Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 130 Night in Manila

Just when Da'an and other Chinese mixed-race youths accepted the weapons smuggled by the Chinese company.In the darkest hour before dawn.The mooring of a Portuguese merchant ship in the port of Manila.Several black shadows touched the side of the ship.Unknowingly got on the boat.next to the ship.The merchant ship "Hao Yun Xing" of Wang's family in the south gate of Fuzhou is moored.

Mai Xiaoliu was vigilantly awake in a secret compartment in the bottom cabin.The left hand draws the knife, and the right hand pulls out the flintlock pistol produced by the Chinese company that is inserted in the waist.He got out of the hammock lightly and silently.Smear leaned against the cabin door.There were three knocks on the cabin door.And then three more times after a pause.

Mai Xiaoliu put away the knife.The trigger of the flintlock pistol remained open.Carefully opened the door.A dark shadow flashed into the cabin.Then the dim light in the hallway.Mai Xiaoliu quickly pushed the pistol to the back of the opponent's head.

"Sixth brother. It's me. The third child of the Li family in Sanya Port." The visitor didn't panic.

Mai Xiaoliu let out a long breath.Put away the gun.While lighting a candle, he said, "So it's Brother Li. Why are you here? Aren't you surveying the terrain in the eastern provinces? Why didn't An Xiaosi come. It should be him who reported the situation of Manila city defense to me." Mai Xiaoliu had a very relaxed expression at first.Talking and talking.But it became more serious.This overseas secret operation.Yin Feng not only used a large number of overseas personnel from the Ministry of Military Intelligence.He also temporarily transferred Mai Xiaoliu who was in charge of Nanyang's development.

"Brother An went to the home of the big Portuguese businessman. He said that there are still several arsenals related to the Greeks that have not been clarified. It will take a few days to come."

"Oh. Has he already been stationed at Montoya's house?"

"It should be tonight. He'll meet the Francoiser."

"Okay. Tell him to collect the information and report it to me as soon as possible. It's best to report it to me within three days. Our ship won't stay here for long. The owner of Frangji doesn't want to cause trouble. He has already urged to leave . By the way. Why are you here."

Brother Li Mo smiled.Pretending to be mysterious, he took out a piece of paper folded into small squares from his pocket: "This is Li Dan's letter."

Mai Xiaoliu Xiaoxiao was surprised: "What. Li Dan's letter. Aren't you in charge of intelligence collection in the eastern provinces of Luzon? Why are you doing Li Dan's stuff? Li Dan's business. The ship owner arranged for another person to rescue You'd better not intervene. Your most important thing is to collect information about the garrison of the Latvians in Pampanga and Cebu. You'd better stay away from Li Dan. So as not to startle the snake..."

Brother Li Mo was reprimanded by Mai Xiaoliu.Full of displeasure.But Mai Xiaoliu is the captain's confidant after all.And it is his direct leader.He could only defend himself very aggrieved: "Listen to me first. Sixth brother. I didn't intend to get close to Li Dan. I don't know him either; he was doing hard labor on the Ganla ship in Cebu. .I haven't seen him at all. It's impossible to meet him on a Ganguan ship."

"Then. This letter..."

"I went to Cebu Port a few days ago to do a small business. The one who led the way was that old Zhang. He passed this item to me. Today I went to meet with him. He knew that I would come to see you. He told me specifically ;This letter has been secretly stored in his hands for more than a year. He got it from Li Dan when he went to Cebu to do business. He has known Li Dan for a long time. He is willing to help him deliver the letter. It is also human nature."

"Old Zhang" is the most important informant of Zhonghua Company in Luzon: Zhang Wei.

Mai Xiaoliu unfolded the letter. .This is a sheet that has been folded countless times.Cardboard made in Spain soaked in sweat.A few lines of writing were crookedly written on it.It is all about asking the recipient to protect themselves and protect the secrets of their property.Pay attention to whether there is news of his property dispute in Madrid. "It looks like it's written for Miss Li..." Mai Xiaoliu nodded: "Forget it. It's a credit anyway. Be careful in doing things in the future. There are only a hundred or so Tang people here. The goal is too obvious. Yes. The Guanlian people will definitely be on guard against you."

Maritime merchants from all over Fujian stayed in Manila for the winter and did not return home.It is called "pressing winter".This has always been the reason and excuse for the Ming Dynasty government to strengthen the sea ban: the Ming Dynasty government does not like its own people to go to places that the government cannot govern.

Mai Xiaoliu released the last pigeon he carried in the morning.Notified Yin Feng of Li Dan's recent situation.He doesn't know.The special team members sent by Yin Feng to rescue Li Dan.Arrived in Luzon.

The ship on which these special team members boarded is the unique "quasi clipper ship" in the world.After the Sea Soul unloaded the weapons provided to the mountain natives in northern Luzon.Two other special forces members disembarked.They are planning to go to the tribe of Da'an and others to do some training and investigation work.

The remaining ten special team members.Headed by Colonel Kutley and sharpshooter Luo Aquan.Take the Sea Soul and make a big circle at sea.Bypasses the rugged, winding coastline of northern Luzon.Proceed to the northeast waters of Luzon Island.The guide who led the way was a Dutch sailor; the Dutch had planned an attack on Luzon years before.Capture the largest Spanish colony in Asia.So the ship was sent to circle the Philippine Islands several times.The sailor was on board the Dutch ship at the time.He is very familiar with the waterways in the northern waters of Luzon Island.

It's not just the Chinese who can't sleep at night in Manila.The Spaniards, too, cannot sleep well.Governor of Acuna in the Philippine Colony of the Spanish Empire.She also stayed up all night in the basement of her own residence.And his friend Don Fernando, Governor of Pampanga, also helped carry a pile of boxes.

Two noble bureaucrats are in the closed basement.Do the physical work yourself.There are very necessary reasons: these gold and silver jewels packed in boxes, Chinese silk porcelain and so on.They are all the property that Governor Akuna has worked hard for 3 years to get.And it's something invisible.Some are the property of those Chinese businessmen who died unjustly three years ago.

"Dear Fernando. Your share is already in this box. When I return to Madrid, I will give it to your wife right away." Governor Acuna sat in a fine leather box, wiping his sweat superior.He smiled and said to the Governor of Pampanga: "I entrusted the Governor of Mexico to submit the application. There should be an answer. After the acting governor takes office, you should be able to be promoted to the deputy governor. Whether you can take over the next governor. It depends on me. The situation after returning to Madrid."

Fernando also stopped to wipe his sweat.Top officials from both Philippine colonies sat on top of a pile of boxes.Fernando sighed: "Old friend. To be honest. What I want to do most now is to leave here with you. Go back to Europe."

Acuna said strangely: "What's going on. Dear Fernando. Something made you lose your courage and hope. Could it be those biological people? It shouldn't be. You were just accidentally killed by those people on Formosa Island. The rogue plotted against it."

"Have you heard, old friend. The Portuguese merchants are talking about it. The gang of pirates who took down Macau a few months ago. In fact, it was the fleet of this Chinese company. Not the Dutch."

"No way. The Jesuits saw the Dutch burn down the church..."

"No. It was the Dutch and the Chinese who burned down the church together. The reason was that the Portuguese imprisoned the wife of the leader of the Chinese company in St. Augustine's Church. The Jesuits want to connect with the Chinese company. Relying on their influence in Holmes Sha opened up a missionary area. That's why I concealed something." Don Fernando stood up.He eagerly walked up to the Governor and said: "How many people can reinforce the Philippine army. We must be prepared."

Governor Akuna rubbed his forehead in pain.His term is coming to an end.He didn't want to be caught in a war with the Chinese again in the last few days.Now he most hopes to complete the handover of the governorship smoothly.Then return to Europe with a lot of treasure.Live the life of a wealthy princely aristocrat.

Don Fernando smiled wryly and said, "You can leave this place of right and wrong right away. But I have to stay here. Otherwise, you can get me more reinforcements. Otherwise, I will go back to Europe with you. Anyway .I can still get a post in the Peruvian colony."

Akuna looked at his old friend and smiled wryly: "If you resign, what will happen to the position of the next governor. What will happen to the business we stay here. This time, the reinforcements led by the acting governor. I guess it will not exceed one company at most. ...That's good. I appoint you as the army chief of the Philippine colony. You freely recruit the native soldiers. In case something happens, you can support the arrival of the acting governor's troops. However, you really think that the Chinese will attack Luzon soon Island. You see. Chinese businessmen have started returning to Manila..."

Fernando shook his head: "No. These businessmen do not belong to the Chinese company...According to the Portuguese. If they have the ability to attack Macau, they should also be able to attack Manila. If they have the help of the Dutch, this is even more possible."

"It's time. When will something like this happen." The Governor's greatest worry was that he would not be able to get out of it unscathed.

"They are merchants after all. They shouldn't start a war during the trade season. If there is no accident in this year's trade season, they will try to attack us around next year. I guess this is because the Chinese just attacked the Portuguese. After all, there must be a Time to rest and adjust. . . . There is a problem. We are sorely lacking intel on Chinese companies. We know very little about them. This is very bad for us! I think . . . ”

Fernando noticed that Governor Acuna looked a little hesitant.Seems absent-minded.He sighed secretly.He understood that the governor did not listen to his words.I'm just worried about how my treasure can be shipped out of Luzon smoothly.really.The governor's face was serious.Sit up straight and say: "My friend. Know that there is no use in haste. I will give orders tomorrow. Oh. At daylight. Appoint you Commander-in-Chief of all colonial armies. Give you authority and money to recruit. I Tomorrow, I will take that damned Andre Thetis back to the dungeon in Fort Santiago. I will bring him back to Europe as well."

Don Fernando was surprised: "What. Does he still have any use value?"

"The wife of the leader of the Chinese company. Isn't she his sister? Hmph. I wonder if they can still chase her to Europe to ask for someone."


The long night is finally over.as the sun rises.People in Manila City started their day.now.The Chinese are starting to come back again.Chinese goods, Chinese artisans, Chinese farmers...these people will all come back.Manila would not remain a dead city.

And at night.There are always dozens of Chinese restless.Walk around in and around Manila without stopping.

The first personnel from the Chinese company's military intelligence department to come to Manila.I have lived in Manila for almost half a year.Some people already have fixed residences and fixed cargo warehouses in the city.This included An Xiaosi and Li Mogege.During the day they are traders of all kinds of goods.evening.They are wild wolves roaming the streets.


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