Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 123 The Battle of Landing in Macau

Yin Feng was lying on the cannon on the bow of the ship, looking at Macau in the twilight with a gloomy face. Two company warships were patrolling near the port. The fire on the gun mounts flickered, and a loud rumbling sound spread over the harbor.

At this moment, Yin Feng's flagship Feilong is mooring at the outer harbor in the south of the Macau Peninsula.

Yin Feng turned his head and looked at Luo Aquan, Bernardo and others standing behind him, Luo Aquan was looking down at the deck anxiously.

"Aquan, this matter has nothing to do with you. You have done a good job. How about you go and rest first?" Yin Feng patted Luo Aquan on the shoulder, and Luo Aquan raised his head and gave him a wry smile: "Boss, Miss Li... "

"Accident, this is an accident," Yin Feng said shaking his head, pushing him away.

Bernardo put his hands on his chest and bowed to Yin Feng: "Thank you for saving my life." His pale face was full of exhaustion, and Yin Feng asked with concern: "Old friend, why don't you go down and have a rest?" Bar,"

Bernardo shook his head: "I came here in a hurry to persuade you to negotiate with the Macau authorities,"

Yin Feng smiled: "I'm waiting for them to negotiate. I don't intend to drive the Portuguese out of Macau, nor do I want to kill people. I just want to protect my dignity and the interests of the Chinese company,"

Bernardo was still very troubled and said: "Do we need to turn against the Portuguese? Most of my family members are still in Macau..."

"Don't worry, Colonel Kutley and Chen Zhongji are in Macau. He will protect your family. As for the Macau authorities, as long as they surrender to me, I will not embarrass them," Yin Feng said to Bernardo with a smile Said: "So, what are you going to do, do you still want to go back to Macau, go back to Goa, or go back to Lisbon to become a monk, you new Christians are always under the special care of the Inquisition, you plan to what to do,"

Bernardo sighed, did not answer Yin Feng's question, bowed to him, turned and left.

The news of Li Lihua's disappearance still stimulated Yin Feng, he fidgeted and walked up and down on the bow deck, Yan Siqi, Lin Yue and other personal guards stood far behind, watching him keep pace.

It was getting dark, and only the Chinese company's patrol boats were lit with lights in the entire harbor. The city of Macau was completely hidden in the dark, and the Portuguese did not dare to light up the lights, because it was said that the Chinese company's fleet would shoot at the place where the lights were lit.

The seventh day of the siege of the city of Macau is drawing to a close.

Yin Feng stopped at the bow, pointed at Yan Siqi and said, "Get Margaro, and the fleet commander Ye Hua, the infantry commander Zhao Tie, and that red-haired officer Van Layton, get them all here." Yan Siqi was feeling bored, when he heard Yin Feng's words, he knew that Yin Feng had already made a decision, so he quickly jumped up and shouted: "Yes."

"Wait," Yin Feng stopped him and said, "Bring Yu Anfu from the Military Intelligence Department too."

Yin Feng looked at the dark city of Macau and murmured: "Wait for me, I will rescue you soon,"


On the eighth day of the siege of Macau, Yin Feng lost patience with the Macau authorities who had not sent people to negotiate for a long time. In fact, the Macau authorities were in a state of chaos, completely unable to make any decisions, or what resolutions they made Because the royal judge and the Inquisition resolutely refused to hand over the prisoner, which made the most basic conditions for negotiation between the two parties unable to be met, so although the Macau City Hall wanted to make peace with Yin Feng, it was meaninglessly boring The dispute dragged on for seven days.

On this day, there has been a serious shortage of food and water reserves in Macau City.

This morning, all the warships of the China United Company approached the coast of Macau. Hundreds of cannons fired salvos, and bombs rained down on the fortifications along the coast of Macau. The soldiers of the municipal guard were hungry and shivered in the corners.

The second battle fleet and the third transfer fleet loaded with [-] guard infantry from four posts and began to land in Macau City.

Wearing black uniforms, Spanish-style breastplates, and iron helmets, the infantry of the Chinese company guards fought outside the coast of Fujian for the first time. Under the unified command of the Conch, thousands of them were as one, uniform Climbing rope ladders from sailboats to countless small boats and sampans, they carry flintlock guns on their shoulders, bayonets with bayonets that can be mounted on the muzzles of the guns at any time, and a long belt of equipment on their chests. Cartridge belts for paper-loaded ammunition.

From the sailboat to the sampan, and then rushing to the beach to land, these tactical actions have been trained countless times. Most infantry soldiers have formed conditioned reflexes. When they hear the sound of conch horns of different lengths, they immediately act. The efficiency is amazing. The highlands are ready for landing.

The first to land was not infantry, but sailors. There were more than a dozen centipede boats and multi-oared rowboats. Each boat carried 20 members of the Sailor Musketeers. A total of more than 200 people successfully landed on the beach under the cover of artillery fire. They dragged the rowboats onto the beach casually, and laid them in a line on the beach sideways. The sailors stood guard with guns behind them, forming a temporary fortification.

Then, more than 40 rowboats and sampans rushed towards the beach along with the rising tide.

At this most critical moment, the Portuguese people of Macau broke out with the courage to move forward across the world and launched the only counterattack during the siege of Macau. A large number of armed black slaves rushed out of the city to the landing beach of the Chinese. A large number of white armed men followed and charged towards the beach. Armed black slaves brandished all kinds of weapons, from spears, sailor axes, Turkish knives to old arquebus; they were attacking They all drank a lot of spirits before, and the priests performed a prayer ceremony for them. The black slaves braved the gunfire and rushed to the forefront. Among them, there were even female black slaves who joined the battle, all shouting wildly, defying death.

The charge of the white armed men appeared to be more organized. After all, many of them were veteran soldiers. They lined up in three horizontal rows, tried their best to keep the line neat, and moved forward at a steady speed. They would not be like the blacks. While running, they fired their guns randomly, but moved forward with the gun on the match, stood at attention and fired the gun from time to time, reloaded the ammunition immediately after firing a bullet, and then continued to move forward.

The sailor musketeers have joined forces with the armed black slaves. Among the sailor musketeers, the number of matchlock guns and flintlock muskets is basically half to half. Yin Feng doesn't have that much money to equip all the soldiers with flintlock guns. , even if you have money, according to the company's existing production technology capabilities, the production speed of this flintlock can't keep up with the speed of replacement and maintenance.

However, the sailor musketeers were developed by Yin Feng's earliest Danish musketeers. The shooting and fighting training was as hard as the infantry brothers. Yin Feng basically trained them as the marines, so the sailors The battle was very methodical and not chaotic at all. They were lined up in three rows behind the temporary "small boat defense line" and used burst tactics to fire bullets in an orderly manner. Dozens of warships also moved as close to the beach as possible, desperately shelling with artillery fire to cover the landing of the infantry.

Although the Chinese company has been experimenting with explosive bombs, the shells used this time are all solid metal round shells. Since the shells are difficult to form a ricochet effect on the beach, the lethality to the enemy is very limited. Boom, the momentum of the rain of bullets is indeed very scary. Those black slaves have never seen such a formation in their entire lives. Halfway through the charge, they basically woke up from the wine they just drank. A little hesitation in front of the fortifications, the result was that the bullets knocked down in rows.

At this time, the soldiers of the infantry team had successfully landed, and four hundred heavily armed soldiers were lined up on the beach behind the sailors in a horizontal line of 100 men wide, four rows deep, and dozens of strong gunners came from the sampans. Lifted down are four small copper cannons, equipped with double-wheel movable gun mounts, which imitate the style of French light field guns. The latest product of the Chinese company's ordnance department is used on the battlefield for the first time.

A long sound of the conch horn sounded, and the Sailor Musketeers immediately stopped shooting, moved the small boats that formed the temporary defense line, and opened a few passages. Armed black slaves swarmed over and expressed their welcome with a volley of four hundred muskets fired at the same time.

The warships on the sea stopped firing artillery, and only the warship Feizi fired its cannons at the distant Guia Mountain from time to time. The infantry team quickly formed a shooting formation. Technology, coupled with the use of fixed ammunition, the firepower of the four-row deep infantry team can basically maintain a continuous firing rate.

The armed black slaves were knocked down in pieces as if they had hit a wall of bullets; their morale quickly collapsed, and they threw away their weapons and fled in all directions, exposing the white armed forces behind them.

When the Portuguese traveled across the world, their motto was "race and soul", and the Spanish motto was "gold, glory and gospel", basically carrying the shadow of religious jihad, now they have to fight for their souls , but God is now favoring the Chinese, and the Chinese company has advantages in all aspects of military strength, equipment, tactics, and troop organization; After three rounds of bullets were fired, no matter how persistent the Portuguese veterans were, after the whites' team was knocked down by the opponent's bullets, one-third of the members were knocked down, and the field artillery appeared in the opponent's camp. The team, like the blacks, was a complete collapse.

So far, in the face of the armed forces of the Chinese company, there is no organized resistance of the Portuguese in Macao.

Yin Feng has been watching the battle on the Flying Dragon, surrounded by a group of young student soldiers from the military academy, some of them are only in their teens, all of them are holding pens and papers, observing the battle situation and recording it on paper. A self-ringing clock, as a timer, students and soldiers rely on it to record the time used by the troops.

"Students, you must accurately record the time used for each tactical action of the troops. After returning home, everyone must write detailed articles and discuss how to improve the tactical steps..." Yin Feng is a part-time temporary instructor and keeps making mistakes for the student soldiers. Explaining and instructing, most of the military academies were taken out of the attack on Macau this time. Yin Feng asked the student soldiers to learn in actual combat. However, Yin Feng was obviously a little absent-minded at this time, and kept looking at the battlefield.

In the process of shooting against the white team just now, the soldiers of the Chinese company were covered by breastplates and helmets. Only five people were killed and more than ten people were injured. When the infantry found that the white army collapsed quickly, everyone felt very uncomfortable. Under the order of the deputy commander Zhao Tie, the bayonets were fixed, and they all shouted: "Kill!" The soldiers launched a bayonet charge like wolves and tigers. Regardless of whether they are black or white, as long as they are caught up by them, if they don't immediately kneel down and surrender, they will immediately surrender. It's just stabbing with a knife, without mercy.

Of course, on the way to Macau, the soldiers of the Chinese company collectively made up some Portuguese temporarily: such as Surrender, surrender, and short sentences such as "A entrega de armas" (surrender weapons), It's just that many soldiers couldn't remember those words when things came to an end, and they just yelled in Chinese. There were still a few Portuguese who knew Chinese, and they dropped their weapons and knelt down in time to surrender, saving their lives.

Yin Feng watched them start charging with bayonets from a distance, knowing that Zhao Tie's eyes were red, he shook his head and said to Yan Siqi: "When you see our flag planted on Dongwangyang Mountain, you should blow the call to retreat."

Due to the problem of the design angle, the Portuguese temporary fort on the Guia Mountain was unable to bombard the Chinese who had quickly advanced down the hillside. After a while, the blue flag was flying on the Guia Mountain, and all the fortifications in Macau were completely destroyed. Occupied by the Chinese.

Macau in this era has not yet established a systematic fortification. After the fall of Guia Mountain, the whole of Macau has been slaughtered like a naked beauty and a lamb.

The sound of the conch horn sounded, and the troops of the China United Company stopped their charge and stopped at the gate of the residential area. The whole of Macau was in chaos, and countless Portuguese fled to the church for refuge in a panic: according to their religious habits, they It is almost instinctive to flee to the church, regardless of whether the invading enemy is a Catholic or not.

In the city hall, Magistrate Dias reported that the Chinese had entered the city, and everyone lost the ability to speak and think immediately. The speaker sat in his seat, humming meaninglessly.

The church bells rang again throughout Macau, this time the bells of despair.

St. Augustine Church, the residence of the priests of the Inquisition, can no longer keep the believers out. A large number of Portuguese businessmen, sailors, craftsmen, etc. Swarming in, Colonel Cutley led a few of his men, and successfully mixed in the crowd to enter the church. He had already found out that Li Lihua was here, but the door of the church was closed a few days ago, and the priests guarded it very closely. , unable to enter, otherwise he would have already started to save people.

All Portuguese people in Macau are worried: how will this group of Chinese pirates treat them.

However, although the guards of the Chinese company had stripped away all the shelters in Macau, they did not take any further action. They stopped outside the city, but kept mobilizing their forces to go ashore, and a large number of ships also gathered on the shore.

This situation reassured the Portuguese people in Macao a little. The city hall invited Father Guo Jujing of the Society of Jesus, together with Mr. Speaker, who personally participated in the battle, walked to the beach with a white flag.

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