be no war and hostilities.This emboldened the Spaniards.Many people began to take the initiative to ask to go to China.In an attempt to lend it to China to earn some oil and water.

therefore.Governor Acuna's good friend, Governor of Pampanga, Don Fernando, was appointed by the emissary.

The Spaniards did not think that the China United Company had the strength to dare to go to war with the Spanish Empire.The entire Chinese Empire was unwilling to fight the Spaniards.How could a trading company formed by a group of fugitives oppose the Spaniards.

The Spanish envoy Don Fernando never thought about it.What kind of armed forces will the Chinese company have.so.When he saw the second team of warships.Still a little surprised.

"Father Catalina. They have guns on board. It's very strange." Fernando said to his deputy.

Father Catalina was a slow and nice gentleman.The reason why he became one of the envoys to Formosa Island.It is entirely because he understands Chinese.At least be proficient in Fujian Minnan dialect.When Father Catalina encouraged overseas Chinese in Luzon to join the church.Learned the language of overseas Chinese.He even taught himself Chinese cultural classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics.And with the help of a Chinese scholar who joined the Catholic Church.Translated several Confucian classics such as "The Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean" into Latin.

The Chinese in Manila have almost been massacred.Almost all the Chinese in Luzon Island died.Except for Li Dan in the underground prison of Fort San Diego.And several Chinese under the protection of the aboriginal tribes in the northern mountains.Only one Chinese monk from a Jesuit monastery in Manila is still alive.This Chinese monk cannot be an interpreter for the mission.Because he cannot return home; he is a wanted criminal by the Ming court. .Pirates involved in the rebellion.As soon as he returns to China, he may be arrested and beheaded by the government.

result.Father Catalina had no choice but to resign himself.Became the Chinese interpreter for the mission.

now.He observed the formation of the opponent's warship.Slowly: "They seem well organized. Like an army."

"Are you kidding? An army organized by a group of Chinese businessmen. Do you think this is possible?" Don Fernando shook his head vigorously.

The priest didn't want to argue.Said lightly: "Sir. I am just stating the facts I have seen."

Fernando thought for a while: "We are here for trade and peace. There is no need to entangle with them here. Send a liaison boat. Respected priest. Please go there. Tell them that we are messengers of peace and ask them to guide us. Go to Taiwan and Hong Kong. God bless. These pagan savages should know how to treat diplomatic envoys."


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