Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 145 Li Dan escapes from prison

Yin Feng sighed that he was really working hard.Just breathed a sigh of relief because of the victory over the Spaniards.But immediately a myriad of things piled up on him like a mountain.

After the Chinese company occupied Manila.The first is to receive the wealth of the Spanish colonial bureaucrats at all levels.A full collection of real gold and silver worth 100 million taels of silver.That is the accumulation of the Spaniards' plundering of the Philippines for 60 years.Enough for Yin Feng, Hu Tian and Hu Di to spend money randomly.but.These are all private property.Spaniards in Luzon are all rich.But there is almost nothing in the storerooms of the Governor's Palace; no wonder.The Spanish colonial government in the Philippines has always relied on trade with the Chinese to maintain its operations.The fiscal deficit is serious.Economic support from Mexico is often needed.

At the beginning of the invasion of the Philippine Islands.The Spanish colonists once counted on making huge profits through the spice trade.But quickly disappointed.And found that maintaining colonial rule is a loss-making business.The Philippines does not produce as much cloves as the Moluccas.Although cinnamon is produced in Mindanao.But selling cinnamon isn't very profitable.In addition, the production of precious metals in the Philippine Islands is not abundant due to lack of labor and technology.Agricultural production also lacks technology and manpower and is only sufficient for self-sufficiency.Although the colonial authorities tried their best to increase exploitation.Tax revenue remains limited.As a result, we can't make ends meet.Often in deficit.A trade in galleons was considered the only way out.At that time, the natural resources of the Philippines had not been developed.Only small amounts of gold, pearls, cotton, yellow wax, rope, etc. could be shipped to Mexico for sale.However, the total value does not exceed 3 pesos per year.The vast majority of the galleons shipped to the Americas were from Asian countries—mainly Chinese goods.

Occupying Manila does not count as controlling the whole of Luzon.Yin Feng continued to dispatch troops to various places to suppress the aboriginal riots.Because the Spanish ruling class's control over the lower society of Luzon is almost entirely dependent on the church and missionaries.After the Chinese took Manila.Many missionaries encouraged their followers to rebel in their mission areas; there were also those tribal villages that were originally disobedient during the Spanish rule.Riding on the occasion of the collapse of colonial rule.Jump out to rebel and make trouble for your own power or interests.The most troublesome is Pampanga province.The Pampanga natives were the bravest Confederate fighters under the Spaniards.It is also the tribe that has been brainwashed most thoroughly by the Catholic Church.Manila has just fallen into Chinese hands.Several Pampanga chiefs were encouraged by Dominican missionaries.Raise the banner of holy war for God.Prepare to attack Manila.

Yin Feng also needs a lot of manpower to take over farms in various places.Take over the firearms factories, gun factories, shipyards, etc. run by the Spaniards.at the same time.It also required a full takeover of Spanish military strongholds and installations.fortunately.Zeng Jingshan arrived in time with the second fleet.They brought several children of the Zeng family.There are more than 30 interns and bookkeepers in business halls all over the country.A dozen or so down-and-out scholars from all over the world were recruited.Under the protection of the army, he temporarily acted as a civilian official to go to various places to handle affairs.

In fact, Zeng Jingshan set sail on the day when the Chinese company's army landed at the bus estuary.Not just bring supplies.There are also more than 1000 landless refugees recruited from the mainland.They were the first group of Chinese to immigrate to Luzon en masse.


Construction work on Anping's port and citadel, across from Taiwan's harbour, is in full swing.Due to a large number of manpower and material resources transferred to the direction of Luzon.Local labor is in short supply.The company's engineering department recruits students from military academies, technical schools, etc. to work with high salaries.At the same time, a group of teachers from the students were recruited.Go to the construction site to manage paperwork and cashier work.Under the strong promotion and influence of Yin Feng.The company pays attention to rules and regulations.All projects must be managed by someone responsible for documents and files.So both the fort and the dockyard required a lot of paperwork.

Chen Dong offered to go to work at the construction site in Anping Port in the south of the Gulf; in fact, he has almost nothing to do these days.Enlightenment schools, military primary schools, and sailor literacy schools all have a large number of students absent from class.Personnel are missing.and.The soldier literacy night school, which was held every night, also stopped.The excuse was that the guards were preparing for the expedition to Luzon.Training is intensifying.No time for class.

Chen Dong was very skeptical about this statement.But he could not enter the barracks because of this.I don't even know what's going on inside the barracks.Can't tell what happened.

On this day, he was recruited to the construction site in Anping Port.But it was found that there were very few warships along the coast.The guards in the warehouse and the temporary barracks are all members of Zhuang Ding's reserve team in gray uniforms.Regular escort infantry were almost non-existent.

This is a rare situation.Chen Dong, who has been in Taiwan for three years, knows that Zhuang Ding's reserve team spends most of their time guarding farms and plantations in the mainland of Taiwan Island.The port has always been guarded by sailor musketeers and escort infantry.

in a few days.Chen Dong went back to the headquarters of the company in Taiwan and Hong Kong to work.Accidentally met Rui'er, the "big lady" maid of Yin Feng's family, outside the company.While walking, he chatted with the family of a wealthy businessman with a relaxed expression: "...next time. Let Mr. Qi go to Fuzhou to get some rat poison. Our wife was frightened last night. The rat is so big. It is running around the house. Madam didn't know what to do by herself. So she jumped all over the floor. She jumped on the bed. Haha. If it's not the end, I have to ask us to go..."

"Alone." Chen Dong bowed his head and walked back to his residence.In my mind, I always felt that there was something wrong with Rui'er's words.It is true that Yin Feng may not be in the eldest lady's house; however.It's not that Yin Feng is seriously injured.Can't get out of bed for a month.And the eldest lady Zeng Jing was also injured.Why only ten days of effort.You can jump all over the place.

Chen Dong missed many military school students missing classes.The night school at the barracks was closed.The port guard was replaced by the reserve team and so on.I suddenly realized it, and I couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

evening.A small fishing boat that had been docked at the pier set sail.At the mouth of the bay.The patrolling naval warships were released after a simple inspection.

Guo Yi, a fisherman from Quanzhou.Fujian Dusi and Wuyu Shuizhai carefully steered the boat with the exclusive secret agent of Chief Shen Yourong.I hurried to report to the Fujian government: The main force of the Chinese company's armed forces has gone to Luzon.

Yin Feng barely slept during the first three days of occupying Manila.Very busy.Fortunately, the Spaniard didn't bother him much.The troublemakers are natives.Governor Akuna on the day the city fell.It shows the aristocratic demeanor of a bachelor.Sitting behind a chair in the governor's office and waiting for the escort soldiers to catch someone.Escort not required.He also took the initiative to walk out of the Governor's Palace.by contrast.Army Commander-in-Chief Don Fernando was dragged out of the Governor's Palace after being knocked unconscious by Chinese soldiers.

Yin Feng did not forget to promise Li Lihua in his busy schedule.Send people to Cebu to find Li Dan's whereabouts.Mai Xiaoliu led five three-masted warships and ten two-masted warships to the south of Cebu.but.On the way, Mai Xiaoliu had to turn to Wright Island.

The 60 soldiers of the third team of Zhuang Ding's reserve team sent to take over the Spanish stronghold on Wright Island were attacked by the natives of Wright Island.More than half were killed or injured.When returning halfway, I met Mai Xiaoliu's fleet.Mai Xiaoliu immediately sent someone to notify Yin Feng.He led a large group of people to kill Wright Island.

The main tribal chief on Leyte is called Ban Kao.He was originally the leader of Limasawa Island when the Philippine conqueror Legazpi first arrived in the Philippines.Always friendly to the Spaniards.And has embraced Catholicism.After the defeat of the Spanish colonists in Luzon.He's almost 50 though.But he still declared that he would avenge the Spaniards.Lead six villages to revolt.

In the water prison of Cebu Castle.Detaining a large number of Muslims captured by the Spaniards from the southern Sulu Islands.In the most hidden dungeon.Then there is a mysterious biological criminal.It was because of offending the governor and the bishop.Li Dan, who has been imprisoned for nearly four years.He has been without food for four days now.Jailer Ming miraculously cut off his food - after the Chinese captured the castle.The native jailer escaped.Because Li Dan was at the bottom of the cell.Few know the location of the secret door.The sound of guns shouting and killing could be faintly heard outside.But he was almost at the point where Tian Tian should not answer.Facing the situation of starving to death under the eyes of his own people.

After Colonel Kutley and Luo Aquan's special forces raided and occupied Cebu Port.Due to the lax discipline of a large number of Chinese pirates who cooperated in the battle.Busy with policing and policing the surrounding area.The water dungeon has never been searched.Just set everyone free.Luo Aquan did not find Li Dan among the criminals.Put these Muslims on a boat.Sent back to Mindanao.

It's noon this day.A large number of Chinese pirates are dividing up the property in the castle.Luo Aquan is supervising.A Chinese ship came with heralds waving red flags.Luo Aquan saw it from afar with the eyes of a sharpshooter.Not long.The messenger informed Luo Aquan.The captain's army was victorious under the city of Manila.The royal city has already been occupied; Mai Xiaoliu, who was going to occupy Cebu, temporarily diverted to Wright Island to suppress the rebellion.Yin Feng ordered him to find Li Dan quickly.Then safely sent to Manila.

Luo Aquan said distressedly: "We have already checked the cell in the fortress. Brother Li Dan was not found. Okay. Let's look for it again."

This time digging three feet to find.It alarmed the dying Li Dan.He knocked on the wall with the last of his strength.Attract the attention of the staff of the Chinese company outside.Finally found Li Dan who was half starved to death.The first thing Li Dan said when he was released from prison was to curse: "Mother, you want to starve me to death. You are all blind. Don't know if you look carefully."

In the second sentence, he asked: "Are you from Yin Feng? Where is Brother Yin?"

Luo Aquan doesn't know Li Dan.In the past few years, he has traveled from north to south, blocking east and west.He was no longer the ordinary boy from the Zeng family shop.He said tepidly to the furious Li Dan: "I am the captain of the special brigade of the China United Corp. Our commander is Yin Feng. He asked us to rescue you. We have already occupied Manila. "

Li Dan was taken aback.He looked at Luo Aquan who was neat and tidy all over.Haha smiled: "What a Yin Feng. It should be my brother-in-law now. Not bad. He has people like you under him. It's really not bad."

Because the indigenous people near Cebu also rebelled.The Mai Xiaoliu fleet went to Wright Island to suppress the indigenous rebellion.The coastal islands are not peaceful.So Li Dan lived in Cebu for more than half a month.Then took a boat to Manila.

When Yin Feng learned that Li Dan had escaped safely and was on his way back to Manila.A group of missionaries are being received in the office of the former Governor's Mansion - now the Luzon Township Mansion of the Chinese Company.

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