Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 114 Not Negotiable

The Spaniards were surprised to see.On the once deserted beach.A new port city has risen.The urban buildings are neat and uniform.The streets are straight and clean.The road on the side of the sea is full of smooth stone roads.The facilities of the port terminal are complete.The scale is huge.Although it is trade season.Most of the merchant ships have already gone to sea.However, there are still nearly a hundred offshore merchant ships and fishing boats moored in the port.

According to Yin Feng's concept of centralized planning and layout brought by the modern world.The construction of the entire Taiwan Port appears to be orderly; the city is divided into regions according to functions.There is good sewerage and street lighting.So even though it was near evening time.It was already half dark.But the entire city of Hong Kong, Taiwan is already brightly lit.People come and go.Full of energy.

"It's so interesting. Was this city really built in two years?" Father Catalina said in amazement.

Don Fernando paid more attention to the defense facilities of the port.He observed for a while and said: "The city has only fences. No walls; there are battery fortresses. But there is a lack of fortifications around the port; there are armed sailing ships. But there are no warships like our Europeans; where did these physiological people learn military affairs? Technical knowledge. The Battle of Balian back then. They're just a mob."

Father Catalina said lightly: "Back then you were dealing with a group of heretics who had no guns or cannons. Now. They have organized themselves. I feel now. Our diplomatic mission will not be so smooth."

Fernando felt that the priest had overestimated the organization ability of biological people.But he didn't want to argue with Father Catalina.I don't want to offend this seemingly peaceful and serious priest.

Another identity of Father Catalina is more hidden: he was a juror of the Manila Inquisition.


In the night, the Maria dropped anchor in the port.Yin Feng put down the binoculars.Say to Lin Xiao, Zeng Jingshan and others: "It is necessary for us to set up another fort on the south side of Dayuan Port. Strengthen the port's defense capabilities. The Spaniards have larger warships. If their purpose is to attack Taiwan Port. They can't be stopped by just relying on Dayuan Fortress."

Everyone nodded.An Heping, who is in charge of the construction project, said: "The owner. Dayuan Port is further south. There must also be a fortress around Anping Port. The coastline over there is completely unguarded."

Yin Feng nodded: "That's right. Brother An. Send someone to survey the terrain as soon as you go back. Calculate the cost of building materials and labor needed to build the fortress. Create a budget and report it."

An Heping nodded in agreement.Wei Lie said: "Boss owner, how do you deal with these people who are related to you?"

Yin Feng smiled; "We want to put on a good show for them. They want to negotiate with us. We are not in a hurry. Let them hang out slowly."

The Maria stopped at C Wharf.The other two Portuguese sailboats stopped at the A-shaped wharf half a mile away.separated from the Spaniards.The port pilots of the Zhonghua Company boarded the Maria.Domineeringly directed the Spaniards to park the boat.Then he said in Spanish: "You are not allowed to disembark for the time being. Everyone must sign on the port registration certificate. You can enter the city after receiving the certificate."

Fernando did not expect that the management of the Taiwan Port port is so strict and orderly.Everywhere reveals a completely different atmosphere from traditional Chinese trading ports.

The pilot continued to speak: "Our Taiwan port is a free port. All foreign merchant ships are exempted from port entry tax. However, management fees must be paid for transactions in the port area. This is a detailed list of the management fees and other service fees of our China United Company. Please Check it out. If you have any comments, please submit them in time."

Fernando took a piece of paper with good printing quality.See above, the charging terms are clearly listed in Chinese and Portuguese.He handed the paper to Father Catalina.The two looked at each other after watching.They smiled wryly at each other; the terms clearly stated: Except for the Spaniards.People from other countries are exempt from poll tax.

This entry is obviously aimed at the Spaniards; it was in the Port of Manila.Any Chinese businessman who wants to go ashore to trade in Balian.Both had to pay the poll tax to the Spanish authorities.

Fernando asked the very young man.Almost a child's pilot: "We are not a merchant ship. We are a diplomatic envoy sent by the Governor of the Spanish Philippine Colony."

The water diversion officer said with a blank expression: "No matter who you are, you must abide by the regulations of the Zhonghua United Company. This port is under the jurisdiction of the Zhonghua Company."

"We are tribute envoys. We are here to meet your Majesty the Great Emperor. We should receive preferential treatment." Father Catalina suddenly said in Chinese.His Chinese was learned from Hokkien businessmen and failed scholars in Manila.Later, I learned some classical Chinese by myself through ancient Chinese books.So his Chinese accent is weird.The young water diversion officer of the Zhonghua Company looked at the black-robed monk curiously.Still looking up.Switching to Chinese, he said: "Our China United Company has its own regulations. If you want to meet the emperor, go to the government in Fuzhou on the other side. There is no need to contact our China United Company." He suddenly changed the topic.Endorsing without emotion, he said: "Please be sure to fill in the list of all personnel before dawn tomorrow, so that the relevant department of the company can issue your entry registration certificate. Please pay attention. You are not allowed to disembark without a certificate. You are not allowed to enter the urban area."

finished.The pilot turned around on his own.Pulling the cable from the bow of the Maria, he jumped down.Arrived on a liaison boat.gone.

The temporary pilot Chen Zhongji returned to the dock on the shore.Several people gathered around.He asked in a hurry: "Ji Zai. How is it?"

"Ji Zai. This has to do with the Lapan people."

Chen Zhongji laughed: "What's the matter? It's not like we have two eyes and one mouth. It's the same as us. There's nothing difficult to deal with. Okay. Be alert on duty at night. You must keep your spirits up. Keep an eye on this person who is involved. Battleship. Don’t let the Ganguan people disembark secretly.”

soon.Soldiers transferred from the second post of Zhao Tie's infantry team quickly blocked the C-shaped wharf.Put torches all around the battleship Maria.In the dark night.It is hard to make the surroundings of the battleship Maria so that you can count sand on the beach.To confuse the Spaniards.Conceal the true strength of the Chinese company's armed forces.The soldiers at the second post did not hold flintlock muskets.Most of them are on guard with big knives and spears.

Early the next morning.The Spaniard waited for someone to come and check the registration.Issuance of entry permits.But no one paid any attention to them.At that time, a group of small traders came to the side of the Maria ship.Sell ​​all kinds of food and exotic treasures.After the Maria departed from Macau.Have not stopped at the port to replenish food and fresh water.Sailors drifted at sea for a long time.Eat rotten food.Meet the food vendors.Almost all of them were bought without discussing the price.result.In the afternoon.There are even small vendors who come to buy water with buckets.One tael of silver for a bucket of water.Think of the Spaniards as the biggest and dumbest pigs.Severely cut down with a knife.

third day.The China United Company probably forgot about the Spanish ship.Still no one to contact.The Spaniards were furious.evening.Some crew members attempted to disembark without permission.As a result, the guards ambushing around rushed up.Beat these unlucky guys solidly.Then it was sent back to the ship.

certainly.Yin Feng and the others have not been idle these days.He has his hands full.Let's send Colonel Kutley and Luo Aquan to Macau.He planned to use money to open a way to rescue Bernardo first.When things are urgent.It must be before Bernardo is taken to Goa for interrogation by the Inquisition.Find a way to rescue Bernardo.This group of people was assisted by Lin Xiao's hidden informant from the Military Intelligence Department.at the same time.Li Lihua appeared again.The Portuguese who were moored at Pier A were invited to the box on the third floor of the "Leshan Building".Yin Feng personally received the reception.

Among these Portuguese in Macau.Yin Feng and Li Lihua knew several of them; they were big businessmen.He is also a member of the Macao Municipal Council.

this night.Li Lihua's full set of western-style white velvet dress.Holding a feather round fan and half covering the face.From the very beginning, it shocked the audience with the nobleness of the West and the mysterious temperament of the East.Those Portuguese businessmen after a few glasses of wine.I have already spoken freely.Yin Feng was secretly amused; Li Lihua claimed to be the wife of the company's chief executive.In the half teasing, half teasing way of a Spanish lady.Made a couple of bumpkin Portuguese businessmen swoon.Not long after.A few Portuguese from Macau revealed their bottom line: the Macau City Hall does not want to turn against the most powerful trading company in China's coastal areas.Just because of financial pressure.It was only with the help of the Spaniards that they wanted to suppress the limelight of the Chinese company.Then ask for some favors.The most important thing.They do not intend to advance and retreat with the Spaniards.

to the critical moment.Yin Feng hurried out to smooth things over.He patted his chest and promised to transfer part of the silk trade to Japan to Macau.The number is around 1000 Dan; at the same time.Chinese companies can use Macao as a transit point for reselling Western goods to China.As long as the store reopens.The Chinese company's merchant ships will bring a lot of tax revenue to Macau.at the same time.Yin Feng also encouraged those Portuguese businessmen from Macau to take a stake in the Chinese company.Promise them that they can be treated as original shareholders.The company dividends received every year exceed that of ordinary shareholders.

Negotiations on the wine table continued until late at night.Yan Siqi, who was in charge of the guard, looked into the box curiously.He turned his head and asked Magaro: "Old Uncle Ma, why is Miss Li wearing a white suit? It's like going to a funeral."

The black Magaro has already perfected his Chinese.Hearing this, he almost laughed out loud: "What are you talking about, kid? Westerners like white. They think it is a symbol of purity and angels. Look at the clothes worn by the captain of the ship. It is among Westerners. It is worn by military officers or nobles. Tight-fitting long-breasted suits. Look at the captain and Ms. Li. Cooperate with each other. Those Macau people are playing around. Oh. The two of them are really very... How do you say that?"

Yan Siqi blurted out: "It's a perfect match..." After he finished speaking, he was startled.Look around.Then he said to Magaro: "You can't say this nonsense, old uncle Ma. Just pretend I didn't say it."

Just one night.Yin Feng and Li Lihua disintegrated the united front of the Spaniards and the Portuguese of Macau.

And two days later.When Portuguese galleons are laden with cargo.when leaving satisfied.The Spaniards were still stuck on the pier and could not move.

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