Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 117 The Macau Crisis

Yin Feng refused to negotiate with Fernando face to face, which made Fernando feel that he had been insulted by Ruo Da. He stood up abruptly, and stretched his right hand towards the saber at his waist. Pointing to Don Fernando: "Don't move,"

Several of Yin Feng's personal guards pulled out their swords one after another, and the room was suddenly full of swords and swords. Father Catalina couldn't sit still any longer, so he stood up and stood in front of Fernando, desperately holding down Fernando's hand, " What are you doing, have you forgotten our mission," he warned the governor of Pampanga in a low voice: "Be sober, our current situation is bad enough,"

The priest turned to Yin Feng and saw that he was drinking tea leisurely. He said with a wry smile, "Mr. Yin, you are teasing us. Since you don't want to negotiate with us, why are you detaining us at the port?"

Yin Feng said with a sneer: "Our China United Company is willing to cooperate with businessmen from all over the world, but we do not cooperate with the enemies who once aimed their swords and guns at us. The Spanish authorities in Luzon have not shown sincerity in wanting to live in peace with us. We Of course I can’t talk to you about anything.”

Fernando also calmed down, and sat back in front of the table angrily; Yin Feng waved his hand, and his personal guard also retreated.

Fernando said grimly: "Our Spanish empire is willing to negotiate with your commercial company, which is already a big concession. We have the sincerity to seek peace..."

Yin Feng raised his hand and interrupted the Governor of Pampanga: "Master Governor, before you and your government make compensation to our dead relatives, before the goods and properties we lost under the city of Manila are returned , we have nothing to talk about, and next time we negotiate, I don’t want to see you again, what we hope to meet is a Spaniard who did not participate in the Manila massacre,”

After Yin Feng finished speaking, he stood up and planned to leave.

Father Catalina said anxiously: "Wait a minute, Mr. Yin, we will not be able to convey your negotiation intention to the Luzon Colonial Government if you have besieged the Maria by the pier like this,"

Yin Feng sneered: "Tomorrow we will open the channel, and the Maria should leave the port as soon as possible; before that, please pay off the related expenses of our company supplying water and food to you,"

Father Catalina was taken aback: "What, the fee?"

Yin Feng smiled happily: "Of course, we never said that it is free supply. We are businessmen and will not do business at a loss. If you do not settle the expenses, you will not be allowed to leave Taiwan and Hong Kong,"


Yin Feng meant what he said. The sailboat that had been dredging the channel outside the port sailed around the Maria. Fernando was in his cabin, watching the sailboat clearing the channel distressedly through the window. Father Catalina and Ann Captain Andre was in his room, and no one spoke for a while.

Captain Andre was still ill and said weakly: "Master Governor, shall we go back like this?"

Fernando looked at him angrily: "What can it do? The situation is not good for us. We were fooled from the beginning and were led into the port wharf by them. As a result..."

Father Catalina said coldly: "These Chinese pagans are indeed different from the original Balian physiology. Dear Mr. Fernando, the honor of the Spanish Empire has been seriously offended. We must not allow such things to happen again." Happened, may I ask, with the military strength of our Luzon colony, can we capture this harbor?"

Don Fernando was stunned for a moment, and said with an ugly face: "It may be difficult to attack this port head-on with the strength of the Philippine fleet alone. The fort here is very strong and the design is very ingenious. It must be Dutch or The Portuguese helped them build it. Moreover, in the past few days, I found that fortifications are being built on the south side of the harbor. If the fortifications of this scale are also built there, with the strength of our Philippine colonial army, there is no way to capture this port. ,"

Father Catalina put on an expression of "I knew it would be such an answer", and said with a sneer: "You mean, to capture this trading port established by Chinese businessmen, you need to mobilize troops from America or Europe, "

Everyone present knows that the Spaniards and colonial countries such as the Netherlands, Britain, and France are now vying for colonies all over the world. In Europe, there are conflicts of religious, political, and economic interests, and there are endless melees. In fact, it is difficult for the Spaniards to get direct military support from their hometown of Europe or America.

Captain Andre said with a wry smile: "His Majesty the King will not abandon the Philippine colony, but he will not necessarily support launching a war against China,"

Don Fernando slapped the table, causing the wine glasses, books, and documents on the table to jump up.

"God bless, no matter what the people in Madrid say, we must avenge the insult we have received here," Fernando stood up: "Mr. Captain, order all crew members to prepare to leave the port. I must now draft a report and report this to the Manila Royal Prosecutor's Office." All the knowledge of the line, "


After another three days, the battleship Maria was able to carefully pass through the outer channel and sail into the Taiwan Strait.

Originally, the Maria wanted to go north to Jilong Danshui in an attempt to investigate the situation on Taiwan Island, but the warships of the China United Company had been closely "following" the Maria. There were more than 60 warships, and the Maria was in short supply of food and fresh water. She didn't want to get entangled with the Chinese company's sailboats in the strait, so she had to turn around and head south.

For several days in a row, storms were raging on the sea, and heavy rain washed away the farms and plantations of the Zhonghua Company. Several old farmers hired by Jiangnan were busy leading people to dig water conservancy facilities everywhere, but this year's agricultural harvest may have been affected. influence.

However, the grain harvest in the first two years alone is enough to feed all the residents of Taiwan and Hong Kong for several years. The management of China United Company is not very worried about agricultural issues. These days, Yin Feng has been studying his " "Book from Heaven" manuscript, to see what tricks can be opened before launching a counter-offensive against the Spaniards.

It's a pity that he is not an expert in military history after all. He knows many inventions and creations in military history, but he doesn't know why. The Chinese company's army is already very advanced in technology, equipment and tactics in this world; Tactics have been taught to the Chinese company's guards, and under the promotion of Yin Feng, they are developing towards linear tactics; Yin Feng already has more than enough energy to make the Chinese company's army advance in more military technology fields. How to start.

A cup of herbal tea was brought in front of him, and he looked up: "Wan'er, go and rest,"

Wan'er, a young woman who was actually only in her early 20s, said softly: "Madam has been here, and seeing that you are still reading, I made tea for you."

Yin Feng sighed; in his heart, he still likes to stay with this fisherman girl who is attached to him, and it is more relaxed, but facing Zeng Jing, he has always felt a sense of guilt, which comes from his moral cleanliness.

"Go to bed first, wait a minute, I'll hide these documents under your dressing table," Yin Feng stood up, hugged Wan'er in his arms and kissed her small mouth, Wan'er's soft body was heating up , Hug Yin Feng back with his backhand.


At this time, a huge roar came from the north of the city, which was particularly alarming in the silent night. Both of them were taken aback, and Wan'er tremblingly asked, "What is this?"

Yin Feng shook his head, then was startled suddenly: "No, that's the position of the weapon research department,"

He comforted Wan'er, and immediately pushed the door out, and ran into Yan Siqi and a few guards head-on, Yan Siqi said while putting on his clothes, "Captain, this is the direction of the weapon research department." Yin Feng said with a sullen face, "Yes." Yes, Zhenquan, go and wake up Li Yue, shopkeeper Li, Lin Xiao and others, and I will take them there first."

The vicinity of the weapon research department was already full of flames, and there was a lot of voices. When Yin Feng came nearby, the employees of the Chinese company who lived around the weapon research department had already gone out to fight the fire. One of the places where the guards have an exclusive small courtyard on the west side of the research department, where a whole team of guard soldiers have been stationed. They have blocked the gates of the research department and various entrances and exits, and resolutely forbid others to enter the courtyard of the research department. .

The soldiers saw Yin Feng and hurriedly let him enter the yard. Yin Feng found that the fire was burning around the warehouse of the explosives research institute in the west yard. Because there were a lot of flammable and explosive materials stored there, not only the fire could not be extinguished for a while, but also the yard was still burning. There were constant explosions.

Fortunately, the recent continuous storm did not subside until evening. The walls of the houses in the courtyard were wet everywhere. The fire did not spread to the surrounding areas. The soldiers and the staff of the research institute were desperately putting out the fire. Hundreds of people automatically lined up in several long queues. Douse the fire with water from the creek that flows through the courtyard of the Research Department Center.

Among the chaotic crowd, Yin Feng grabbed Li Yue, the nominal head of the research department who was sweating profusely and running around. Among all the company's senior management, his house lived closest to the weapon research department, and he arrived the earliest.

"What's going on? Is it an accident? Are there any casualties? What's the loss?" Yin Feng asked a series of questions. Li Yue gasped for breath and couldn't answer a single sentence. Li Yue's deputy, Li Dalu, who is also Li Yue's senior brother, replied on Li Yue's behalf: "Boss owner, someone sneaked into the warehouse of the Explosives Research Institute and was found out. Maybe because of this, he lost the torch in a panic and triggered a firestorm." explode,"

"Sneak into the warehouse, has anyone seen it?"

"Yes, a sentry from the guard saw it and chased after it. As a result, the warehouse exploded. The soldier was injured and had already been carried down for treatment. Other than that, only three clerks on duty and one craftsman were injured. No one died," Li Dalu spoke succinctly, and quickly summed up the matter.

Yin Feng suddenly looked around, and said suspiciously: "What's going on, the people who participated in the firefighting are all from our Tang Dynasty, where are those Western instructors and craftsmen?"

Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief at this time, sighed and said: "I have asked the brothers in the guards to detain them all in the East Courtyard."

Yin Feng asked very sensitively: "Could it be that the matter has something to do with them?"

Li Yuedao: "The brother of the guard who saw the thief for the first time, before he was finally injured and passed out, he kept saying: Francophone, thief, Francophone... So, as soon as I got here, I took those Western soldiers away. Teachers and artisans are all imprisoned,"

"Even the people from the Red Hair Country are locked up,"

Li Yue noticed that Yin Feng seemed dissatisfied with the way he handled it, so he hesitated and said, "Yes, the weapon research department is the most important secret place, so we'd better be careful."

Yin Feng didn't have time to explain, and immediately said: "You go and release everyone and let them go back to their residences. Could it be that they can swim and leave Taiwan Island, as long as they only need to strictly check at the city gates for a few days? Brother Li, our weapons production is at a critical juncture right now, and we can’t spare these people. Of course, before letting them go, we need to count the number of people and see if there are any fewer people.”

Li Yue nodded: "Yes, I didn't think carefully, I will release him, but in case..."

"It's okay, Lin Xiao will be there soon, I asked him to send someone to monitor the foreigner's residential area, just in case,"

A guard soldier hurried over, saluted Yin Feng and said, "Report to the ship owner, the injured sentry has woken up..."

Yin Feng quickly asked: "What did he say, did he see the thief clearly?"

"He said, what is the thief's name Andorra? He is a gunpowder craftsman newly hired by the Weapons Department. He came to Taiwan from Macau just a month ago."

Yin Feng gasped: "It's really a Portuguese from Macau,"

Li Yue said: "I met this person once. He is a craftsman in the Gunpowder Institute of the Weapons Research Department. Now, we can count the total number of Western instructors to see if this Andorra is really absent."

Yin Feng is now thinking about more issues: In this era, the suicide bombing of Uncle Bin Laden has not yet been invented. The purpose of this Portuguese man who sneaked into the warehouse must not be to cause damage. So, if this unlucky guy really wants to Stealing the military technology of the China United Company, then, does he have the baton of the Macau authorities behind him.

All foreigners who participated in the weapons research department signed contracts with the company for more than three years, and they were not allowed to work in the most critical technical departments, and they were not even allowed to enter some laboratories.

Most of the local Portuguese are the old mercenary companions brought in by Colonel Coutere, and some are various craftsmen and technicians hired by Li Lihua and Yin Feng in Macau. There are nearly 90 to [-] people in total. The special forces with Luo Aquan went to Macau, so the current leader of the local Portuguese residents, an old friend of Colonel Couterre, and an old Portuguese mercenary Andre Ricardo became the acting leader.

Now, all the Portuguese are gathered in the great hall of the headquarters of the Chinese company, chirping and chatting around Andre Ricardo. A sound of orderly footsteps entered the great hall, and ten guard soldiers stepped forward. Walked to both sides of the lobby, and stood at attention neatly, Yin Feng then entered the lobby accompanied by Yan Siqi and other personal guards, and someone shouted loudly: "The boss is here,"

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