Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 132 General Mobilization

Magaro reported to Yin Feng that his fellow East Africans had come to join him on Taiwan Island.

Yin Feng suddenly thought of Zheng Zhilong from another time and space.He had an all black guard.And Zheng Chenggong also inherited this black guard.Yin Feng was overjoyed.Quickly summoned those black compatriots in Magaro.These East African Bantu hunter-warrior descendants.Everyone has strong and strong muscles.react quickly.They all have the same honest and honest attitude as Magaro.Yin Feng was very happy.Immediately appointed Magaro as the captain of the Negro SS.Most Negroes became members of the Guard; thus.A black guard appeared on the island of Taiwan.Composed of 25 black men.The salary is the same as that of the Chinese in the pro-guard.certainly.These blacks still have to be sent to the escort camp for some military training.

thereafter.Yin Feng announced an order in Taiwan Hong Kong: All black slaves from all over Asia will flee to Taiwan once.As long as you can live and set foot on the land of Taiwan Island.he will be free.Can work in farms, factories, docks, merchant ships, etc. under the jurisdiction of the Chinese company.But the army has not allowed them to enter for the time being.Only black people are allowed to join Yin Feng's personal guards.thereafter.These black guard members became one of Yin Feng's most loyal guards.

Yin Feng runs back and forth between the military camp and the firearms factory these days.Very busy.

The war will start.The anxiety in his heart became more and more serious.He also has a bad temper these days.Even Mai Wan'er, who has always been doted on, was reprimanded.

He lacked confidence in his ability to command large-scale campaigns.This is his greatest worry and anxiety.But it's something that can't be said to outsiders at all.With their knowledge of military history.He can grasp the general trend of military technology development.You can use the golden finger to make a great leap forward in technology.But his lack of specific war command experience is his heart disease.His experience in troop organization building.It all comes from when I was filming military TV dramas in the army before traveling.More than two years of military life experience.And bits and pieces of military knowledge.

As for combat.In addition to the actual combat experience accumulated when escaping from Luzon Island.Then there is only knowledge in books.At most, it can add the look and feel of a war-themed movie.

Yin Feng is not a very confident person in essence.Although he is self-conscious and confident as a time traveler.In fact, on the eve of the counterattack on Luzon Island.He fell into the shadow of lack of self-confidence.The most fundamental reason.It is history that has been changed by him.A Chinese company that has never been seen in history has been born.The future direction of history can no longer be known in advance.Anticipate the enemy's opportunity everywhere.One step ahead.Yin Feng has lost confidence in the future direction of history.As a result, confidence in the victory of the war was also lost.

Unfortunately, this matter can not be said.It cannot be shown on the face.

Only by Li Lihua's side.Only then could Yin Feng relax a little bit.Recently he went to Li Lihua's "West Palace" more often.Even Wan'er went here less often.Li Lihua's understanding of Spain and Luzon at that time.Far beyond the knowledge he got from history books.Every night he inquired in detail about everything in Luzon and Manila.Think over every step of the upcoming battle.

Yin Feng now has military talents on hand.Except Mai Dahai, Ye Hua and others of the Navy.There are also infantrymen Zhao Tie, Mai De and others.They are all generals who can lead the battle.Although no special military talent.But there is no lack of courage and a firm attitude to enforce discipline.The guard army of the China United Company is not an army that relies on the personal ability of the generals to fight.It is a modern army that relies on collective discipline, firepower output, organizational ability, and mobility to fight.This is somewhat similar to the Spanish army at that time.There are no great generals.But excellent disciplined soldiers make armies.The same can travel all over the world and fight all over the world. .As long as the general is not too stupid.And dare to fight.

certainly.There are excellent generals.Can give full play to the strength of the army composed of excellent soldiers.This is the best thing.Unfortunately, nothing is perfect in this world.

The Guards also had a staff.It was Colonel Coutere's group of old Portuguese mercenaries, Captain Van Layden and some Dutch officers.And some Chinese company military academy trainee officers.Now I am busy according to the actual measurement data of corporate spies in Manila.Build a sand table model in the guard camp.

In short.Yin Feng just felt that he lacked a general capable of controlling the entire battle situation.

Veteran Chen Di has been traveling all over Taiwan.Gather material for writing his travelogue.Yin Feng tested him.The old man excused himself by saying that he was old.I don't know how to fight with firearms.I don't want to travel thousands of miles to fight overseas by ship.Yin Feng slandered endlessly in his heart: Isn't it because my army is not a regular army of the imperial court?Afraid of going out to sea by boat.You have to come to Taiwan by boat several times a year.So what happened.

However, Chen Di was still very interested in Yin Feng's military training.On this day, he took the initiative to ask to visit the guard camp.

The guards are now divided into three arms: navy, infantry, and artillery.The president of the guard is of course Yin Feng.Yin Feng's presidential residence is in accordance with the customs of the Ming Dynasty.It is still called the old camp.The following consists of four units: the Logistics Department, the Operations Department, the Military Supervision Department, and the Military Intelligence Department.

The Ministry of Logistics has four functional divisions under its jurisdiction: the Armament Division, the Military Industry Division, the Reserve Army Division, and the Food and Grass Division.Under the Department of Operations, there are three service divisions, the Infantry Command Division, the Navy Command Division, and the Artillery Command Division, and four management departments: the Planning Division, the Communication Division, the Exercise Division, and the Military Affairs Division.It is Yin Feng's staff.Half of the main officials are foreign Portuguese and Dutch military officers; under the Military Supervision Department, there are four divisions: the Military Academy Management Division, the Inspection Division, the Personal Guard Division, and the Military Judiciary Division.Among them, the bodyguard division is actually Yin Feng's bodyguard.Also responsible for the personal protection of senior executives of other companies.This military supervision department is nominally led by Yin Feng himself.In fact, after Yin Feng had written a bunch of rules and established military laws.He handed over the specific operation to Lin Xiao.Lin Xiao didn't want to bother.Completely follow what Yin Feng wrote.Added his own stuff: Emphasizing loyalty to Yin Feng in the army.besides.nothing else.fortunately.Recently, Zeng Rui, the youngest son of the Zeng family, joined the Military Supervision Department.became Deputy Minister.In charge of military academy and inspection department.I began to learn from Yin Feng's talk about protecting overseas Chinese and protecting business and trade.

Although Yin Feng won the children of the Zeng family to work for him.But they dare not send them to the battlefield.Zeng Rui, who likes to join the army the most.Once privately boarded a warship and went to Penghu to participate in the battle against the Dutch.Yin Feng was beaten to death.So although Zeng Rui also joined the guard.But Yin Feng only arranged for him to be in charge of military education and merit inspection in the Military Supervision Department.No need to go to the battlefield to fight.

The most special is the Ministry of Military Intelligence.In fact, the military intelligence department of the earlier Chinese company was assigned to the escort.The company also set up a business department.It is also under the jurisdiction of Lin Xiao.In charge of various intelligence collections in the interior of the Ming Dynasty.Although the Ministry of Military Intelligence is divided into the Overseas Division and the Internal Intelligence Division.But at this stage, the main intelligence work is to face overseas.East and West.The most important intelligence-gathering target is the Philippines.

After more than three years of rectification.The escort has formed a relatively complete military organizational structure.It is already a complete system.It has a complete system of enlistment of soldiers, selection of officers, military education and training.And an army with a complete combat order system from top to bottom.

In Yin Feng's design.If the army wants to expand again.The old battalion headquarters will set up a four-level organ system of section, cao, division, and ministry.At the local level, we should also form a system of reserve troops at all levels, such as garrison auxiliary troops, Zhuangding reserve troops, and self-defense militia.but.The current military strength of the China United Company has exceeded 10,000.In fact, it is already a very large armed group.It directly governs [-] indigenous people on Taiwan Island.About [-] Han settlers.Also ruled hundreds of Europeans.overseas and inland.The China United Company includes the shareholders of the joint venture.There are a total of [-]+ employees employed by merchants and merchants in various places in the thirteen provinces, including sailors, buddies, and book offices.

This is an organized and based armed business group.Its organizational ability is completely different from that of the Ming government system.Adhering to the principles of high efficiency, simplicity, directness and speed.The management is well-structured and the division of labor is detailed.Everything is aimed at cost efficient execution.Its inner strength is great.Even Yin Feng himself didn't fully realize it.As for those major shareholders and top managers.It is also hazy about this.

For sending troops to fight.Everyone felt that as long as Yin Feng led the army.All the wars he commanded were money-making wars.The Battle of Penghu against the Dutch, the Battle of Searching Aboriginals to Control All of Taiwan, and the Battle of Macau.It's all about making money.Not only get compensation from the other party.There's also plenty of loot to be had.Therefore, there are very few company insiders who really oppose sending troops to attack Manila.Especially the counterattack on Manila.This is the wish of major shareholders and most survivors.

but.Chen Di is in the capacity of a friend and an elder.Persuade Yin Feng not to use weapons.

"My Da Ming Dynasty is not afraid of foreign barbarians. The court is unwilling to send troops to attack the barbarians in Luzon. That is also the demeanor of the Celestial Dynasty. It is just that it does not want the military disaster to spread. There are too many casualties. There is peace between heaven and heaven. I think the barbarians are nothing but the nature of tigers and wolves. In Overseas crimes will not harm the country; although some of my relatives and friends have lost their lives in Luzon. But the national court is now empty. There are bandits in the mainland; "Chen Di sat on Yin Feng's carriage.Chattering to Yin Feng endlessly.

Yin Feng was very puzzled; the old general's nerve was wrong.Why are you talking about this to me all of a sudden?

Yin Feng, who had always respected this old general, interrupted him: "Old General Chen. It's not the first day you know that we are going to attack Manila."

Chen Di was taken aback for a moment.Nodded: "Naturally. You send troops to Manila. It's reasonable and reasonable. But..."

Yin Feng interrupted Chen Di again: "No, but. General Chen. We are two friends who have forgotten the years. You don't think I am a businessman who donates fame. I don't think you are old. I will tell you the truth: send troops Manila. Revenge for [-] Chinese merchants. This is a big event. The imperial court does not do it. Our coastal merchants do it themselves. We don’t need a shot from the imperial court. A grain of food. If we fail, we admit our bad luck. Success It greatly boosted the ambition of my overseas Chinese. Why not."

Chen Di's face was gloomy.Not angry at being interrupted.Instead, he nodded slowly: "For you refugees from Luzon Island, it is right to fight a tooth for a tooth. But how can the court tolerate you sending troops to attack a foreign country without authorization. You..." Chen Di seemed a little hesitant.He hesitated to speak.

Yin Feng smiled faintly: "The old general speaks directly. You are not the kind of person who hesitates to speak."

Chen Di made up his mind.He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay. That's what happened. General Shen Yourong, the governor of Fujian, told me that Zhu Wenda, the general of Fujian, might attack you when you attack Manila. I shouldn't have said that. General Shen also ordered I can't tell you this news. Although he does not approve of using force against the Chinese company."

Yin Feng smiled: "Your two old nephews and grandchildren work on our company's merchant ships. You also have a nephew who is a direct relative who works as a teacher in my school. Hehe. You are always related to our company's interests. Our company has supported 10,000+ merchants along the coast of Fujian. It is a lot of money to the court every year. Why does Zhu Zongbing have trouble with us.”

He stood up and said, "The front is the camp of our guards. Please come and teach our soldiers."

Chen Di smiled wryly.Get out of the carriage.Yin Feng suddenly leaned close to his ear and whispered: "Don't worry. Even if we send troops to Manila to take away most of the troops, the remaining warships and firearms are not something Mr. Zhu can deal with."

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