Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 135 Sail

The chaos started after Yin Feng grabbed Lin Yue's gun and fired into the sky.After a pause, Yin Feng took the opportunity to shout: "Don't move. Get down."

On the other side, Zeng Jingshan's legs and feet were injured and it was inconvenient.She was pushed to the ground by the crowd; Mai Wan'er nimbly pulled Zeng Jing to hide behind the black guards.

At this time.A little quieter among the crowd.Out came two men dressed as sailors.Waving the dagger in his hand, he rushed towards Yin Feng without saying a word.Someone in the audience exclaimed: "The owner is careful."

The voice did not fall.One of the two assassins had already been knocked to the ground by a group of coolies on the docks of the Chinese company with tables, chairs and benches; the other hadn't had time to get close to Yin Feng.He was shot and killed by Lin Yue.subsequently.The plainclothes spies of the old camp's personal guards, who were ambushing in the crowd and secretly protecting Yin Feng, made a sudden move.Immediately subdued the killer "Su Qin" who had been stubbornly resisting.

Taiwan Port is a free port under the jurisdiction of Chinese companies.The ships entering the port come from all over the coast of China and all over the world.Although the port has a registration system for the crew who landed.However, the company's port management personnel did not and could not verify the identities of the personnel one by one.

therefore.Among the sailors, merchants, adventurers, missionaries and explorers from all over the world who went ashore.People of all colors are mixed together.Everyone has it.Although the city is divided into various functional blocks.Management is strict.Miscellaneous people are not allowed to enter some urban areas casually.But in the port area, there are people of all kinds, black, white and yellow.

A total of three troupes were invited for this Liyuan Opera performance.Set up a stage to sing in the east and west areas of the port and the factory area.Yin Feng came to the pier to watch a play.It also means having fun with the people.Unexpectedly, an accident happened.Lin Xiao, the chief security officer, hurried over.Seeing that Yin Feng was covered in blood.Surprised.At this moment, Yin Feng was comforting the frightened Zeng Jing.Seeing that Lin Xiao wanted to say some nonsense to apologize.Wave him away.

Zeng Jing was shivering in her husband's arms.He said in a trembling voice, "Fortunately, it was only on the hand. If you are seriously injured, what should you do?"

Yin Feng was about to say a few words of comfort when he heard the words.There was a flash of inspiration in my mind.Suddenly he had an idea: "Guangshi. Come here." He pulled Lin Xiao back.Whispered a few words in Lin Xiao's ear.

This afternoon.The island of Taiwan under the jurisdiction of the entire Chinese company has entered a state of martial law.Ships in the port can only go in and out.People in the city can only go out but not in.There are several Fujian immigrants who opened medical clinics and pharmacies on the island of Taiwan.Most of them are doctors from Quanzhou and Fuzhou.This day was all dragged and dragged to the company headquarters by the people of Zhonghua Company.

until late at night.Most of the doctors and doctors were sent out of the gate of the headquarters.Only Dr. Zhang Zhengzhang, a master of bone battering from Quanzhou, was left behind.The company headquarters was completely blocked by a group of infantry armed with live ammunition dispatched by Zhao Tie.At the gate, Yin Feng's personal guards blocked the gate tightly.Anyone who wants to enter the headquarters for work will be searched and interrogated.

the next day.Terrified and worried sailors, businessmen, clerks, craftsmen, coolies, farmers, etc. came and went in an endless stream at the gate of the company headquarters.Ask anyone you see: "The owner of the boat is injured. What happened?"

"How is Da Dong's family? I heard that the assassin is an actor from Quanzhou."

"The Dong family was seriously injured. The doctor from the Hu Family Medical Center was also invited to treat the injuries yesterday. When they came back, they said that Dong's family was seriously injured in the chest. The eldest lady was also injured."

Folks along the coast of Fujian.The main house, Zeng Jing, is usually called Da Furen.Mai Wan'er is called Xiao Furen; Li Lihua has no official title yet.

"Who is an assassin? It's too hateful. It can't be Yuan Balao again."

"Maybe it was done by the great eunuch in Fuzhou."

"I heard that brother Lin from the security department interrogated the assassin overnight. That guy is very stubborn. He won't say anything."

"What a thief. Drag it out and let everyone kill him one by one..."

In the evening.Thousands of off-work factory craftsmen gathered at the gate of the headquarters.Dock sailors doing nothing after the port closure.Small merchants.There are also students from enlightenment schools and technical schools.I saw more and more people gathered at the door.Zeng Jingshan ran into a hidden hut in the backyard of the headquarters.Push away a row of bookshelves.Reveal the hidden door.Behind the secret door is a passage in the sandwich wall.At the other end of the passage is the study room of Yin Feng's house.In the study.Yin Feng blushed.Mo Yang was not seriously injured at all.He was talking with Mai De, Zhao Tie and others with great interest.

"...Brother De, your task is to ensure that Taiwan is safe. This is our foundation. I predict that after the Manila war starts in January, the government will probably guess the truth of the matter. Therefore, I asked a large force to go out. After that, the warship fleet went to Penghu to guard Fujian officers and soldiers; if they want to attack the company, they must pass through Penghu."

Yin Feng turned his head.He saw Zeng Jingshan coming out of the secret door.He smiled and said, "What's up."

Zeng Jingshan smiled wryly: "I still have to invite Miss Li and Mrs. Mai's family to go."


that night.Li Lihua wiped her tears and appeared at the gate of the headquarters.There was Mai Wan'er crying behind her; the crowd gathered at the door fell silent.Li Lihua tearfully described Yin Feng's serious injury.It is also said that the owner of the ship has no worries about his life.Just can't get up.After the injury is over, I will go to the theater with everyone.Then everyone dispersed one by one.Among them, Chen Dong, a teacher at the military academy, also hurriedly left the gate of the headquarters.Go straight to the direction of the pier.

At dawn the next day.Doctor Zhang Zheng, a master of Chinese traditional Chinese injuries, left the door of the company headquarters.Zeng Jingshan, the chief treasurer of the company, Han Ping, the second treasurer, and many company executives sent him home all the way.

Doctor Zhang spoke out.Yin Feng, Captain Yin, is fine.You have to be raised for three months before you can get out of bed.The so-called one hundred days of injury.then.People in Taiwan and Hong Kong who sincerely cared about Yin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.There are also people who hope that Yin Feng will die.Of course very disappointed.

Another day passed.Ports and the entire island of Taiwan have been lifted from the state of alert.Everything is back to normal.The news that Yin Feng was assassinated and seriously injured.It also spread to the mainland in a few days.Many people and gentry expressed sympathy.The governor of Fujian also sent someone to Quanzhou to visit Zeng's family in a low-key manner.

In Fuzhou city.The eunuch sighed happily.The general Zhu Wenda jumped up and scolded Yuan Jin who had just defected to the government.It's no use blaming the person he's looking for.Shen Yourong breathed a sigh of relief.I thought that the Chinese company would meet soon.Should not send troops to attack Manila.There are still a few months of quiet life along the coast of Fujian.

Yuan Jin was very annoyed and frustrated: his last few buddies.In this assassination operation, it was also posted upside down.Now he has only Li Zhong, his life and death brother, by his side.

After more than a month.The northeast wind blows the earth.The rainy weather lasted for many days.

There are more and more merchant ships in the port of Taiwan.Go to Japan for trade. . The merchant ships of the "Tongwa" company came back one after another.There are also merchant ships returning from Ryukyu.What they brought back was Japanese silver weighing tens of thousands of catties.There is also a large amount of saltpeter sulfur.It is the raw material for making gunpowder that the Chinese company urgently needs.

A large group of foreign mercenaries came to Taiwan and Hong Kong one after another.There are more than 130 people.This number surprised Yin Feng.at this time.There are only tens of thousands of white Europeans living in the whole of Asia.Now there are nearly 600 Westerners on Taiwan Island.

The mercenaries form a company.A confrontation exercise was conducted with a sentry of the [-]rd Infantry Regiment "Storm Regiment".result.The Chinese had the weapons and tactical advantage.The foreign mercenary company was defeated with only a quarter of the casualties.The mercenaries suffered as many as two-thirds of the casualties.

Yin Feng suddenly figured it out.Restore your confidence: Now that you are making history.So let it be; the mode of firearms combat is still being developed all over the world.Then create a set of tactics yourself.Anyway, this is the age of great navigation.Everything needs to be explored and created.

The Philippine Islands are from November to May of the following year.Mostly northeasterly winds.From June to October every year, there are more southwesterly winds.originally.This is the season when a large number of Chinese merchant ships go to Manila for trade.

March of 1607 in the Western calendar.Daming Wanli 3 years.February in the Dingwei year of the lunar calendar.A stormy morning.In Hong Kong, north of Taiwan Harbor.Gathered hundreds of fully equipped warships.There are more than 35 merchant ships and large two-masted fishing boats docked at the pier.Various weapons and equipment are being loaded onto the ship.and food, drinking water, etc.

All the sailors have paid homage to the Matsu Temple.The infantry soldiers paid homage to the Guandi Temple.The feng shui master has calculated that today is a good day for traveling.Although Yin Feng didn't believe this.But in the sea of ​​this era.There's no need to fight against centuries-old customs.And it's a harmless custom.

Five thousand soldiers lined up by the pier.Will be boarded under strict discipline.

All the sailors in blue uniforms stood at attention on the side of the ship with their hands behind their backs.Sing together the battle song of the navy:

"Water is also land.

The boat is also the house.

Rather than die and abandon it.

He chooses to hold the foot of the mountain and the belly of the sea. "

This is when old general Chen Di crossed the sea to suppress Japanese pirates."Song of Panhai" written at sea.

Infantry soldiers in black uniforms sat on the ground at the pier.When it was their turn to board the ship, the guards would stand at attention.Stepping forward and shouting the slogan: "Kill the enemy. Kill the enemy. I am invincible.".Then step on the springboard neatly.Climb onto the side net.Thousands of people are like one person.no matter when.Such an imposing and uniform group from clothing, movements to demeanor.It will invisibly generate strong mental pressure on the bystanders.

Van Layden.The Dutch officer was quite taken aback: "No. God. Such an army should not exist."

What he worried about was that the strength of Chinese companies would threaten the interests of the Netherlands.This is after he was hired as an instructor.It was the first time I had such an idea.really.Such an army fully armed with discipline and firearms.It shouldn't have appeared in China in this time and space.

Yin Feng stood confidently on the bow of the newly built battleship Feibao.He looked at the army in the harbor calmly.

Three regiments and one artillery battalion of escort infantry.Med's Gale Regiment was left behind to defend the main island of Taiwan; [-]% of the Navy's warship fleet attacked Manila.There are nearly [-] warships in six warship fleets.The three main battleships of the Feizi all attacked.Only ten auxiliary battleships Xinxing and three-masted warships were left behind.Sixty two-masted sloops stayed at the base in Taiwan.

in addition.Most of the more than 50 auxiliary vessels accompanying it were merchant ships and fishing vessels.It is mainly used to transport firearms, gunpowder and food.and troop transport.

In the infantry.There are also two hundred native auxiliary spearmen.Five hundred Zhuang Ding served as auxiliary soldiers.A total of about 3000 combatants of the Navy attacked Manila.If you count the personnel of the auxiliary ship.Nearly 1 Chinese armed personnel attacked Manila this time.

The number of ships in this armed force is double that of Lin Feng's fleet more than 30 years ago.The number of people has also more than doubled; however.The strength of this firearms army ahead of its time.It far surpassed the strength of Lin Feng's fleet.Back then, there were nearly 3000 women in Lin Feng's fleet.There are only [-] people who can actually fight.And Yin Feng led an army of nearly ten thousand people armed to the teeth.He has regained his confidence now.I firmly believe that the Chinese company will win the victory with the overwhelming momentum of Mount Tai.

The main warships, warships, and auxiliary transport ships lifted anchor and raised their sails one by one.Proceed towards the mouth of the harbor.

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