On the third day after the Chinese landed on Luzon Island, the Spaniards did not attack. Although the colonial troops from the north and the south had begun to gather back, Don Fernando was still waiting for reinforcements from Cebu until the seventh day.

He didn't know that the Nanyang Chinese pirates supported by Boss Lin and other Chinese companies had surrounded Cebu. There were more than 80 pirate ships besieging the Spanish fortress in Cebu. Although the Chinese pirates were unable to attack the strong Spanish castle, they put The port and surrounding areas were looted, and the Cebu garrison had to ask for help from Manila.

At the port of Manila, the battleship Flying Leopard equipped with 46 cannons and three three-masted sailing ships will return to Taiwan.

Yin Feng was still worried about the safety of the Taiwan base. As soon as the naval battle with the Spaniards was over, he started to return the Feibao.

Ye Hua still stayed in Luzon to command the navy fleet. Except for the Feizi ship, most of the warships went to attack Cebu. In this way, Luzon Island would be surrounded and blocked from the sea.

In the past few days, the guards have dispatched several small troops of hundreds of people, and with the cooperation of Taiwanese indigenous auxiliary soldiers, they have successively captured some of the larger Tagalog indigenous villages around Manila, forcing those larger village alliances to surrender. Pan Hewu's auxiliary troops from An Nanguo landed on Ba Dayan Beach under the support of Chen Zhongji. In fact, they did not need Chen Zhongji's help. Pan Hewu was very familiar with this area back then. Chen Zhongji brought him hundreds of matchlock guns and gunpowder. Bullets and other equipment, as well as a team of infantry escorts.

In the next few days, Pan Hewu's detachment swept up the various aboriginal tribes in the Dalun Mountains. The valleys in the mountains were filled with fireworks all day long. Thick smoke rose on both sides of the mountain road where the physiological people fled. The aboriginal villages who did not want to surrender could not stop them. They lived with guns and cannons, and the tribes who were dissatisfied with the Spaniards allied with the Chinese one after another.

Within a few days, gunpowder and turmoil filled the west and southwest of Luzon Island. Many churches built by missionaries were burned down. Many missionaries were killed or driven out by rebellious natives. If they fell into the hands of the Chinese , is basically the fate of being killed.

An Heping, as the general manager of logistics, manages food, ammunition, weapons and equipment, manpower deployment, etc. He has been very busy these days, and finally wanted to take a break at the former residence of the Spanish tax officer at the port. Juwen, a Chinese Jesuit missionary, Hui came to the door.

"What is it, my dear..." An Heping is a Catholic who was baptized in Manila. Many Chinese Christians gave up their belief in God after they escaped from Manila. He respected the Chinese missionary very much. Before he finished speaking, You Wenhui interrupted him anxiously and said, "Many servants of God were killed in their own churches. Do you know this?"

An Heping rubbed his eyes, frowned and said, "What's going on?"


Yin Feng was accompanying Li Lihua on the top floor of the Santiago Fortress, looking at the city of Manila at night with binoculars.

"Lihua, it's so dark, you can see something," Yin Feng said helplessly, he was relaxing with Li Lihua; the military intelligence officers who were scouting under the city of Manila reported that Binondo's original house of Li Dan had been burned It was completely burned down. On the original ruins, there is now a Spanish checkpoint. The home where Li Lihua spent her carefree childhood can no longer be returned.

"I don't care, when the time comes, you will have to bombard the damned city of Manila with cannons," Li Lihua said indignantly.

"It's all flattened, where will we live then,"

"Boss owner, Chief An Heping, please see me," Lin Yue reported outside the tower door.

An Heping took the missionary You Wenhui across the river overnight, and came to ask Yin Feng to show mercy to the missionaries on Luzon Island.

Yin Feng is a history buff and knows the famous words of the Macedonian lord Alexander: the occupiers should not get involved in religion, but he does not believe this. With the occupiers themselves having strong political, military and cultural power, the religious forces of the conquered are indeed can be exploited.

"Well, I ordered that our army not be allowed to burn churches, but those natives who rebelled against the Spaniards want to burn, we have nothing to do. We can't start a war with the natives for this." Yin Feng knew that some of his Chinese companies Ren is a devout Catholic, so he decided to agree to An Heping's request.

"However, in the list of murderers we listed in Taiwan, the murderous Brother Flores and the vendetta Bishop Benavides, both of them must be punished,"

An Heping and You Wenhui looked at each other and sighed together.


On the seventh day after the convoy of the Chinese company landed on Luzon Island, the Spanish troops in southern Luzon Island also returned to Manila. At the same time, the news that Cebu was captured by Chinese pirates had just reached Manila. One night three days ago, a A mysterious armed force sneaked into the castle of Cebu, blew up the main fort and a powder magazine in one fell swoop, and opened the gate of the castle. Chinese pirates swarmed in and almost killed 80 Spanish regular soldiers and 100 indigenous auxiliary soldiers. , leaving only one native soldier, driving him to Manila to report.

It was members of the special team of Luo Aquan and others who sneaked into the fort from the city wall late at night.


There will be no more foreign aid in Manila City.

Almost all the Spanish colonists on the entire Luzon Island have been concentrated in Manila.

Don Fernando calculated his total strength, and he was determined to fight the Chinese.

In Manila, there are now 800 Spanish regular troops, 3500 native auxiliaries, 120 colonial militiamen, and more than 100 temporarily organized armed black slaves. A Japanese force of 300 people.

The Chinese have done a thorough job of concealing battlefield intelligence. The Spaniards are still very vague about the number, organization, and equipment of the Chinese company's landing troops. Lieutenant Colonel Azquita had always tried his best to oppose the attack. However, the strongholds around Manila now One by one was captured, and the rebellion of the indigenous tribes continued one after another. The Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines has been seriously shaken.

Governor Aguna worriedly convened a meeting of all high-level people in the colony in the Royal Court. At the meeting, the city defense commander reported that the food in Manila City was only enough for the whole city to eat for another month, and it had to be saved.

"If we can't recover the surrounding grain-producing areas and the port, we won't get food from our own island, and we won't get food supplies from Southeast Asia. We will all starve to death in the city. Gentlemen, the result of avoiding a decisive battle is our All died of starvation in Manila, and the galleon from Mexico will take three months to reach Luzon Island at the earliest, and we will have to collect the corpses by then.”

After the Governor finished speaking, he glanced at Lieutenant Colonel Azquita. The royal judge Juan Ferrero only came to Manila last year to take office. What the hell, I mean, why don't we go out of town and hit 'em,"

Don Fernando sneered: "We have been preparing for the attack. Now that we have concentrated all the troops on Luzon Island, it is time to attack those physiological people."

"About the situation of the enemy..." Captain Velasco, who was in charge of countering the rebellion in the northern area, stood up and said: "They seem to have no confidence in the siege. The few attacks in the past few days basically failed to get close to the city wall; although they have many Cannons, but the range is obviously not as good as the condescending cannons on our city walls, I think they want to besiege us and trap us in the city of Manila, "

Everyone looked at Lieutenant Colonel Azquita. He was recognized as the best commander of the regular army in the colony. Although Don Fernando hated him, in actual combat, he still had to rely on such an officer who could really fight. , he asked coldly: "Lieutenant Colonel, what's your opinion? Now our army, together with the Japanese voluntary troops, already has 5000 people; there has never been such a powerful army in the Philippine colonies." ,"

Azquita lowered his head and said in a muffled voice: "In my opinion, we have to go out of the city to fight them, otherwise we will starve to death in the city. May God bless us, Amen,"

On the morning of the eighth day after the Chinese company's armed forces landed on Luzon Island, they came to harass the Chinese in Manila every day as a matter of routine. They were attacked by Spanish infantry near the west gate of the royal city. The first time he discovered that the city gate was open, his team was attacked by Spanish soldiers lying in ambush in the nearby grass.

Huang Lue's team was behind the school army during the surprise attack on Fort Santiago. The second team rushed into the castle. His men were all well-trained soldiers, and they immediately gathered to form a small square formation, while violently heading towards the grass Shooting while retreating, Yin Feng deliberately showed weakness in order to lure the Spaniards to fight, so he ordered them not to bring flintlocks when attacking the city, so they used matchlock guns.

The marching drums of the Spanish army sounded from the direction of the city gate, and a line of neatly lined Spanish troops was leaving the city.

Huang Lue was taken aback: "No, the Ganla people have left the city,"

He ordered loudly: "Brothers, fire in volley." When the soldiers automatically adjusted their formation, Huang Lue took out the signal fireworks in his arms and lit the fuse; A beautiful red flower exploded in the air, and as soon as the volley was over, Huang Lue and his brothers ran towards the Bashi River, and they all jumped into the river and swam to the opposite bank.

The Spanish soldiers did not pursue, but returned to their own team, formed a strict formation below the city of Manila, and marched slowly.

Yin Feng saw the fireworks signal, put on his plate armor and put on his helmet, and looked at Zhao Tie, Captain Fan Layden, Yan Siqi, An Heping, Mai Xiaoliu, An Xiaosi, etc. Seeing their eyes full of desire for revenge and fighting, Chen Zhongji, who had just rushed back from the Badalan and Dalun Mountains, couldn't hold back his excitement and couldn't help rubbing his hands.

He said slowly, "Go, brothers, this is the moment we've been waiting for three years, and I'll be sitting in the middle of the road, everyone, see you in Manila,"

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