Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 127 The Great War Is Near

Yin Feng considered all the business routes of Zhonghua Company.It was discovered that Foshan, Guangdong, the production center of the iron smelting industry in the Ming Dynasty, already had a Chinese company's business hall. .The Foshan Branch of Huaxing Alliance exists.The government's control over the iron smelting industry in Foshan is far inferior to that of the copper smelting industry.Just when the Ming Dynasty and Japan were still at war in Korea.A large amount of iron material was sold to Japan by Chinese smugglers in the form of iron pots.Therefore, the channels for Chinese companies to obtain iron materials are unimpeded.therefore.The Chinese Company after the Battle of Macau.Small batch production of cast iron guns began.This first requires major improvements in iron smelting technology.Fortunately, the coal mines in Taipei provided sufficient fuel for iron smelting.After many trials.Iron materials that can fully meet the requirements of cast iron guns have been released.Yin Feng did not understand these related crafts either.Li Yue and An Heping are all busy.Yin Feng has been supervising the development of grenades in the weapons research department.

Four-person research team of Rainstorm Gun: Lin Qing, Zhang Xiaohai, Wang Gong, Li Hetian These four young senior craftsmen are passionate about hand-throwing bombs.He was not discouraged because the experimental sample was destroyed in the powder magazine explosion.They were inspired by the iron material of cast iron cannons.Began experimenting with a black powder grenade made of thin iron.In Yin Feng's opinion.This grenade is really too bulky.Each grenade weighs at least eight catties.Almost as fast as the 12 pounder.The largest man chosen from the infantry of the guard could only throw it more than 30 paces.

"This is not enough. Not many people can throw such a distance." Yin Feng said after the experimental sample exploded.Stand at the explosion point to observe the effect.Li Hetian is the oldest.Seems to be the leader of the foursome.He hurried over and explained: "Boss owner, the reason why it is so big is because of the explosive power of the explosives. If it is made smaller, the explosives contained are less, and the explosive power is not enough. Then the shell of the bomb may be It can’t be broken if it’s blown up. The lethality is too small.”

"Yes. There is a problem with the amount of explosives. Is this the best explosive we have used?" Yin Feng thought immediately.The problem was the explosive power of the black powder.To obtain the explosive effect, the amount of charge must be increased.The result is an increase in the overall weight of the grenade.

"Yes. It is made according to Western granule gunpowder. Then select gunpowder is added to it." Li Hetian replied.

Upgrade Black Powder to Nitroglycerin Dynamite.Yin Feng thought he did not have such a level of knowledge.According to the current technology on Taiwan Island.Going to get nitroglycerin is estimated to cost a few lives.And there won't necessarily be a result.These four firearms experts are treasures that Yin Feng managed to find among thousands of craftsmen.He didn't want to waste these talents in vain.

"Okay. Think about it. How to increase the throwing distance of this bomb. Or. You simply think about it. How to launch this bomb with machinery or cannon. What do you think?"

The eyes of the four young senior craftsmen lit up.They looked at each other and nodded together.

A Zeng family servant had been waiting outside the test site for a long time.A carriage was parked by the side of the road.The handlebar of the cart chatted boredly with the horse: "Look at you bastard. You eat better than me. This is the only one on Taiwan Island."

This is true.The carriage was brought from Macau in its original form.The horse is a valuable Andalusian horse; it's just because of an injury.This guy who was originally a mighty war horse was reduced to a cart horse.

Yin Feng left the gate of the weapons testing ground.The servant went up to greet him: "Master. The master has returned with the guests. He is waiting for you to discuss."

Yin Feng nodded.In the carriage.Shouting the handlebar-style nickname: "Uncle Ma. Hurry back to the city."


Zeng Qi accompanied Xu Huai, the housekeeper of Fujian Governor Xu Xueju's confidant.And Xie Huimin, the master of the governor's yamen.Traveled around the island of Taiwan under the control of the Chinese company.Visited various aboriginal villages and communities.Also went to Tuntian Farm.Sugarcane plantations and sugar workshops, chiming bell workshops, glassware workshops, etc. are visited.

Xu Huai and Xie Shiye came to visit Taiwan secretly on behalf of Xu Xueju.After spending two full days investigating and playing.The two have received many "gifts".Satisfied, I returned to Hong Kong, Taiwan.Then.They revealed Xu Xueju's final recruiting conditions in full: Taiwan's various family members recommended Yin Feng as the main one.Contribute books to the Fujian government; and then.Taiwan is set as Tusi County.Yin Feng took the title of capital.He served as the magistrate of Tusi County in Taiwan.

"The coast of Dongfan is an important place for the imperial court to defend against Japanese. Governor Xu gave you such a generous recruitment condition. It can be said to be a special case among special cases. The Chinese court set up the surrendered Fanyi land as the chieftain's jurisdiction. It was the early years of the country. Yes. Originally, the imperial court had a proposal to reform the southwestern chieftains. However, the interests of all parties are entangled. The involvement is too extensive. There has been no conclusion." Master Xie said to Yin Feng, who came in a hurry: "Mr. Yin returned from overseas. I don't know the rules of the court. My lord has something to say first; set up a chieftain county meeting. My lord will try his best to deal with the court for this; just don't care if this matter is too sensational. It may attract criticism from the ministers of the court. So. The proposal will not work. Mr. Xu will go to the imperial court. Taiwan will set up officials and counties. The imperial court will send officials to govern all civil affairs. Mr. Yin can be an official in a different place. The official rank should not be lower than the sixth grade; of course. You can also serve as the Taiwan Guard Commander. It may be more convenient for you."

Yin Feng smiled and nodded.He reached out and put a roll of tissue paper in front of Master Xie.He said very politely: "Thank you, Mr. Xu, for worrying about me. He took care of us at the imperial court. It also requires some fees. Here is a silver ticket of 10 taels of silver. You can exchange it for silver at Huaxing Lianhao Bank in various provinces. In addition, there are 5 taels of silver in cash. They are all high-quality Japanese silver. Someone from Yin gave it with both hands. It has already loaded the two of you on the boat."

Silver notes are a novelty.The business scope of the China United Company spread throughout the Ming Dynasty and all over the East and West.And Ryukyu, Japan.The trade routes are all over East Asia, the coastal areas of Southeast Asia, and South Asia, and the industries and categories of commodities sold are all-encompassing.For the convenience of long-distance vending and settlement.Yin Feng took the lead in creating bank account bureaus and ticket number institutions in the process of doing business within the Chinese company.It was the first to open financial deposit and loan and remittance business.This is also unique in the world.

The bank remittance business launched at the end of last year.It is the most convenient for overseas merchants who have been trading overseas for a long time; merchants who have long-distance trafficking in the Mainland.In the past, merchants in the Ming Dynasty exchanged silver by issuing promissory notes based on personal credit.Now there is finally a commercial organization that can handle this business.so.But most of the time.Copycat banks have already appeared in Fujian.

Master Xie quickly put the "cheque" into his cuff.He said with a smile, "Mr. Yin is bothering you. I will definitely speak well for you at the governor's place."

This aspect of the government has stabilized for the time being.Yin Feng turned his attention back to the main island of Taiwan: after the reorganization of the infantry escort, it was the first time to attack Dadu Fanguo in central Taiwan.Dadufan competed for land with the immigrated Han residents of Tuntian Farm.A "rebellion" was launched.Attacked many farms and plantations owned by the company.

The reorganization of the guards began after returning from the Battle of Macau.Although the battle of Macau was easily won.But that was the result of taking advantage of surprise attacks and quantity and quality advantages.There were still some problems during the battle.Due to the limitation of communication technology conditions at that time.The general Ming army was commanded by the golden drum order and the officer's password.Although Yin Feng introduced methods such as conch horns and loudspeakers to his troops to issue signals.But his army is a modernized firearms army.Once the firepower on the battlefield is fully opened.The sound of guns roared.There will still be people who can't hear the signal.Therefore, the number of troops has to be reduced.Increase the number of officers at all levels.But this will inevitably increase the level of command.The level of order from top to bottom has increased.In this way, the requirements for the quality of officers at all levels on the battlefield are even higher.

The traditional hereditary guard system of the Ming Dynasty did not meet the needs of this modern weaponized battlefield at all.The new tradition of recruiting troops initiated by Qi Jiguang and others.In fact, after the Japanese pirates subsided, they did not develop within the Ming army.Officers who were promoted among the soldiers by their military exploits were included in the hereditary Weisuo system.Soon, it merged with the chaotic and corrupt system of the Ming army at that time; the martial arts system only focused on personal force and writing skills.At that time, the Ming army actually did not form a good military education system and officer selection system at all.

Therefore, Yin Feng created a military academy system brought over from later generations in Taiwan.Select soldiers who are brave in combat, disciplined and collectively aware.After entering the military academy.In a short period of time, the training of instilling a complete set of strategic and tactical systems will be carried out first.After passing the assessment, they will be released to the troops.In the actual training and actual combat, the trainee officers will be eliminated and selected again.

It's hard to get started this way.Train high-quality officers among the children of fishermen, pirates, and farmers who are generally not well educated.It's really hard.Finally, after more than two years of hard exploration.Now Yin Feng basically has a group of middle and lower level officers in his hands.They are young people who are receptive to new things.Many are children of former military households.but.There are very few 36-year-old men like Zhao Tie.But Zhao Tie should be a soldier by nature.Toil in Manila was a waste of his talent.He only studied with Portuguese mercenary instructors and Dutch instructors for half a year.He has fully mastered various firearm tactics.And it can also defeat these foreign instructors in exercises and training.

therefore.Zhao Tie is now the commander of the First Infantry Regiment.Now.Lin Xiao was assigned by the security department.The Ministry of Supervision was established in the Guard.Under the escort, there are departments such as the Supervision Department, the Operations Department, and the Logistics Department.The troop structure is still battalion.post.Team.what system. 10 why.There are one chief and one deputy respectively; three are teams.The captain and the deputy each have one.Jurisdiction over 35 soldiers; use three teams as sentries.One captain and two mates.Plus the staff directly under the whistle chief.Each outpost has 120 soldiers; each outpost has one supervisor.Just military and discipline.It is a sentry supervisor; five sentries are a battalion.The battalion commander has one officer and two officers.The supervisor is called a supervisor.A battalion is full of 650 people.

Form regiments above the battalion level.Three battalions form one regiment.The chief military officer at the first level of the regiment is called the commander, and the chief supervisor of the army is called the supervisor.The troops under its jurisdiction include the teams directly under the regiment.The full number is 2000 people.Now the escort infantry has two regiments.They are Zhao Tie's first group "Hurricane Group".Mai De's second group "gale group".Plus a professional artillery battalion directly under the leadership of President Yin Feng.The escort infantry totaled nearly 4500 men.

intend.Towns should be set up above regiments.As a unit responsible for one side's military alone; divisions will be set up above the town level.The division-level establishment was expanded again.There will be an army.But that is something to consider when large-scale group battles are needed in the future.

Yin Feng announced on the infantry playground of the guard: "In order to meet the needs of our army's military expansion and preparation for war, we have changed the military system. The main thing is to establish a regiment and town two-level system above the battalion-level organization. A town is formed from two to five regiments. .In the future. If our territory expands, our army will also expand. We will use two or five towns as a division..."

Yin Feng has no scruples in speaking here.but.Zeng Jingshan and Han Ping and several company executives were also present.There is also a special person present here today.Li Lihua.They all came to watch the first full exercise after the reorganization of the guards.

Han Ping lowered his head and looked at his son Han Jing.He nodded understandingly.He whispered to his son: "So it seems. What you said is absolutely right. Captain Yin has a long-term vision."

Han Jing whispered in his father's ear: "Captain Yin's goal is not just the Ganla people in Manila. His army establishment can be expanded endlessly. The rivers and mountains in his heart are very broad."

The venue was transferred to Yin Feng's office in the infantry camp of the guards.The place everyone calls the Captain's Hall.Books and documents are piled up everywhere.Slightly messy.However, all the guard officers and above who participated in the meeting stood upright.look steadily forward.Listen to Yin Feng continue to lecture without saying a word.This includes Mai Dahai, Ye Hua and other navy chiefs.Colonel Cutray was there too.

"...The army will now increase the chief supervisor of the army. He is in charge of military discipline. The military chief at the sentry level is still called the chief of the sentry, and the chief supervisor of the army is called the sentry supervisor; the chief military officer at the battalion level is called the battalion commander, and the military supervisor at the first level is called the supervisor. The supervising army is called the supervisor; the chief military officer at the regiment level is called the commander, and the chief military officer is called the supervising army; later. Set up a combat department and a military supervision department. There will be one department director and one Dianshi each; the combat staff department, military supervision department, and logistics department will be set up under the town-level organizational system. All personnel began to train according to the new formation. It must be in the assessment exercise two months later. They are fully familiar with fighting with the new formation."

The outside reception room.Han Jing whispered to his father: "This Yuanwailang or something. Is it the same title as the imperial court?"

"I seem to have heard of this name before. But the actual position is completely different. Son. You see, Captain Yin is more careful. The titles of officials in the army establishment should try to avoid the same as those of the imperial court. Commanders and commanders are not used at all. See He still has some scruples." Han Ping sighed for no reason.It seems that he is not satisfied with Yin Feng's cautious attitude.

Han Jing looked out the window at the soldiers and officers coming and going.He also sighed with emotion: "I can call back to Manila soon. I really want to go and see. Then what has our home in Balianne become now?"

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